Len's Favorite Archived interviews, Books, Movies, Articles and Video
Must reads to be up on the facts -
Recommended Movies
Recommended Articles
Recommended Video
And of course the video series 50 Reasons For 50 Years" by Len Osanic and Jeff Carter
Would you watch a documentary just because Len recommends it...
OK here it is "Day One"
Recommended Black Op Radio Shows
The initial idea of Black Op Radio was to archive important researchers
who are not well known.
These have branched out into authors, directors, film makers etc.
I have often been asked which shows stand out.
I hope they are all important, but here are a few you should not miss,
and is a good place to start if this is your first visit.
Len Osanic
#12 Scott Enyart - Photographer... Witness to the RFK assassination
#5 April Oliver - Nerve Gas in Vietnam... her last interview before the gag order...
#38 Zachary Sklar - Co-writer for the film "JFK" with Oliver Stone
#8 Jean Hill - JFK assassination witness, her last interview before she passed away
Show #12
Featured Guest: Scott Enyart
Scott Enyart was the photographer in the Ambassador hotel the night Robert Kennedy was shot and killed. His film showed the assassination, and where everyone was in the pantry. He has been in a legal battle with LA county/police to recover his film since 1988. Here is what he has been going through to get it back. Shocking and disturbing... this is a "must hear" interiew!
Show #38 - May 17th 2001
Featured Guest: Zachary Sklar
Zachary Sklar is a journalist and a professor of journalism at the Columbia School of Journalism.
He is also a contributor to The Lies of Our Times, a monthly journal dedicated to exposing the truth behind twisted and censored reports in the mainstream media.
He was the editor for Jim Garrison's book "On the trail of the assassins"
He co-wrote the screenplay with director Oliver Stone for the movie "JFK"
Show #5
Featured guest: April Oliver / Producer of "Valley Of Death"
The story of "Operation Tailwind" first aired on CNN. Then fired along with Jack Smith by CNN as management caved in to pressure of boycott from the military. Despite months of research, on-camera interviews, and depositions to buttress their investigative reporting... CNN hopes the story goes away.
Part One
April Oliver
Part Two
April Oliver
Show #8
Featured Guest: Jean Hill
Author of "The Last Dessentting Witness
Jean Hill