Black Op Radio Products
Product Name: Direct Downloads
Click here for Available Downloadable Selections
These are Archived Shows, Selected interviews, Special episodes, music, that is available and delivered to you over the web. These are not physical CD and DVD these are data files (MP3).
Product ID: FP002
Product Name: The Black Op Combo $80.00
These are by direct download that include;
Black Op Archive on mp3 - First 19 seasons, 900 shows !
The Collected Works of Col. L Fletcher Prouty
These are by Direct Download Links
Product Name: Understanding Special Operations
Groundbreaking book by David Ratcliffe
Interviews with Col. Fletcher Prouty
Explains Prouty's background in a 23 year military career
Companion to "The Secret Team"
Book Available HERE
Product ID: FP004
Product Name: Fletcher Prouty Video Collection $90.00
Video Complete Collection on USB thumb Drive
Fletcher Prouty with Len Osanic 1995 - 4 hours
Fletcher Prouty with Len Osanic 1996 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty with Len Osanic 1997 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty Lecture in Portland 1993 - 2 hours
The Mind of Fletcher Prouty with John Judge 1992 - 1.5 hours
Fletcher Prouty with John Judge In Washington 1993 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty with David Ratcliffe 1993 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty with Bruce Kanier 1994 - 2 hours
Purchase from Paypal
Product ID: FP005
Product Name: Fletcher Prouty Mega Pack - $110.00
Video Collection & The Collected Works of Col. L Fletcher Prouty
Now on USB thumb Drive
The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Fletcher Prouty with Len Osanic 1995 - 4 hours
Fletcher Prouty with Len Osanic 1996 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty with Len Osanic 1997 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty Lecture in Portland 1993 - 2 hours
The Mind of Fletcher Prouty with John Judge 1992 - 1.5 hours
Fletcher Prouty with John Judge In Washington 1993 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty with David Ratcliffe 1993 - 2 hours
Fletcher Prouty with Bruce Kanier 1994 - 2 hours
The Whole Bay Of Pigs Thing - 2 hours
Oliver Stone Interview 2014- 1/2 hour
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