Archived Shows - 2008
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Show #405
Original airdate: Dec 18th, 2008
Guest: William Pepper / Jim DiEugenio / Jim Fetzer
Topics: Assassination Research
William Pepper Video Clip
Part One - William Pepper
End of a discussion of his poems
He explains the parallel between he, RFK and Chavez
They all were awakened to the unfairness in society
Some of Bill's experience with the humanity of Martin Luther King
The conference at Duquesne and some movement toward revisionism
Based on Van Praag's and Joling's firearms evidence, Bill is convinced of Sirhan's innocence
Bill is convinced Sirhan will get a retrial
He's also started an independent movement to reopen the 9/11 case
And a team is looking into the feasibility of indictments of at least 20 criminals
Bush and Cheney will be among them
He notes that Obama has embraced many of the people that brought america to this point
An explanation of the lack of a two party system in America
Hoping Obama will change anything drastically is likely too optimistic
Osama Bin Laden a convenient patsy
Bill predicts disillusionment with Obama within a year by Obama's supporters
3 million jobs will be lost if the auto industry is allowed to fail
Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
Part 4 of Jim's review of the Bugliosi book
The almost unknown Elmer Moore: An important person in the coverup of the medical evidence
Moore became Earl Warren's bodyguard... Why would Warren need a bodyguard?
Moore had the Secret Service set of autopsy photos and tried to show them to Arlen Specter
Malcolm Perry anomalies... Did Elmer Moore 'get to him'?
Moore applied pressure to get the doctors to alter their evidence
Trying to discredit the Seibert/O'Neill report... The report puts the back wound far too low
Hoover and Johnson never believed the magic bullet theory
Moore was the man molding Warren in the direction of what became the Warren Report
Moore is the man most responsible for changing the wound location
Bugliosi never mentions this Elmer Moore
Part Three - Jim Fetzer
Jim announces his new talk show "The Real Deal"
Reviews the book "My God I'm Hit" with Brian David Anderson, the author
The interview is archived at WFU
The book appears to have a ridiculous premise with a duplicate JFK whose arm falls off
It appears to be a mis-translation of witness testimony
Jim relates some original Mary Moorman testimony
About Gary Mack revising history again
Josiah "Tink" Thompson argues with Jim about the Zapruder Film
Jim talks about he and David Mantic experimenting with lines of sight
Zapruder film versions and Jim's interpretation
Show #404
Original airdate: Dec 11th, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Part One - Jim DiEugenio
Jim's website is
Declassifying JFK documents
The HSCA interviews with the Parkland doctors
The Lopez Report blows the official story apart
Many books just would not exist without the Lopez Report
The review Jim is making tonight will be up on Jim's site this weekend
Because of the inept autopsy, we will never know from it, how exactly JFK was killed
Bugliosi defends this illustrator
The official story: The Kennedy family limited the autopsy
There is no evidence the Kennedys had any influence on the autopsy
Much evidence that didn't jibe with the official story was left out of the Warren Report
Why were drawings shown and not the autopsy photographs?
The back wound never exited the body...
why were no cervical vertebrae damaged by the bullets?
They couldn't prove a bullet track. There was no track to connect the wounds internally
If this is correct, even the magic bullet couldn't have worked as they said it did
Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
The only way the wounds could've lined up is if Kennedy leaned fully forward
Kennedy never leaned forward at all... Bugliosi still promotes the official theory
Jim shows the banality of the track of the magic bullet
Oswald supposedly shot downward at a steep angle
The back wound had a trajectory of 11 degrees upward
How the Magic Bullet Theory came to be
The investigators chosen had little experience and relied on memory rather than notes
The Rydberg drawings are missing from the Warren Report and from Bugliosi's book
how the commission avoided asking the pertinent questions about the Rydberg drawings
Why did the Warren Commission do things the way they did them?
It's obvious they were trying to make the evidence fit the crime
Even the death certificate wasn't included in the commission volumes
Jim explains just how co-opted the pathologists were
Humes burns his autopsy notes... or did he?
Part Three - Jim DiEugenio
Epstein's and Thompson's books throw a wrench into the official story in '66 & '67
These books along with JFK's clothing, prove the wound was moved
The evidence also proves the case for a second assassin (at least)
It also disproves the Rydberg Drawings
Ramsey Clark
The changing of Humes' testimony
Faked x-rays
Why the wound was moved
Humes, Boswell and Finck denied the HSCA's version of the autopsy
Bugliosi calls their position a "gaffe"
The red spot on the x-ray
The second magic bullet
How can you admit a drawing into evidence that nobody will support?
Show #403
Original airdate: Dec 4th, 2008
Guest: Pat Speer / Lisa Pease
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Part One - Pat Speer
A short background of Pat Speer's work
Pat's website is
Pat's online book "A New Perspective on the Kennedy Assassination" can be found there
This web book is very comprehensive
The head wounds weren't consistent with the official story
This began pat's Real interest in the JFK assassination
The moving of the head wound
Why would evidence be altered?
Was LBJ involved?
Disinformation from major sources
The shots
The evidence vs the parroted official story
Many of the liars are quoted over and over by the media
Should the Magic Bullet theory be an operating thesis at all?
The television animations are altered to enforce the official story
The reported shots don't match any traditional medical theory
Pat has reason to believe the final head shot came from the rear
The bullets appear to be entering at the apparent exit locations
How a parafin test works
How the test has been made more reliable
The carcano carbine testing showed residue on the cheek every time
Oswald showed no residue on his cheek
The curtain rod bag was too small
J Edgar Hoover: Not the man he was made out to be
Google Pat Speer or type his name into YouTube to watch his videos
Part Two - Lisa Pease
Lisa is a well respected researcher and author
She is the co-founder of Probe Magazine with Jim DeEugenio
She also co-wrote "The Assassinations" with Jim
James Earl Ray's first attorney was CIA?
More than one James Earl Ray
Patty Hearst and her kidnapping... a CIA operation? Mae Brussell said so
Lisa explains some of the connections
Parallels between Kennedy's appointments and Obama's
How JFK saw the Bay of Pigs operation before it happened
His dealing with The Cuban Missile Crisis
Henry Cabot Lodge's resistance to Kennedy... it began very quickly
Obama may have very similar problems
Lisa: Jim Douglass's book "JFK And The Unspeakable" is THE best book on the subject
Keeping accuracy in the research... something that should be aspired to
Trying to weed out credible sources
Re-written history: Basing future policy on this can be detrimental
Lisa's recomendation: Don't believe anything you can't prove
Jim DiEugenio is probably the best person in disecting books in detail - Lisa
James Angleton's power over J Edgar Hoover: Why and what effect did it have?
Show #402
Original airdate: Nov 27th, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio / Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Part One - Jim DiEugenio
Jim's site is
Two upcoming critiques of The Discovery Channel's "Inside the Target Car"
This weekend David W Mantik's critique will be posted
Next Week Milicent Cranor's critique should be up
After that Part 4 of Jim's Bugliosi book review will be posted
The back wound had an upward trajectory. The shooter's nest was above
The 6th Floor Museum ... The same old lone nut theory
How Bugliosi moves the reader to his point of view against the evidence
The re-encatments don't even match the Warren Commission story
Dissenters on the Warren Commission panel: Russell, Cooper and Boggs
The debate on this took place but no official record was made
How Bugliosi skews the facts when it comes to the limousine
Why was the Stemmons Freeway sign removed?
Points on why the Magic Bullet theory doesn't work
Why the bullets could not have hit anything before they hit Connally
Jim talks about the restored version of the Z Film
Jet Effect and neuromuscular spasm; Both unacceptable theories
Inconsistencies in the autopsy evidence
Reactions of gunshot victims compared to JFK
Shell found in Dealey Plaza (A 7.65 Mauser among them?)
Part Two - Jim Fetzer
The state of the US economy
A Russian economist predicts the breakup of America into up to six pieces
Jim comments on The Discovery Channel's "Inside the Target Car"
He co-wrote a commentary with David W Mantic"
It's called "Another Attempted Re-enactment of the Death of JFK"
Jim makes a few points pressing his theory the Zapruder Film was faked
He lists several possible shooting lairs
Relating a video made my Dr "Pepper" Jenkins from Jack White
Len suggests Jim try to get a truthful re-enactment made
Jim likes the idea(Will there be something in the works? Stay Tuned!)
Something like this could go a long way to leveling the playing field
Obama looking very competent at this point
Show #401
Original airdate: Nov 20th, 2008
Guest: Roger Feinmann / Steve Alten
Topics: JFK Assassination Research / The Shell Game
Part One - Roger Feinmann
Roger is a lawyer (no longer practicing) and is now in the information technology field
After the death of Larry Ray Harris, Roger picked up the torch on the Tippet murder
Sgt. Gerald Lynn Hill seemed to be in every major place in the Tippet/JFK crime scenes
You can download a 2 part "Transcript of CBS Interview with Sgt. Hill" at AARC Library
Sgt. Bob Carroll and Sgt. Hill had contradicting stories with regard to the Oswald handgun
The revolver's chain of custody calls into question the validity of it as evidence
New forensic techniques may allow fingerprints to be taken from the bullet casings
The varying descriptions by witnesses do not identify Oswald at the Tippett murder scene
Feinmann's opinion is that Tippett was a cold blooded sacrifice to draw attention to Oswald
What's at stake for the people that contradict the people that question the official story?
Part Two - Steve Alten
Author of "The Shell Game
Websites: and www.
Dedicated to those who suffered on 9/11 the book is a warning
It is a less than optimistic view of our times , the end of oil and the fraud of 9/11
Alten began writing about the dangers of Peak Oil
It's a factual book delivered as a novel
Some focus was on the near future (2012) but "between chapter" quotes draw you to those dates
The roots of the House of Saud and the connections to Bush
How AlQaeda came into being
Osama Bin Laden in Yemen and well protected?
Apparent disasters of US policy that warranted criminal charges, instead resulted in promotions
Scenarios for weapons of mass destruction and more "New Pearl Harbours"
Instead of investigative reporting, the major media is only serving the needs of the ruling class
The book is available at
Show #400
Original airdate: Nov 13th, 2008
Guest: John Judge / Dick Russell / Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Part One - John Judge
John starts with news about several COPA conferences
John Judge's COPA website
Cyril Wecht's ordeal
The events planned for Dallas this year and several guests
The optimism in the JFK case
A bit of 'accurate' history of the JFK case
Oswald cannot be credibly linked as the assassin
The Magic Bullet, Metalurgy and the Connally fragments
John hopes there will be more political action with this new administration
Guns and shooters at various assassinations: Not always what we'd think
Part Two - Dick Russell
Dick Russell website
Dick is the author of the famous "The Man Who Knew Too Much"
His new book is entitled "On The Trail of the JFK Assassins"
Dick began his interest in JFK as a freelance journalist in New York
His latest books reflect his primary interest these days in the environment
He also helped write "Don't Start The Revolution Without Me" with Jesse Ventura
About The Man Who Knew Too Much and Richard Case Nagell
Nagell's mysterious death... the day an ARRB suboena arrived in his mailbox
Against the official autopsy results, Dick suspects Nagell's death was not natural
How Nagell prevented himself from being implicated in the JFK assassination
On The Trail of the JFK Assassins is a compilation of Russell's articles
It also has material on the CIA's MK Ultra program
It ends with a suprising interview with Doug Horne
The Lone Nutters and the disinformationalists
The title reflects Jim Garrison's On The Trail Of The Assassins
It is not a book about Jim Garrison
Dick explains his unorthadox method of journalism
The book has some new material on Richard Nagell as well
A blatant message in the JFK assassination: Why was it in broad daylight?
Nagell had mentioned a few other JFK assassination plots...
He regrets that Nagell has died and his hidden information still hasn't surfaced
Jesse Ventura and the JFK Assassination
"Don't Start The Revolution Without Me" is a book about Ventura's Governorship
Part Three - Jim DiEugenio
The Bugliosi Book: Argument, Hyperbole & Bombast
JFK: The 'abrasion collar' indicates an upward rising bullet
If Oswald shot JFK, there would be a downward indication
Evidence supports a frontal shot, not one from the above rear
How the evidence is phonied for TV
Jim's website Magazine
The Zapruder Film and why the official balistics aren't correct
So many have altered and ignored the evidence
A new researcher could be easily confused by the conflicts
What you would have to believe to believe the official story
Bullet fragments found years later
Getting Oswald to Mexico City (Ostensibly)
The Lopez report: Bugliosi calls it a giant dud
Names you don't see in the Warren Report
Interviews edited out because the descriptions don't match
Contradictions in the Oswald 'Mexico' identity and the real Oswald
Why did the CIA never come up with a good photograph of Oswald in Mexico?
David Atlee Phillips covering his tracks?
Bugliosi chooses to believe David Phillips
Phillips makes nothing but excuses for the missing Oswald photos
The 'Mexico' Oswald is very different than the one we know
Even the Cuban consulate people describe this 'different' Oswald
Twists and turns through the Oswalds
The deception seems to attempt to cover who Oswald really was working for
The Evidence photos and audio tape are not of Oswald
A Hoover memo identifies CIA as deceiving FBI over Oswald's identity
There can be no denying that Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City
Jim mentions an in depth review of this material on CTKA
Show #399
Original airdate: Nov 6th, 2008
Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topics: U.S. Election
Part One - Jim Fetzer
Voting fraud in Alaska
The tension that was felt this election
Jim talks about recent guests he's had on his show
Suspected vote fraud and political shenanigans, particularly in Alaska
Illogical vote swings against the trends
Turdblossom's Insider's Guide to Swinging Elections , about election rigging
Obama's lawyers were dispensed to watch for voter fraud not election rigging
Mike McConnell and GHW Bush Government database infiltration?
Jim suggests the vote fraud this time was to maintain some balance between Red & Blue states
He recommends Shannyn Moore for more Alaska vote fraud info Jim on Obama's election: "The whole world is rejoicing"
Nancy Pelosi compromised? Maybe that's why she's calling for no charges on the Bush team
Bush might actually not realize the damage he's done
Show #398
Original airdate: Oct 30th, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topics: Bugliosi Book review - Part 4
Part One - Jim DiEugenio
Jim's website Magazine
Jim recommends the DVD Into Evidence
Jim & Len extoll Jim Douglass's book ---
The Mannicher Carcanos: Differences, primarily in the lengths
John Mcadams - Laughing stock of the Internet?
Oswald a strange Marxist-Leninist: He hung around right-wing extremists
An explanation of who were White Russians
Why does Oswald hang around with these people?
There can be only one conclusion: He wasn't a Marxist-Leninist
How did right-wing extremist, Guy Bannister, get communist literature?
James Hosty, Hunter Leake, and Warren DeBrueys.
Otto Otepka: Confusion over defectors and false defectors
Next time - The Chicago Plot and Oswald in Mexico
Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
A preview of Jim's next interview
Jim Douglass and Edwin Black
The similarities between Dallas and the Chicago Plot
Was Chicago a Dallas preview?
Bugliosi gets it all wrong
Thomas Vallee was a mirror image of Oswald. They even had similar looks
Abraham Bolden's railroading
Bugliosi brushes off Bolden's accurate record on the Chicago Plot
...ridiculously uses David Atlee Phillips as a credible witness
Sylvia Odio fed unsolicited Oswald information
You might accept the Odio story and purported Oswald information but...
The real question... What was he again doing with two right-wing extremists?
Oswald crosses to Mexico by car and by bus... Huh?
Bus records dubious: Automobile records also dubious
Albert Osborne; A man of many names. Phil Melanson: Osborne is a CIA agent
If getting Oswald into Mexico seems strange, then getting him out was stranger
Bugliosi omits all the anomalous Mexico evidence
Show #397
Original airdate: Oct 23rd, 2008
Guest: Peter Joseph
Topics: Zeitgeist and Addendum
Part One - Part One
Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum can be viewed and/or purchased at Zeitgeist: The Movie
What brought Peter to create Zeitgeist
9/11 was the catalyzing event...
The public seemed to just closed its eyes and accept the official story
He created Zeitgeist to be shown for free as an expression of his views on society
Examining the WTC girders and cutting charges
Thomas Payne's world view often clashed with religion
Peter's discovery of the Venus Project
He calls the current system "Monetaryism"...corrupt...fake...a failed system
Addendum: Showing us a system that doesn't require laws or competition
Products are made to fail quickly when they could be made to last forever
The Venus Project is the work of Jacque Fresco
It offers a "model" view of how society could and should be
The many post apolcalyptic movies give us a pessemistic view of the future
Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum give us a positive future outlook
Jacque Fresco has created many things but he's afraid our culture will use some to do harm
Our society is based on created shortages
"...nothing in today's society can be created without making money from it"
Jacque Fresco and reaource based, moneyless societies
Peter describes people's level of caring based on their wealth level
"Intellectual Materialism"
Comparing Sports figures and non-contributors incomes to the wages of contribuors
...Society is backwards
Peter: "Even if the monetary system was repaired it could not work"(paraphrased)
70% of the economy is created waste right now... this is just plain wrong
Part Two - Part Two
Peter states " technology is for the benefit of humanity"
He describes a "library" type distribution system based on high technology
"If it can be thought of, it can be created"
We need borders with the monetary system
With this "technology" system, there is no need for borders
In the monetary system, people are kept dumbed down as slaves
In a technology based system, educating everyone benefits everyone
Google is censoring the hit statistics for Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum
Suffice to say, the hits are in excess of 30 million !
Peter claims the technology system is not based on "New World Order" or "Illuminati"
The stock market has nothing to do with the economy...
The stock market is just a rediculous gambling scheme
An explanation of derivitives and the housing bubble
Peter says there can easily be industry with no waste and no pollution
Switching to a technology based system presents many problems in shifting the paradigm
It's simply a matter of getting everyone on board... no small job
The world debts exceed the resurces of the planet.
Thinking the world can support this system is just rediculous
6 recommendations to promote the technology based system
A very small group of people control everything
They use the media primarily to maintain control
Boycott the military... you're only supporting corporations
Outrageous amounts of money are paid to the military industry
Get off the grid... become self sufficient
Stop being brainwashed by the media
McCain and Obama are promoted while Ron Paul has been ignored
His final point: Critical mass - Promote The Zeitgest Movement
Production software and processes
How Peter came to interview John Perkins
About the title "Zeitgeist"
The symbolism of the cover images of Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum
As long as there is a deprived person somewhere, we are not secure in our societal positions
where there is deprivation there will be a backlash against the less deprived
We call these backlashes "mindless terrorism"
To stop terrorism we must help these people become less deprived rather than depriving them
Getting around the mind shift required to think in this new way
Show #396
Original airdate: Oct 16th, 2008
Guest: Col. Fletcher Prouty
Topics: JFK Research
Part One - Petroleum Transportation
Prouty predicts that food will be a future weapon
There is no shortage of oil
The 1970's oil shortages were caused by the non-shipment of oil
The caused shortages keep the price up
Fletcher calls this process a form of war
Lebanon was brought to war to control the flow of oil
Middle East wars are caused to close pipelines and force oil to be shipped
Part Two - NSAM 263 & NSAM 273
Kennedy's NSAM 263: All personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965
Nov 20th and 21st, 1963 the entire cabinet was in Honolulu on it's way to Tokyo
Nov 22, Kennedy is assassinated
Nov 26th, after Kennedy's death NSAM 273 was announced, reversing Kennedy's plan
NSAM 273 was created on Nov 21st, BEFORE JFK's ASSASSINATION!
McGeorge Bundy drafted NSAM 273
Bundy is deceptive on his dates and where he was at the time
Bill Bundy ia also deceptive on these points
NSAM's 263 and 273 have been misfiled in the Pentagon Papers
Prouty: "The Pentagon Papers are wrong. They're propaganda"
Part Three - Trying the JFK Case
Ed Lansdale, an excellent cover story man
Freedom of Information: Another coverup
The Cuban Study Group, NSAM 55, 56 & 57
An example of FOIA releases of 55, 56 & 57 that were innacurate - a deception
Fletch helped in getting copies of he orignals
The Taylor - McNamara Trip Report was NSAM 263
Obfuscated from the government publication 'Foreign Relations of the United States'
Prouty calls the murder of the Diem Brothers a foreign relations screw up
THe Diems unexpectedly disembarked the Air France plane and met their demise
Kennedy was devastated. He knew Ngo Dinh Diem for 10 years
Prouty again emphasizes that the Pentagon Papers were a "fabrication"
Show #395
Original airdate: Oct 9th, 2008
Guests: Jim DiEugenio/Dr. David Mantik
Topics: JFK research
Part One - Jim DiEugenio
Part 4 of Jim's critique of the Bugliosi book
Removing the bullet evidence leaves only the rifle to connect to Oswald
The Warren Report uses omission of evidence to make it's case on the rifle
Jim talks about bullets found
Oswald's rifle - 36". The evidence rifle - 40"
Serious problems with the rifle evidence
Ruth paine again inserts dubious evidence: The camera that took the backyard photos
Supporting David Lifton's evidence
The ABC Meyers' simulation debunked
The Tippet shots: THe bullets don't match the shells
More than one wallet with both Oswald's & Hidell's ID? - At least 3
Bugliosi can't explain this point away
Fingerprints found on Tippet's car... Bugliosi: "No good prints found"
Witnesses threatened all over... No conspiracy?
Bugliosi barely covers Oswald and the Civil Air Patrol
He completely omits David Ferrie
Several points that show that Oswald was getting Military Intel training
Piecing together some U2 items tied to Oswald
Oswald in the USSR: "On assignment ostensibly a defector"
Marguerite Oswald knew Lee was going to defect 9 to 10 months ahead
It took only 2 weeks for Oswald to discharge from the US Marines
A normal discharge would have been 3 to 6 months
Albert Schweitzer College, Switzerland - Oswald went there
Nobody could find the college... How did Oswald even know about it?
Bugliosi adresses almost nothing on the subject
False defector programs
No CIA 201 file opened on Oswald even when he's a defector?
Following Oswald's secret files - Oswald just had to be an Intel agent
Part Two - Jim Fetzer & Dr David W Mantik
As with so many of us, David started by seeing Oliver Stone's JFK
Jim was enticed into JFK research by an anti-JFK hit piece by Lundberg
The piece was written in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)
Jim & David together with Gary Aguilar, Cathy Cunningham and Robert Livingston
Dr Mantic is a Radiation Oncologist... an X-ray expert
He's been to the National Archives on JFK 9 times
His expertise allows him to compare density of subject matter on x-rays (Optical Densitometry)
Front and side x-rays do not match
A metal object appears to have been added to the skull after the autopsy
Dr Mantik believes this metal piece was added to the x-ray in the darkroom
Jim describes the condition of the presiden'ts brain at Parkland
To match the phoney metal piece on the x-ray, investigators moved the entry wound
David explains why the entry wound had to be low and to the right
An explanation of the damaged Tantorium; evidence that supports David Lifton's theory
Dr Mantik studied the jacket JFK wore. The jacket supports much medical testimony
Comparing the medical evidence: What the bullet(s) could have and couldn't have done
The slowing or stopping of the limousine
New evidence of alteration of the Zapruder Film
The throat wound
The skull damage
The photos: Minimal brain loss. The X-rays: Massive brain loss - Something is very wrong
Jim presents 6 shots. Dr Mantic agrees
Show #394
Original airdate: Oct 2nd, 2008
Guest: Col. L Fletcher Prouty
Topics: Special Operations
Part One - The Vietnam POW Problem
Working out how Vietnam POW's could disappear off the record
Employment in the CIA while ostensibly a military man causes confusion
The CIA would "sheepdip" volunteers
Using this method, the Army, Navy, Airforce and Marines had no record
With no record, Men who were lost could not be traced back to their military Service
Prouty was involved with The League of Families to track lost personnel
Insurance is a large part of this equation
If a man is MIA the "Government pays as if the man was alive
If a man is proven dead "Insurance" is paid... A major problem for insurers
Financing The League of Families
The Nugan-Hand Bank... A rogue operation, the result of black marketeers in Vietnam
Nugan-Hand Bank Story - Video
Part Two - Special Operations - An explanation
The OSO - Special Operations Assistant Job Description
The Dept of Defense was the leading force in all covert activities
Hiding large sums of money appropriated fo covert operations
The system for repaying funds to their appropriate places
The money was always just the movement of numbersfrom one book to another
Actual dollars never moved.
Explaining Iran/Contra funding
To Prouty, Iran/Contra was a diversion from the actual story
The NSA monitoring communications and data transferrance - "Emissions"
This monitoring is not a covert operation per-se. The data is useless without purpose
Closing the OSO was a mistake
The failure of the Bay Of Pigs operation was the result of closing the OSO
Much of the co-ordination was lost with the abolishment of the OSO
Show #393
Original airdate: Sept 25th, 2008
Guest: Dr. Cyril Wecht / Stu Wexler / Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One Dr. Cyril Wecht
The upcoming "Making Sense Of The Sixties" conference at Duquesne University
The subjects covered will be the murders of JFK, MLK and RFK
Cyril mentions several distinguished guests who will be there
The conference will focus on several broader questions everyone wants answered
To sign up for the conference call: 412-396-1049
Cyril can be contacted by email at: or
Using perspective to illustrate the importance of investigations in these cases
The single Bullet theory cannot be proven and therefore there are 2 shooters
If there are 2 shooters, the government has no case
If the government's case is thrown out then there MUST be a new investigation
Wecht: "...There's a reason why these three people were assassinated..."
He steps through several points of evidence that prove an opposite result in each murder
In spite of the the distinguish list of guest speakers there has been no major news coverage
The media continues to push fraudulent documentary programs on TV
Cyril's friendship with Arlen Specter
Wecht lightly examines Specter's intentions on the Single Bullet theory
Wecht is expecting a very full audience for this conference
Interview Audio - Part Two Stu Wexler
Chemical & Forensic Analysis of JFK assassination Bullet Lots
Stu's area of focus has been the Neutron Activation analysis in JFK's assassination
His work is more accurately called Comparative Bullet Lead Analysis
This is the single most important evidence for the official story
...Neutron Activation has been thoroughly discredited meaning the official case is very thin
Stu Wexler's debates with Ken Rahn
About his research and the team that examined the viability of Neutron Activation
Using the analogy of Crayon's Vs Chalk, Stu explains why Neutron Activation is terribly flawed
The result is that the data obtained and used to press the official JFK case must be thrown out
The FBI does not use this flawed process to compare bullet leads for these same reasons.
No US lab even does Neutron Activation for Bullet Lead comparison anymore
The fact that Neutron Activation has been disproved only means this evidence is unreliable
...It in no way proves or disproves the case. It's just junk science
CE399 cannot be proven to be the round that was found on the Parkland Stretcher
Ken Rahn cannot get anyone outside of his small sphere of influence to verify his case
Wexler and his piers have proven the credibility of their case using clear scientific process
He'd like a re-examination of the actual bullet and a re-analysis of the audio evidence
Stu is working on a new book on the Martin Luther King Assassination
A general examination of lone nut versions Vs conspiracy versions
In the end, Stu doesn't make an opinion one way or another.
He would just like everyone to use just process and pricples to come to their conclusions
Interview Audio - Part Three Jim Fetzer
Jim has his own radio show on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at GCN
Assassination Science, Assassination Research and 9/11
Talking about David Lifton's contributions to JFK science
Jim states his case that shots came from many directions
Len reminds Jim that the debate should Lifton and Fetzer together
Jim lists many differences he has with David Lifton's theory
He bases his differences on what he calls newly obtained evidence
Jim lambastes Sarah Palin on her inexperience
Palin began a building project before obtaining full title to the property
A couple of abuses of power
The 'Bridge to Nowhere'
Her views on motherhood and pro-life
Her religious beliefs and her affiliation with a secessionist group
A quote from an interview wth protesters against Palin
Show #392
Original airdate: Sept 17th, 2008
Guest: Robert Groden / Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Robert Groden
Robert Groden has almost 45 years of experience on the JFK assassination
Author of High Treason, JFK: The Case for Conspiracy and The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald
Also the author and co-author of many other important books
He was responsible for getting the release of most of the photographic evidence available today
Groden was the man that released the Zapruder Film to the public in 1975
His upcoming book is "JFK Absolute Proof" Groden promises all new evidence
He's a Journeyman Photographer and Photo Analyst
The Backyard Photos - There were also a third and fourth photo
The faces are all the same but the bodies are all different
You can get Robert's new book at his website when it is available
Robert's opinion of the Bugliosi book: Bugliosi completely ignores the evidence
A discussion of the expletives that could be used to describe Bugliosi's book
He describes photographically how the single bullet theory could not work
There is an active movement by the government to try to discredit the truth in this case and others
Case Closed & Mortal Error - 2 books using proven lies to make their theory
The recently released cache of JFK assassination papers - Of not much value
Ruby's conviction is overturned and before the re-trial both he and the judge die
Robert will be speaking at a symposium called "Making Sense of the Sixties"
October 3 thru 5 2008, The Cyril Wecht Institute of Forensic Science at Duquesne University
Duquesne University's Making Sense of the Sixties home page
"That sonofabitch" Gerald Ford changed evidence on the bullet wound to the back
Groden explains why the back wound is a bullet wound and not something created later
The Ryberg drawings were innacurate but it wasn't Ryberg's fault
His new book, he's hoping, will be released before November
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim DiEugenio
More on the 'Making Sense of the Sixties' symposium
Part 2 of Jim's review of the Bugliosi book
The Parafin tests prove a lack of nitrates on Oswald's face - He couldn't a the shooter
3 Shots in 6 seconds? with 2 direct hits - It couldn't be done
Jim says the scope would not have had time to stop vibrating before the proceeding shot
Oswald was almost a washout in target practice
Examples of witnesses to Oswald's target ability - He was too uncoordinated to be a good shot
On Craig Roberts' book Kill Zone - Oswald's purported ability was impossible
THe Dealy Plaza shooting could not be duplicated, even by experts
All of this evidence is ignored as Bugliosi builds his phony lone nut case
Oswald could not have been on the upper floors of the TSBD during the shooting. ..
Altering testimony and omiting interviews that conflict with the official story
Omissions and distortions that Bugliosi exploits
Charles Givens interviews and testimony - Changes in his story to suit the Warren scenario
Bugliosi believes the later "changed" testimony. He has to to make his case
The TBSD Role Call myth. 9 other people were missing, yet they zero in on Oswald
The identifications in Oswalds wallet
Show #391
Original airdate: Sept 11th, 2008
Guest: David Ray Griffin, Scott Shane
Topics: Sept 11th / Anthrax
Interview Audio - Part One David Ray Griffin
David Ray Griffin is one of many contributors at 9/11 Truth Griffin's new book "The New Pearl Harbour Revisited"
The book will be found at 9/11 Truth book section at 25% off
The loss of Freedom of Speech in protesting public events
Americans no longer discuss 9/11 truth openly. Public figures won't risk their careers for it
Public debates are all but ignored by major figures
David talks about David Newman's unsuccessful attempts to get open debate on the subject
Jesse Ventura is the only US(former)polititian to openly espouse the alternative theories
A bit about the murky background of the Bush's
Whistleblowers; a bit of history and a current whistleblower
The lies at NIST... They just want to keep their jobs
The rediculous "critical column" theory from NIST
People believe what they want to believe and reject what they don't like
September 11, 2001:
21 Reasons to Question the Official Story about 9/11
Did the Barbara Olsen phone calls really happened ?
Cellphone calls could not be made from an aircraft at altitude at that time
Guest Host, Les Mursza asks Griffin if there is a future plan for dealing with the times after 9/11
Dick Cheney's presence at the Pentagon on 9/11 was concealed
How an investigation could and should be carried out
Italy, Japan and Russia may all become leading countries in bringing out 9/11 truth
Les calls the self destructive fallout of the 9/11 lie, disease like
GRiffin's 64,000 dollar question: "Was America attacked by Musims on 9/11?"
Able Danger- Mohammed Atta and his cohorts were paid to carry out their part probably unknowingly
Again, detailed information on all these subjects and more is in his new book
Interview Audio - Part Two Scott Shane
Who mislead the Anthrax investigation?
Scott Shane Articles at New York Times
The Anthrax letters
The anthrax was traced to Fort Dettrick
Suicide victim Bruce Ivins was blamed for the Anthrax attacks
He was at the core of the research on Anthrax and now he has the blame
The pattern of distribution denotes an attempt to create a panic
There is some skepticism as to his guilt
The FBI has no proof Ivins was acting alone
The evidence is all circumstantial, a reasonably strong case but still only circumstantial
Ivins was one of the people the FBI had relied on for information on the anthrax
Show #390
Original airdate: Sept 4th, 2008
Guest: Col. Fletcher Prouty
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Fletcher Prouty
Dealy Plaza
The power groups that seem to have been (and still are?) involved in the Kennedy Assassination
Who would Fletcher Prouty ask if he were investigating?
Fletch would start with a Dallas investigation with police testimony
Assassination would likely have been solved before midnight had procedure been followed
The media everywhere parrot the 'Lone Nutter' story then and now against all reason
A Lone Nut can have no objective
If a conspiracy exists, there "MUST" be an objective
Prouty always asked Why? If you know the 'why' then you can move to find the 'Who"
Kennedy created many enemies; Nasa, TFX, US Steel, The American University speech
The assassins are protected until they escape and no one ever knows who they are
Coups d'etat everywhere are run the same way
These operations are run by relatively small and specialized groups
Calling off the Secret Service military detail in Dallas
False Secret Service and Dallas Police in Dallas as well
Medical anomalies in the autopsy and everything else... Who arranged it all?
It had to be a powerful inside group, not Oswald, The Russians, The Mafia or Castro
Changing the parade route. The Secret Service just wouldn't do it
Silence from everyone that should have been concerned with the route change
Prouty on Dealy Plaza: "An ambush if ever I saw one. A real wild west ambush"
Interview Audio - Part Two - Fletcher Prouty
The cover story The Tramp photos, Staged police, a smirking tramp and someone else not expected in a photo...
They are really not tramps at all, Dallas Police don't carry shotguns but these ones do...
General Ed Lansdale is in one picture... trying to be unnoticed
Prouty got unbiased confirmation that Ed Lansdale was in the picture
Lansdale sent Prouty to the South Pole for the assassination
The entire governmental body was on their way to Tokyo at the time.
News of automatic gunfire in Dallas
Oswald biography - photo in a suit in the Christchurch newspaper within hours of the assassination
In a time when information would have been difficult at best to get, this would seem unreasonable
The Dallas police had not even charged Oswald with the assassination and he's headlined here as the assassin
Prouty notes this as a pre-planned cover story. It just couldn't be anything else
A further explanation of the timeline proving the cover story
Interview Audio - Part Three - Fletcher Prouty
In the right place at the time
Lansdale and Prouty crossed paths every day for many years
Lansdale was not allowed to reveal the truth. His books simply omit the subject
Prouty says he doesn't have any question that Ed Lansdale was in that picture
Interview Audio - Part Four - Fletcher Prouty
CIA financing What CIA can do with money. Everything looks like a general expense...
no trail
This method of dealing with finance allows everything CIA does covertly to be invisible
Bank accounts with generic names to handle covert operations
Show #389
Original airdate: August 28th, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Jim DiEugenio
Part 1 of a comprehensive review of Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History"
His website
Jim's review and commentaries are at CTKA under the title "Rewriting History"
He read the entire book, probably one of the few that did Bugliosi, According to Jim, hit a home run with his other books This book, Reclaiming History, is complete drivel He explains where he thinks Bugliosi went wrong which led to the writing of this book David Lifton suspects 1/3 of the book is ghost written Jim lists a few writers that likely did the ghost writing The first manuscript grew from a half baked mock trial Bugliosi did on tv The St. Paul conversion of Gus Russo, Dale Meyers, Todd Vaughan and others Trying to get to the root of Oswald The centerpiece of Bugliosi's case is the Mannlicher Carcano... dubious evidence at best A 7.65 Mauser was reported at least three times then disappeared Jim traces the purchasing of the Carcano Bugliosi: Since we know this is Oswald's rifle then Oswald is guilty DiEugenio: There is no way to prove this is Oswald's gun... There is no case O P Wright identifies that CE399 was not the bullet he discovered on the stretcher There looks to be more than one 'Stretcher Bullet'... Why?
The FBI's bullet report was phonied up or written about the wrong bullet... No 'Single Bullet Theory'
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
Jim continues about the ammunition evidence The Carcano rifle and ammunition: No fingerprints anywhere... Just not plausible Bugliosi blows off the dent on the cartridge as normal. It was not
The dents are indicative of "Planted" evidence
Bugliosi relies on the discredited Neutron Activation evidence... It is "junk science"
Jim explains Neutron Activation and why it is unreliable
Pricilla Johnston dubious reporting used by Bugliosi
The Walker shooting... The evidence is just as strange as the JFK assassination The 'Backyard Photographs', the many cameras and the stories change...
Bugliosi omits much of the conflicting camera evidence
Marina Oswald loses credibility with the HSCA and many others...
because she was coached
Bugliosi uses her testimony as a key witness The strange Minox Camera story
The Paynes have been involved in most every step of the Oswald evidence
The Payne evidence is just not credible Mary Bancroft, Ruth Payne and... Allen Dulles?
A mess of related people with tight ties to CIA and their story
Bugliosi pushes the Oswald seperation blame in odd directions
Ruth Payne, The Contras and Nicaragua... Ruth is CIA Serious problems with Bugliosi using the Paynes to support his evidence
Stay tuned for part 2... maybe a part 3!
Show #388
Original airdate: August 21st, 2008
Guest: William Pepper
Topics: RFK Trial Update
Interview Audio - Part One - William Pepper
Dr Pepper iterates somne of the evidence that Sirhan could not have killed RFK
Access to Sirhan is very hard to come by
Dr Pepper was RFK's Citizen's Chairman in Westchester County. He knew Robert Kennedy
Funding for this work is very trying.
Pepper put out more than $1,000,000 of his own money to mount the MLK case over 30 years
Defense of Sirhan is expected to be in excess of $250,000 of his own money
Any support in the way of a donation is greatly appreciated at the address below
Dr William Pepper 575 Madison Avenue Suite 1006 10022 New York NY
He's seeing tremendous opposition from the prison and the state
Pepper: "I don't think there's any question of a coverup"
Paul Schrade is keeping the Kennedy's up to date on the case
Schrade was injured that night in the pantry
Dr Pepper is trying to kickstart an initiative to open a new investigation into 9/11
He has again, put some of his own money into this effort
As well, he has solicited the influence of a great many well known people in this effort
About the dumbing down of America by the media
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim Fetzer
Jim comments on the strange poll results showing Obama losing ground
He makes several points extolling Obama and showing McCain's ineptitude
The book of lies written to hurt Obama
How many homes does McCain own? He doesn't know. Jim says up to 13
Jim calls McCain Cognitively Impaired
WTC Building 7: Sept 11 2001 at 6:47, The alarms for Building 7 were shut down
About the British reporter that announced WTC 7's collapse 20 minutes before it happened
Construction and conditions at WTC 7 - The beams were 'solid' steel
A reminder that the 911 Commission Report completely omitted Building 7
Could Bill Clinton be nominated for Vice President?
Is there a law against it?
Show #387
Original airdate: August 14th, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK/RFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Jim DiEugenio
Jim's website is
(Citizens for Truth in the Kenedy Assassination)
The death of Robert Meheu and Review: a re-issue of John Newman's 'Oswald and the CIA'
Newman had discovered so much interest in Oswald, he had to write a book
Newman was an analyst for 20 years for the NSA... He knew what to look for
The Richard Schneider memo, The Navy Department Memo, both on Oswald - The CIA didn't timestamp them
THe FBI put out an alert on Oswald because of his defection... The CIA didn't
The memos are directed Office of Security & CI/Sig
The memos did NOT go to the Soviet Russia Division as would be expected... Were they protecting Oswald?
Although he had defected, there was no 201 file on Oswald until December of 1960
He was on the HT/LINGUAL watchlist as of November of 1959
...but no 201 file? Where then did they keep his HT/LINGUAL intercepts?
The most logical conclusion one can make is that Oswald was an agent run by Angeton's office
Files on Oswald's return to the USA from the USSR have disappeared
Oswald given a $400 loan upon returning from the USSR by The State Dept.
John Newman's explanations of what Oswald was doing and why in New Orleans
The Lopez, Hardway Report
Although almost complete and unredacted, the Lopez Hardway report is still missing a part
The part that is missing was called "Was Lee Harvey Oswald a CIA agent?"
Oswald and phone call anomalies in Mexico City
J Edgar Hoover realizes he's been duped by the CIA
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
A review of the re-release of Robert Blair Kaiser's book "RFK Must Die"
200 pages missing from this book, Kaiser does a hit job on the revisionists
A short history of Jamie Scott Enyart
Kaiser states Enyart was never in the pantry... The truth is that he 'was' in the pantry
Dr William Pepper is going to get big time help from a high powered law firm in LA
What Pepper and his legal team will be up against in the Sirhan/RFK re-trial
Interview Audio - Part Three - Jim DiEugenio
Robert Meheu's recent death
Meheu was a key figure in the CIA use of the Mafia to try to assassinate Castro
This was at a time when RFK was prosecuting the Mafia
J Edgar Hoover apparently admitted Robert Meheu was a likely participant in the RFK conspiracy
Meheu took many secrets with him to the grave
Jim calls James Phelan's book "Howard Hughes: The Hidden Years" a terrible work, probably mostly untrue
Hughes, Meheu and Watergate
Meheu is fired and The "Mormon Mafia" took over the running of Howard Hughes' empire
Jim has taken on the job of reading Bugliosi's book...for review purposes only
He's going to use his knowledge of the book to chastise Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman for doing an HBO special on it
Hanks and Goetzman are taking Bugliosi at face value. The book, however is garbage
Arlen Specter and the ease at which he was discredited by a couple of interviewers
The problems getting the major evidence pieces entered into evidence in a court of law
If these items (The gun, The bullet etc) can't be entered, there is no case against Oswald
Show #386
Original airdate: August 7th, 2008
Guest: Mark Lane / Louis Nizer
Topics: Debate from 1967
TV Guide description A Re-examination of the Warren Commission Report Findings from Feb. 11
Interview Audio - Part One - Pat Valentino
Pat gives background to this televised debate from 1967
This debate was the result of the uproar caused by Lane's book 'Rush To Judgement'
A brief history of Louis Nizer
Other people on the panel: Albert E Jenner Jr and Alfreda Skobe
The host, David Shoenbrun, is noted as quite fair in the debate, a rarity in today's debates
Interview Audio - Part Two - Lane / Nizer 1
Louis Nizer defends the Warren report
Nizer jabs Lane with calls of 'outlandish', 'outragious' and 'slanderous'
He calls the rWarren Report 'accurate' and 'truthful'
He also calls Lane's criticisms 'incorrect' and 'puny nitpicking'
Nizer calls the Carcano the only weapon found at the site and links it Oswald
The two Oswald pictures. He states they were taken by Marina Oswald
Purported fiber evidence on the rifle
Apparent witnesses to the shooting from the sixth floor
He writes off the Mauser statement as a misinterpretation
The Warren Commission ballistics evidence
Oswald's demeanor after the assassination
Nizer reads a statement authored by Robert and Ted Kennedy
He cites a study of Lane's book and says the book has unlinkable footnotes
Lane allows Nizer some of his time to make more points of contention
Interview Audio - Part Three - Lane / Nizer 2
Mark Lane responds He challenged Liebler to prove 90% of his footnotes did not check out.
He could only produce two
Why Senator Yarborough smelled gunpowder... and not from the sixth floor
The Oswald pictures: The rifle could not be identified as the one in the pictures
Lane proves the prints were not found on the gun by the FBI but later by Dallas Police
The rifle fiber evidence: Couldn't be proven to be Oswald's No blanket fiber was found at all
The man in the window of the TSBD was identified as being a 'negro'
He clears up the idea that a Mauser was found at the scene as well
Alfreda Skobe cites an article she wrote that Lane quoted in an interview
Nizer interjects with a bitter off-track argument about an unnamed informant
Lane clears up the arguement with his testimony given to the Warren Commission
Albert E Jenner goes into a long diatribe on the rifle evidence
Interview Audio - Part Four - Lane / Nizer 3
Final Summation
Lane saysthere were 90 witnesses
58 of the witnesses stated the shots came from the grassy knoll
7 railroad employees, on the bridge, saw a puff of white smoke come from the knoll
One commissioner stated rifles don't create smoke...
The Mannlicher Carcano, against this statement, actually did
Gunsmoke was smelled behind the fence
Zapruder film evidence
Nizer steps in with a rant trying to minimize Lane's evidence... He doesn't do well
Lane states the absurdity of the Magic Bullet Theory
A debate of the bullet, CE #399
Lane gives his summation, condemning Mr Nizer and the Warren Commission Report
He cites his own book as a group of facts that stands on it's own merit
Nizer counters citing the Warren Commission Report but he's not able to disprove Lane
Interview Audio - Part
Five - Pat Valentino
Pat discusses earlier critics of his and David Lifton's research on previous shows
Pat's difference of opinion with Jim Fetzer on the JFK back wound
Jim talked about sabot casing being found
Pat says the bullet hole in JFK's back wasn't created by a bullet at all
His argument: 1) It had no abrasion collar
2) The Hume phonecall to Dr. Perry: "Did you guys make any wounds in the back?"
Medical evidence differences between Valentino/Lifton, Gary Aguilar and Jim Fetzer
Show #385
Original airdate: July 31st, 2008
Guest: Acharya S.
Topics: Zeitgeist / JFK research
Interview Audio - Part One Acharya S.
A background of Acharya's work leading to Zeitgeist
Her books The Christ Conspiracy, The Suns of God and Who Was Jesus
Her new book, almost finished is Christ in Egypt: The Horus/Jesus Connection
There has been much comparison between the Egyptian religion and Christianity
The backlash against this, accepted religions felt threatened
The astrotheological comparisons, they begin appearing everywhere in religion
Abraham is the father of all 3 major religions today
Acharya is trying to bring back the original meanings to the myths
Jesus quite likely did not walk the earth. His persona looks to be a compilation of myths
The myths have been bastardized into being accepted as literal fact, against common reason
If you said, 2500 years ago Zeus was a mythical character, - same reaction as today with Jesus
Just as Zeus is mythical to us, the religious icons today will be the Zeuses years from now
God should be a personal choice and imposing religion on people causes the violence
Recently discovered tablet describing the resurrection from "before" Christs time
Explanation of how modern monotheistic religions came to the power
Preistcraft - The creation of religions and their artifacts
The evidence of all these things are explained in her books found at Acharya's website
No evidence that the gospels of the 4 Apostles existed before the Second Century AD
a comparison of Indian religious characters and the comparable Christian ones
Acharya's definition of God... a common sense one
The pettiness of ritual in the long scheme of religion... Does it really matter?
Realizing Religion is not as we've been led to believe, may help humanity prevent it's own destruction
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim DiEugenio
Jim mentions book reviews now posted at his CTKA website
Review 1.) David Kaiser`s book: Road to Dallas
Kaiser`s other book American Tragedy proved to be a great book but not this one
Jim points out several discreditted events that appear in the book...
another lone nutter
What Oswald could have and couldn`t have done
Was Oswald FBI?... Not likely
Why would Kaiser write a book like this?
Jim tossed this one in the trash after he reviewed it
Review 2.) The re-release of Gaeton Fonzi's "The Last Investigation"
A fantastic book, one of Jim's all time top 10
Fonzi's interviews with Vince Salandria and Arlen Specter
Fonzi is not just a conspiracy writer. He's also a distinguished investigator
Fonzi proves Maurice Phillips is actually David Atlee Phillips
The death of George DeMohrenschildt and unanswered questions
Anne Goodpasture, a David Phillips assistant
Catching Phillips in a lie
Oswald's strange dealings and communications
David Morales: "...but we got that SOB, didn't we?"
Review 3.) Henry Wade, Long time Dallas District Attorney
19 death row convictions overturned... Wade convicted them
Wade was one of the very first to say publicly that Oswald was the killer
Craig Watkins might be the guy that tries the JFK assassination
Jim Garrison offered the governorship of Louisiana?
All the real investigations have been shut down or sabotaged
Mark Lane, Rush to Judgement, A Citizen's Dissent and Plausible Denial
Plausible Denial: Why did E Howard Hunt not have an alibi?
Next week's Pat Valentino segment features a rare Mark Lane radio interview
Interview Audio - Part Three Jim Fetzer
Dallas Police Det. Paul Bentley, Helped arrest Oswald, Passed away this past monday
He also attended the scene of Officer JD Tippet's shooting
His Brother In-Law was the officer that escorted Oswald when he was shot by Jack Ruby
Max Holland (CIA) Still writing propaganda for the Agency
Bugliosi's rehash of his 1900 page book now called Four Days In November
It's not worth buying at any price
Jim's Amazon review discrediting the book
The review has never appeared on the site. His review is censored
Vince Palomera's Lone Nutter review... Complete and utter crap
Palomara's work with the Secret Service proves conspiracy
This is direct contradiction when Palomera calls Oswald the lone killer
His defense of the "Lone Nutter" story is irrational
A new DVD called Frame 313
A very good quality production but misses much recent research
The Rand Corporation is calling for more international policing by America
Dishonest polling in the McCain/Obama race
Jim says the election will be stolen once again by McCain
Show #384
Original airdate: July 24th, 2008
Guest: Jean Hill
Topics: The JFK Assassination
Interview Audio - Part One
Jean Hill from June 15/ 2000 She has a well known book "The Last Dissenting Witness" written by Bill Sloan
She was standing with her friend Mary Moorman as JFK's limo passed and he was shot
Jean witnessed a shooter in the classic position on the Grassy Knoll
She also saw Jack Ruby there and he was making unusually deliberate movements
Everyone else's reactions were purely instinctive...toward the Grassy Knoll
Secret Service people confiscated pictures from her that she denied having
They had to have been watching her all along
Jean recalls the changing of the parade route
Jean recalls that everything she witnessed Oliver Stone doing was very factual
She never saw her Warren Commission testimony for 25 years and it was changed
The writing of her book was delayed for many years because she felt threatened
Stone's wonderful treatment of his movie JFK encouraged Hill to write her book
Jean heard 4 to 6 shots... they wanted her to say only 3
Hill was staring at JFK and was in direct line to observe the shooter on the knoll
She didn't witness a shot from inside the car... a popular theory
Interview Audio - Part OTwo
Jean say that Mary Moorman saw nothing
The etiquette of the era
She says she thinks there were 6 or 8 pictures and she never saw what was on them
She states one picture was of the 6th floor but the background had been mutilated
Arlen Specter threatened to put Hill in a mental institution Specter asked the steno to leave the room at several key times during her testimony
LBJ told Madeleine Brown the day before the assassination "The Kennedys will never bother me again"
Hill was told that LBJ slumped into his seat 'before' the shooting started
The impossibility of the escape Oswald was supposed to have made
Jean says Officer Tippett was killed because he was a part of Oswald's escape
When so many witnesses were killed, Jean can't understand how she's still alive
A discussion of the shots In those days nobody questioned the government... now everyone does The braking of the limo during the shots The hold the Secret Service agents put on Jean right after the shots
Interview Audio - Part Three
Jean is not aware of any witness that believes Oswald did the assassination She comments that most of her interviews have been given a bad light There was something fluffy with the Kennedys and Jean was asked to call it a dog
It wasn't a dog but that statement may have kept her alive all these years Jean is having trouble getting her book rights back and the book is no longer being released Jean wasa school teacher in an all black Dallas school
Gerald Posner claims to have interviewed Jean Hill but in reality he's a liar
Show #383
Original airdate: July 17th, 2008
Guest: Col. Fletcher Prouty
Topics: The Secret Team
Interview Audio - Part One
Final part 6 of 6 / regarding his book "The Secret Team"
The Dulles Brothers and Sullivan & Cromwell Allen Dulles the principal spokesman for the World Council of Churches Everything was Black or White... There were no gray areas in Dulles'
Kennedy was trying to remove the "reactionary" quality from the US Government
Dulles's firing became his first move to achieve this
How the different military departments did and didn't work together
Victor Krulak becomes the "suitable" candidate for SACSA
Gen Maxwell Taylor asked to write his commentary on the Bay of Pigs fiasco
The verbatim text of the Taylor Report became NSAM #55, #56 and #57
These NSAM's set the direction of the Kennedy Whitehouse with regard to the CIA
This is the strongest message Kennedy made in his administration before NSAM #263
Taylor, as JFK found out, wasn't the ideal man for the job he was doing
Taylor had an affinity to serve Allen Dulles and his cronies rather than Kennedy
Prouty all but calls Kennedy's assembly of Bay of Pigs inquirers brilliant
Show #382
Original airdate: July 10th, 2008
Guest: Joan Mellen / Saint John Hunt / Daniel Hopsicker
Topics: JFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One Joan Mellen Joan's new book "Jim Garrison: His Life And Times"
Available at Amazon
A history/bio of Jim Garrison rendered from 1500 to 300 page perfect bound soft cover
Who Garrison was before he gave up politics and immersed himself in the JFK case
It's primarily the battle between Garrison, Pershing Gervais and others
A web article on Pershing Gervais and his attempt to frame Jim Garrison
Garrison was an articulate, honest and talented man who enjoyed life
Corrupt practices in New Orleans at the time and how Garrison began to clean it up
Joan talks about the most suprising thing she discovered about Jim Garrison
Suprising news about Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Martin
The book also shows the colorful use of language in New Orleans at the time
Garrison and Dachau Concentration Camp Joan relates several parallels that occurred in Garrison's life
Garrison wasn't a saint but he seemed to always reject the easy road in favour of the honest road
Physically and intellectually, Garrison was bigger than life
Joan talks about Bugliosi and his cowardly slander of her in his book
How the lack of cohesion in the assassination research community hurts the work
It is astounding what Garrison accomplished with a staff of about 10 investigators
Joan puts Garrison up as one of the great characters in American history
Joan: "He was Unique, Special"
Interview Audio - Part Two Saint John Hunt
Saint John has a new book: Bond of Secrecy
Available in PDF format at his website,
Saint reveals secrets about his father, E Howard Hunt
The book discusses the craft of intelligence and the genre of E Howard Hunt's times
He names several names in the JFK plot
Alberto Gonzalez... Iran Contra... Things never seem to change in government
Hunt: Nov 22, 1963 was the moment the shadow government took hold of America
Bugliosi attempts to bully Hunt's credibility with another pathetic, unsupported comment
This is the un-redacted version of the book E Howard Hunt wrote
In the black operations in the Hunt era, all the same characters appear over and over
Saint talks about the popular media focus on pulp while real news gets no coverage
E Howard Hunt felt his actions in his career were justifiable and wanted his story out
Saint's next project will be a video release of 10 hours of E Howard Hunt's interviews
Interview Audio - Part Three Daniel Hopsicker
Daniel gives a brief history of himself and his work
The CIA running drugs - It's either the #1 or#2 biggest business on earth
Daniel Hopsicker's website is Mad
Cow Morning News
He says the main point of the Vietnam War was control of the drug trade worldwide
Hopsiker says if acepted organized crime handled the drug trade, they would rule the world
America rules the world because they control the drug trade
He says Heroin production, although it as stated to be, was never reduced in Afghanistan
Mohamed Atta in Florida, appeard more like a drug dealer than an Islamic Fundamentalist
Wolfgang Bohringer: CIA agent/drug dealer... Close friend of Mohamed Atta
Daniel is the author of several books including Barry & the Boys and Welcome to Terrorland
The Secret History series:
The Secret Heartbeat of America: The CIA and Drugs
Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus
Masters of the Universe: The Secret Brth of the Federal Reserve
In Search of the American Drug Lords: The CIA and the Mob ftom Dallas to Mena
The Big Fix 2000: Who Runs the Show?
Bob Woodward reported that US Special Forces were inserted into Afghanistan before 9/11
The CIA let Bin Laden get away Barry Seal assassinated on orders from Vice President GHW Bush
Hopsicker talks about being the only reporter even discussing his angle on 9/11
Daniel believes the official version of 9/11 but his reasoning differs from other invstigators
Show #381
Original airdate: July 3rd, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio / Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One Jim DiEugenio Books: George Michael Evica's "A Certain Arrogance" and Jefferson Morley's "Our Man In Mexico"
Jim's reviews of these books are to be found at Jim's website, CTKA aka Probe Magazine Evica's book is about infiltration and subversion of religious groups by the US Government Oswald and Albert Schweitzer College Oswald's fishy discharge from the Army and his leaving for Russia The extremely obscure Albert Schweitzer College... How did Oswald find it?
Shut down when the Warren Commission was convened; Was it a CIA operation?
The Paines, George DeMohrenschildt and the Oswalds The party: Right Wing Czarists, Neo-Nazis, Ultra Conservatives As an apparent Marxist/Leninist, What was Oswald doing with these people?
The connections of the Paines and the Osbournes The name Lee Harvey Oswald looks to be synonymous with the Intelligence Community Nag's Head North Carolina and the American Military Defector Plan Oswald passes up all normal help channels and phones Nag's Head Jefferson Morley's book is about Winston Scott and the Mexico City CIA station David Atlee Phillips, Mexico City and Miami's JM Wave Where are the pictures of Oswald at the Russian Embassy in Mexico City?
Was Scott to be believed as the only man that witnessed Oswald in Mexico City?
The November 22,'63 FBI memorandum: The identifying picture and audio tape are 'NOT' Oswald Why would a guy like Oswald, not be intensely studied by the FBI before Dallas?
Much disregarded audio tape evidence despite it's importance James Jesus Angleton hides Winston Scott's Oswald evidence from all inquiry... Why?
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim Fetzer
Jim's trip to Buenos Aires
Jim was invited to make a series of 4 presentations
He was also interviewed by two reporters and did a TV interview
Jim explains his full page articles presented by newspapers that traditionally print small articles
His opinion is presented as told with no spin... A novelty to Jim These articles are presented at Jim's website
Special effects at the Pentagon on 9/11?
The media outside America is much less controlled and more honest
America stomps on socialist countries that infringe on corporate profits...
Destroying the final wildlife refuges for oil: Bush's final move before leaving office
Market speculation and the falling US dollar behind the rising oil prices
Is Iran a real threat?
Is Israel the real problem?
Show #380
Original airdate: June 26th, 2008
Guest: Wayne Prante / Shane O Sullivan
Topics: The Northwest Truth Convergence / RFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One Wayne Prante The Northwest Truth Convergence July 5th on the B.C. / Washington State border The NWTC is not just about 9/11 but many "truth" subjects A short history of Wayne's questioning of 9/11 and how it led to his truth activism A listing of several conferences he's been involved in hosting here in B.C.
Why has Canada not investigated 9/11?
The secrecy in global political change especially with regard to North America... Why?
Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory; The words they use against us
The people involved in US politics... NeoCons everywhere
Colin Powell in Vancouver: A war criminal sponsored by the local media
The conference: A chance for everyone to look at the evidence and see and decide for themselves
Discreditted evidence continues to be paraded out as truth
Wayne's site: Fraser Valley 9/11 Truth
"False Flag" events are the norm when it comes to modern warfare, not the exception
Corporatism is behind it all
The vast majority of citizens do not believe their government with regard to JFK or 9/11
Bring your open mind and your friends, it's free and informative Saturday July 5, Noon til dusk
Voltaire: "Every man is guilty of the good he did not do"
Interview Audio - Part Two Shane O Sullivan
Shane's new book: Who Killed
Bobby?: The Unsolved Murder of Robert F Kennedy, available everywhere
Shane started with a strong curiosity in the RFK assassination culminating in his movie and this book
Sirhan Sirhan: The demonized character and thew reality, a normal guy
Sirhan remembers absolutely nothing about the RFK assassination
William Pepper is trying to get a hypnotist to Sirhan to try to bring out the truth
Sandra Serrano: Very clear about the girl in the polkadot dress
Shane explains his identifications of three CIA operatives in the Ambassador Hotel photos
Sometimes the leads don't pan out. They're inconclusive but still very intriguing
A talk about the COPA RFK Conference in Los Angeles
Sirhan needs a fair trial no matter what the outcome
Dr Pepper's strategy with Sirhan's case
This may be the last shot at exhonorating Sirhan so Pepper is being thorough
Shane feels the best strategy for reopening the RFK case is examining the 13 shots
Sirhan could only have fired 8 at best and all from the front
The fatal shot came from behind Robert Kennedy
Show #379
Original airdate: June 19th, 2008
Guest: Catherine Austin Fitts, Jim Douglass, Jim Fetzer
Topics: Economy, JFK & the Unspeakable, JFK research
Interview Audio - Part One Catherine Austin Fitts
The Solari Network and the The Solari Network Blog
The economy, Financial fraud, The 'Black Budget' and the coming election
The debt bubble and the suppression of the gold price
9/11 allows yet more intervention in the economy
The War Economy further strains the economy
The "piratization" of government
Trillions go missing with no accounting of it. 9/11 usurps this story
The Red Button story - Abig part of the problem
Why government does what it does in the economy long as the majority doesn't require accountability, government won't change
Catherine proposes alternative financing, ending the financing of corruption
Reverend Wright: Was he right?
The fears of Black America that government is guilty of their genocide
Interview Audio - Part One Jim Douglass
This is our last interview regarding this book
Chapter 6 Washington and Dallas
The 'sheepdipping' of Lee Harvey Oswald
Jim refers to the many volumes of The Foreign Relations of the United Satates
A great resource readily available and largely unstudied
JFK and Sukarno
JFK came to power as a cold warrior. He became a pacafist while in office
Unlike most presidents, Kennedy was a listener and through that, he changed
The Wheat sale to the USSR and how it came back to haunt him
The Manichean Devil alive as Communism is alive now as Terrorism
Dialogue will end the War on Terrorism just as it ended the Cold War
The Cuban Missiles were analogous to the US missiles in Turkey
Douglass reminds us if we don't learn from history, we will repeat it
Instances of Lee Harvey Oswald warning of an upcoming assassination attempt
1 month after the assassination, Truman called for a re-evaluation of the CIA
Wayne January and the stories of killing the Kennedys
Jim's new works include the four assassinations of the 60's, This book on JFK being the first
Interview Audio - Part Three Jim Fetzer
A talk about Vince Palamara's recent turn to the 'Lone Nutter' side
Suprising given his research showing the contrary
Vince's contribution to Murder In Dealy Plaza alone shows 15 points proving conspiracy
Jim relates many points that Palamara researched showing a conspiracy
Palamara's accepting that the 'Mafia Did It' just doesn't wash
Vince Bugliosi... a loss of credibility after his 1900 page diatribe, Reclaiming History
Dispute over the direction of shots in the JFK assassination between Fetzer & Lifton
This dispute promises to be heated
Oil companies return to Iraq
Political distraction in the media and Scott McClellan
Show #378
Original airdate: June 12, 2008
Guest: Abraham Bolden
Topics: Echo From Dealey Plaza, The Secret Team
Interview Audio - Part One Abraham Bolden
Bolden gives a brief background of himself
The first black Pinkerton Detective and the first black Secret Service Agent
How Bolden became a Secret Service agent on JFK's Presidential detail
Abraham Bolden's website is
Racism and alcohol abuse Abraham had to endure on the Presidential Detail
Echo From Dealy Plaza is also the name if Bolden's new book
It's available at most booksellers now Bolden blows the whisle on the abuse of alcohol on the presidential detail
Several conspiracies were organized to assassinate JFK
The Chicago Cubans and Milteer in Florida
Sealing the incriminating files in the Secret Service
The truth gets Bolden sent to Chicago and railroaded
His book took two years to write
After a hung jury, the next jury was coached by the judge to bring a guilty verdict
He was incarcerated for 4 1/2 years and also committed to a mental institution for a time
Bolden, as a first hand witness calles JFK a "magnificent" human being
Chicago, Miami, Dallas... Kennedy was going to be assassinated no matter what
Other agents are still clammed up after all these years
About The Chicago Plot and Jim Douglass's book
4 Cuban gunmen, 2 identified, 2 unidentified and the 'patsy', Vallee, said to be CIA
Bolden believes Oswald was a shooter but not the only one
Conspiracy threats from Tampa also
Interview Audio - Part Two Col. Fletcher Prouty
A discussion of Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles
The Wall Street Law offices of Sullivan & Cromwell
Sullivan & Cromwell operated well into the war in Nazi Germany
Allan Dulles was a 'preacher' of sorts against Connunism
His world was only Black & White(Capitalism & Communism). There were no greys
How Dulles created Reactionary policy in government
Kennedy was a dynamicist, against the reactionary policy of govenment
Walter Bedel Smith and his cronies were responsible for the ascention of the Dulleses
The Defense Intelligence Agency study
Changing roles in Intelligence and the Military
SACSA, Special Operations(OSO), Deception, DDR&E, ISA, NSA, Counter-insurgency and other offices Victor Krulak: The best man for the job
Counter-insurgency began before Kennedy's tenure
The bureaucracy was ready for Nixon and Kennedy's win blindsided them
The 'Taylor letter' moved Kennedy toward counter-insurgency policy
NSAM #55: Kennedy makes the Joint Chiefs accountable to him
Lyman Lemnitzer has NSAM #55 shelved
The importance of this document
Max Taylor dissents from Kennedy... He just wasn't suited to that role
Kennedy's forming of the investigation team for the Bay of Pigs fiasco
The members were of opposing views but worked extremely well together
Dulles uses the time to indoctrinate RFK and Max Taylor to CIA policy
Show #377
Original airdate: June 5, 2008
Guest: John Judge, Jim Douglass
Topics: COPA in LA, JFK & The Unspeakable, The Secret Team
Interview Audio - Part One John Judge
The third COPA Conference in Los Angeles for the 40'th anniversary of the RFK assassination
COPA Schedules and details here
Breaking evidence will be presented by a who's who of the reasearch world
VanPraag and Joling will present as well as Paul Schrade, an RFK shootng scene victim
John lists a host of presenters that will be there
Dr William Pepper, Cynthia McKinney, Mark Sobel, Lisa Pease, William Turner...
Darwin Hunt Secret Service ret., Shane O'Sullivan, Ted Charach, Summer Reese
Don't miss the COPA Live stream
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim Douglass
Chapter 5: Saigon and Chicago
The 'coup' to remove Diem
The plausible deniability of the CIA in Vietnam and America
Kennedy's isolation in his own government undermines his dialogue with Diem
Lodge, Harriman, Hillsman, The Joint Chiefs and McGeorge Bundy all disagreed with Kennedy policy
They all failed to carry out policy requests from The Whitehouse
The Aug 24th telegram: Manipulation of JFK that gave the Vietnamese the wrong message
CIA policy went ahead as an automatic matter of course against Kennedy's wishes
Abraham Bolden, hired by Kennedy personally to be the first black Secret Service Agent
Bolden resigned the Secret Service because of security issues he could not get fixed
He went to Chicago and witnessed, investigated and reported 'The Chicago Plot'
An archived PDF copy of The Chicago Plot, by Edwin Black
Thomas Arthur Vallee: A Chicago "Oswald" who looked remarkably like Owald
Kennedy did not go to Chicago after being alerted, thus avoiding assassination there
Bolden was sent to prison for 45 months on false charges and witnesses against him said as much
The real reason for incarcerating him was that he was trying to contact The Warren Commission
How Oswald, a false defector, was not watched as a national security risk as would be expected
The Secret Team undermines Kennedy policy
The JFK Records act opens a window into the covert dealings behind Kenney's back
Ambassador Lodge, the most likely culprit in enabling the Diem murders
Of note: Thomas Arthur Vallee was not arrested until "after" Kennedy cancelled his Chicago trip
He was left on the street until he was no longer a possible Oswald like Patsy
Lee Harvey Oswald may have been the original Chicago Plot whistleblower
The Diem murders and the Chigago assassination were carefully coordinated to coincide
Interview Audio - Part Three Col. Fletcher Prouty
Fletcher Prouty's office supports the CIA around the world
This support department is said by Prouty to be the main reason for the CIA's enormous growth
The support for the Cuban Brigades began with a request for two doctors
The operation grew to about 3000 men by the time of Kennedy
Kennedy knew the leaders. He met with them in August of 1960
By 1960, the CIA was a major force, setting it's own policy and unacountable
About the "What I don't know won't hurt me" policy in the Congress and Senate
...if the operation was directed by an official body then it must be a legitimate operation.
This policy allowed for the unchecked 'cancerous' growth of the CIA
About good and bad authors on books about the CIA
About the relatively small group that coordinates the covert activities of the CIA
LK White: a very capable covert coordinator
Allen Dulles and his tactic of using the buzzword"Secret Intelligence" to gain leverage
The Pentagon Pre-Brief and the Whitehouse briefing: The most accurate intel available
The 'reactionary' function of the Dept of Defense as opposed to an offenive War Department
How the Pre-briefs and Briefs direct the actions of the Whitehouse
Show #376
Original airdate: May 29, 2008
Guest: Donald Scott, Jim DiEugenio, Lisa Pease
Topics: Origins of AIDS, RFK Assassination Research, COPA in LA
Interview Audio - Part One Donald Scott
Professor Scott's Journal of Degenerative Diseases is in it's ninth year of puplication
Donald and his son, Scott have been working with AIDS and Chronic Fatigue
They've written the book 'AIDS: The Crime Beyond Belief'
The contention of the book: Aids and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are 'created' diseases
AIDS was created to cull the black population
Chronic Fatigue was created to control the rest of us
JUne 9, 1969 Dr Macarthur began developing this disease agent
The Rockafellers began funding population control experiments
Nelson Rockafeller began the MK Ultra and MK Delta programs
"MK" in MKULTRA- Mind Control Scott believes it refers to "Monkey Kidney"
While curing Smallpox, the seeds of AIDS were laid
AIDS and Chronic Fatigue began as a sheep virus, Scrapie
Pastor Wright was correct... There is a concerted effort for Population Control
There is a US Government Patent on the pathogenic mycoplasma as a disease agent
CCMRF Box 133 Stn. B Sudbury Ont. Canada P3E 4N5
For a subscription to the Journal of Degenerative Diseases, send $50 to the above address
His book is available at the same address
Soft cover - $45.95 = 5.00 p&h($50.95) Hard cover for $6.00 more($56.95)
Col. Prouty refered to AIDS a weapon, paid for by the Defense Dept.
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim DiEugenio
An article about the long interview CNN did with Dr William Pepper at Probe Magazine
Pepper is trying to get Sirhan deprogrammed by a better hypnotist
This could get the truth of the RFK assassination out
He also want's a re-hearing of the RFK case over the VanPraag evidence
Larry Teeter, Sirhan's lawyer died 2 years ago and Pepper has taken the case
If the case goes ahead, it will be sensational
Jim predicts a full barrage of media smears and hit pieces as this gets rolling
The Zapruder Film: Did Zapruder stop or was it cut and altered?
If frames from 207 to 210 are replaced, it's clear he was hit before he went behind the sign
This evidence underscores Oswald's innocence
Vince Palamera changes opinion on the JFK case
The consensus is, 'nothing has changed, why change your mind now?'
How could Bugliosi bring him on board? Bugliosi's work is clearly shoddy
Palamera has disregarded all the work he has done to take this new stance, although that isn't how he sees it
Interview Audio - Part Three Lisa Pease
Lisa will be a speaker at the Los Angeles COPA Conference this year
Information on the various CPOA conferences can be found here
Lisa gives a great list of speakers and some of it will be streamed live
She'll be talking on the Robert Maheu connections to the RFK assassination
Was Maheu a long time hitman?
A few things he was involved in
Manny Pena: His brother mentioned his service to the CIA
A talk about the book"Nemesis": Weeding through the allegations
A little on hypnosis
The bullets: Were they switched? Naguchi said they were
A list of speakers that will be in the Fall COPA Conference
Show #375
Original airdate: May 22, 2008
Guest: Pat Valentino, Jim Douglass
Topics: JFK Research, JFK and the Unspeakable - Chapter 4
Interview Audio - Part One
Pat Valentino
A very good history of Dennis David at Spartacus
Pat talks about his experience interviewing Dennis David
David offloaded the gray shipping casket containing JFK in a body bag, not wrapped in a sheet
Left Dallas in the bronze ceremonial casket, body wrapped with a sheet, not in a body bag The wound arrived in Bethesda five times the size it was when it left Dallas
The brain is also missing in Bethesda... Though damaged, it was in place in Dallas
The body was offloaded, out of sight to the right side of Airforce 1 to a waiting helicopter Pat talks about differences of opinion between David Lifton(and Pat) and Jim Fetzer Was the shallow back wound created evidence? Probably
Likely created to provide a place from which CE 399 could be said to have fallen?
The nurses and doctors in Dallas didn't see a backwound
Tracheostomy? Why? If the brain is missing, why perform a lifesaving procedure?
Answer: The brain was in place in Dallas. It was removed before it arrived at Bethesda
Jackie & RFK arrive with JFK in the ceremonial casket in Bethesda yet JFK was already there
A description of the head wound and it's differences from Dallas to Bethesda
Was Oswald supposed to be offed before he was ever arrested?... Likely
One cop goes for the Book Depository and everyone else heads for the Grassy Knoll
Could everyone but one policeman be wrong?... and wrong the same way?
The Leibler Memorandum describes evidence that the body was altered between Dallas and Bethesda
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim Douglass
Ch 4: Marked Out For Assassination in reference to Monk, Thomas Murton
Murton was critical of JFK in the beginning
If Kennedy became the person universally dedicated to peace he would be 'Marked Out For Assassination
Kennedy brokered a deal with US Steel and the United Steelworkers
US Steel reneged and raised the price of steel against the deal and Kennedy was infuriated.
He pulled lucrative military contracts and excluded some corporations from bidding on them
By doing this he forced the steel industry to lower prices to previous levels
James Jesus Angleton directed assassination squads in the 50's
Angleton's group investigated CIA personnel and 'ONLY' CIA personnel
Angleton investigated Lee Harvey Oswald hence, Oswald was CIA!
Jim mentions Lisa Pease as a great researcher Jim & Elsie Wilcott mentioned it was common knowledge that Oswald was CIA Jim, a Pay Agent was responsible for funding some of Owald's operations This testimony was given by Jim to the House Select Commitee on Assassinations Jim Wilcott became a Civil Rights activist Keeping silent Oswald's CIA affiliation was a worry for the Tokyo CIA people - Elsie Wilcott Henry Cabot Lodge would not carry out Kennedy's policy in any way A brief overview of Richard Case Nagell's story Nagell knew Oswald and was ostracized by the CIA Afraid he would be blamed for the JFK assassination, Nagell fired two shots in a bank to get himself arrested He spent 4 1/2 years in jail for this Nagell warned J Edgar Hoover by mail in advance of the assassination Evidence Nagell had disappeared when he was found dead in his bathroom in 1995 His testimony to the ARRB was therefore prevented This chapter also includes information on who Ruth and Michael Paine were
Interview Audio - Part Three Col. Fletcher Prouty Procurement of items for CIA using the Airforce as a purchasing front but financed otherwise Fletch talks about the sheer numbers of units in the CIA- Thousands involved in over 608 units These units were ostensibly military but financed and controlled entirely under CIA When the NSC controls operations, things run well. It is the rougue operations that go wrong He again mentions places that were infiltrated by CIA agents such as the FAA Alexander Haig and General Secord were infiltrated CIA Agents Eisenhower's footnotes in the 10/2 files limited the use of assets to specific operations only Creation of CIA operations and Focal Point Offices using different governmental departments Financing operations and hiding Focal Point financing... immediate reimbursement The enormous growth of CIA budgets... completely unaccountable The unaccountability of funds allows CIA to use funds secretly almost as a slush fund The CIA invested in legitimate businesses as a way of hiding covert funds for use at a later date CIA units existed for so long that their CIA status was forgotten by the surrounding military units The original Special Forces mandate: Operations in a nuclear conflict To increase stockpiles and budgets, departments visualize larger and larger needs every year Whether necessary or not, this is one way departments get larger funding and grow in power Prouty finds out how little the JCS Chairman knows about CIA operational size How items are ostensibly borrowed from different departments The department never knows the use and the money is reimbursed How blip transmissions were read by the CIA How a function of Prouty's office became letting the JCS Chairman know what is going on All covert operations require foreign cooperation.
If the JCS has no idea, control is lost and operations can go sideways, a la Iran/Contra
Show #374
Original airdate: May 15, 2008
Guest: Jim Douglass
Topics: JFK and the Unspeakable - Ch 3
Interview Audio - Part One Jim DiEugenio appology from Len - bad phone cannection for part one.
This month's Vanity Fair has an article on Robert Kennedy's run for the presidency
RFK research is coming back strongly
Bobby's running had been made before the NH Primaries. He was not an opportunist The differences between the RFK of '63 and the RFK of '68
The assassination is finally getting the recognition it deserves
Upcoming reviews - 'Truth At Last' and other books to be available at Probe Magazine
The progress of Jefferson Morley's lawsuit against the CIA and an explanation CIA suppression of evidence and creation of phoney telephone calls - Why?
Was the JFK assassination designed in advance to send all the participants into "cover your ass" mode?
Why did Oswald go to Mexico City?... or did he?
If so, where is the evidence?...Where are the pictures?
The evidence shows that Oswald was a CIA agent and an FBI informant, not a "lone nut"
Details on Oswald's history in New Orleans and Dallas More than 1 Oswald?... Maybe!... Likely even The JFK Assassination just keeps getting more complicated. It should, by now, be getting clearer
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim Douglass Kennedy in Vietnam
Trying tofind a way out as early as '62
Kennedy was clearly against American occupation in Southeast Asia
The Kennedy brothers learned about Vietnam as early as 1950 - He knew the problems
Operation Northwoods - A terrorist operation dreamt up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Kennedy fired General Lyman Lemnitzer(the author of Northwoods) within a few months
The Northwoods document has great relavence if you apply the mentality to 9/11
Kennedy was considered a political "heretic" and a traitor by the men who killed him
In reality, he was more educated and saw the reality of nuclear conflict
If there was a major conflict resulting in nuclear exchange, it would've resulted in destruction for both sides
In addition it might've brought Russia and China into the conflict
The Joint Chiefs just didn't see the problem with this
The Buddist conflicts during Diem's reign in Vietnam and the anomalies
The Quiet American upset Gen Ed Lansdale - It must've touched a nerve
Jim Douglass "Kennedy truly had a prophetic insight into Vietnam"
Interview Audio - Part Three Fletcher Prouty Continued from last week's show
An explanation of the Secret Team and duties they perform
CIA financing and how it is hidden
War is morphed from a 'last resort solution to a problem' to 'Defence'
an ongoing 'reactionary' force
"Offence" is the core of war - The antithesis of reactionary force or "Defence"
Because of 'The Bomb', we now face defensive war because traditional or offensive war cannot be won Food will be used as a weapon in the future...Prophetic? Are we seeing this now?
The Manichean Devil - Stronger when feared and unknown than in reality
Who has domain over atomic technology?
Communism - Created by the powers that be as a Manichean Devil How Defence gets financing from Congress by using the Manichean Devil Todays Manichean Devils: Osama BinLaden, Al Qaeda and Terrorism How the Vietnam Manichean Devil, The Viet Cong, was created Allen Dulles and the Focal Point system Focal Point Offices are outside the CIA but serve the needs of the CIA Infiltration of other agencies by the CIA Gen Ed Lansdale was one such infiltrated man These infiltrated people are what Prouty refers to as "The Secret Team"
Relevant links at David Ratcliff's site
The Context of Its Time: The National Security Act of 1947 The
Creation of the National Security Council The
Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report
the Door to CIA Clandestine Operations: Shifting NSC Oversight from Directing to Approving Plans The
Function of the Director of Central Intelligence: Coordinating Intelligence of the Government Intelligence Community Clandestine
Operations: Out of Control If Not Directed by the National Security Council Four
Categories of Military Personnel Employed by CIA Final
Chapter in the History of War Making: Going From Offense to Defense The
Threat of Nuclear Weapons: Making War Planning Obsolete Creating
a Manichaean Devil to Justify Spending $6 Trillion for a Cold War Secret
Team Foundations: Creation of the CIA Focal Point System Throughout The Government
Interview Audio - Part Four Jim Fetzer
A JFK update - The caskets and the ambulances
Jim goes through evidence unearthed by David Lifton and David W Mantic and others
Faked photographs or altered body?...
Bullet fragments taken by the Secret Service
Jim gives information about the autopsy from Dennis David
Current politics - Bush makes inferences that attack Obama
The corrupt blunderings of Bush
Edwards' endorsement of Obama
Trouble for Republicans. They look to be losing several strongholds
Bush drives the American economic bus into the ground
Show #373
Original airdate: May 8, 2008
Guest: Col. L Fletcher Prouty
Topics: The Origins of the CIA
Interview Audio - Part One Col. Prouty
Interview segment by David Ratcliffe from May 6, 1989 on the beginnings of the CIA The original intent of Congress in establishing the CIA The National Security Act of 1947 was established for pre 'Cold War'
Cold War activities required new laws and a new intelligence group The Dept of Defence was created.
Before this there was only The War Dept,Dept of Army -Navy -Airforce Why a Department of "Defence"? - The Official reason The CIA's mandate was purely to co-ordinate intelligence, nothing more Gathering intel is not and has never been a CIA duty and yet they do this The rediculousness of a Dept of `Defence`, even in the age of nuclear technology How Walter Bedell Smith introduced Allen Dulles into the CIA Walter Bedell Smith was the man who brought covert activities into the realm of CIA The National Security Council...Who had and who now has authority to make decisions?
10/2 directive... covert activities originate within the CIA Allen Dulles/William H. Jackson/Mathias Correa - The 10/2 comittee Truman said the greatest mistake of his presidency - signing into law the creation of CIA Definitions: OCB, OPC 5412 "Special Group" - Allen Dulles circumventing the law The Gulf of Tonkin incident: An example of "Kick under the table"
'Directive' operations have now been supplanted by 'Reactive'
The assets of the military co-ordinated by CIA Stated and unstated roles: The letter of the law as opposed to 'accepted custom'
Show #372
Original airdate: May 1, 2008
Guest: Dr. Cyril Wecht, Jim Fetzer Jim Douglass
Topics: Wecht Trial - JFK Assassination Research - World
Interview Audio - Part One Dr Cyril Wecht
About Wecht's last trial
Since the last interview with Ben Wecht, Several jurors spoke on the air about the trial
The Pittsburgh Tribune reports twice on the juror interviews Here and Here
The jurors were clearly for aquittal - "A new trial would be costly and futile"
The Judge scheduled a new trial anyway
On the charges against Cyril Wecht; At best they were accounting errors
It was clearly a "political" prosecution
The prosecution's witnesses made the case for the defense.
The defense rested without arguement
$10 to $20 million spent up to now on this case for what amounts to a few $20 anomalies
He calls for letters to several influential people explaining outrage for this political persecution
The same biased judge will try the retrial - Motions to recuse him have understandably been filed
Mary Beth Buchanan is the Federal Attorney prosecuting this case
Mary Beth Buchanan was the Director of the Executive Office of US Attorneys when last year's Federal Attorney firing's occured
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim Fetzer
The death of Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the DC Madame - A quick conclusion of suicide ??
Palfrey news Here and Here
Brandy Brittain, a Call Girl who had worked for Palfrey, died a year ago, also suicide ??
CIA Officer, Roland Vincent Carnaby, shot by police in Houston for speeding after car chase
The Houston Chronicle on this story Here
Concern of a parallel attack on the north west US during a military exercise a la 9/11 Here
Jim recommends the book 'The Shell Game' by Steve Alten An explanation of False Flag attacks
The status of 'the police state' - Using federal 'anti-terrorist' funds and tactics to capture criminals
Massachusetts police instilling greater fear in the public... All black uniforms
Interview Audio - Part Three Jim Douglass
Further coverage of Jim's book 'JFK and the Unspeakable', Chapter 2
Interview dedicated to Memphis News Anchor Wendell Stacey
the victim of numerous break-ins, a car explosion and died mysteriously last August
Jim want's again to dedicate these interviews to Stacey for his investigation into the MLK trial
The attitude of Nikita Kruschev toward John Kennedy
Letter writing between Kennedy and Kruschev began a year before the Cuban Missile Crisis
Enemies but had come to an understanding of each other with similar goals of peace
The CIA were antagonizing the Russians and Kennedy stopped this at the request of Kruschev
The Riley Coffee Company - Lee Harvey Oswald was apparently employed there
Bill Riley was a staunch cold warrior and Oswald wasn't known to have done any work there
Jim calls Oswald an active subverter of Kennedy's policy
Calling Oswald a "RED" - CIA was instigating cold war tension to attack Cuba and the USSR
The intricacies of cold war politics between CIA people, Kennedy and Kruschev
McGeorge Bundy... a person that needs more investigation
Oswald likely never went to Mexico City. The CIA was setting up backstories everywhere
This book has now been released at Orbis Books.
It's a very good book
Show #371
Original airdate: April 24, 2008
Guest: Mark Sobel, Dr. Robert Joling, Pat Valentino,
Topics: RFK/JFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Mark Sobel Progress on Mark's upcoming film "The Commission"
He has a 'sister film' called "RFK: A Personal Quest For Truth" on the film festival circuit
How he got to RFK from his original work, The Commission
How the survivors have been changed by the RFK assassination
No one that was there was asked how far the muzzle was from RFK's head
The pertinant questions just weren't asked
RFK is what Emilio Estevez's Bobbie should've been
The 'girl in the polkadot dress' and Sirhan's apparent hypnosis
Mark's hope is that The State of California will finally re-investigate this case
The witnesses were intimidated to change their stories
It will be shown next at the Newport Beach Film Festival Apr 28 at 11:30
Mark's website: Follow the RFK links for more info
The Commission is already an award winner (IFP Market Award Best Emerging Film)
Mark sees the need for a "good" distributor to make this film go viral
Sirhan's amnesia needs to be thoroughly investigated
The truth is locked in him and needs to come out
Robert Blair Kaiser's book, RFK Must Die is to be reprinted in May
Sirhan isthe most suggestable subjects the experts had ever seen
There is very strong evidence that perjury was committed in the Sirhan trial
On 9/11 Sirhan was put into solitary confinement and accused of having involvement
Sirhan's afraid of prison retaliation and refuses to leave
Interview Audio - Part One - Dr Robert Joling At a meeting with Thomas Naguchi, Robert Joling learned the official RFK story was wrong
His research began less than a year after RFK's death
Robert's investigative attempts ran into a brick wall with the LAPD
All of the research that could be confirmed proved contrary to the official story
Kennedy shot 4 times and 5 others were shot = 9 bullets
Sirhan's Ivor Johnson revolver held only 8 bullets
No fewer than 6 of the shots had to come from behind Kennedy
Sirhan was always in front of him
The RFK "Magic Bullet Theory" falls apart very easily
Robert met Phil VanPraag just a year ago and compared notes
Their collective research has become a book "An Open And Shut Case"
Their RFK findings are the first opposing view to make the major media
Conclusion: Sirhan DID NOT and he COULD NOT have shot Robert Kennedy
Joling leans toward the view that the LAPD did a terrible job of the investigation
His view is that the LAPD is guilty of bad investigation, not conspiracy
The evidence as presented by the LAPD is so unreliable as to be useless
Joling and VanPraag use only facts to prove their case
They've tried their best to stay away from speculation and conspiracy theory
They have an upcoming TV documentary based on their findings
Interview Audio - Part Three - Pat Valentino
Pat presents a Mark Lane interview from May 1968 (just after MLK's assassination)
This was a rebuttal to a previous interview after the release of 'Rush To Judgement'
This is a clip from a larger interview
Oswald was an FBI spy
The FBI receives the "Attempt to kill Kennedy" telex before the assassination
The FBI destroy's the "Attempt to kill Kennedy" telex shortly after it
Abraham Bolden told Mark Lane of the Chicago Plot
Bolden spen several years incarcerated on trumped up charges
Evidence of the beginning of the coverup
The current state of the statement "innocent until proven guilty"
Nancy DisGrace and the Duke University trial
The attempted Cyril Wecht railroading
Pat's working on the address Clay Shaw made at Moorpark College
Download The
Chicago Plot in PDF format, an early Edwin Black magazine article
Show #370
Original airdate: April 17, 2008
Guest: Walt Brown, Jim DiEugenio, Ben Wecht, Jim Fetzer,
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Walt Brown
Walt's website, Deep
Master Analytic Chronology: The Death of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963 He talks about this amazing comprehensive 2.5 year work
5800 pages, 20,000 photographs and 2.2 million words Walt dicusses a few points including the apparent shooter's nest
JD Tippet The strange story surrounding the autopsy Oswald's everywhere and they make themselves noticed Oswald did not teach himself Russian Brown contends Oswald could not have spoken Russian About several other authors/researchers The real researchers don't make a good living on the JFK assassination The morphing gun: Enfield to Mauser to garbage (Mannlicher Carcano) Walt's work will not be locked away
Copywrite for Brown's work to be released a year after his death, that researchers continue the work
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
Jim gives a review of the book "JFK and the Unspeakable" written by Jim Douglass Very well written and researched with very good sources
Jim quotes a few paragraphs to show how JFK understood Cuban problems
Castro's comments upon hearing of Kennedy's death
Douglass agrees with Prouty that JFK was pulling out of Vietnam
He gets there from a different direction
Douglass contends that McNamara actually wanted to accellerate the Vietnam withdrawl
This book puts you right in the action of the day
Henry Cabot Lodge was not Kennedy's first choice
JFK has many people pulling the rug out from under him Lodge gives Ngo Diem's location to Luc Conein... insuring The Diems'
Jim calls this the best book in years on JFK The recent CNN special on the MLK assassination James Earl Ray turns up in several places at the same time a la Lee Harvey Oswald The rifle problems Blocking attempts to reopen the case A few words about Lloyd Jowers A bundle dropped infront of a store implicating Ray: A setup thru & thru The general consensus; "This was just another lone nutter did it" show
Interview Audio - Part Three - Ben Wecht
Un update on the trial of his father, Cyril Wecht A mistrial on the first try, it will be retried The trial is about the misuse of funds by Cyril Wecht This looks to be one office holder targetting a Democratic office holder The motivation looks to be purely political Cost so far: over a million dollars on unfounded charges Also the $1,000,000 is spent over a dollar amount of about $100,000 The "cadavers for space" charge is proven totally unfounded The FBI looks to be contacting witnesses, possibly with the idea of re-laying charges... A witch hunt Many of the counts are very frivelous - Amounts of as little as $4 A list of credentials of Cyril Wecht
Interview Audio - Part Four - Jim Fetzer
Jim's books are listed at the Black Op Products page or at Assassination
Jim just got back fro a 'Taking Back Your Freedom" rally in Washington Ron Paul and his admirable stance on rights Speakers were Russel Means, Ron Paul, Jim Fetzer and MC, Dave VonKleist 9/11 zeitgeist: Palestinians cheeringas if they were watching it... It was just old footage The FBI has no hard evidence Osama Bin Laden was involved in 9/11 Osama has never even been on the FBI's 10 most wanted list The NeoCons, Oil, Israel and the WTC Israeli pipelines to carry Iraqi oil?
The missing billions and still they ask for more Obama seems to be the most promising candidate as far as Iraqi withdrawl The long list of US/Israeli dual citizens in power Jim notes the last time the Angel of death (Dick Cheney)visited the Middle East, Iraq was attacked Cheney just visited the Middle East again. Is this a signal Iran is next?
Jim reiterates, Iran gave up the bomb in 2002 Several Israeli's watched 9/11 from a nearby rooftop They stated they were there to witness the destruction of the WTC Saudi Arabia is now preparing for an influx of nuclear radiation...
Iran maybe?
Jim recommends a book by Steve Alten, "The Shell Game" available at Amazon
The rediculous ABC Democrat Debate... menial, trivial questions.
Show #369
Original airdate: April 10, 2008
Guest: Col L Fletcher Prouty, Phil Van Praag, James W. Douglass
Topics: JFK and the Unspeakable...
Interview Audio - Part One - Col. Fletcher Prouty
The 'Tramp' pictures - Several strange anomalies!
Retired General Ed Lansdale in the first photo
Prouty sends the pictures out to several aquaintences for analysis
They came back with the same answer - "That's Ed Lansdale"
The timing of the New Zealand news story
Interview Audio - Part Two - Phil VanPraag
Phil begins by mentioning Dr Robert Joling and their conference lecture
THe mainstream media has finally become interested in the RFK evidence
Van Praag and Joling have written a book "An Open & Shut Case"
The reviews are very good
Points of evidence that prove Sirhan couldn't have fired the fatal shot
New discovery: A 1600htz slice shows a number of spikes affecting just 5 shots
This "second gun" was facing Sirhan
the gun likely used was owned by Thane Eugene Caesar
Caesar was hired security in the hotel
He's thought to be living in the Phillipines
The main point of their research is that Sirhan could not and did not fire the fatal shot
Interview Audio - Part Three - Jim Douglass
This will be the first of several interviews regarding this great book
Jim was a Professor of Theology in Honolulu when MLK was shot
He was teaching the theology of peace
He was challenged to join a student protest group
This marked the beginning of his life of non violence
He was the only reporter to follow the entire MLK trial
Jim dedicates these interviews to Wendell Stacey, also mentioned here
Douglass insinuates a less than natural death for Mr Stacey
Jim misunderstood JFK until after his assassination
Thomas Murton, a monk wrote Raids on the Unspeakable
Douglass' title was out of respect for this man
JFK & 'turning'
Ch 1: A Cold Warrior Turns
Jim observes that JFK, had been near death several times in his life
Because of this, he seemed ready to give his life for peace
He came to office as a 'Cold Warrior' and went out as a peace maker
Kennedy's political pressures. He was alone
How Kruschev came to help Kennedy
Kennedy prepares NASA for co-operation with the USSR
Jim calls Kennedy the author of his own political problems
JFK then 'turns' and withdraws from cold war thinking
Show #368
Original airdate: April 3 2008,
Guest: Pat Valentino, Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK/RFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Pat Valentino Audio of news coverage showing Sirhan did not shoot RFK
This evidence was discovered by Phil Van Praag and Robert Joling
They came up with their results independantly and only recently met and compared notes
Phil Van Praag was interviewed in Black Op Show #334 - Aug 9, 2007
Pat gives kudos to Lynn Mangan for her encyclopaedic RFK research
Len interviewed her late 2006 Black Op Show #298
Robert Blair Kaiser's book RFK Must Die is another great RFK resource
Kaiser was interviewed on Feb 1, 2007 Black Op show #307
Most evidence has been available for many years and it is only now making the news
About Coroner, Thomas Naguchi
Audio of the first reporter (Hal Fishman) to show The Zapruder Film in 1969
A refreshing report untainted by today's 'opinion network' reporting
3 segments are featured
1, A detailed explanation of the Zapruder Film as it's shown on network TV
2, A report on Jim Garrison's evidence requests
3, An early expert opinion on the Zapruder Film by a few criminology professors
The interviewer asks the Professors' opinions of where the shots came from
There is a mixed reaction leaning toward rear shots but not ruling out frontal shots
Of course most of us have seen the film and we must each come up with our own conclusions
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim Fetzer
Jim reads fromThe Warrant Report by Tim Madigan
It's About 3 early philosophers on the JFK assassination
Bertrand Russel noted there must be two Oswalds to explain the official story News about The Princess Dianna crash Jessie Ventura's awakening to 9/11 discrepencies
He was prompted by his son to watch Loose Change
About Jessie Ventura's show and it's demise
Jim relates many points Jessie made about 9/11
Ventura's points on JFK and RFK
Cheney's visit to the Middle East
The pending catastrophe.... if America nukes Iran
A massive Civil Defense drill from Apr 6th to the 10th in Israel
This could be the pretext moment for the Iranian war
Jim talks about serious problems with Russia should America attack Iran
Jim reads from this article from Asia Times online About the actual American death count in Iraq... upwards of 70,000?
Commentary on Hillary and Obama but not on McCain
Show #367
Original airdate: March 20 2008,
Guest: Jim Fetzer, John Judge
Topics: RFK Research / Copa
Interview Audio - Part One - Jim Fetzer
Jim reads a new article about RFK's assassination
New evidence that second shooter killed Robert Kennedy
Evidence suggests Sirhan never fired the fatal shot, if any
Shot from behind & Sirhan was always in front
The evidence was presented by Phil Van Praag and Robert Joling
They came to their conclusions independantly and only began collaborating recently
Phil Van Praag was interviewed here on Black Op Aug 9, 2007 (Show #334)
Security Guard, Thane Eugene Caesar was likely the assassin.
Evidence puts Caesar in the right place at the right time and he owned and carried a pistol
Jim RFK's pending reopening of the JFK case may have killed him
He recommends Brad Ayers' book "The Zenith Secret"
You can get it at Vox Pop online
Current events: Jim talks about an Iran attack by the USA
The premise for invading Iran?... Iran developing Nukes
The truth?... Iran gave up Nuclear development in 2003
The Angel of Death (Dick Cheney) visits the middle East
International rules on pre-emptive attack
A talk about the slowdown of information on 9/11
Jim lists off many truth organizations and their contributions
Dirty Dick says "So What" when prompted about the popular opposition to war policy
McCain's verbal faux pas over Al Qaida and Iraq
Public opinion over recent abrasive comments by Obama's minister
The trumped-up geneologies of the candidates
Jim worries about a US nuclear attack on Iran and Iran's ability to oppose
The word is 70,000 casualties in Iraq
The numbers have been fudged to show just 4,000
Interview Audio - Part Two - John Judge
The COPA conferences in Memphis and Dallas and Los Angeles
This is the 40th anniversary of the RFK and the MLK assassinations
The conference will feature a great list of prominent experts
More info and conference shedules can be found here
9/11 testimony that was taken while not under oath
WWII Nazi historians amending history in America
John Judge's opinion of 9/11 - several facts that prove the official story is a farce
40 percent of American's believe Bush was responsible in some way for 9/11
How much more will it take before people become outraged enough to do something?
Did they kill the public's hope when they killed JFK, RFK & MLK?
Suicides of American Service People are up 600 percent
John talks about the possible results of America using nuclear weapons in Iran
John talks about the possibility of live streaming the Memphis COPA conference
Show #366
Original airdate: March 20 2008,
Guest: Jim DiEugenio, Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Jim DiEugenio
A bit about last week's Steve Allen/Jim Garrison interview
Bob Dornan aka B29 Bob - 'Dis-informationalist'
Bringing up Calley & Mi Lai was to muddy the waters in the interview
Mort Sahl was asked to do a hatchet job on Garrison
For interest's sake Mort Sahl's website
Once he found out Jim was an honest man, he couldn't
Sahl took up the anti-Warren Report cause
He was essentially blackballed in the entertainment world after that
The Johnny Carson/Jim Garrison interview
Carson was fully scripted and very uncomfortable
Garrison was the man who started the
The obstruction of Garrison
CIA interference causing documents to me ignored
Sergio Arcacha-Smith et al & Dealy Plaza sewer system maps
The media deception
The CIA, The media and Clay Shaw
Judge Herbert Christenberry, Clay Shaw and the Shaw trial
The devastating Charles Spiesel testimony
Jim feels the Shaw case had gone south long before the Spiesel bomb
The Warren Commission Report was ruled 'hearsay' and inadmissable as evidence
Bernardo De Torres infiltrated Garrison's investigation before it started
Garrison's investigation and the Stolen documents
Jim's impression of the Shaw Jurors
The jurors were the ones that wanted to see the Z film over and over
Jim Garrison's book'On The Trail Of The Assassins'
Bill Davies book 'Let Justice Be Done'
James W Douglass' upcoming book 'JFK And The Unspeakable'
Jim says Douglass is writing a trilogy of books
The book subjects will be JFK, MLK and RFK
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim Fetzer
David Kaiser's book 'The Road To Dallas'...another "Oswald & Mafia-did-it" diatribe
Josiah Thompson
Jim cites several titles that obfuscate the Kaiser book
Jim rcommends for more information
Low level employees of the government are accessing Sen. Obama's passport history
The same thing happened to Bill Clinton
Joe DeGenova calls this acess a possible felony crime
The Obama 'racism speech'and his pastor
Commentary on Pastor Wright's speech
Jim says everything the pastor stated has a basis in fact
The sad state of the economy
Dissilusioned with Hillary
Show #365
Original airdate: March 13 2008,
Guest: Mark Lane
Topics: JFK Assassination Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Mark Lane
Suing Vince Bugliosi... but publicity may have helped sell more of his awful book
The US Government's last word is that there WAS a conspiracy in JFK's death
LBJ (Who appointed the members to the Warren Commission) believed there was a conspiracy
Oswald was divulging his government connections during unrecorded 48 hrs in custody
There was no evidence Oswald ever visited Mexico City
The voice of Oswald in Mexico City was proven to be of someone else
The Mexico City bus ticket planted by Pricilla Johnston of the CIA
Max Holland is always pulled out to give Kennedy history on PBS and network TV
Max Holland professional CIA disinformationalist: Search for Max Holland
Oct 3rd 1963 Arthur Krock article
Oct 2nd 1963 Richard Starnes artilcle
Richard Starnes artilcle outs CIA station chief John H. Richardson
About Norman Mailer - Booze and drugs reduced Mailer's ability to write
About E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis
Marita Lorenz' JFK story... Gerry Patrick Hemming confirms the story
Lane worries that Obama may meet JFK's fate if elected
Captain Dreyfuss' case as a model to which the American government needs to aspire
Lane gives a few words of admiration for the late William F Buckley, words he won't give PBS
Interview Audio - Part Two - Pat Valentino Disscussion regarding rare audio files
Pricilla Johnston and Marina Oswald on the Tom Snyder Show Mark Lane's shabby treatment on the Jenny Jones Show
Pat sets up the next segment: Jim Garrison on the Steve Allen Show
A couple of Liberal deeds by uber-conservative, Robert K. Dornan
He asks us to take note of Steve Allen's treatment of Jim Garrison
About Robert Stone's misleading documentary
Erasures Karl Rove's emails now Oswald's 48 hours then
JFK never sent combat troops to Vietnam. They were sent in by LBJ
Pat again recommends John Newman's book JFK
& Vietnam(Amazon)
About COPA, ASK and Lancer conferences Pat talks about a segment of Oliver Stone's JFK
Interview Audio - Part Three - Jim Garrison Jim Garrison on the Steve Allen Show with Mort Sahl & Robert K. Dornan
Steve Allen takes an informal poll of his audience on their belief in the Warren Report
Jim explains how he became involved in the JFK assassination
David Ferrie's drive to Dallas on the assassination weekend to go "ice skating"
Jim leaves us wondering when he talks about the imminent danger before LBJ is innaugurated
After the innauguration the danger magically dissipates... an inference that LBJ was involved
Garrison turned Ferrie over to the FBI... and they had no interest
Garrison met with Sen. Russell Long that started his comprehensive interest in the assassination
About the directions of the shots
Bethesda, Dr Humes and the illegal removal of JFK's corpse from Dallas
A Military General interfered with the autopsy
Steve gets Jim's comments on a 1966 Time Magazine article
Robert Dornan presses Garrison about the 60's political assassinations
Garrison answers coherently and concisely while being berated by Dornan
Mort Sahl explains Kennedy was removed for a reason
Dornan tries to twist a quote and Garrison straightens it out
Garrison points out JFK never sent combat troops to Vietnam, "only advisors"
JFK predicted America's loss in Vietnam should America begin to fight there
Dornan pulls out facts and figures to make his points and blames Kennedy for Vietnam
Steve Allen and Bob Dornan discuss William Calley and the Mi Lai Massacre
Mort Sahl Comments; The Green Beret's were formed as a freedom force by Kennedy
Their mandate was changed by the people who killed Kennedy
Garrison talks about Kennedy was going to remove all troops from Vietnam by 1965
He tells us this is what, primarily was the trigger that killed Kennedy
Dornan says he doesn't think they would send American men to Vietnam to die
Garrison interjects with "Well then, how did they get over there?" to the applause of the audience
Several points showing the media is beginning to believe the Warren Report was a fraud
When and why did the media go back to sleep?
Dornan asks the direct question "Did the CIA kill Kennedy?" Garrison answers "Of course"
A few Kennedy quotes showing further that he objected to US involvement in Vietnam
Show #364
Original airdate: March 6, 2008
Guest: Tom Bowden, Jim DiEugenio, Jim Fetzer, Tom Mercer
Topics: The Conspiracy Museum, Uncivil Liberties
Interview Audio - Part One - Tom Bowden
Tom is the president of The Conspiracy Museum
The Museum, opened in 1994, was in it's original location in Dallas for 13 years and was recently forced to close
Tom is negotiating with a local university to archive the museum's materials
How Tom became interested in the various conspiracies listed in the museum
Bowden wrote a book, JFK: The Last Witness, and it was published in 7 languages but not in english
He has displayed The "Jack Ruby" gun and the so-called "Second Gun"(RFK), at various times
Trouble with the 6th floor Museum - Gary Mack doesn't like competition
A lack of cohesiveness in the assassination community
Working in the LBJ Presidential Library looking, not at LBJ's materials, but at the materials of his aides
Billy Sol Estes
Tom doesn't believe the Zapruder Film was altered
About Dallas DA, Wade
He gives his reasons why he doesn't believe the LBJ party never happened
Dallas underworld people and drugs
James Files - probably a hoax
Judith Vary Baker - probably a friend of Oswald but not a factor in any aspect of the assassination
The museum had a varied spectrum of conspiracy subjects but did not cover 9/11
Tom talks about the inevitable secrecy involved in assassinations
Gary Hemmings, Frank Sturgis
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
The recent release of a hoard (some 15,000 pages) of JFK documents by the Dallas DA
These documents were never made public but there were at least 4 occasions when legally, they should have been
This DA is the best chance if ever there was one to try the JFK case
About Stanislav Pruszynski and the RFK assassination
Jim tells the story (with video) and Pruszynski is mentioned here
The Pruszynski audio is then analyzed by Phil VanPraag (interviewed in Black Op Show #334 - Aug 9, 2007)
VanPraag found at least 10 shots, probably 13 shots. Sirhan's gun held only 8 shots...
...Meaning there was at least one other gunman in the pantry
the shots are too close together to have been fired by one hand
4 or 5 of the shots have a unique wave fingerprint, possibly making the location of the shooter(s) known
The apparent Oswald 'sniper's nest' was very small. Too small to have been used
Upcoming book by David Kaiser. A book stating The 'Mafia' did it... rediculous!
Upcoming book JFK and the Unspeakable by Jim Douglas
DiEuginio is currently reading the galley proofs of Douglas' book and it looks like a good one
Douglas' book shows lots of new evidence
The book by Dan Muldea 'Conspiracy & Coverup' ... Terrible, Awful, On par with Gerald Pozner's book
The John Christian & William Turner book 'The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy' - If you only read one book on RFK, this should be it!
The Christian & Turner book: "The best book ever published on the RFK assassination" - Jim DiEuginio
Jim's book reviews can be found at Probe Magazine
Probe will have a Mark Lane review of the Bugliosi book
Interview Audio - Part Three - Jim Fetzer
Jim's opinion on the Robert Stone Black Op interview
Stone is either incredibly diabolical and clever or incredibly naieve and massively ignorant
Stone used Josiah Thompson whose work was superceded completely within two years
Jim runs through a string of evidentiary points that completely refute Stone's story in 'Oswald's Ghost'
The difference between a Carbine and a Rifle (The Mannlicher Carcano was a Carbine)
The Federal Reserve order 0110011
Several reasons why JFK might have been murdered
Discoveries by several experts of a great many anomalies in the JFK assassination
Jim explains at least 7 shots at the JFK motorcade
The discredited 'Neutron Activation' evidence
The current political race
Hillary, Obama and a bit of McCain
Interview Audio - Part Four - Tom Mercer
A brief bio and how he began in film making
Tom gives a brief overview of his new film "Uncivil Liberties"
It's set in the near future
A fictional story showing the dangers of giving up civil liberties in favor of apparent safety
The goodness of bad and the badness of good
The film is intentionally set in a gray area where it's unclear who are the good guys and who are the bad guys
Production took from 2001 to 2007
9/11: looks like a false-flag operation
The fil is available on DVD at the Uncivil Liberties - Official Website
Show #363
Original airdate: Feb 28, 2008
Guest: Pat Valentino
Topic: JFK Research
Interview Audio - Part One - Pat Valentino William F. Buckley's death Feb 27th 2008 - The main voice of conservatism
Like him or not, a fair interviewer who was always fun to watch
Last week's interview with Robert Stone struck a painful chord with many listeners
Stone's 6th floor epiphany - Pat calls it 'silly'
His epiphany ignores the known and accepted facts
David Lifton was one of the very first dissenting voices
Pat should know. He has worked with Lifton for roughly 30 years!
Stone alluded to a palm print found on the rifle (Found later by the Dallas PD).
The Warren Commission "statements" prove there were no prints found
About Norman Mailer's early review of Mark Lane's "Rush To Judgement"
Pat praises Jim Garrison for his Johnny Carson interview ( Black Op Archive 214 from 2005)
Comparing the original TV journalists. Cronkite, Lehrer etc
Stone and CE399 left over lead still in Connelly's body.
He calls the bullet "deformed" yet we know it to be all but undamaged
As a great source Len recommends Jim Garrison's "On The Trail Of The Assassins"
A 'preface' to the Mark Lane & William F Buckley interview
Len & Pat tentatively arrange to have another audio from Pat's collection every two weeks!
Interview Audio - Part Two - Mark Lane & William F. Buckley Rare interview from 1966 William F. Buckley Nov 24 1925 - Feb 27 2008
Buckley starts by asking Lane why the forces that he has written about haven't assassinated him
Both men are very articulate in their discourse... a refreshing interview style
Lane explains points he has investigated and Buckley, primarily answers in terms of left/right political inferences
Because JFK was assassinated, Hoover's resignation, at the very least should've been called for
Had Oswald lived, he could not have been proven guilty in a court of law
Oswald could not have received the Mannlicher Carcano because he was not Alek Heidell. USPS regulations would have prohibited Oswald from receiving Heidell's property. The Warren Commission wormed around this point
Lane kills the Warren testimony that says the frst shot "ripped through Kennedy's adam's apple" JFK could not have said "My god I'm hit" as was heard and stated by witnesses
A talk about the Magic Bullet trajectory. Lane states the facts and Buckley clouds the issue
The interview brings back the mood of the Johnny Carson/Jim Garrison interview
Mention of the 7.65 Mauser found at Dealy Plaza and the Dallas Police
The relevency of Jack Riby and how the Dallas police had to have helped him
an accusatory exchange of what Lane and Buckley deem relevent in the case
Who Lane and Buckley would've liked to have seen on the Warren Commission
Show #362
Original airdate: Feb 21, 2008
Guests: Robert Stone
Topic: Oswalds Ghost
Interview Audio - Part One - Robert Stone
Oswald's Ghost website
Robert Stone website
IMDB reviews of the film DVD page
Describes journey to write the script
turning point was ephinfany at the Sixth Floor
Says knowing Oswald's psycology he didn't want to kill JFK - it was sign from God...
Says there is nothing no sigle piece of evidence that disproves Lee Oswald as killer
Could not figure out conspirators point of view, why they would do this?
Dealey Plaza too complex for conspiracy... couldn't figure it out
People don't vote as a result of distrust of government since Nov 22/63
Thinks CE399 is "not quite pristine" but came from a carcano
Asks "where are all the other bullets?"
Says debate can be solved in 15 minutes
Lead Fragments removed from Connally CE567 CE 569 CE 840 CE 842 CE 843
Believes George de Mohrenschilt was debriefing Oswald for the CIA
Not making a movie about the assassination - the impact on the sixties
Calls David Lifton a "Johnny come lately"
Says "the basic nub of the debate has not changed since the 1960's"
Film has to be a story, not a litany of facts.
Bothered by complaints that he is a CIA asset... He sincerely believes Lee shot JFK
Books on the subject seem to contridicts each other
"My film is not an investigation - its a history of the investigation... nobody pays attention to the new stuff"
"Nothing, Nothing, Nothing has come up in 44 years"
Bullet went "through" Connally's knee so it has to be in the car
Says he was fair with interviews he presented.
Keeps asking for one example Len replies for "the tenth time" CE399...
Feels "The Left" has been derailed by "The Right"... - get out and vote.
Zapruder film
Speculation: Commentary Of Oliver Stone
Interview Audio - Part Two - Jim DiEugenio
Jim and Len converse about Robert Stone
Jim made several pages of notes on that interview which he relates
He calls Stone's bullet theory a "very slick trick"
Talk about the single bullet theory and why Stone, with his point of view, has to believe it... although he doesn't seem to
Kennedy's bullet wounds prove there had to be guns from other directions, certainly not from above
Jim says Stone used all the wrong books and a known disinformationalist as a co-author, Lawrence Schiller
About the release of a cache of JFK memorabilia in Dallas this past week
Jim: "Why wasn't this material released to the AARB?"
A study about the RFK assassination at the Acadamy of Forensic Sciences by Phil Van Praag and Robert Joling
JFK's head wound location and Gerald Ford's 'moving' of the location of it
About Robert Stone's (mis)treatment of Jim Garrison and others
Show #361
Original airdate: Feb 14, 2008
Guests: Professor Donald W Scott
Topic: Guantanamo
Interview Audio - Part One Donald Scott
In 2002, a young (13 yrs old) Omar Khadr, born in Toronto, was taken by his father to Pakistan then to Afghanistan where he sat in the company
of Osama Bin Laden
Pre-9/11, Bin Laden and his group were aware that America was looking for an excuse to invade Afghanistan
America was having a hard time finding an excuse and then 9/11...
The morning of 9/11, just1 hour after the attacks, Rumsfeld was already prepared to hit 27 targets within Afghanistan. This level of planning
reqires a year's lead time
Omar Khadr's brother and father were killed and another brother paralyzed in the early bombing
Omar was captured, taken to Guantanamo and tortured
The case against Khadr was thrown out by a military judge in the US but the charges wer re-laid
The case against Khadr: For 6 years he was purported to have thrown a hand grenade at his attackers, killing an American sargent
The truth: A recent document inadvertently released proves Khadr was captured when he was found sitting on the ground peaceably facing away
from his captors, facing a wall
Khadr's friend, sitting with him was shot through the head, killing him. Khadr was shot twice and left for dead. Neither posed a threat to their
Being one of the few early witnesses left, the reason for re-laying charges against Khadr is to shut him up and prevent the truth from coming out
about 9/11
Guantanamo detainees are routinely tortured until they confess to anything their captors want them to Prof Scott tells us about former Guantanamo guard-cum-author, Erik Saar and an American author accused of murder, William Sampson,
detained by the 'Saudis who were trained in torture techniques by the CIA'.
Saar's book is Inside
Wire. Samson's book is Inside the Wire.Confessions of an Innocent Man, both at Amazon Scott, like so many others shows that America planned and carried out the attacks on 9/11as an excuse to attack Afghanistan The Canadian government, even after knowing the truth, at this point is still not acting to repatriate Khadr, an innocent in this story Prof. Scott calls Pime Minister Harper(Canada) and his Ministers as well as the opposition Ministers "The gutless wonders of the world" for doing
absolutely nothing on this issue
Donald Scott's and William Scott's new book AIDS: The Crime Beyond Belief available for $45.95 + $4 p&h(paperback) or $49.95 + $4
Order this great book at CCMRF PO Box 133 Stn. B, Sudbury Ont. P3E 4N5
The latest flavour of the month concerning 9/11: Bin Laden not involved. 6 Afghanis planned and carried it out. Another bulls**t story
Donald's Bi-monthly "Common Cause" newsletter is available at the same address as above for $50 per year
Donald Scott at the Studio 2007 (windows media video)
Video part one
Video part two
Show #360
Original airdate: Feb 07, 2008
Guests: John Judge, Jim DiEugineo, Jim Fetzer
Topic: Copa and Oswalds Ghost
Interview Audio - Part One John Judge
COPA - Coalition on Political Assassinations
40th anniversary of the MLK / RFK assassination, 43rd for Malcom X, and 45th for JFK
COPA, RFK for '08 can't be held at the Ambassador Hotel - hotel has been torn down
A live broadcast of COPA from Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom Feb 21, 08.
A great list of guests
There will be a live phone-in during the broadcast so you can ask your questions
April 3 to 6, 2008 the second COPA confrence will be in Memphis Tenn.
Judge Joe Brown will attend as a speaker
About Judge Brown and Dr Pepper and their attempts to have a fair trial for James Earl Ray
Many great guests will attend this confrence as well
June 6 to 8, 2008 COPA conference will be held in Los Angeles
More details for these conferences will be found here as they become
Oswald's Ghost
About Josiah Thompson and a few other people
A little about cover stories relating to Lee Harvey Oswald in the USSR
Interview Audio - Part Two Jim DiEugenio
Jim's critique of Oswald's Ghost
material was shown or omitted selectively - some interviewees involved in disinformation
Max Holland, Hugh Ainsworth & Edward Epstein
Hugh Ainsworth, the perpetual plant... Quite a history
Ainsworth as a legitimate researcher instead of the disinformationalist he is
Car horns as signals to shoot Oswald?
JFK, Oswald and Gen Walker
"Breach of Trust" as the best treatment he's seen of the Gen. Walker shooting
Write in and let Len know whether or not you would like to hear Robert Stone as a guest
The likelihood of "reverse trajectory momentum" on the Magic Bullet, CE399
About bullet wound/ballistics expert Dr Joseph Dolce... left out of Oswald's Ghost
Arlen Specter the Liar
Why George DeMohrenschildt was left out of Oswald's Ghost
Interview Audio - Part Three Jim Fetzer
More on Oswald's Ghost
Josiah Thompson's book 6 Seconds in Dallas published in 1967
Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement published in 1966
Much has been learned since and completely ignored in Oswald's ghost
Jim talks about conspiracy
He directs us to his JFK Research site for more information
Clinton, Obama, Voting Machines
Bill Clinton, Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter
Shaquille O'Neill traded to Phoenix Suns Jim Fetzer's new team will now be the Sun's
Show #359
Original airdate: Jan 31, 2008
Guests: Michael Parenti, Greg Burham
Topic: Author and speaker on American empire and globalism
Interview Audio - Part One
- Michael Parenti
Political Scientist, Michael Parenti's website
Michael is a prolific author, writing more than 20 books and numerous articles
He devotes the bulk of his time to writing and speaking on corporatism
Government serves corporation under the guise of freedom, peace & other phoney buzzwords
His most recent book is Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader
We want a world where the ordinary people want prosperity, equality and freedom.
They want a world where the top 1% own the lion's share of the world's wealth
The growth in prosperity in America is based primarily on hedge fund style investments
Information on the bankrupting of America by the Whitehouse in the last 8 years
Michael says the national debt not only affects our children and grandchildren, it affects us NOW
The ignoring of serious environmental issues is a grave flaw in recent political policy
The Air Car website
A good commentary on how Liberalism has been demonized
Republicans : Each one trying to show how he's more like Ronald Reagan
When Reagan came in - national debt $800 billion, after national debt $2 trillion.
After Bush Sr. and Bush Jr., the national debt exceeds $6 trillion
The Republicans preach fiscal frugality and budgetary restraint while spending like wildmen
How the foreign policies are linked domestic policies, and the spending programs are linked to the ideology
"Marvelous changes have been happening down there(Venezuela). All of them for the better."
more than 30% of the people over 65 in America have no teeth. Chavez has a much better record and getting better.
The elite in Venezuela hate Chavez, because the money spent on the poor would otherwise be siphoned off by the rich.
this is contrary to the profiteering ideology of the elite.
Chavez is constantly vilified in the press, even by people one would think should be approving of his policies
Electronic voting fraud: the districts Kerry lost in during the last election, 2004, directly correlated with the use of touchscreen voting.
In 2004 there was a concerted effort to suppress the Democratic vote.
Just as in 2000, the Democrats were projected winners and still lost
common currencies (the Amero, Euro) serve to ratchet down the rights and wages in richer countries and elevates the rights of property. Above all else
Interview Audio - Part Two
- Greg Burnham
Discussion of the passing of Gerry Patrick Hemming
Gerry Patrick Hemming was recruited about the age of 15.
Hemming' s mentioned on more CIA documents than any other name, some 8000 documents in the JFK collection alone.
Gerry may or may not have had much to do with the assassination of JFK, but still his name is so commonly linked on paper He was troubled to talk about many of the CIA operations and subjects he had knowledge about.
he was a patriot, and he served his country well in the Marine Corps and as an intelligence operative and he held up well under the strictest scrutiny
Noel Twyman's "Bloody Treason" is not only a great history of the JFK assassination, it contains much information from Gerry Patrick Hemming
A biography of Hemming at Spartacus
His obituary at The Fayetteville Observer
Show #358
Original airdate: Jan 24, 2008
Guests: Ernie Fitzgerald, David Ratcliffe, John Judge,
Greg Burham, Andy Hill, Anita Langley
Topic: Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Interview Audio - Part One
- John Judge
Col. Prouty "an important critic of the official JFK story"
How John met Col. Prouty
Prouty's work was most often suppressed in the general media
Fletcher was a part of a great many historical events in his tour with the US Air Force
Prouty exposed Gen. Ed Lansdale
Spoke at length of several of Lansdales CIA 'Cover & Deception' escapades
Fletcher - Congenial, Kind to a fault, Honest, Patriotic... a Gentleman
He was well known and respected in the JFK research community
Oswald's "setup" is compared to Martin Luther King's and 9/11
Fletcher's inside access gave him special insight into how CIA covert ops
When Fletcher spoke you instantly knew you were going to learn something
John Judge's website
Interview Audio - Part Two
- David Ratcliffe
David interviewed Col. Prouty a great many times
Prouty helped David during the writing of his book "Understanding Special Operations"
Extremely knowledgeable about events in the past and their relationships to events of the present
In a time of specialists and specialties, Col. Prouty was a generalist.
In spite of the seriousness of his profession, Prouty had a very engaging sense of humour
Fletcher may have been the last of his kind in the Pentagon
He had a wider meaning of what the press was saying on events
Prouty knew what he could and could not talk about
Dave spent 4 days interviewing Col. Prouty on the book "The Secret Team"
David Ratcliffe's website
Interview Audio - Part Three
- Greg Burham
He was always generous with his answers as long as the person was truly inquisitive
Greg talks about a conversation regarding Ed Lansdale, 'flechette darts' and a helicopter
The media is designed to obfuscate the truth in many cases
Prouty had enough experience and was forthcoming enough to let us know the truth
No one of position ever rebutted what Fletcher had to say... because he always spoke the truth
About the US Constitution, inalienable rights and a general apathy of the public
Fletch had a quiet confidence and a 'presidential' stature
Hugh Thomas', 'Stored Labour' a hard to find book on money recommended by Greg
Interview Audio - Part Four
- Ernie Fitzgerald
Ernie: Col. Prouty was a great man and a good friend
He knew Fletch slightly in the Pentagon but they became great friends later
Ernie talks about porkbarrel politics in US government and his book 'The Pentagonists"
He reiterates: "There are no more like Fletcher in the Pentagon"
'Commiting truth' in the Pentagon is often punished
He talks about 'escaping' the Pentagon on 9/11 2001
"The hole just wasn't big enough for a large transport aircraft"
Ernie says Fletcher's books are still fascinating reading after all these years
Ernies books can be found at
Interview Audio - Part Five
- Andy Hill
Andy Hill discusses his interview with Fletcher
After seeing the Oliver Stone movie "JFK", Andy listened to a three part interview on the radio
The information in these interviews of Col. Prouty's fascinated Andy
Andy & Len went and met Fletcher and found him even more engaging in person
Andy calls this meeting with Fletcher "one of the great experiences of my life"
Prouty wasn't sworn to secrecy regarding CIA
This enabled him to expound much more information than he otherwise would've been allowed
Accepted history that was revised by Fletcher because... he was actually there
About several mementos Andy & Len were able to view with Fletcher
Windows Media Video excerpts
Thoughts of Oliver Stone's film JFK
Discussion on the Origins of Oil
Ed Lansdale in Vietnam
The 'resort' outside Athens
The Bay of Pigs
Show #357
Original airdate: Jan 17, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topic: Oswalds Ghost
Interview Audio - Part One
Jim DiEugenio
Oswald's Ghost - Another 'Lone Nutter'
A very slick production but based on the wrong information
Why are the reporters parrotting the same old lie? Are there no inquisitive reporters anymore?
Jim's review of this subject as well as other great reviews at Probe Magazine
...something is wrong with PBS, that they would continue the disinformation on this subject
PBS always trots out Edward Jay Epstein as an expert on JFK although he hasn't done any work on the subject in many years
This documentary simply refuses to follow the facts
Portrays Oswald as a crazed lone nut, crucial information that would show otherwise is omitted
No George DeMorenschildt, No 'Hands Off Cuba" flyer, A Marxist hanging with extreme right wingers?...
Many points Robert Stone uses have previously been thoroughly debunked, yet he still uses them as evidence
Jim Garrison portrayed in this documentary as using the Clay Shaw case to further his career, actually sacrificed his career in the name of justice
Josiah Thompson and Mark Lane are allowed cameos but any evidence of note they could mention has been edited out
discussion of what a documentary on this subject "should" look like
Referring to Edwin Black's Chicago Plot article, Mark Lane remembered some of the Cuban names as names uncovered by Jim Garrison
The Chicago Plot to Kill JFK by Edwin Black Download Article here (pdf)
Oswald was clearly a double agent
If Oswald was a Marxist/Leninist, why has not one comrad ever been disclosed? Answer, 'there aren't any'. Oswald wasn't really a communist
An encouragement: Write to PBS and give them your opinion for/against. Maybe a more truthful documentary will be the result
Interview Audio - Part Two
Jim Fetzer
Discussion of Oswald's Ghost from Jim Fetzer's point of view
No new evidence from about 1980 on has been mentioned in this documentary
Jim lists off several points that would make evidence that would've better illustrated the truth in the JFK case
Another great JFK truth resource at this, another great Jim Fetzer site
Jim talks at some length on the "Z" film
Zapruder and other films at Youtube
Zapruder widescreen at Youtube
Jim agrees with Jim DiEugenio's comment "A very slick production but based on the wrong information"
Bullet evidence and medical evidence ignored by this film
About Jim Garrison - at least 80% accurate despite infiltration and government resistance at every turn. A great man
Talk about the unprecedented 'hit pieces' that came out before and after the release of Oliver Stone's 'JFK'
Some information on Hale Boggs, a member of the Warren Commission panel and, by all accounts, a dissenting opinion
Boggs plane may have been located and uninvestigated.
According to Jim's info, the plane went down in sight of Juneau and the survivors, if any were likely left to die
The official story? "Hale Boggs' plane, Lost and Missing"
Research on Hale Boggs
Show #356
Original airdate: Jan 10, 2008
Guest: Walt Brown
Topic: JFK Assassination
Interview Audio - Part One
Walt gives a short self history
Books:"The People V Lee Harvey Oswald","The Guns of Texas Are Upon You"
Walt Brown's 'Master Chronology' website
JFK's struggle for civil rights in America
Some chronology leading up to Ricky & Rosco White
He gives us an opinion on Bugliosi
The Zapruder Film
He talks about the many shots and how he documented them
Leading and dismissive examination during the Warren Commission panel
The conditions and mood in Dallas November 22, 1963
Who were the "security" people on every other building in Dallas...
They weren't Secret Service and they weren't documented
Walt challenges anyone to show another communist in Dallas other than Oswald
The rifle (carbine) and the mailing P.O Box anomalies
Interview Audio - Part Two
Witnesses: The shots came from above and behind from the Grassy Knoll
The coverage of Pozner's book proves the necessity of the cover story
Oliver Stone's JFK panned before the first script was discarded Pozner/Bugliosi tripe raves...
"The Book of the Film" proves the truth behind Stone's JFK and the why's
Nothing can be told about the characters in this case while they are alive. It's just too dangerous
James Files... charge him, or forget about him.
The Men Who Killed Kennedy
Oswald's getaway: Offered and gave up his cab to a lady, took the bus, got out and walked...
What really happened with Tippit?
Rare details of the Secret Service in the motorcade
The Clint Murcheson meeting the night of the assassination... Did it happen?
Madelaine Brown's story becomes no longer credible
Walt: There's something to this story but it's impossible to tell what that is
The Dallas Oilmen are worth looking at as suspects
Walt got back from Russia Jan 8th 2008
Walt's take on Oswald in the USSR will have to wait for another in
Show #355
Original airdate: Jan 3, 2008
Guest: Jim DiEuginio
Topic: Review - The Shane O'Sullivan Documentary - "RFK Must Die..."
Interview Audio - Part One
Ambassador Hotel torn down, Panty was supposed to be saved
The Ambassador Hotel pantry where RFK was killed is being put into packages.
Sirhan, Larry Teeter and Dr William Pepper
Dealy Plaza (JFK)and The Lorraine Motel (MLK)are preserved as historic sites
Jim was disappointed with the O'Sullivan movie 'RFK Must Die'
There were no explanatory computer graphics used
O'Sullivan narrated the film himself
DiEuginio is not convinced that O'sullivan discovered CIA characters (Joannides, Campell etc)
Jim talks about Scott Enyart and how O'Sullivan completely excluded him
Michael Wayne and stray bullets... not mentioned by O'Sullivan
Lynne Mangan's discovery of a faked photo... not mentioned
Many other convincing details left out
Rampart Station infiltrated by a "Secret Team" all the way to the Attorney Gen /Governor's office
Sirhan's defence was highly suspect. Misrepresented at every level
Jim's website, Probe Magazine ...A great site
Interview Audio - Part Two
Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: The Iowa Political races
Varying opinions on different candidates
Huckabee ahead?
The absolute vaccuum shown in the press coverage (or lack of it) of Ron Paul
The Benazir Bhutto assassination
Musharref still making excuses
Jim talks about Fintan Dunne's Break For News -
What Dunne has to say about Bhutto--- The NWO took her out
Well worth going through Dunnes work. He makes a lot of sense
Jim & Len debate Bhutto's winability
The Bhutto crime scene and scenario
Jim calls the recent history of Pakistan/Afghanistan a "Baker Boys" style scenario
Karzai's Pakistan visit & deal with Musharref a trigger for the assassination?
Google 'We are all prisoners now" Paul Craig Roberts - the culture of fear in America
WTC Building 6 at you can get the DVD 'The 9/11 conspiracy' talking about
the anomalies in the WTC buildings.