Saigon Photo from Gary Dean

Gary Dean

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Notre Dame JFK Square


Brinkshaibatrung explosion


Continental 2

Diem Holed Up

Diemnguyen du coup

Diem P Heli

Diem P Tank

Diem Palace Coup

Diems Temporary Palace Equipment

Frankie's House

Giadinh Palace After Coup 63

Gialong Palace

Heli Shot Another

Interior Post Office

Majestic Rooftop Soup


Nov 1 Coup Aftermath

Old GI Housing

Opera House Caravelle

Opera House From Nguyen Hue


Opera 02

Opium Refinary Inside Gate

Palace Diem Brothers Holed Up

Palace Diem Equipment

Palace Coup 3

Post Office

Presidental Palace Rear Cafe

Presidential Palace 67 Hall of Justice

Presidential Palace Front

Pyle's Square

Rex Hotel

Rue Catinat 50s

Rue Catinat


Use To Be Abe Lincoln Library Site

Vincom Back Site of Abe Lincoln Library Middle Ho Square


Mcdonalds 2