Reference Material Section Three:
2,031 links to significant documents
related to Black Op Radio topics
(1791 12/15)
U.S. Constitution: Amendment II: Right of the people to keep and bear arms
(1839 07/08) John Davison Rockefeller (infoplease.com)
(1875 09/12) Letters of Vincent Van Gogh to his brother Theo
(1878 09/18) Admiral James O. Richardson, USN, 1878-1974 (Arlington Cemetery)
(1892 04/18) Congrès de nomenclature Chimique de Genève
(1892 04/18) Geneva Nomenclature Congress
(1898 00/00) U.S. Policy Toward Cuba - 1898-1988 (cuban-exile.com)
(1898 12/10) The Treaty of Paris (The United States of America and Her Majesty The Queen Regent of Spain)
(1911 08/22) The Official Secrets Acts and Official Secrecy (House of Commons Library)
(1913 05/31) U.S. Constitution: Amendment XVII: Direct Election of U.S. Senators
(1916 10/14) Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material (Dewey / Merrill) (U.S.D.A. Bulletin No. 404)
(1917 06/15) Espionage Act of 1917 (U.S. Congress ) (digitalhistory.uh.edu)
(1917 07/24) Masses Publishing v. Patten
(United States District Court of the Southern District of New York) (ericejohnson.com)
(1917 08/00) 'War Plans' (Art Young)
(1917 08/00) 'Making the World Safe for Capitalism' (Boardman Robinson)
(1917 08/00) 'Conscription' (H.J. Glintenkamp)
(1917 08/00) 'Liberty Bell' (H.J. Glintenkamp)
(The Masses) (graphicarts.princeton.edu)
(1926 03/11) Ralph David Abernathy (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1926 04/09) Harris Wofford Biographical Profile (Contemporary Authors Online) (jfklibrary.org)
(1930 04/14) William J. vanden Heuvel (newnetherlandinstitute.org)
(1934 11/22) FBI File, BUTLER, SMEDLEY (archive.org)
(1935 02/15) Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities
U.S. 73rd Congress (babel.hathitrust.org)
(1935 08/42) Neutrality Acts
(1937 05/01) 1937 Neutrality Act - Cash and Carry Provision
(1937 07/00) Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937 (Not enacted)
(1937 00/00) John F. Kennedy recording for public speaking class at Harvard (Audio)
(Colleen Walsh) (news.harvard.edu)
(1937 04/23) Richard Nixon's FBI Application (archive.org)
(1938 02/00) New Billion-Dollar Crop (Popular Mechanics)
(1939 05/17) John Kennedy letter written to his father following trip to Palestine (jfklibrary.org)
(1939 08/02) Atomic Bombing of Japan and Occupation Plans (Albert Einstein) (archive.org)
(1940 09/02) Destroyers For Bases Agreement
(1940 09/02) Destroyers For Bases Agreement Map
(1940 09/29) Tripartite Pact between Germany, Japan, and Italy
(1940 09/13) FBI File: WINDSOR, DUKE AND DUCHESS OF (archive.org)
(1940 09/20) FBI File: HARVEY, WILLIAM KING (archive.org)
(1940 10/07) Office of Naval Intelligence Memorandum (Commander Arthur McCollum)
Estimate of the Situation in the Pacific and
Recommendations for Action by the United States
(1940 12/29) Fireside Chat - Arsenal of Democracy (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 02/07) FBI File: Diplomatic Codes - Germany (archive.org)
(1941 03/11) Lend-Lease Act
(1941 08/09) Roosevelt and Churchill meeting at sea in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland (Video)
(1941 08/12) Atlantic Charter Draft
(1941 08/14) Atlantic Charter
(1941 09/11) Fireside Chat - Freedom of the Seas (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 10/08) CIA Names File on Adolf Eichmann
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 150) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1941 10/27) Navy Day Speech - The Shooting Has Started (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 11/22) Admiral Yamamoto to First Air Fleet (The Campaigns of the Pacific War)
(The first message should read 22 November, not 25 November)
(1941 11/22) Churchill/Roosevelt Trans-Atlantic Telephone Call Transcript (Veracity undetermined)
(1941 11/26) United States Note To Japan - Cordell Hull Note
(1941 12/07) Japanese model of Pearl Harbor
(1941 12/08) Presidential Address to Congress (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 12/17) Safety And Development Of Commercial Aviation In Latin America, And Related Subjects
(House Select Committee to Investigate Air Accidents) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1942 00/00) Carl Oglesby Papers, 1942-2005
(1942 00/00) Walter Bedell Smith: Papers, 1942-61 (index)
(1942 01/23) Attack upon Pearl Harbor by Japanese Armed Forces (Senate Commission)
(1942 04/23) Eleanor Roosevelt FBI Records
(1942 10/15) OSS Memorandum: Norman L. Crowley to Mr. William A Kimbel (jfk.hood.edu)
Received of Mr. Crowley, O.S.S. envelope containing various
data on Chile & certain activities in Chile. Harold Weisberg
(1942 10/24) OSS Memorandum: David Bruce to Ernest Cuneo (jfk.hood.edu)
As far as I can ascertain, no one now in this Branch has ever met Mr. Weisburg,
had any dealings with him, had access to his papers or know what they contain
(1994 07/02) There was no earthly or unearthly reason to classify that memo (Harold Weisberg)
(1943 00/00) Report of the Subcommittee Investigating War Relocation Authority
(1943 00/00) Report on the Axis Front Movement in the United States
(House Committee On Un-American Activities) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 01/02) Special Report on Subversive Activities Aimed
at Destroying Our Representative Form of Government
(House Committee On Un-American Activities) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 03/19) OSS Personnel File: James Jesus Angleton (archive.org)
(1943 05/14) Fitness for Continuance in Federal Employment Report
(Committee on Appropriations) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 07/03) OSS Personnel File: Lucien Conein (archive.org)
(1943 10/05) Indictment charging the German-American Vocational League, Inc.
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 10/06) Indictment charges a conspiracy to violate the espionage statute
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 12/15) OSS Memo: The Motion Picture as a Weapon of Psychological Warfare
(1944 09/29) Frank Wisner - Romania - 29 Sep 1944 (World War II Database)
(1945 06/00) Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Organization and Functions (Schools & Training Branch)
(1945 06/24) The CIA and Nazi War Criminals
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 146) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1946 00/00) The Campaigns of the Pacific War (United States Strategic Bombing Survey)
(1946 01/24) FBI File: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (archive.org)
(1946 02/14) Intelligence Review, Number 1
Transition of Major Powers to Peacetime Military Systems
Manchuria - Soviet or Chinese Sphere?
Islam: A Threat to World Stability
Results of Soviet-American Economic Conference in Korea
Anglo-American Civil Aviation Agreement Concluded
Wheat: Key to the World's Food Supply
Tension in UNO Security Council Diminishes
Repatriation Program Virtually Stalled
World in Review
Scientific Developments
Significant Personalities
Mid News
(Military Intelligence Division, War Department) (fas.org)
(1946 03/05) "The Sinews of Peace" speech (Winston Churchill) (Fulton, Missouri) (audio)
(1946 06/20) Pearl Harbor Committee Report (United States Senate)
(1946 07/20) Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (Joint Committee)
(1947 07/01) The Sources of Soviet Conduct ("X" (George F. Kennan)) (Foreign Affairs )
(1947 07/26) Act of July 26, 1947 ("National Security Act"), Public Law 80-253, 61 STAT 495
(1947 07/26) Papers of Harry S. Truman: National Security Council File 1947-1953
(1948 01/07) Dear (Director) Sir: ... Very truly yours, J. W. Vincent (jfk.hood.edu)
Re: [__________________________________________________]
(1948 01/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. W. Vincent to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Reference is made to the above-captioned case which is in the closed status in the Baltimore Field Office
(1948 01/30) FBI File: HELMS, RICHARD (archive.org)
(1948 08/25) The 1948 Alger Hiss - Whittaker Chambers Hearing Before HUAC (history.house.gov)
(1948 09/10) NSC 30: United States Policy on Atomic Warfare (National Security Council)
(FRUS, 1948, General; The United Nations, Volume I, Part 2)
(1948 11/23) NSC 20/4: Counter Soviet Threats to U.S. Security (National Security Council)
(FRUS, 1948, General; The United Nations, Volume I, Part 2)
(1948 12/31) Investigation of the Un-American Activities in the United States - 1948
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1949 01/01) The Central Intelligence Agency and National Organization For Intelligence
Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report
(1949 04/04) The North Atlantic Treaty (NATO)
(1949 04/15) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to Director(jfk.hood.edu)
There is transmitted herewith the Crime Survey for the Los Angeles Division
[covering the period from October 15, 1948 to April 15, 1949
[____________] immediately cracked down on WARREN OLNEY III, Chief
Counsel for the Crime Commission, and ordered him cut off the State payroll
(1949 07/00) War Report - OSS - Operations in the Field (Department of State) (archive.org)
(1949 10/15) FBI Memorandum: SAC R. B. HOOD to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
There is transmitted herewith the Crime Survey for the Los Angeles Division
covering the period from April 15, 1949 to October 15, 1949
On behalf of the Crime Commission, Mr. OLNEY notified the telephone
company of the bookmaking activities at the Guarantee Finance Company
(1950 03/15) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1949
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1950 03/18) FBI File: War Plans 1950-1951 (archive.org)
(1950 04/07) NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security
(National Security Council) (fas.org)
(1950 11/13) LIFE Magazine November 13, 1950
Puerto Rico Revolt Endangers Truman
(1950 12/14) FBI File: DULLES, ALLEN WELSH (archive.org)
(1951 00/00) The Autopsy - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (Army-AFIP-Washington, D. C.)
(1951 01/02) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1950
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1951 09/13) "The Master of the Game" Paul H. Nitze and U.S. Cold War Strategy from Truman to Reagan
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 139) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1951 11/15) Counter Intelligence Corps History and Mission in World War II
(Army Counter Intelligence Corps School, Baltimore, MD) (dtic.mil)
(1952 02/17) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1951
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1952 08/20) FBI File: Confidence Microphones (archive.org)
(1952 09/27) FBI Form No. 1: APPLICANT Attorney, Criminal Division (jfk.hood.edu)
(1951 09/21) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Boston to Director
By reason of the apparent lack of pertinence of this incident to the investigation,
it has not been included in the investigative report on the Applicant
(1954 03/10) FBI Memorandum: (Illegible) to Mr. Nichols
It is to be noted that the Director saw Kennedy, on a personal
matter, on January 28 and also on apparently on February 15, 1954
(1954 09/02) FBI Memorandum: Director to FBI Wash Field
Robert F. Kennedy (Ethel), assistant to Senator McCarthy, 2804 O Street, N. W.
(1954 08/30) FBI Memorandum: Director to William P. Rogers
These records reflect he is employed on the Committee on Government Operations
(1954 11/24) FBI Airtel: FBI Wash Field to Director
Surveilling Agents who observed UNSUB 11/19/54
again observed him 11/24/54 at the Senate Office Bldg.
(1954 11/29) FBI Memorandum: Director to William P. Rogers
Robert F. Kennedy is employed as Chief Counsel to Minority
of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation of the Senate
(1954 11/29) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to L. V. Boardman
Recommendation: [
(1955 07/20) FBI Memorandum: to Mr. Nichols
In December, 1954, information was received from the State Department
indicating Justice William O. Douglas was planning to go to the Soviet
Union in August, 1955, and to be accompanied by Robert Kennedy
(1955 07/19) FBI Telephone Call Message: Robert Kennedy to Director
Mr. Kennedy stated that he was leaving for Southern Russia a week from tomorrow, July 27th,
and would like very much to come by the office to see the Director sometime before he leaves
(1955 11/04) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Nichols
It is quite obvious that Mr. Kennedy has returned from Russia
with a rather dim impression of its economy and alleged liberties
(1958 04/22) Dear Bob (F. Kennedy): ... Sincerely (J.) Edgar (Hoover)
I wanted to drop you this note to extend my heartiest congratulations
(1958 08/07) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Director
[____________] then suggested to [____________] that he alert Robert Kennedy that physical acts were
going to be taken against the Kennedy children and against Robert's father, Joseph Kennedy
(1959 09/11) Kennedy Quits As Counsel to Racket Probers (UPI)
(1959 09/18) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Director
Kennedy indicated his purpose in asking to see the Director was merely
to thank him for the tremendous assistance which Mr. Hoover had rendered
to Kennedy in connection with his work on the McClellan Committee
(0000 00/00) FBI Memorandum: Jones to DeLoach
Robert F. Kennedy: Biographical Data, Prior Contact with the Director
(1959 09/30) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Rosen
I told Mr. Kennedy I certainly appreciated his kindness in calling to express the
sentiments he had and in return I wanted to say to him what an excellent job he had
done under most difficult circumstances as Chief Counsel of the McClellan Committee
(1960 03/10) FBI Memorandum: J. F. Malone to Mr. Callahan
One copy of the book, "The Enemy Within," by Robert F. Kennedy,
Harper Brothers, Publisher, be purchased. Book costs $3.95
(1960 12/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. De Loach to Mr. Mohr
"Parker Takes Swipe At FBI" (Los Angeles Mirror 12/22/60)
Robert Kennedy is shown stating that with respect to the Apalachin meeting no one knew
anything about it but if 60 communists get together the Government knows about it at once
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: R. C. Renneberger to Mr. Callahan
He [Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy] was observed at about 2:43 p.m, after our
employees had returned to their work, returning along the corridor toward his private elevator
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Parsons
[____________] in the gym is being alerted to the fact that the Attorney General may drop in today
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: J. F. Malone to Mr. Mohr
Unless advised to the contrary, individual lockers will assigned
to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General White
(1961 02/13) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Mohr, Mr. De Loach
The Attorney General stated that as a matter of fact he hadn't picked up his degree from Harvard either
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: H. L. Edwards to Mr. Mohr
A detailed memorandum from the switchboard operator is attached
(1961 02/14) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach
20th Century Fox Studio has purchased "The Enemy Within," a book by
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and will produce it as a motion picture
(1961 02/20) FBI Memorandum: SAC Auerbach to Mr. Hoover
He [Ed Guthman] recognizes that the Attorney General has a very unorthodox and direct approach
to everything--including the Bureau-- but notes that "his motivation is good despite his approach"
(1961 02/16) FBI Memorandum: W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont
The Attorney General had requested a "general orienting brief" in
order to prepare himself for his appearance on the captioned program
(1961 02/10) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
The Attorney General decided to accept an invitation from Columbia
Broadcasting System television network to appear on the television
program "The Great Challenge" which will be telecast live 3-5-61
(1952 11/15) Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12
Prepared For President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower: (EYES ONLY)
(1952 12/19) CIA Security File on Priscilla Johnson MacMillan (maryferrell.org)
(1953 01/03) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1952
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1953 03/00) Time Line of the SR-71 (2002)
(USAF SSgt, Don Hildebrant) (roadrunnersinternationale.com)
(1953 03/07) CIA Chronology 1940-1953 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1953 06/04) FBI Report: (jfk.hood.edu)
Investigation of CARL DUDLEY HYDE to determine the validity of his claim of
"Conscientious Objector" in connection with his classification under the Selective Service System
(1963 12/03) FBI Report:
OSWALD'S Possible Attendance at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
(1963 11/29) FBI Report:
Ohio, with permanent address of Box 1766, Coral Gables 34, Florida
(1951 03/05) Appendix: Women's International League For Peace And Freedom, Columbus, Ohio Chapter
A confidential informant advised on December 3, 1951 that at a meeting of the Franklin County,
Ohio Section of the Communist Party at Columbus, Ohio November 29, 1951, it was decided that
the matter of forming a Columbus Chapter of the women's International League for Peace and
Freedom (WILPF) would be taken up at a meeting of the Ohio State Board of the Communist Party
(1963 12/05) FBI Report: Special Agent Thomas B. Estop
(1963 12/05) Oswald Studied Russian in Marines (new York Times)
A confidential informant advised on December 3, 1951 that at a meeting of the Franklin County,
(1963 12/05) FBI Teletype: OSWALD, LEE HARVEY, 165 32 30, EX.PFC, USMCR
Believe OSWALD,S file was incorrectly and inadvertently
referenced to GORDON, HAROLD SHERWIN because both case
files were returned to DIO-9ND on the same return transmittal
(1963 12/03) FBI Memorandum: H. V. Schultz to File
DONOVAN, John E., CAPT, USMCR (Inactive) maybe able to furnish
information re Subject during his (Subject's) tour of duty in the Marine Corps
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: Donald G. Harris
Pittsburgh confidential informants familiar with racial matters, criminal activities
and some phases of Communist Party and related activities in West Virginia and
Western Pennsylvania were contacted and advised they could furnish no information
concerning LEE HARVEY OSWALD or the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY
(1963 12/02) FBI Report:
Mrs. PATRICIA A. FERGUSON, Transfer, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern
Corporal THEODORE LA ZAR, Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), Hollidaysburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern
MARGARET KATHRYN HOOVER, 105 South Walnut St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern and Richard N. Randleman
MARGARET KATHRYN HOOVER advised that she had been unable to locate the
trailer advertisement which contained the names of LEE OSWALD and JACK RUBY
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern
Mrs. MARGARET KAY KAUFFMAN, 600 East Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern and Richard N. Randleman
GERALD KAUFFMAN, 600 East Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern and Richard N. Randleman
MARGARET KAY KAUFFMAN advised that since she was first interviewed she had given
considerable thought to the paper exhibited to her by her mother during the third week in
October, 1963, and is certain this paper had nothing to do with the assassination of the President
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern; Richard N. Randleman
Dr. JULIO CESAR FERNANDEZ, 400 East Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) Oswald Was Troublemaker (Jerry O'Leary, Jr.) (Washington Evening Star)
(1963 12/01) The Story of Jack Leon Ruby (Jerry O'Leary, Jr.) (Washington Sunday Star)
(1963 11/29) The Oswald Story (Jerry O'Leary, Jr.) (Washington Evening Star)
(1963 11/27) FBI Teletype: NAVCINTSUPPCEN-3 to DIO 8nd
Please Ascertain Discreetly Subscriber To El Paso Telephone Number 532 2555 ASAP
(1963 11/27) ONI Teletype: DIO-8nd to SUPPCEN
Subscriber Tel. 532-2555, El Paso is Mrs. JUANA T. GUEVARA, widow
of GILBERTO GUEVARA, Mgr., Mundy Gorcery, 912 Mundy, El Paso
(1963 11/27) Dear Mr. (Lewis T.) Huff: ... E. L. McIntosh, Jr.
Shortly after the shooting of President John F. KENNEDY on November 22,
1963, the District Intelligence Office Charleston, S.C. was informed that
one Robert C. RAWLS had information relative to the assassination.
RAWLS was than a patient at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Charleston, S.C.
(1963 11/27) Navy Memorandum: Rear Admiral (Rufus L.) Taylor to Admiral McDonald
Information from our Dallas office provides names of several persons connected with Ruby and Oswald
(1963 11/25) ONI Teletype: DIO-8nd to Capt Jackson
C. STUART operated Contract Electronics, 2533 Elm, Dallas
(1963 11/26) FBI FD-301: John J. Flanagan
appeared at the Dallas Field Division at approximately 1:00 PM on November 26, 1963
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-301: John J. Flanagan
(ROBERT KERMIT) PATTERSON informed that he is a homosexual and as such
has access to the so-called "gay" bars and lounges in the City of Dallas, Texas
(1953 09/14) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to H. H. Clegg (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. OLNEY opened his remarks with the statement that there have
been many studies of crime problems, many of these studies placed
the blame for crime situations entirely on the shoulders of the police
(1953 10/30) NSC 162/2: Basic National Security Policy (National Security Council) (fas.org)
(1953 11/25) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Ladd (jfk.hood.edu)
On November 18, 1953, Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney called to see me
(1954 00/00) Guantanamo: History of Cuba & Base (Guantanamo Naval Base) (cuban-exile.com)
(1954 02/08) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1953
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1954 03/15) National Security Action Memorandum Number 5412 (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Covert Operations (FRUS)
(1954 03/15) National Security Action Memorandum Number 5412 (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Covert Operations (ratical.org)
(1954 04/06) Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy on Indochina before the Senate, Washington, D.C.
(1954 05/14) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
It is disturbing to find at this late date that there is any misunderstanding as to the
scope, nature, or propriety of the investigation requested the Criminal Division
(Chief Justice, Earl Warren) (U.S. Supreme Court)
(1954 05/17) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Accompanied by [____________], I went to Mr. Olney's office at 2:30 p.m. today
(1954 07/21) The Geneva Accords of 1954 (alphahistory.com)
(1954 08/18) USS Skagit and Operation Passage To Freedom
Haiphong to Saigon August 18, 1954 - May 20, 1955
(1954 11/11) Operation Passage To Freedom
(LIFE) (sacei07.org)
(1955 00/00) Photo of Oswald and David Ferrie at a Civil Air Patrol barbecue
(1955 01/26) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1954
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1955 02/24) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
He then comes down to the question "Is organized crime on the increase?"
(1955 03/16) FBI File: Cuba and anti-Castro Efforts (14,888 pages) (archive.org)
(1955 03/25) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Referred him to the testimony of Mr. Warren Olney on March 23, 1955
(1955 04/00) Area 51 Timeline
(Peter W. Merlin) (area51specialprojects.com)
(1955 04/13) FBI Memorandum: Mr. A. H. Belmont to Mr. L. V. Boardman(jfk.hood.edu)
The testimony of Olney and Tomkins contained in the report of hearings before
the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations as it relates to the
Domestic Intelligence Division has been reviewed and there do appear to be any
inaccurate statements with reference to matters handled by this Division
(1955 04/14) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The Director's instructions that a prompt review be made of the testimony of Warren
Olney and William F. Tompkins, Department officials, before the House Appropriations
Committee to be sure that no inaccurate statements were made regarding the FBI
(1955 07/05) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
This now causes Mullen to be convinced that Olney was the source of information appearing in the News
(1955 07/08) FBI File: DULLES, JOHN FOSTER (archive.org)
(1955 08/28) FBI File: Prosecutive Report of Investigation Concerning Emmett Till (archive.org)
(1955 10/07) FBI Press Release (jfk.hood.edu)
The experiences of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice successfully
attacking the backlog problem were placed before the Conference of United States
Attorneys by Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney III who heads the Division
(1955 11/02) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] told me a moment ago that Olney had just called
him to inquire, "What in the hell is this UP story about?"
(1955 12/00) FBI, COINTELPRO, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1955 12/01) Rosa Parks Mug Shot
(Montgomery Police Department) (cdn8.openculture.com)
(1955 12/05) First Leaflet Calling for Montgomery Bus Boycott
(Montgomery Womens Political Council) (crmvet.org)
(1955 12/21) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Warren Olney came to my office on the afternoon of December 20, 1955, to advise that he
had called [____________] and had him come down to the Department where he saw him yesterday
(1955 12/23) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Warren Olney came by the office to advise me that they had a preliminary interview
with [____________] [____________] story was in complete contradiction to that given by [____________]
on the matter of making the recordings at the Willard Hotel involving [____________]
(1955 12/28) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
It's being pointed out that [____________] claims to Olney that he did the
recording job at the solicitation of [____________] and out of the White House
(1956 01/10) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
On 7/18/55 Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney III furnished a copy of this book to the Bureau
(1956 01/11) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1955
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1956 02/28) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
On leaving Rogers' office, Olney suggested that in the future when I get something like this
that I contact him directly and that we could work such matters out between ourselves
(1956 03/15) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Olney again offered to be of every possible assistance
(1956 03/17) Edward G. Lansdale letter to filmmaker Joseph L. Mankiewicz
(1956 03/21) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Warren Olney called and stated he had another question that had arisen
on a kidnaping matter which he would like to come up and discuss
(1956 05/02) Dear Mr. (Anthony) Julian: ... Sincerely, Warren Olney III (jfk.hood.edu)
The Director of the FBI is, of course, incorrect in assuming as he does in the last sentence
of his memorandum to the Attorney General that there was any suggestion of impropriety
on his part in the mere relaying of District Attorney Byrne's request to the Attorney General
(1956 05/03) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
Heretofore the Bureau has advised the Criminal Division repeatedly and consistently
that the disappearance of De Galinadez was being investigated by the New York Police
Department which is keeping the FBI informed of the progress of the inquiry
(1956 05/04) FBI Memorandum: Director, FBI to The Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
I have no desire whatsoever to engage in a running controversy
with the Criminal Division on this or any other matter
(1956 05/07) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
We frankly did not know whether Olney was trying to jam the Bureau, the Attorney General
or both and that we wanted it clearly understood that if the Attorney General ordered us to make
these investigations that the Attorney General knew in advance exactly what he was getting into
(1956 05/09) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
A paper record had now been made and a reasonable, prudent person would
conclude from the Olney memorandum that the Bureau had a responsibility
imposed upon it by law and was not discharging that responsibility
(1956 05/14) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman,
Mr. Belmont, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
I was desirous of the Bureau being completely relieved of its responsibility in determining
whether it should or should not enter a case alleged to be a kidnaping and that I would much
prefer to submit each case to the Criminal Division and allow that Division to make the decision
(1956 05/18) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Nichols,
Mr. Boardman, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
I told Mr. Rogers that I was not at all happy with the final outcome
(1956 06/08) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
I did not know whether the Department needed a psychologist or a lawyer to straighten out
this matter and I pointed out to Rogers that Olney's latest memorandum is utterly impossible
(1956 06/17) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Rogers stated that he realized all of this but that this phraseology seemed
to be the bone of contention with Olney and that if this phraseology could
be omitted he thought that this would once and for all close this entire matter
(1956 07/04) The U-2 Program: A Russian Officer Remembers
(Col. Alexander Orlov) (USSR Air Defense Forces) (web.archive.org)
(1956 07/06) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
It is requested that the Criminal Division be notified promptly if and when a decision is reached by
the FBI to exercise its investigative jurisdiction under the Federal Kidnaping Laws, 18 U. S. C. 1201
(1956 07/04) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
I would be pleased to be advised as promptly as possible that your decision will be
along the lines that I have above recommended so that this Bureau may be henceforth
relieved of responsibility and not subjected to such caustic memorandums from Mr. Olney
(1956 07/08) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Two or 3 times I reiterated that I was hoping that maybe Rogers
would some of these days see the light and see Olney for what he is
(1956 07/12) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Nichols (jfk.hood.edu)
I took occasion to tell the Attorney General that I wanted to again urge that decision as to
whether the FBI should assume jurisdiction be placed upon the Criminal Division and no
longer be continued as the responsibility of the FBI in view of the attitude of Assistant
Attorney General Olney and the critical memorandums which he has addressed to this Bureau
(1956 07/26) Montgomery Improvement Association Newsletter (crmvet.org)
(1956 08/08) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
Olney's letter reiterated that he wanted [____________] and her friends who signed the letter
assured that the Federal Government and the FBI in particular had no control over the
course of the investigation or the publicity during the first week after the kidnaping
(1956 10/17) CIA Secrecy Agreement signed by Earle Cabell
(CIA Dossier 201-171104) (whowhatwhy.org)
(1957 01/02) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1956
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1957 01/10) Statement to the South and the Nation
(Southern Leaders Conference of Transportation and Non-Violent Integration) (crmvet.org)
(1957 01/10) Southern Christian Leadership Conference (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1957 03/08) Montgomery Improvement Association Newsletter (crmvet.org)
(1957 04/02) Dear Mr. (Warren) Olney (III): ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Our relations with him have been strained and circumspect
(1957 05/03) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
You will recall that you were advised by memorandum dated May 3, 1956, that in the
opinion of the Criminal Division the circumstances attendant upon the disappearance
of deGalindez were sufficient to justify an investigation by the FBI as a legally authorized
matter under the authority of Section 1201 of Title 18 of the United States Code
(1957 05/10) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson,
Mr. Boardman, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Nichols (jfk.hood.edu)
I called to the Attorney General's attention the memorandum which I received
from Assistant Attorney General Olney under the date of May 3, 1957
(1957 05/16) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Brannan to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. John Ossea, the attorney in the Criminal Division who
handled the questioning of Agent [____________] called this afternoon
(1957 06/03) Clinton E. Jencks, v. United States of America (jfk.hood.edu)
Supreme Court of the United States No. 23 October Term, 1956
(1957 06/11) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
I saw Mr. William Rogers this morning. I pointed out to him that we had thought over the
years that we had witnessed every tactic of obstruction and every conceivable outrageous
action within the Department, but that we had now found that we had more lessons to learn
(1957 06/13) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman,
Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Tamm (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Rogers had asked that he be allowed to take it up with Mr. Olney to
see whether Mr. Olney could arrange for the cancellation of the subpoena
(1957 06/18) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
I would like to pass on to you the comments of Mr. St. John Barrett, Chief of the
Civil Rights Section of the Criminal Division concerning the assistance received
from the Bureau in the investigation and presentation to the Federal Grand Jury at
Jackson, Mississippi of the evidence in this extraordinarily delicate and difficult matter
(1957 07/00) Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States
(Senate Committee on the Judiciary) (archive.org)
(1957 07/02) Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy on Imperialism before the Senate, Washington, D.C.
(1957 08/26) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Hyde Park - Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt will leave for Russia next week to spend
one month writing a newspaper column on what goes on behind the Iron Curtain
(1957 09/04) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
The shabby and insolent manner in which we have been treated by Olney, and more
recently by Thompkins, reflects that the extent to which we have been more than
courteously civil, and have furnished them more than the bare evidence data necessary
for prosecutive purposes, is the extent to which we have been "played for suckers"
(1957 09/12) FBI File: KENNEDY, ROBERT F. (archive.org)
(1957 12/09) FBI File: GIANCANA, SAM (archive.org)
(1958 00/00) Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story comic book
(Fellowship of Reconciliation) (crmvet.org)
(1958 02/03) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1957
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1958 02/06) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
It is noted that former Assistant Attorney General Warren
Olney became Director of this office in January, 1958
(1958 03/27) Cuban Gambling Casinos & The Mafia (W. W. Johnston - Bureau of Customs) (cuban-exile.com)
(1958 04/21) Archangel: CIA's Supersonic A-12 Reconnaissance Aircraft (07/13/2006)
(David Scott Robarge) (CIA Chief Historian) (books.google.com)
(1958 06/24) DD Form 456: Charge Sheet: OSWALD Lee H. (jfk.hood.edu)
Charge 1: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 117
Charge 2: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 128
(1958 07/09) USMC Memorandum: Marvin P. Morton, Jr. to Chief of Staff
Summary Court-Martial, case of Lee H. Oswald, private, USMC
(1958 07/03) USMC Memorandum: W. D. Garrett to Wing Legal Officer
Summary of Evidence in the Trial of Lee H. OSWALD Private 1653230/6741
(1958 04/03) DD Form 456: Charge Sheet: OSWALD Lee H. 1653230, USNAS Atsugi, Japan
Charge: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 92
(1958 04/29) Record of Trial by Summary Court-Martial: Lee H. Oswald
Guilty/Confinement Suspended
(1958 05/02) E. W. Seeds, Colonel, U. S. Marine Corps
The sentence as approved, ordered executed and suspended by the convening authority is approved
(1958 05/10) N. D. Glen to Commanding General, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing
Private First Class OSWALD was not subject to any disciplinary restraint
and it is not considered that any delay resulted in any injustice
(0000 00/00) Statement of Captain Francis J, Gajewski
I would award him 3.9 for proficiency and 4.0 for conduct
(1958 10/21) Secret Service Protecting Queen Elizabeth II in NYC (Photo)
(1959 01/01) Calendar of Events 1959 - Aug 1960 (Cuba) (cuban-exile.com)
(1959 03/01) Report of Transfer or Discharge - OSWALD, Lee Harvey 1653230
(Armed Forces of the United States) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 03/01) U-2 Utility Flight Handbook (CIA) (archive.org)
(1959 03/09) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1958
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1959 04/01) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach:
(1959 04/29) Plane Hijacking - April 15, 1959 (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1959 11/03) Naval Message: ALUSNA Moscow to CNO (jfk.hood.edu)
The renunciation of US citizenship and request for Soviet citizenship by
Lee Harvey Oswald former Marine and [________________] former Navy
(1959 11/04) Naval Message: CNO to ALUSNA Moscow - Intelligence Matter
Your 031215I, [________________] discharged from USN in 1951 and has no present naval status.
OSWALD is PFC Inactive Marine Corps Reserve with obligated service until 8 December 1962
(1960 01/30) Dear (Sec. Navy - John B. Connally) Sir, ... (Lee Harvey Oswald)
I wish to call your attention to a case about which you may have
personal knowledge since you are a resident of Ft. Worth as I am
(1962 03/13) Naval Message: DNI to ALUSNA Moscow
On 17 August 1960 OSWALD was given an undesirable
discharge from the USMCR by reason of unfitness
(1962 03/22) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
I have not violated; Section 1544, Title 18, U.S. code, therefore you
have no legal or even moral right, to reverse my honourable discharge
from the U.S.M.C of Sept. 11, 1960, into a undiserable discharge
(1962 03/07) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
You may consider this letter a request by me for a full review of my case in the light of these facts
(1962 04/02) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely, Paul W. Seabaugh
This headquarters has no authority to change the type of discharge issued in your case
(1962 04/23) Navy Memorandum: H. T. Hardenburg to Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Ex-PFC Lee Harvey OSWALD, USMCR, 1653230
(1962 06/18) Navy Memorandum: H. T. Hardenburg to Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Application For Review Of Discharge Or Separation From The Armed Forces Of The United States
(1962 04/28) Statement of Plaintiff (4 pages)
Referral of my case to this board was premised on the proported fact that I had renounced my American
citizenship with intent to becoome a permanent citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(1962 08/00) Dear (Navy Discharge Review Board) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
Please notify me of action taken in regard to my request
(1962 08/06) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely yours, E. I. Carson
You will be notified promptly when final action is taken
(1963 05/01) POD Form 3573 Change of Address: Lee H. Oswald
Old Address: 2703 Mercedes St., Ft. Worth, Texas
New Address: P.O. Box 30061, New Orleans, LA.
(1963 07/10) Navy Memorandum: Navy Discharge Review Board to Commandant of the Marine Corps
Further, that petitioner brought discredit to the Marine Corps through adverse newspaper publicity
(1959 09/04) To Whom It May Concern: ... R. G. Ayers, Jr.
This is to certify that PFC (E-2) Lee Harvey OSWALD, 1653230,
U. S. Marine Corps is scheduled to be released from Active Duty and
Transferred to the Marine Corps Reserve (Inactive) on 11 September 1959
(1963 07/25) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely yours, D. W. Bowman
It is the decision that no change, correction or modification is warranted in your discharge
(1963 11/24) FBI: H. H. Floyd
Threatened assassination of Eisenhower
Forward to Manuscript
Questions and answers pertaining to USSR
(1959 10/06) Historic Diary
Account of Miss Mosby interview
Account of American Embassy visit
Account of amorous affairs in USSR
Notes on political systems
Notes on biographical data
(Lee Harvey Oswald) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 10/31) Department of State Telegram: MOSCOW to Secretary of State
Lee Harvey Oswald appeared at Emb today to renounce American citizenship (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 11/00) CIA Cryptonym: JMWAVE (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1959 11/04) Naval Message: CNO to ALUSNA Moscow - Intelligence Matter (jfk.hood.edu)
Your 031215I, WEBSTER discharged from USN in 1951 and has no present naval status.
OSWALD is PFC Inactive Marine Corps Reserve with obligated service until 8 December 1962
(1959 11/04) FBI Record: FLASH BY BUREAU, Lee Harvey Oswald (maryferrell.org)
(1959 11/09) Department of State Telegram: Tokyo to Secretary of State
USAF Staff Sergeant John E. Pic Tachikawa Air Base, called at Embassy November 6 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 11/09) Department of State Telegram: MOSCOW to Secretary of State
Consular officer attempted personal delivery of message from Pic to Oswald today (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 11/15) CE 2716 Fort Worth Defector Confirms Red Beliefs
(Aline Mosby) (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
(1960 01/02) Senator John F. Kennedy Announces His Candidacy for the Presidency of the United States
(1960 01/13) FBI Memorandum: A. J. McGrath to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
On 3/17/60, Warren Olney III, Director, Administrative Office of the United
States Courts, Washington, D. C., and his assistant, [____________] made
a number of allegations concerning the Bureau's handling of an administrative
inquiry investigation, as well as regarding personnel of one of our field offices
(1960 02/08) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1959
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1960 03/09) An Appeal for Human Rights
(Atlanta University Center) (crmvet.org)
(1960 03/29) Heed Their Rising Voices - Full page ad in New York Times
(Committee to Defend Dr. King and the Struggle for Freedom in the South) (crmvet.org)
(1960 04/13) FBI Memorandum: A. J. McGrath to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
On 3/17/60, Warren Olney III, Director, Administrative Office of the United
States Courts, Washington, D. C., and his assistant, [____________] made a number
of allegations concerning the Bureau's handling of an administrative inquiry
investigation, as well as regarding personnel of one of our field offices
(1960 05/17) Brief History of Radio Swan (Taylor report) (cuban-exile.com)
(1960 05/26) The U-2 Airplane Incident Memorandum of Conversation (Jim Hagerty)
(Foreign Relations of the United States May - July 1960)
(1960 05/31) Events Incident to the Summit Conference - Statement by and questioning of Mr. Allen W. Dulles
(Senate Foreign Relations Committee)
(1960 06/03) CD 1114 J. Edgar Hoover memo, Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security
(1960 07/02) President Harry Truman announcing his reasons for resigning as
a delegate to the 1960 Democratic National Convention (Video)
(1960 07/04) Senator John F. Kennedy in response to President Truman's
criticism of Kennedy's candidacy for president (Video)
(1960 07/15) Speech Accepting the Democratic Party's Nomination for President (Video)
(Senator John F. Kennedy) (Steven Carter)
(1960 09/12) Speech to the Protestant Greater Houston Ministerial Association (Video)
(Senator John F. Kennedy) (Steven Carter)
(1960 10/25) Department of State - Hugh S. Cumming, Jr. to CIA - Richard M. Bissell, Jr.
List of American "Defectors" (jfk.hood.edu)
(1960 10/26) Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on Telephone Call To Mrs. Martin Luther King
(1960 10/27) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. interview after Release from Georgia State Prison at Reidsville
(From television footage)
(1960 11/14) Ruby Bridges
First African American student to integrate an elementary school in the South
(Debra Michals, Ph.D.) (nwhm.org)
(1960 11/18) CIA Memorandum: S. H. Horton to Deputy Director (Plans)
Proposed reply to the letter of 25 October 1960 from
Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., Department of State (jfk.hood.edu)
(1960 11/21) Dear Hugh (S. Cumming, Jr.): ... Sincerely yours, Richard M. Bissell, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
List of American "Defectors"
(1960 12/09) Oswald CIA 201 File (201-289248) (maryferrell.org)
(1960 12/12) Skelly Wright and New Orleans (BUSH v. ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD)
(Jack Bass) (Chapter 7 of Unlikely Heroes (1981))
(1960 12/15) FBI File: MCNAMARA, ROBERT (archive.org)
(1961 01/02) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1960
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1961 01/09) Address to General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Video)
(President-Elect John F. Kennedy) (Steven Carter)
(1961 01/17) Farewell Address (President Dwight D. Eisenhower) (Video) (Ewafa)
(1961 01/19) JFK Assassination Chronology: January 19, 1961 - November 21, 1963
(Ira David Wood III) (assassinationresearch.com)
(1961 01/20) Inaugural Address (w/audio) (jfklibrary.org)
(1961 01/20) Inaugural Address (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 01/20) Vehicle price quote for Friends of Democratic Cuba
(Bolton Ford, Inc.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 01/20) Vietnam (jfklibrary.org)
(1961 01/25) President's News Conference - First news conference
(1961 01/25) President's News Conference - First news conference (Video))
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 02/27) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Olney was not aware as to who would be extending
the invitation for Mr. Hoover to attend this dinner
(1961 03/02) Vietnam Historical Files (CIA) (archive.org)
(1961 03/15) President John F. Kennedy News Conference #7 (Video)
(1961 03/31) FBI File: SOL ESTES, BILLIE (archive.org)
(1961 04/16) Radio report about Cuban exile invasion of Cuba (Video)
(1961 04/18) Cuban military aircraft landed at the Miami International Airport (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 04/22) Memorandum for the Record
First Meeting of General Maxwell Taylor's
Board of Inquiry on Cuban Operations Conducted by CIA (FRUS)
(1961 04/27) Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
(1961 04/27) Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 05/01) Bay of Pigs Account from the 'Atlantico' (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com/)
(1961 05/04) Freedom Rides Route Map (AP Newsfeatures)
(1961 05/20) 2506 Prisoner Delegation Meeting (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 05/21) Speech Establishing the Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 05/22) FBI Memorandum: Director to Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
This case involves an allegation that Arthur James Balletti and another
unidentified individual placed a wire tap on the telephone of Dan Rowan,
a member of the comedy team of Rowan and Martin, in October, 1960
(1961 05/22) Enclosure: ARTHUR JAMES BALLETTI, et al
(1961 05/25) President Kennedy's Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs (jfklibrary.org)
(1961 05/26) Foreign Service Despatch: Amembassy MOSCOW to The Department of State, Washington
Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald
(Edward L. Freers, Minister Counselor) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 05/28) FBI File: Freedom Riders (archive.org)
(1961 05/29) Bay of Pigs Invasion: First Hand Account (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 06/13) President John F. Kennedy Remarks and Question and Answer Period at the Press Luncheon in Paris
I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris, and I have enjoyed it
(1961 06/28) National Security Action Memorandum Number 55 (President John F. Kennedy)
Relations of Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in Cold War Operations
(1961 07/00) Brig. Gen. Edward G. Lansdale to Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor
Resources for Unconventional Warfare, SE. Asia (excerpts) (The Pentagon Papers)
(1961 09/00) Santo Trafficante Jr. (U.S. Treasury Department - Bureau of Narcotics) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 09/25) Address to the United Nations General Assembly (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 09/29) LIFE Magazine September 9, 1961
Inside the Congo ... Inside the U.N. ... When Dag Died
(1961 10/00) Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and Associated Documents - Part 1
Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation October 1961
(1961 10/12) Foreign Service Despatch: Amembassy MOSCOW to The Department of State, Washington
Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald
(Boris H. Klosson, Counselor for Political Affairs) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 10/26) Department of State Memorandum of Conversation: Lee Oswald
Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, PPT - Mr. Edward J. Hickey,
SCS - Mr. Denman F. Stanfield, SOV - D. E. Poster (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 10/27) Dear (Mr. L. A. Mack) Sir ... Very truly yours, Curtis O. Lynus (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached is a copy of the report of SA JOHN W. FAIN, Dallas, dated 7/3/61 which
may contain some background information of value in connection with your investigation
(1961 11/04) CIA Cryptonym: GYROSE: Routing indicator for Task Force WH/Cuba (maryferrell.org)
(1961 11/16) Address at the University of Washington's 100th Anniversary (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 00/00) Inter-American Police Academy - Panama 1962-1964 (namebase.net)
(1962 00/00) Breakdown of Alabama White & Negro Voters (Map) (crmvet.org)
(1962 01/18) Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and Associated Documents - Part 2
An Analysis of the Cuban Operation by the Deputy Director (Plans)
Central Intelligence Agency (Richard M. Bissell, Jr.)
(Memorandum from: Allen Dulles 02/15/1961 p. 216)
(1962 01/21) Integrating Ole Miss: A Civil Rights Milestone (microsites.jfklibrary.org)
(1962 03/12) Memorandum: Policy Questions, Operation Mongoose (Brig. Gen. Lansdale) (cuban-exile.com)
(1962 03/13) Operation Northwoods (Joint Chiefs of Staff)
(1962 03/16) Memorandum For The Record: Meeting With President, 16 March 1962
(Brig. Gen. Lansdale) (jfklancer.com)
(1962 03/20) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover ... Sincerely yours, Warren Olney III (jfk.hood.edu)
I am pleased to send you herewith a copy of the annual report of the Director of
the Administrative Office of the United States Courts for the fiscal year 1961
(1962 04/04) Memorandum: Ambassador Galbraith to President Kennedy (mtholyoke.edu)
The following considerations influence our thinking on Viet-Nam
(1962 04/11) President's News Conference - Increasing steel prices (President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 04/26) Navy Memorandum: H. T. Hardenburg to Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
LEE H. OSWALD, Kalinina St. 4-27, Minsk U.S.S.R., March 22, 1962 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 04/26) Memorandum for the Record: Cuba
(FRUS) (history.state.gov)
(1962 05/11) Secret Eyes Only Memorandum: Discussion with General Eisenhower; Mr. McCone; and Mr. Forrestal
(MVF Gen. Clifton) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 05/20) Speech on Health Care (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 05/22) FBI Memorandum: to Attorney General: The Johnny Rosselli Matter (jfklancer.com)
(1962 05/24) Medical Examination of Visa Applicant: Marina N. Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 06/00) CIA Cryptonym: AMSPELL: Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (maryferrell.org)
(1962 06/11) Yale University Commencement Speech (presidency.ucsb.edu)
(1962 06/11) Yale University Commencement Speech (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 06/11) Affidavit of the Reverend Wyatt Tee Walker
Re: Arrest and Detention in the Shreveport City Jail and the
Caddo Parish Jail in the State of Louisiana, June 8 and 9, 1962
(1962 06/14) Memorandum: EG Lansdale to State, Defense, CIA, USIA (jfk.hood.edu)
Progress, Operation Mongoose
(1962 08/01) National Intelligence Estimate
The Situation And Prospects In Cuba
(1962 06/15) Dear Miss (Phoebe H.) Bannister: ... Sincerely yours, George H. Haselton (jfk.hood.edu)
Lee H. Oswald, who arrived at New York on the S/S "Kassdam"
June 13, 1962 accompanied by his wife and child, was repatriated
from Moscow on the basis of a loan for part payment of his passage
(1962 06/15) HEW Memorandum: Alice J. Webber to Miss Phoebe Bannister
On June 14, the Department of Welfare wired and received $200 from the
brother, Robert Oswald, who agreed to meet the family on their arrival
(1962 06/22) HEW Memorandum: Mrs. Val M. Keating to Marcella Clark
The brother has shown an interest in the returnee and has assisted financially
(1962 07/02) HEW Memorandum: Mrs. Val M. Keating to Mr. John J. Hurley
Mr. Oswald is a radar specialist, and is a good prospect for employment
(1962 06/26) FBI File: OSWALD, HARVEY LEE (39,718 pages) (archive.org)
(1962 07/02) Mr. Fain interviewed by Mr. Stern re interview with LHO on July 2, 1962 (jfk.hood.edu)
I took the notes and from my notes I dictated this, which we call an FD-302
(1962 07/04) Speech at Independence Hall (Video (Steven Carter))
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 07/06) LIFE Magazine July 6, 1962
A Letter From David Rockefeller to the President and J.F.K.'s Reply
(1962 07/06) President Kennedy open letter to David Rockefeller on the Balance of Payments Question
(1959 11/02) Memorandum for the File: J. M. Barron (jfk.hood.edu)
Files of ONI contain no records of Subject
(1959 10/31) Foreign Service Despatch: Amembassy MOSCOW to Department of State, Washington
"My request for citizenship is now pending before the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R."
(1959 11/01) Ex-Marine Asks Soviet Citizenship
(UPI) (Washington Post)
(1959 10/31) Telegram: MOSCOW to Secretary of State
Says he has offered Soviets any information he has acquired as enlisted Radar Operator
(1958 06/24) DD Form 456: Charge Sheet: OSWALD Lee H.
Charge 1: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 117
Charge 2: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 128
(1958 07/09) USMC Memorandum: Marvin P. Morton, Jr. to Chief of Staff
Summary Court-Martial, case of Lee H. Oswald, private, USMC
(1958 07/03) USMC Memorandum: W. D. Garrett to Wing Legal Officer
Summary of evidence in the trial of Lee H. OSWALD Private 1653230/6741
(1962 07/06) FBI FD-302: SAs (Illegible (Fain))
OSWALD exhibited an impatient and arrogant attitude
(1962 05/23) Navy Memorandum: Director of Naval Intelligence to Commandant of the Marine Corps
Attention is invited to DNI Confidential memo serial 05464P92 of 19 March 1962
(1962 05/10) Department of State Memorandum: John Noonan to Director of Naval Intelligence
Mr. Oswald ... has not expatriated himself under the pertinent laws of the United States
(1962 05/01) Department of State Memorandum: John Noonan
ONI has again requested information on OSwald's citizenship status
(1962 04/26) Navy Memorandum: L. T. Hardenburg to Mr. William O. Boswell
Oswald plans to return to the United States by 15 May 1962
(1962 03/07) Dear Mr. Oswald ... Sincerely, (Illegible)
(1962 04/23) Navy Memorandum: L. T. Hardenburg to Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Enclosure (1), which contains information concerning OSWALD,
is forwarded for information, supplemental to references (a) and (b)
(1962 03/22) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
I have not violated; Section 1544, Title 18, U.S. code, therefore you
have no legal or even moral right, to reverse my honourable discharge
from the U.S.M.C of Sept. 11, 1960, into a undiserable discharge
(1962 04/04) Department of State Memorandum: Otto F. Otepka to Director, Office of Security
Please advise if there has been a change in the Subject's citizenship status
(1962 04/02) Memorandum: Jerry Vacek to Pross Palmer
Am forwarding attached as the result of my telecon CHST 1530 this date
(1962 04/02) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely, Paul W. Seabaugh
This headquarters has no authority to change the type of discharge issued in your case
(1962 03/19) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Information on OSWALD indicating that he claims to be a U. S. citizen
(1962 03/07) Dear Mr. Oswald ... Sincerely, R. McC. Tompkins
(1962 03/07) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
You may consider this letter a request by me for a full review of my case in the light of these facts
(1962 03/23) Navy Memorandum: Director of Naval Intelligence to Commandant of the Marine Corps
ONI Conf Case History File, subj: John Edward Pic
(1962 03/07) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
You may consider this letter a request by me for a full review of my case in the light of these facts
(1962 03/19) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Information on OSWALD indicating that he claims to be a U. S. citizen
(1962 03/08) Memorandum: Jerome Vacek to Pross Palmer
Congressional interest is likewise anticipated
(1962 03/07) Dear Mr. Oswald ... Sincerely, R. McC. Tompkins
(1962 03/16) Air Force Memorandum: Vincent L. Sullivan to Division Director OP 921E, ONI
Subject [John Edward Pic] advised Lee Harvey Oswald might possibly try to visit
him his next duty station and if this occurred, he would notify the local CSI office
(1962 03/23) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Enclosure (1), which contains information concerning OSWALD,
is forwarded for information, supplemental to references (a) and (b)
(1962 03/19) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Information on OSWALD indicating that he claims to be a U. S. citizen
(1962 03/06) Navy Memorandum: Director of Naval Intelligence to Commandant of the Marine Corps
Ltr from OSWALD of 30 Jan 1961 to SECNAV John B. Connally, Jr.
(1962 03/13) Naval Message: DNI to ALUSNA Moscow
On 17 August 1960 OSWALD was given an undesirable
discharge from the USMCR by reason of unfitness
(1961 07/14) Navy Memorandum: Eighth Naval District to Director of Naval Intelligence
Copy of FBI Dallas, Tex. Report dtd 3 July 1961
(1962 07/25) Review of Operation Mongoose (Brig. Gen. Lansdale)
(1962 08/07) Northwoods
U. S. Military Intervention in Cuba
(JCS) (archive.org)
(1962 09/12) Speech on the Space Program at Rice University (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 09/17) New Orleans Police Supplementary Report: Suicide (8-28-62) (jfk.hood.edu)
Robert Perrin
(1962 08/30) New Orleans Police Memorandum: Commanding Officer to Superintendent of Police
Report relative to the unclassified death of Robert Perrin, age 41, residing 1713 Calhoun St.
(1962 09/21) NAACP letter to President Kennedy re Meredith & 'Ole Miss (crmvet.org)
(1962 09/29) President Kennedy and Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett phone call (Video)
(1962 10/22) Cuban Missile Crisis Oval Office Address (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 10/24) Security Council - Official Records No. 1024, October 24, 1962 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 11/02) LIFE Magazine November 2, 1962
The Danger Filled Week of Decision - Cuba
(1962 11/05) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1961
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1962 11/09) LIFE Magazine November 9, 1962
Dealing With the Deadly Crisis
(1962 11/21) Dear Mr. Weisberg: ... Sincerely yours, Walter Herbert Morse
A designation of a 3 mile radius over your farm
(DoD Office of the Assistant General Counsel) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 11/21) A Historic Meeting at the White House on Human Spaceflight (history.nasa.gov)
(1962 12/18) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Geoghegan said we would be particularly interested in the AG's comment with regard to this letter,
which was that Olney was "a silly s.o.b." but the AG thought a reply would have to go to him
(1962 12/19) Weinstock Exhibit No. 1 - Letter from The Worker to Mr. Oswald
(1963 00/00) Eisenhower's Views on the Popularity of Ho Chi Minh
(Dwight D. Eisenhower) (Mandate for Change, 1953-56) (mtholyoke.edu)
(1963 00/00) The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Stay Out of Downtown Birmingham! Flyer
(Birmingham Students) (crmvet.org)
(1963 02/18) Factual Background For Reasons Stated In Discharge Of Captain Ferrie
(American Airlines) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 02/22) Letters on CIA (Harry Truman)
(1963 03/28) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1962
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1963 03/31) The Kennedys at Camp David (Photos) (cnn.com)
(1963 04/03) Birmingham Campaign (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1963 04/03) No More: The Children of Birmingham 1963 and
the Turning Point of the Civil Rights Movement (Video)
(Miranda and Mckay Jessop)
(1963 04/08) Memorandum to the President Re: Civil Rights Commission Resolution
(Robert Kennedy, Attorney General) (crmvet.org)
(1963 04/10) Oswald's Property (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1963 04/17) The Spy Satellite So Stealthy that the Senate Couldn't Kill It (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1963 04/19) City of Miami Memorandum: Detective Sgt. C. H. Sapp to A. W. Anderson (jfk.hood.edu)
A meeting of the Cuban Revolutionary Council will begin
this afternoon and probably will last on into the night
(1963 05/00) Segregation at All Costs: Bull Connor and the Civil Rights Movement (Video) (Eamon Ronan)
(1963 05/01) [Loran] Hall Interviews (Unattributed) (Incomplete) (jfk.hood.edu)
On this date I met LORAN HALL at the airport terminal
of National Airlines at Los Angeles International Airport
(1963 05/06) Memorandum for the Record of the Secretary of Defense (Honolulu) Conference
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume III
Vietnam, January-August 1963
(1963 05/12) Change of Address: Oswald, Lee (CE 794) (jfk.hood.edu)
4907 Magazine St. New Orleans, LA.
(1963 05/18) Vanderbilt University Convocation Speech (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 05/18) Memorandum of conversation between President Kennedy
and Governor Wallace re Birmingham protests
(Pierre Salinger) (crmvet.org)
(1963 05/25) Atoka, JFK's Middleburg, VA residence (Video) (jfklibrary.org)
(1963 06/04) Executive Order 11110 (President John F. Kennedy)
Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury
(1963 06/10) American University Commencement Address (President John F. Kennedy) (jfklibrary.org)
(1963 06/10) American University Commencement Address (President John F. Kennedy) (Video)
(1963 06/10) Address by the President (Kennedy) at Commencement Exercises, American University Washington
(American Foreign Policy, 1963) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 06/11) Report to the American People on Civil Rights (crmvet.org)
(1963 06/11) Report to the American People on Civil Rights (Video)
(President John Kennedy)
(1963 06/25) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The Attorney General orally informed me today that he had been considering the
request he made on July 16, 1963, for a technical surveillance on Martin Luther King
at his home and office and was now of the opinion that this would be ill advised
(1963 06/25) Background on Lisa Howard's Fidel Castro interview (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 06/26) Remarks in the Rudolph Wilde Platz, Berlin - Ich bin ein Berliner
(1963 06/26) Remarks in the Rudolph Wilde Platz, Berlin (Video)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 06/28) Address to the Oireachtas Éireann - Dublin, Ireland (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 06/29) Remarks at Shannon Airport Upon Leaving for England
(1963 06/29) Remarks at Shannon Airport Upon Leaving for England (Video)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 07/01) Lee H. Oswald to Embassy of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Please rush the entrance visa for the return of Soviet citizen, Marina W. Oswald (www.maryferrell)
(1963 07/16) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The purpose of the AG's contact was that this brought to his attention the
possibility of effecting technical coverage on both Jones and Martin Luther King
(1963 07/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
It is believed possible this person is identical with LEE HARVEY OSWALD, subject of captioned case
(1963 07/22) FBI Memorandum: Mr. F. J. Baumgarden to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
This is a recommendation requesting the Attorney General's authority for the installation of
a technical surveillance covering the home telephone of Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as the
telephone covering the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, of which King is the President
(1963 07/22) Senate Testimony: From MORNING until NIGHT... "humiliation stalks them"
(Roy Wilkins, NAACP) (crmvet.org)
(1963 07/26) Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Oval Office Address (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 08/09) FBI Memorandum: SA Stephen M. Callender to SAC, New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
This is to advise that on this date [____________], who requested that her identity be
kept confidential appeared at the office and furnished the following information
(1963 08/10) Copy of slip of paper taken from Oswald by New Orleans Police Lt. Martello
(1963 08/13) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. JESSIE JAMES GARNER, 4909 Magazine St., New Orleans
(1963 08/21) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File
STUCKEY mentioned at 6:05 p.m., 8/21/63, OSWALD will appear
on a radio program over WDSU which will last for approximately
30 minutes and this program will be a debate type program
(1963 08/15) FBI FD-302: SA John Lester Quigley (jfk.hood.edu)
LEE HARVEY OSWALD was interviewed at the First District
Station, New Orleans Police Department, at his own request
(1963 08/17) Latin Listening Post interview
(1963 08/17) Latin Listening Post interview (Audio)
Lee Harvey Oswald and Bill Stuckey
(Stuckey Exhibit No. 2) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 08/21) Conversation Carte Blanche Radio debate
(1963 08/21) Conversation Carte Blanche Radio debate (Audio)
Lee Harvey Oswald, Bill Slater, Bill Stuckey, Ed Butler, and Carlos Bringuier
(Stuckey Exhibit No. 3) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 08/22) FBI FD-192: SA M. R. Kaack (jfk.hood.edu)
Record of Radio Program "CONVERSATION CARTE BLANCHE" broadcast 11/21/63 at 6:05PM
(1963 08/23) FBI Memorandum: SAC New Orleans to Director
On August 9, 1963, LEE HARVEY OSWALD was arrested by the New Orleans Police Department
(1963 08/26) FBI FD-192: SA M. R. Kaack (jfk.hood.edu)
1 roll magnetic tape recording an interview of OSWALD by
Bill Stuckey of the Ross Agency, 525 Gravier St, N.O.La.
(1963 08/27) FBI Memorandum: SA John L. Quigley to SAC (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
Lt. FRANCIS MARTELLO, Platoon Commander, First District, New Orleans PD, advised
that captioned individual had been picked up on 8/9/63 and charged with disturbing the peace
(1963 08/27) FBI FD-9: SAC, New Orleans to Director
N.O.P.D. 111-723
(1963 08/28) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"
Address delivered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
(1963 08/30) FBI File: KING, MARTIN LUTHER JR. (archive.org)
(1963 08/09) HANDS OFF CUBA Flyer with 544 CAMP ST. Stamp (static1.squarespace.com)
(1963 09/02) Walter Cronkite Interview with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Video) (CBS)
(1963 09/10) FBI Report: LEE HARVEY OSWALD (James P. Hosty, Jr.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 09/18) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
Characterization of CORLISS LAMONT
(1963 09/20) Address to the United Nations General Assembly (Video) (Ewafa)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 09/20) DoJ Memorandum: Burke Marshall to J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
I did inform Dr. King and two members of his organization -
Reverend Andrew Young and Reverend Wyatt Walker - some time ago
(1963 09/20) Report to SCLC (Diane Nash Bevel) (crmvet.org)
(1963 09/20) Proposal for Action in Montgomery (Diane Nash Bevel) (crmvet.org)
(1963 09/20) Memorandum: National Day of Mourning (Bayard Rustin) (crmvet.org)
(1963 09/21) Photo of 'Lee Harvey Oswald Dallas, Texas' on block of wood (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 09/26) New Orleans P.O. Box 30061 Closed (CE 986) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 09/26) The Odio Incident (September 26 or 27) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 09/28) Cuban Embassy, Mexico City - L.H. Oswald / Silvia Duran (Transcript)
(CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 10/02) Memorandum from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Secretary of Defense to the President
Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume IV
Vietnam, August-December 1963
(1963 10/05) Meeting: South Vietnam (McGeorge Bundy) (FRUS) (history.state.gov)
(1963 10/07) FBI File: Domestic Security - SEEGER, PETE (archive.org)
(1963 10/07) (Dear Attorney General Robert Kennedy): ... Respectfully, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
It is further requested that authority be granted to place a technical
surveillance on the SCLC office at the current New York address
or to any other address to which it may be moved
(1963 10/09) Mexico City to CIA Director
1 Oct 63, American Male who spoke broken Russian (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/09) FBI Record: FLASH CANCELLED, Lee Harvey Oswald (maryferrell.org)
(1963 10/10) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
I pointed out to the Attorney General the fact that a residence was involved did not necessarily
mean there was any added risk because of the technical nature of the telephone system
(1963 10/10) Central Intelligence Agency to:
Department of State
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of the Navy
On 1 October 1963 a reliable and sensitive source in Mexico reported
that an American male, who identified himself as Lee OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/10) CIA Director to Mexico City
Lee Oswald Who [Contacted] SOVEMB 1 Oct Probably Identical Lee Henry Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/11) National Security Action Memorandum Number 263 (President John F. Kennedy)
South Vietnam
(1963 10/14) TSBD Application for Employment: Oswald Lee Harvey (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/18) FBI Memorandum: Mr. J. F. Bland to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
A survey has now been conducted on the headquarters of the SCLC at Atlanta, Georgia, and this
survey indicates it is feasible to install a technical surveillance on this place with full security
(1963 10/19) Speech at the All New England Salute Dinner (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 10/21) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The Attorney General is apparently still vacillating in his position as to technical
coverage on Martin Luther King and his organization, it being recalled that he had initially
suggested such coverage and then changed his mind and felt it might be inadvisable
(1963 10/22) Address to The National Academy of Sciences (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 10/22) FBI AIRTEL: SAC Dallas to Director
ROBERT L. OSWALD, 7313 Davenport Avenue, Fort Worth, the brother of LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1963 10/25) J. Edgar Hoover's personal file on Martin Luther King Jr. (archive.org)
(1963 10/26) Speech at Amherst College in honor of the late poet Robert Frost (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
Information from NOPD on 8/9/63 revealed that LEE H. OSWALD was arrested
(SA Warren C. De Brueys) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/28) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. R. Wannall to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Army Intelligence, San Antonio, Texas, on 10/24/63 advised that subject [JOHN THOMAS
MASEN], Dallas, Texas, sporting goods store operator, had asked Captain George Charles
Nonte, Fort Hood, Texas, an acquaintance, if he knew anyone who might be interested in
buying information concerning large-scale military operations in Caribbean
(1963 10/30) CIA Cryptonym: LITEMPO-8: Luis Echeverria Alvarez (maryferrell.org)
(1963 10/31) FBI FD-263: SA Milton R. Kaack (jfk.hood.edu)
Will interview LEE OSWALD's mother, Mrs. MARGARET OSWALD, 1308 Eagle Street, Apartment 3
(1963 10/31) FBI FD-302: SA Kaack Re: LEE HARVEY OSWALD (CE 826) (history-matters.com)
(1963 10/31) FBI FD-302: SA Milton R. Kaack (CD 12) (jfk.hood.edu)
Subject wrote letter to "The Worker", 6/10/63 requesting literature
(1963 11/00) Will Christmas in Mississippi Be Like Christmas in America?
(Dick Gregory) (crmvet.org)
(1963 11/01) Miami PD Intelligence Memorandum: G. Zenoz to C. H. Sapp
JERRY PATRICK stated that one man LORAN HALL stole two rifles from his apartment (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/02) Petition to Suppress Evidence (jfk.hood.edu)
Your petitioner, Thomas A. Vallee
(1963 11/02) Municipal Court of Chicago
Thomas Vallee - Unlawful use of weapons
(1963 11/07) Director FBI to Director CIA, Deputy Director, Plans
LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/08) Director FBI to Director CIA, Deputy Director, Plans
LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/09) Transcript: Joseph Milteer - William Somersett, November 9, 1963
(Intelligence Unit of the Miami Police Department) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 11/09) Assassination Garrison Chronology
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - A
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - B
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - D
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - D
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - E
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - F
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - H
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - H
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - I
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - J
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - K
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - L
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - N
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - O
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - P
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - Q
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - R
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - T
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - U
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - V
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - W
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - YZ
(Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/12) Memorandum for the Record: Cuban Operations (FRUS) (history.state.gov)
(1963 11/12) National Security Action Memorandum Number 271 (President John F. Kennedy)
Cooperation with the USSR on the Outer Space Matters
(1963 11/14) President's News Conference - Last news conference (President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/15) A Study of "The Management and Termination of War With the Soviet Union"
(National Security Council) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1963 11/18) Address to Inter-American Press Association, Miami, Florida (President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/19) CE 767 Preliminary Survey Report - Visit of President to Dallas, Texas (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/20) Memorandum of Discussion at the Special Meeting on Vietnam (history.state.gov)
(1963 11/20) CE 768 Final Survey Report prepared by Special Agent Lawson
concerning President Kennedy's trip to Dallas (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/21) Speech in Honor of Representative Albert Thomas (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/21) National Security Action Memorandum Number 273 (President Lyndon B. Johnson) (Draft)
South Vietnam
(1963 11/21) Secret Service Investigation: Harold S. Thoma (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, Sherman Hotel, 71st Street & Broadway, New York, N. Y.
(1963 11/21) "Wanted For Treason" Flyer Distributed in Dallas Before JFK's Visit
(1963 11/22) Speech in front of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/22) WELCOME MR. KENNEDY TO DALLAS... (The Dallas Morning News)
(American Fact-Finding Committee) (Bernard Weissman, Chairman)
(1963 11/22) President John F. Kennedy Remarks at the Breakfast of the Chamber of Commerce in Fort Worth, TX
(1963 11/22) President John F. Kennedy Remarks Prepared for Delivery at the Trade Mart in Dallas, TX
(1963 11/22) November 22, 1963 - 12:30 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. (maryferrell.org)
(1963 11/22) Schematic of Dealey Plaza (Craig Ciccone)
(1963 11/22) Presidential Motorcade Schematic Listing (Todd Wayne Vaughan 1993)
(1963 11/22) Dealey Plaza Map (Don Roberdeau)
(1963 00/00) Abraham Zapruder holding his Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera
(1963 11/22) Zapruder Film (Video)
(1963 11/22) Zapruder Film frames (Abraham Zapruder / Jennifer Juniors, Inc.)
(1963 11/22) Altgen 6 photograph (James Altgen / Associated Press)
(1963 11/22) Mary Ann Moorman Polaroid
(0000 00/00) Sandra Styles (Video)
(1963 11/22) File: Photographs (Jim Garrison)
(1963 11/22) List of Over 500 Photographs Taken on 11/22/63 (Computers and Animation)
(1963 11/22) Did Lansdale ever wear glasses? (Animation) (Sandy Larsen)
(1963 11/22) Abraham Zapruder with Jay Watson (Video)
(1963 11/22) Affidavits: Eastman Kodak Company and Jamieson Film Company employees
Attachment 1 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(1963 11/22) Jean Hill interviews broadcast over NBC at 1:11 p.m. CST (WBAP-TV Fort Worth/Dallas)
(1963 11/22) CBS News - Early report of the death of a Secret Service agent (Video) (@ 32:00)
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File: FBI should immediately start a complete investigation
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File: There was chaos all over the place there
(1963 11/22) CD 387 List of Persons aboard Air Force One, Dallas to Washington
(1963 11/22) Air Force One Transmissions (General Clifton) Part 1
(1963 11/22) Air Force One Transmissions (General Clifton) Part 2
(1963 11/22) Air Force One Transmissions (General Clifton) (Transcript by Douglas P. Horne)
(1963 11/22) CE 2112 Original notes made by S/A Glen Bennett aboard Air Force One
(1963 11/22) Jack Ruby outside of Parkland Hospital (Photo) (Penn Jones) (digitalcollections.baylor.edu)
(1963 11/22) Parkland Hospital News Conference - 3:16 P.M. CST (Malcolm Perry / Kemp Clark)
(1963 11/22) Following is proposed schedule as of 1710, 22 November
Military District of Washington, U. S. Army
(1963 11/22) The Final Hour (Video) (Dallas Cinema Associates)
(1963 11/22) General Offense Report: Person Arrested: Lee Harvey Oswald (City of Dallas Police Department)
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: SA Manning C. Clements to SAC Dallas
The following descriptive data was obtained from LEE HARVEY OSWALD:
(1963 11/22) Decker Exhibit No. 5323 (Bill Decker, Sheriff)
(1963 11/22) CE 2175 Floor plan of third floor, Dallas Police Department, Dallas, Tex.
(1963 11/22) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 1
(1963 11/22) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 2
(1963 11/22) Captain Will Fritz' Oswald Interrogation Summary (Dallas Municipal Archives)
(1963 11/22) DPD: Jack Revill, Lieutenant to Captain W.P. Gannaway
Hosty related that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was aware of the Subject (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1963 11/22) File: Photographs - Persons Appearing with Lee Harvey Oswald
in Dallas Police Department Identification "Line-Up" (Jim Garrison)
(1963 11/22) CE 1024 Secret Service Agents and Texas Highway Patrol Statements
(1963 11/22) DPD Affidavit: M. L. Baker, Patrolman Dallas Police Department
(1963 11/22) DPD Affidavit: William H. Shelly
(1963 11/22) Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly
(1963 11/22) FBI - Death of President Kennedy: 112th INCT Group, San Antonio
(1963 11/22) Naval Investigative Service File: Lee Harvey Oswald (Naval Intelligence)
(1963 11/22) Naval Investigative Service File: Lee Harvey Oswald (Naval Intelligence)
(1963 11/22) Authorization For Post-Mortem Examination (R.O. Canada Capt MC USN))
(0000 00/00) Who was present at JFK's autopsy or Who's on First Base? (Kevin Kellman)
(1963 11/22) Alphabetical list of witnesses and testimony
(1963 11/22) "Eyes only" briefing book of the Secret Service White House and Hyannis Port Details (Video)
(1963 11/22) FBI: Employees, Dallas Division
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont
There is no Federal Statute applicable to prosecuting the killer of President Kennedy
(1963 11/22) Reports on Officer's Duties In Regards To The President's Murder
L.C. Graves, H.G. Hall, Marvin Johnson, J.R. Leavelle, V.D. Honaghen, Leslie D. Montgomery,
H.M. Moore, W.E. Potts, R. M. Sims and E.L. Boyd, B.L. Senkel, F.M. Turner
Positions Assigned Homicide and Robbery Bureau Officers For the Security of the President
Property Clerk's Invoice or Receipts
Time of Occurrences
(0000 00/00) FBI: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
And The Killing Of Lee H. Oswald November 24, 1963 Visual Aids (Excerpt)
(1963 11/22) FBI Re: JFK: C. Ray Hall, SA (jfk.hood.edu)
The 6th floor of the Taxes School Book Depository Bldg. 411 Elm,
Dallas, Texas, is used entirely for storage of textbooks
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: J. R. Mall?? to Mr. Roc?? (jfk.hood.edu)
U. S. Marine Corps record for Lee Harvey Oswald had been sent today AMSD to DGK, Washington
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: At 7:10 p.m., 11/22/63, I called SAC Shanklin at Dallas
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File: FBI had Oswald under surveillance
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: Belmont to Tolson Re: Lee Harvey Oswald Assaulting A Government Officer
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: 8 millimeter color film
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: 8 millimeter color movie film
(1963 11/23) Results Of Autopsy On John F. Kennedy (FBI Baltimore Office)
(1963 11/23) DPD Captain Glen D. King (Video)
(1963 11/23) Harper Fragment slides
(1963 11/23) DPD Affidavit: Roy S. Truly
(1963 11/23) FBI FD-302: CHARLES DOUGLAS GIVENS, warehouseman, TSBD building (06/04/1964)
FBI FD-302: CHARLES DOUGLAS GIVENS, 511 Cochran Street, (11/23/1963)
(1963 11/23) FBI FD-302: SA Benjamin O. Keutzer
DONALD WAYNE HOUSE was interviewed at Fort Worth Police Department (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/23) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 3
(1963 11/23) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 4
(1963 11/23) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 5
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Sylvester to SAC (89-69) (jfk.hood.edu)
In this case we needed the evidence to tie it in as OSWALD was admitting nothing
(1963 11/23) CD 75 p.100-1 FBI DeBrueys Report of 02 Dec 1963 re: Oswald/Russia (jfk.hood.edu)
Confidential Informant NO T-1 furnished the following,
pertaining to Post Office Box 30061, New Orleans
(1963 11/23) Protective Assignment of S/A Glen Bennett on 11/22/63 at Dallas, Texas
(1963 11/23) Dear Mr. Rowley: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963
(1963 11/23) CIA Classified Message: Director to Mexico City
Arrest of Silvia Duran is extremely serious matter which could prejudice
ODYOKE freedom of action on entire question of PBRUMEN responsibility
(1963 11/23) Concerning the Facts and Consequences of the Tragic Death of President John F. Kennedy
Fidel Castro's First Speech on the JFK Assassination
(1963 11/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
We are going to kill the man who killed the President
(1963 11/24) CE 2020 Western Union receipt for $25 received from Jack Ruby (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/24) Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald live on television (Video) (CBS News) (Max Power)
(1963 11/24) The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald (Mae Brussell)
(1963 11/24) CE 1434 Statement to FBI: Pauline E. Sanders (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/24) CE 1435 Statement to FBI: Ochus V. Campbell (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/24) FBI File: RUBY, JACK (15,000 pages) (archive.org)
(1963 11/24) File: Investigation of the Operation Security Involving the Transfer
of Lee Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 (1 of 3)
(1963 11/24) File: Investigation of the Operation Security Involving the Transfer
of Lee Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 (2 of 3)
(1963 11/24) File: Investigation of the Operation Security Involving the Transfer
of Lee Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 (3 of 3)
(Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1963 11/25) John F. Kennedy Funeral (Video) (tapsbugler) (youtube.com)
(1963 11/25) Taps at the Funeral of John F. Kennedy (Audio) (Keith Clark) (soundcloud.com)
(1963 11/25) Oval Office phone call with J. Edgar Hoover (Video) (Transcript (maryferrell.org))
(1963 11/25) Oval Office phone call with Joseph Alsop (Video)
(President Lyndon B. Johnson) (Steven Carter)
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SAC H. G. Maynor to File (jfk.hood.edu)
CLARK advised he had just received word that OSWALD died
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA Albert Sayers to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Sequence of Events Leading to the Death of Lee Harvey Oswald
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA James W. Bookhout to SAC (89-43) (jfk.hood.edu)
Examination of the bullet and gun that killed LEE HARVEY OSWALD, 11/24/63
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA Milton L. Newsom to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
film in a package from Mr. Charles Bronson
(1963 11/25) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM ALLEN HARPER found a piece of bone
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA Patterson to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
The subject's wife advised that she had told the FBI her husband
worked in the building from which the President was killed
(1963 11/25) Abraham Zapruder Letter to C. D. Jackson of Life Magazine
Attachment 2 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum (jfk-info.com)
(1963 11/25) Andrews, Dean Jr. (National Archives Catalog)
(1963 11/26) FBI Director's Phone Log: 11/20/63 - 11/26/63 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/26) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
The body of the President was immediately taken to the National Naval Medical Center (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/26) Autopsy of Body of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Sibert and O'Neill FBI Report (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/26) FBI FD-302: SA James W. Anderton (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM ALLEN HARPER made this piece of bone available to SA JAMES W. ANDERTON
(1963 11/26) FBI/DPD inventory of 11/26/63 (WCV 24 pages 263-283)
(1963 11/26) FBI File: FERRIE, DAVID WILLIAM (archive.org)
(1963 11/26) Congressional Medal of Honor to John F. Kennedy (p. 6)
(1963 11/26) Profile in Courage: Mrs. John F. Kennedy (p. 13)
(1963 11/26) The Bitter Fruit of Hate (p. 13)
Congressional Record - House
(1963 11/26) Legislation Relating to Assault on President or Vice President (p. 2)
(1963 11/26) An Investigation Into the Circumstances Surrounding the Assassination of President Kennedy (p. 55)
(1963 11/26) Proposal to Make Assassination of President, Vice President, or Chief Justice a Federal Crime (p. 70)
(1963 11/26) Protection of Certain Elected Officials of the Government (p. 71)
(1963 11/26) Amendment of United States Code to Provide Penalties
For Assassination of Certain Elected Officials (p. 71)
(1963 11/26) The Character and Abilities of President Lyndon B. Johnson (p. 83)
Congressional Record - Senate
(1963 11/26) Statement of Attorney General Waggoner Carr: Purpose of Forthcoming Court of Inquiry (More)
(1963 11/26) Miami Police Informant Information on Milteer
(Intelligence Unit of the Miami Police Department) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 11/27) Gov. John Connally with Martin Agronsky (tsl.texas.gov)
(1963 11/27) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach recognized the tremendous task
which faced the Bureau in getting out the reports in this matter
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: DAVID WILLIAM FERRIE (SA Ernest C. Wall Jr. / SA Theodore R. Vaiter) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: WILLIAM GEORGE GAUDET (SA John William Miller) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: G. WRAY GILL, 1705 Pere Marquette Building (SA John W. Smith) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) Secret Service Field Report: John Richard Salisbury (SAIC Lane Bartram) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) Secret Service: Protective Research Report of 27 November 1963
(1963 11/27) CE 1126 George G. Burkley - Physician to the President
Report of my participation in the activities surrounding
the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/27) CE 1390 FBI report re records of U.S. Post Office, Dallas, Tex., pertaining to
Oswald's rental of post office boxes and changes of address (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/27) House resolution to create a joint committee of seven Senators and seven
Representatives to explore all facets of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (p. 6)
(1963 11/27) Investigation of the State Department Demanded, Whereas the dismissal of
Otto Otepka signaled the end of effective security in the Department of State (p. 8)
Congressional Record - House
(1963 11/28) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. SULLIVAN furnished the following questions to be resolved during the interview
(1963 11/28) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont
On the sixth floor in the room where the rifle and cartridge cases were located
one figure can be seen in the window (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/28) CE 1129 Statement to FBI: O. V. Campbell (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/28) Confidential: Statement of Hurchel Jacks, Texas Highway Patrolman, made on November 28, 1963
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Allen Dulles
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with J. Edgar Hoover
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Richard Russell
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Richard Russell - continued
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Hale Boggs
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Everett Dirksen
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Abe Fortas
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with John McCormack & Otto Passman
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with John Sherman Cooper
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Leslie C. Arends
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Charles Halleck
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Carl Albert
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Gerald Ford
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Joseph Alsop
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with James Eastland
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Thomas Dodd
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Thomas Kuchel
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with John A. McCone
(President Lyndon B. Johnson) (Steven Carter) (Videos)
(1963 11/29) Executive Order 11130 (President Lyndon Johnson)
Appointing a Commission to Report Upon the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
(1963 11/29) FBI Memorandum: John Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) FBI Memorandum: SAs Robert M. Barrett and Ivan D. Lee to SAC, DALLAS
questions concerning photographs taken at Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
OSWALD made the statement "So you are HOSTY. I've heard about you."
(1963 11/29) Statement to FBI: M. L. Baker, Patrolman Dallas Police Department (Version 1)
(1963 11/29) Statement to FBI: M. L. Baker, patrolman Dallas Police Department (Version 2)
(1963 11/29) Statement of Assistant Special Agent in Charge Roy H. Kellerman, United States Secret Service,
concerning his activities and official duties on November 22, 1963 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) LIFE Magazine - President John F. Kennedy - 1917 - 1963
(1963 11/30) Texas Attorney General's Report (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1963 11/30) Activities of this Special Agent in Dallas, Texas, on Friday, November 22, 1963
Andrew E. Berger - Special Agent - White House Detail (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/30) Statement of Special Agent Paul E. Landis, Jr., United States Secret Service,
concerning his activities and official duties on November 22, 1963 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/30) Statement of Special Agent Clinton J. Hill, United States Secret Service,
concerning his activities and official duties on November 22, 1963 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/30) FBI Airmail: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Information Obtained From The Texas Employment Commission and Resulting Contacts
with Firms Listed by OSWALD During Period of Unemployment in New Orleans
(1963 12/01) Statement of Special Agent David B. Grant (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/01) Statement of Special Agent Winston G. Lawson (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/02) Supplementary Report of Autopsy No. A63-272 - President John F. Kennedy
(J. J. Humes CDR, MC, USN) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/02) FBI Statement: James Darnell
(1963 12/02) CD 75 FBI DeBrueys Report re: Oswald/Russia
Current Section: E. Associates, Acquaintances, and Persons
In Contact with Subject In Past - David William Ferrie
(1963 12/02) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach advised that Chief Justice Warren had taken a
very strong position in opposition to the publication of the FBI report in this matter
(1963 12/02) DPD: V. J. Brian, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
JAMES HERBERT MARTIN (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1963 12/03) Transcript of Dallas Police Radio Transmissions (Dallas Police Department) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/03) CE 769 - Statement of Special Agent Lawson
concerning his official duties from November 4 to November 22, 1963 (history-matters.com)
(1963 12/03) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Justice Warren wants a high-level liaison man from any interested agency
(1963 12/04) Secret Service Field Report: information concerning Jack Ruby from Dallas
(SAIC Guy H. Spaman & SA Darwin D. Horn) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/04) FBI FD-302: James F. Morrissey (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview of JOHN E. DONOVAN, Former U.S. Marine Corps Section Commander
of LEE HARVEY OSWALD during the Period March, 1959 to September, 1959
(1963 12/10) FBI FD-302: San Antonio, Texas
Staff Sgt. JOHN EDWARD PIC, Air Force Serial Number AF 113113239
(1963 12/05) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/05) CE 2086 Statement to FBI: Mrs. Eric (Carolyn) Walther (history-matters.com)
(1963 12/05) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont:
Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach advised the consensus of Commission members was that
it would be inadvisable to have a large number of witnesses to testify before the Commission
(1963 12/05) FBI FD-302: IC Leonard Lewis
OSWALD attended course entitled "Aircraft Control and Warning Operator"
(1963 12/05) CD 131 FBI Rushing Jr. Report of 06 Dec 1963 re: Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
FBI FD-302: IC Leonard Lewis
LEE H. OSWALD, Serial-Number 1653230, Marine attached Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
(1963 12/05) CIA Memorandum to File: Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS
PAINE, RUTH nee: HYDE aka: Mrs. Michael Paine
(1963 12/06) Certificate of Death: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(Theran Ward J.P.) (Dallas County) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/06) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Belmont
Mr. Katzenbach called me on the night of 12/5/63 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/06) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/06) LIFE Magazine December 6, 1963
Kennedy's Last Journey
(1963 12/07) Letter from Martha Joe Stroud to J. Lee Rankin re: Victoria Adams
(1963 12/08) Statement to SS: Roy Sansom Truly (Page 1)
(1963 12/08) Statement to SS: Roy Sansom Truly (Page 2)
CD 1 FBI Investigation of Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
(1963 12/09) Summary Report (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/09) Summary Report (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/09) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr:
Nick Katzenbach, the Deputy Attorney General, called me at 11:00 A. M., (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/10) FBI Memorandum: J. H. Gale to Mr. Tolson
Results of Findings Re Investigative Deficiencies: (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/10) FBI: Statement of David Ferrie (maryferrell.org)
(Witness: Regis L. Kennedy, SA) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/10) Melvin Belli takes over Jack Ruby case in Dallas, Texas (Video)
(1963 12/11) Final Survey Report: President's visit to Miami, Florida, on November 18, 1963
(White House Detail) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 12/11) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
My remark to Mr. SORRELS was made in such fashion that no one else might hear it
(1963 12/11) FBI Teletype: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
SA Hosty called Mr. SORRELS aside and told him there was more information
concerning OSWALD but he should get it through our Washington headquarters
(1963 12/11) DPD: W.S. Biggie, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway (texashistory.unt.edu)
Source states that SUBJECT had driven RUBY'S car several times
(1963 12/12) DoJ Memorandum: Robert Kennedy to Dean Rusk (nsarchive2.gwu.edu)
I believe it would be wise to remove restrictions for such travel
[to Cuba] in view of the special conditions prevailing there
(1963 12/12) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson Re: Mr. Lee Rankin
(1963 12/12) FBI Memorandum: John Edgar Hoover to [list] (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Lee Rankin called from New York to check in with me on the matter of the Commission
(1963 12/12) FBI Memorandum: C. D. Deloach to Mr. Mohr Re: Congressman Gerald R. (Gerry) Ford
(1963 12/13) Secret Service Investigation: Special Agent Anthony E. Gerrots (jfk.hood.edu)
Investigation disclosed that information furnished by Jack S. Martin to the effect that
David William Ferrie associated with Lee Harvey Oswald at New Orleans and trained
Oswald in the use of a rifle with a telescopic lens, also that Ferrie had visited Dallas
several weeks prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is without foundation
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: SA Furman G. Boggan
FRANK CARACI, Co-owner, Club 500, 500 Bourbon Street, advised
that he never met JACK LEON RUBY, but was aware of the fact that
RUBY was in New Orleans looking for dancers in about June, 1963
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: John W. Smith & Kevin J. Harrigan
ALFRED PECORARO, 1205 North Rampart Street, student at Louisiana State University, New Orleans
(1963 11/29) FBI FD-302: SA James Royce Prok
JESSE R. CORE, III, 3022 St. Charles Avenue, stated that he was presently
Director of the Jesse R. Core Public Relations Firm located in Room 211
International Trade Mart, 134 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
(1963 11/29) FBI FD-302: SA's Ernest C. Wall, Jr. & (illegible)
DAVID WILLIAM FERRIE was interviewed at his residence, 3330 Louisiana Avenue Parkway
(1963 12/16) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/16) After Action Report - President John F. Kennedy's Funeral
Military District of Washington, U. S. Army (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/17) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
I talked with Congressman Gerald Ford (R-Michigan) at his office at 1:45 this afternoon
(1963 12/17) FBI FD-302: Mr. LARMAR HUNT, 2969 Hinkley, telephone number EM 8-7708
(SA Lansing P. Logan) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/18) FBI FD-302: SA J. Dawson Van Epps (jfk.hood.edu)
LEE HARVET OSWALD listed as a reference Sergeant ROBERT HIDELL, active U. S. Marine Corps
(1963 12/19) FBI Memorandum: D. J. Brennan to W. C. Sullivan Re: Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/20) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr:
Pursuant to the Director's Instructions, I met with Senator Richard B. Russell (D-Ga.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/20) CD 197 FBI Report Re: Lee Harvey Oswald (SA David J. Reid) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/20) FBI FD-302: CONNIE TRAMMEL, 5109 Live Oak (Allen H. Smith) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/20) Letter from J. Lee Rankin to Francis W. H. Adams Re: Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/24) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
At the outset of the interview, when this writer was introduced to MARINA OSWALD,
she advised SA GOPADZE, the interpreter, that she had previously met this writer
(1963 12/25) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: Assassination Of The President (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/27) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
(Ernie) Cuneo, before and after Pearson's articles appeared December 14 and
(illegible), 1963, attempted to disuade Pearson from writing such articles
(1963 12/30) RE: President's Visit to Miami, Fla. On November 18, 1963
(John A. Marshall - Special Agent in Charge) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 12/31) Radio Propaganda Report (Incomplete)
Havana's Response to the Death of President Kennedy and Comment on the New Administration
(Foreign Broadcast Information Service) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 00/00) House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation
(Anne Braden, Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF)) (crmvet.org)
(1964 01/02) FBI Serial 100-16601-1A (jfk.hood.edu)
Photos of material received from Dallas Office on 11/27/63
(1964 01/02) FBI FD-302: Wallace R. Heitman (jfk.hood.edu)
Lieutenant Colonel BOYD advised that POWELL had stated he took this photograph
approximately 30 seconds after the last shot was fired on November 22, 1963
(1964 01/03) FBI Report: SA Dean N. Ray (CD 253) (maryferrell.org)
Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 01/03) FBI FD-302: Kenneth C Howe (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. RUTH PAINE, 2515 West 5th Street, Irving, Texas
(1964 01/03) FBI FD-302: George T. Binkey (CD 206) (jfk.hood.edu)
POWELL stated that he took the picture from across the street in a diagonal direction from
the Texas School Book Depository, and estimated the distance as approximately 100 feet
(1964 01/03) Dear Mr. (Earl) Warren: ... Sincerely yours, Glenn T. Seaborg (jfk.hood.edu)
The records of the Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Security,
have been examined, and we have no record of either of those individuals
(1964 01/06) FBI Airtel: SAC, El Paso to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed for Dallas are three verifax copies of a newspaper
article which appeared in the El Paso Herald Post
(1964 01/06) Secret Service Memorandum: SAIC, Osborne to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Croft stated that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had possession
of the pictures for about two weeks, and upon their return to him just two
days ago, he mailed them to his permanent home in Powell, Wyoming
(1964 01/15) Secret Service Memorandum: SAIC, Osborne to Chief
It is my opinion that these photographs have no value to us
(1964 02/05) Secret Service Memorandum: SAIC, Osborne to Chief
We are forwarding the color photographs of Mr. Earl Croft covering
the Presidential motorcade in Dallas on November 22, 1963
(1964 03/31) Secret Service Memorandum: Chief to SAIC, Osborne
Please express to Mr. Croft our appreciation for the use of these slides
(1964 04/20) Dear Mr. (Robert E.) Croft: ... Very truly yours, Rolland M. Osourne
Please accept our sincere thanks for your cooperation in making these slides available for our review
(1964 01/06) Dear (J.) Lee (Rankin): ... Sincerely, (Illegible) (jfk.hood.edu)
Income tax returns filed by Lee Harvey Oswald; his mother, Marguerite C. Oswald;
and his brother. Robert L. Oswald, for the period 1956 through 1962
(1964 01/06) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, James J. Rowley (jfk.hood.edu)
When the President was taken from the Presidential car (SS 100-X) into
the Parkland Hospital, the car remained at the emergency entrance of
the hospital under the supervision of Special Agent Samuel A. Kinney
(1964 01/07) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Atomic Energy Commission
referred to me by Assistant Attorney General Miller
(1964 01/08) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
When the true facts concerning his activities are presented, such should be enough, if handled
properly, to take him off his pedestal and to reduce him completely in influence so that he will no
longer be a security problem and no longer will be deceiving and misleading the Negro people
(0000 00/00) Anonymous letter found in files of Mr. Sullivan:
King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is.
(1964 01/08) Secret Service Report Re: Oswald (CD 87) (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/08) 181. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Brazilian Affairs (Burton))
to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Mann)
The Position of the Military in Brazil (FRUS)
(1964 01/09) FBI Memorandum: SA's John T. Kesler and Vernon Mitchem to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
GARTH W. BALL, 110 Barnett, Dallas, Texas, an employee of Oak Cliff Cab Company, Dallas, Texas
(1964 01/09) Dear Mr. (James J.) Rowley: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
I suggest that we postpone for now the question of whether
a representative of the Commission should examine the windshield
presently stored in the Secret Service storeroom at the White House garage
(1964 01/10) FBI FD-302: Special Agent George T. Binney (jfkassassination.net)
Mrs. Lillian Mooneyham - Dealey Plaza Witness
(1964 01/10) Dear (J.) Lee (Rankin): ... Sincerely, J. Edgar Hoover(jfk.hood.edu)
Through arrangements worked out with Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman
of the Atomic Energy Commission, work is already in progress applying
this technique to certain phases of the current investigation
(1964 01/13) FBI Investigation of Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
Supplemental Report (CD 107) (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/14) FBI FD-302: John T. Kesler, Vernon Mitchem (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/14) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
The means by which information acquired by this Agency, should be made known to
the Commission appointed by President Johnson in order that its needs may be met
(1964 01/16) CIA Memorandum: CIA Work in Support of the Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/16) FBI Memorandum: Mr. J. F. Bland to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Give to Rankin summary on Mark Lane, N. Y. lawyer who has been
retained by Mrs. Oswald to represent Oswald before Warren Commission
Summary: MARK LANE
(1964 01/16) CIA Memorandum: Tennent E. Bagley to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Angleton said that Mr. Dulles, apparently provoked by press accusations
that the Warren Commission has been dilatory, asked CIA for suggestions of
questions or requests to be included in a letter to the Soviet Government
(1964 01/21) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/21) FBI Memorandum: FBI Dallas to FBI Tampa (jfk.hood.edu)
Locate and interview HENRY THOMAS KILLAN re his association with RUBY
(1964 01/21) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Minneapolis (jfk.hood.edu)
The film obtained by Minneapolis from JOHN MARTIN was viewed at the
New Orleans Office and was found to contain nothing of value to this case
(1964 01/21) Secret Service Investigation: Harold S. Thoma (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, Hollywood Colonial Hotel, 730 N. Western Avenue, Hollywood, California
(1964 01/21) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/20) Draft: To be submitted to Govt of USSR
The Commission of Investigation into the facts and circumstances of
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 22 November 1963, has:
(1964 01/22) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/22) Secret Service Memorandum: Agent Sorrels to Inspector Melley
Re: Zapruder Film of the Assassination of President Kennedy
Attachment 10 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum (jfk-info.com)
(1964 01/23) Dear Mr. (Mark) Lane; ...Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission does not believe that it would be useful or desirable
to permit an attorney representing Lee Harvey Oswald to have access
to the investigative materials within the possession of the Commission
or to participate in any hearings to be conducted by the Commission
(1964 01/23) Sirs: ... Bob K. Carroll (jfk.hood.edu)
Two weeks prior to the assassination of President of the United Sates John F. Kennedy, SUBJECT
made application for employment at the Allright Parking System, 1208 Commerce Street
(1964 01/24) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds (CD 405) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. ANTHONY ATZENHOFFER, JR., known as Tony, 3029 Albert Street
(1964 01/28) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds
Mr. JOSEPH THOMPSON, 6434 Vicksburg Street, United States Air Force Reserve
(1964 01/30) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds
Lieutenant GEORGE PIAZZA, 539 Henry Clay Avenue
(1964 01/28) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds
The 1954-55 New Orleans city Directory lists THOMAS
MCKIBBEN, 1840 Colapisa Street, Meterie, Louisiana
(1964 01/24) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Conner (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/24) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. T. Rodale (jfk.hood.edu)
I think it is very important we get down to the question of diet in connection with crime
(1964 01/24) Dear Mrs. (Lee Harvey) Oswald: ... Sincerely yours, J. T. Rodale
I am wondering if you could tell me exactly what was the diet of your husband
(1964 02/04) Dear Mr. (J. T.) Rodale: ... Sincerely yours, Helen W. Gandy
He instructed me to return your letter addressed to Mrs. Oswald
(1964 01/27) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/27) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Due to lack of productivity, [____________] covering the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference Office, 312 West 125th Street, New York City, was discontinued at 4:00 PM, 1/24/64
(1964 01/27) FBI FD-302: Milton R. Kaack (CD 405) (jfk.hood.edu)
MORRIS GOLDSTEIN, Executive Vice-president, Goldring's 810 Canal Street
(1964 01/27) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Laboratory had only two cameras; one a Siera Realist, A60979, American made camera,
item #378, and Cuera-2 camera, serial #627250, which they think may be a Russian camera
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC Dallas
The inventory prepared for the Dallas Police Department on 11/26/63 reflects item 375 as follows:
(1964 01/27) DPD: R.W. Westphal, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/27) Miami PD Intelligence Memorandum: Gus Zenoz to Chas. H. Sapp (jfk.hood.edu)
Officer A. Bared came by the Intelligence Unit and reported that subject
[GUILLERMO ALVAREZ GONZALEZ] had contacted him during his tour of duty last night
(1964 01/28) DPD: F. A. Hellinghausen, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
MADELYN ROGERS BLAYNEY (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) DPD: V. J. Brian, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
DORIS PAT WARNER (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) DPD: H.M. Hart, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
The cumulative record from the FORT WORTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS
is included as enclosure # 1 (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) DPD: H.M. Hart, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
Beedle C. York aka Joe York (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The meeting was to consider information now available as a result of
investigation relating to Oswald's activities in foreign countries
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: L. J. Gauthier to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission's legal staff, Messrs. Joseph Ball, David Belin, Melvin Eisenberg
and Norman Redlich visually examined the Zapruder and Nix movies from
10:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. on 1/27/64
(1964 01/28) FBI FD-302: John T. Reynolds (CD 405) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. DAVE FERRIE, 3330 Louisiana Parkway, advised that he recalled
MCKIBBEN and, since mentioning his name before, he is not sure whether
MCKIBBEN was in the Civil Air Patrol at the same time as OSWALD
(0000 00/00) JFK 62-109060 Serial 4199 EBF Part 3 - Zapruder Film Notes (FBI) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/29) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Milwaukee Bureau has directed that efforts should be made to
trace camera as to where and how Oswald obtained camera
(1964 01/29) FBI FD-302: SAs Kenneth P. Pettijohn and Patrick J. Fletcher (CD 400) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. VIRGIL (WILMA) DYKES, 1038 South Whitcomb, Indianapolis, Indiana
(1964 01/30) FBI Teletype: SAC, Dallas to SAC, New York (jfk.hood.edu)
Ascertain if it would have been necessary for Oswald to have declared this camera
(1964 01/30) FBI 304: SA David J. Reid (CD 404) (maryferrell.org)
U.S. Secret Service, El Paso, Texas, advised that Mrs. MARINA OSWALD
said she did not know RICHARD CASE NAGELL and had never seen him
(1964 01/31) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Bureau would like the following numbered photographs shown to MARINA OSWALD today:
1 through 43
44 through 64
65, 70, 276, 287, 367, 368, 369, 370
(1964 01/31) FBI Airtel: Director to SAC, Portland (jfk.hood.edu)
This film includes a few shots of subject at the time of his arrest in
August, 1963, for distributing FPCC literature and creating a disturbance
(1964 01/31) FBI Inventory of Property: 1 Minox III camera, SN 27259 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/00) Commission Memorandum: Mr. David W. Slawson to Mr. Howard P. Willens (jfk.hood.edu)
The State Department feels that the Russians will not answer a letter
of this, kind, at least not truthfully, and that it will also do positive
harm in that they will take offense at our sending it to them
(1964 02/03) WC Testimony: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Feb. 3-4-5-6
(J. Lee Rankin, John Thorne, William Krimer, Leon Gopadze,
Justice Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 02/03) Outline of Marina Oswald's Monday, Feb. 3, 1964 Testimony (Mae Brussell)
(1964 02/04) Outline of Marina Oswald's Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1964 Testimony (Mae Brussell)
(1964 02/03) FBI Memorandum: R. H. Jevons to Mr. Conrad (jfk.hood.edu)
On 2/2/64, the clothing worn by Oswald at the time he was shot
by Jack Ruby was brought to the Laboratory by SA Vincent E. Drain
(1964 02/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Allegation that SA HOSTY's name, telephone number and his car license number
with one digit off were found among the effects of LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 02/03) Secret Service Investigation: SA Roger C. Warner (CD 354) (jfk.hood.edu)
Pierce Allman (person believed to be one mentioned by Lee Harvey
Oswald as identifying himself as Secret Service Agent at Texas
School Book Depository immediately following assassination)
(1964 02/04) FBI FD-302: Paul L. Scott (jfk.hood.edu)
RICHARD RANDOLPH CARR, 738 North Bishop, Dallas
(1964 02/04) DPD: P. M. Parks, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
(1964 02/04) Secret Service Memorandum: Charles E. Kunkel (jfk.hood.edu)
H. G. Joiner interviewed and advised that L. H. Oswald came to him
at the Lone Star Cadillac Building, Dallas, Texas, seeking employment
(1964 02/05) FBI Oswald, Lee Harvey File: Vol. III 1/15 to 2/5 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/05) CIA Memorandum: Recent Soviet Statements on Lee Harvey Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/06) FBI Memorandum: F. J. Baumgardner to W. C. Sullivan Re: LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/06) FBI Airtel: SAC, New York to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
A proposed tour of MARK LANE under the sponsorship of the "National Guardian"
(1964 02/07) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Dulles did make one or two statements which may be of interest
(1964 02/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to File (jfk.hood.edu)
At no time during the interview did OSWALD indicate why he wanted to talk to
an FBI Agent and OSWALD was not specifically questioned in this regard since
MARTELLO had previously stated that OSWALD desired to talk to an FBI Agent
(1964 02/07) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
I then went to Senator Dick Russell's Office and upon seeing him mentioned that it was understood
that he was cognizant of the false allegation that Oswald had once been an FBI informant
(1964 02/07) FBI File: Louie Louie (archive.org)
(1964 02/10) FBI Memorandum: Mr. Branigan to Mr. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
"The Nation" article for 1-27-64
(1964 02/10) DPD: P. M. Parks, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 02/11) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Branigan to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
We now have affidavits from all the Special Agents who handled
interviews or other pertinent investigation in the Oswald matter
(1964 02/11) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark, ASAC to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Inspection by the Laboratory reveals the Ansco Flash Attachment
does not fit either of the cameras belonging to OSWALD
(1964 02/13) FBI URGENT to Director from DALLAS (jfk.hood.edu)
William Alexander, Assistant District Attorney, Dallas County, Texas
(1964 02/13) Secret Service Investigation: Thomas J. Behl (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Josephine Kennedy, aka Kelly has placed telephone calls to this office on numerous occasions
(1964 02/13) Secret Service Investigation: SA Charles E. Kunkel (CD 444) (jfk.hood.edu)
H. G. Joiner interviewed and advised that L. H. Oswald came to him at
the Lone Star Cadillac Building, Dallas, Texas, seeking employment
(1964 02/13) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Paine advised that the camera and flash equipment are her property
(1964 02/14) FBI Memorandum: W. R. Wannall to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Tapes are addressed to "State Senator Claude Pepper", are poorly prepared and
contain rambling, disjointed, and sometimes unintelligible material apparently
prepared by subject and several unidentified individuals on variety of subjects
(1964 02/18) Report of Proceedings Held at Washington, Tuesday, January 21, 1964 (Excerpt)
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
(1964 02/18) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC (jfk.hood.edu)
Letter From President's Commission - Dated 2/16/64
(1964 02/18) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC
ROBERT OSWALD found out about it and he was complaining about her
staying here in Washington and practically ordered her back to Dallas
(1964 02/18) (Captain W. P. Gannaway) Sir: ... Respectfully submitted, F. A. Hellinghausen (jfk.hood.edu)
SUBJECT resides at 303 N. Forest Crest, Garland, Texas
(1964 02/18) (Captain W. P. Gannaway) Sir: ... Respectfully submitted, T. T. Wardlaw (jfk.hood.edu)
SUBJECT is employed as Program Director by Radio Station WFAA
(1964 02/19) General Observations Re Mrs. Marguerite Oswalds Appearances
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/19) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. SULLIVAN was advised that OSWALD's attorney had stated that due
to her fatigued condition, he requested that she not be interviewed
any more until his return from Washington, D. C., Friday, the 21st
(1964 02/19) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas
Mr. SULLIVAN requested that he be telephonically advised as to the results
of the interview of MARINA prior to submission of the teletype summary
(1964 02/20) WC Testimony: Robert Edward Lee Oswald
(J. Lee Rankin, Albert Jenner, Wesley Liebeler, William McKenzie, Leon Jaworski,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 02/21) LIFE Magazine February 21, 1964
Lee Oswald (Backyard photo)
(1964 02/21) Commission Memorandum: Norman Redlich to J. Lee Rankin
The areas in which I am working are as follows: (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/21) FBI Memorandum: Bardwell D. Odum to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
RANKIN had learned through WILLIAM A. McKENZIE, Attorney for ROBERT
OSWALD, that JIM MARTIN, in the last two or three years reportedly has
[ ]
(1964 02/22) FBI Memorandum: Robert P. Gemberling to SAC, Dallas
Memo instructs that all available background information concerning JAMES HERBERT
MARTIN, former Business Manager for MARINA OSWALD, be obtained
(1964 02/22) FBI Memorandum: Inspector J. N. Malley to SAC, Dallas
No official investigation is to be conducted, but rather discreet inquiries
(1964 02/21) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms, ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Your memorandum to me in regard to information developed by the CIA on the
activity of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City, September 23 to October 3, 1963
(1964 02/22) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
The Bureau has instructed that additional information concerning the scar on
OSWALD's left wrist be obtained, such as statements of observation by police
or others, including the undertakers, and copies if reports, such as an autopsy
(1964 02/24) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Paragraph 5 regarding some evident scars, etc. on the hands and wrists
of OSWALD and the possibility of requesting exhumation of OSWALD
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
Asst. Director WILLIAM SULLIVAN called at 5:40 PM today to
inquire as to the status of interview of MARINA OSWALD today
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
I advised Mr. BRANNIGAN that Attorney McKENZIE arrived back in
Dallas late Saturday, but that he would not permit us to interview
MARINA until 1:30 PM today, that one of the children was sick, etc.;
(1964 02/24) FBI FD-302: SA John W. Roberts Jr., Dennis W. Shanahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. HAROLD E. MC DERMID, Attorney, 123 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Examination of the address book reveals that certain information
has been omitted at this point in your report
(1964 02/24) FBI FD-302: SA John W. Roberts, Jr., SA Dennis W. Shanahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. HAROLD E. McDERMID, Attorney, 123 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois
(1964 02/24) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Requesting details as to the reason material from subject-s address
book pertaining to SA Hosty was not included at the time the other
information from subject-s address book was set forth in a report
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Inspector SIZOO advised the Director has been in conference with
Mr. RANKIN of the Commission, and the following action is desired:
(1964 02/26) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File
The following is the fisur schedule in connection with
MARINA OSWALD, which supersedes the previous schedule
(1964 02/25) Oval Office phone call: LBJ to Robert McNamara (Video)
I always thought it was foolish for you to make any statements about withdrawing
(orerreugsabes) (Youtube)
(1964 02/25) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Congressman Ford requested that the Commission ascertain the circumstances under which a
photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, shown with a rifle and a revolver, was released to the press
(1964 02/25) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Bucknell told Wick today that "Life" magazine purchased the
photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald shown with a rifle and a revolver
(which appears on "Life" cover of 2-21-64) from Mrs. Marina Oswald
(1964 02/25) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Transmitted herewith are original and three copies of affidavit of SA Robert P. Gemberling
(1964 02/25) Affidavit: Robert P. Gemberling
The identity of Special Agent HOSTY was known to both
Special Agent KESLER and myself and was not lead information
(1964 02/25) FBI FD-302: SA Chester C. Orton (jfk.hood.edu)
Miss PAMELA LILLIAN MUMFORD furnished the following information:
(1964 02/25) FBI Memorandum: William (Bill) Branigan to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Have Dallas Detectives determine the date that NIXON was supposed to come
to Dallas to receive this Good Citi[zenship] Award or whatever he was to get
(1964 02/25) Commission Memorandum: J. Lee Rankin To the Staff: (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission made the following announcement today:
(1964 02/26) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
BRANNIGAN asked how do we account for the story, and he was told that
perhaps it was somebody else, or a figment of her (MARINA'S) imagination
(1964 02/27) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to All Senior Resident Agents (jfk.hood.edu)
On February 26, 1964, the Bureau advised that the President's Commission had
requested that the Bureau obtain recordings of the entire meetings or appearances
in which attorney MARK LANE and Mrs. MARGUERITE OSWALD participate
(1964 02/27) Commission Memorandum: Howard P. Willens to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
I believe that Mr. Lane's testimony should be obtained at this time for the following reasons:
(1964 02/28) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
MELVIN BELLI knew from reliable sources that RUBY had been an informant
for eight weeks, and OSWALD an informant of the FBI for thirteen weeks
(1964 02/29) FBI Teletype: Dallas to New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
Immediately exhibit photographs of OSBOURNE-BOWEN to MYRA
SILVER and other logical personnel of Jones Printing Company
(1964 03/00) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #1 (See 1970 11/30)
(Richard Neustadt) (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 03/03) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Griffin to Mr. Willens (jfk.hood.edu)
We have come across at least three persons who have been
mistaken for Oswald, Larry Crafard, (fnu) Ford, (fnu) Farrow
(1964 03/04) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The articles primarily deal with the claim by Buchanan that Oswald was an informant of the FBI
(1964 03/06) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
Jerry O'Leary of the "Star" had stated Buchanan formerly worked for the "Star" and is now in Paris
(1964 03/07) FBI Press Release
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover today issued a public denial that Lee Harvey
Oswald, accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, and Jack L. Ruby,
accused murder of Oswald, ever served as confidential informants of the FBI
(1964 03/04) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert O. Murphy to SAC, Chicago (jfk.hood.edu)
A meeting sponsored by Chicago Friends of the National
Guardian held on the evening of February 13, 1964
(1964 03/05) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
[MR. WILLIAM A. MCKENZIE] stated that he did not want to take
a chance of becoming involved with any unpleasantness with the
Commission over information that he might be furnishing the Bureau
(1964 03/05) Secret Service Investigation: George V. Sheaks (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, Calif.
(1964 03/05) Questions for SS Men at the Scene (Greer, Kellerman, Hill & Youngblood)
Suggested Questions for Mrs. Ruth Paine, March 17, 1964
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 03/06) Check List of Questions Raised by Mark Lane March 4, 1964
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 03/06) FBI FD-302: Ewald I. Carlson (jfk.hood.edu)
Source overheard conversation between two unsubs apparently discussing OSWALD
(1964 03/06) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. (Jones) Harris believed the figure of an individual standing in
the doorway of this building was identical with Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 03/07) FBI FD-302: Inspector Kelley (CD 486) (jfk.hood.edu)
I talked to Mary Ann Moorman 2832 Ripplewood, Dallas, Texas
(1964 03/07) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. DeLoach's Office advised that the attached release was made available to Jerry Leary,
Associated Press and United Press International, at approximately 4:45 p.m., 3-7-64
(1964 03/08) Commission Memorandum: Norman Redlich to Messers. Ball, Belin, Griffin, Stern (jfk.hood.edu)
There seems to be considerable uncertainty as to the precise lead which
caused the Dallas police to go to Oswald's rooming house at 1025 N. Beckley
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: Roy H. Kellerman, Special Agent, Secret Service
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: William Robert Greer, Special Agent, Secret Service
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: Clinton J. Hill, Special Agent, Secret Service
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: Rufus Wayne Youngblood, Special Agent, Secret Service
(Norman Redlich, Arlen Specter, Walter Craig, Charles Murray, Fred Smith,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Three sets of slides (27 slides in each set) and five sets of photographic
prints (27 slides in each set) made at the time of the autopsy on the body
of Oswald by Dr. Earl Forrest Rose, Dallas County Medical Examiner
(1964 03/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
Identity of Source: [____________] who has furnished reliable information in past (conceal)
(1964 03/09) FBI Memorandum: W. D. Griffith to I. W. Conrad (jfk.hood.edu)
Life Magazine had offered, to make available slides
(1964 03/09) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Howard P. Willens to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Helms stated that our first request gives CIA certain unspecified problems
(1964 03/10) WC Testimony: Robert Hill Jackson
(Joseph Ball, David Belin, Norman Redlich, Arlen Specter, Edward Wright,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Gerald Ford) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/10) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (CE 2455) (jfk.hood.edu)
The deposits found on the paraffin casts from the hands and cheek
of Oswald could not be specifically associated with the rifle cartridges
(1964 03/11) FBI FD-302: IC Richard D. Allen (jfk.hood.edu)
Your telegram 23rd LEE OSWALD, City Hall delivered to
Chief of Police. This is as far as our messenger allowed to go.
(1964 03/11) FBI FD-302: James P. Morrisey (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview set forth of [____________] re her feeling that [____________] a member of an international
Marxist conspiracy, and some connection between OSWALD, PAGES, and JACK RUBY
(1964 03/11) FBI Letterhead: (jfk.hood.edu)
On 3/12/64 [____________], who has furnished reliable information in the past,
personally provided a typewritten statement to SA WILLIAM S. BETTS
(1964 03/11) A Public Inquiry Into The Oswald Case with Mark Lane
(1964 03/11) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert J. Deneen to SAC J. Gordon Shanklin (jfk.hood.edu)
Reinterview JEAN HILL to ascertain whether she is a teacher and to determine how
many shots she heard, as well as any other additional information she may possess
(1964 03/12) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
Another matter has come to the Bureau's attention relative to your office's handling
of information from these highly sensitive sources which necessitates further
evaluation of your office's administrative handling of captioned investigation
(1968 04/09) FBI: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, during the period he was Attorney General,
not only approved recommendations for electronic surveillances
but he initially requested such coverage. These are the facts:
(1964 03/12) FBI FD-302: SA Milton R. Kaack (CD 652) (jfk.hood.edu)
JOHN D. LE BLANC, Manager Piggly Wiggly Store, 7041 Canal Boulevard
(1964 03/12) FBI FD-302: SA Milton R. Kaack
Telephone number 529-7181
(1964 03/12) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (history-matters.com)
Account of the interview conducted by the President's Commission
of Baltimore Agents James W. Sibert and Francis X. O'Neill, Jr.,
by Commission Staff Member Arlen Spector
(1964 03/12) Commission Memorandum: President's Commission to CIA (jfk.hood.edu)
Certain Questions Posed by the State Department Files
(1964 03/12) Commission Memorandum: Burt W. Griffin to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Concerning the testimony of Earlene Roberts, we met on Saturday March 7th
with Mr. Redlich, Mr. Slawson, Mr. Willens, Mr. Eisenberg and Mr. Ely
(1964 03/12) CIA Memorandum: For the Record (jfk.hood.edu)
On 12 March 1964, Mr. Helms, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Rocca met with Mr. Rankin, Chief
Counsel for the Warren Commission. Mr. Willems, and other members of Mr. Rankin's staff
(1964 03/13) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Burt W. Griffin to All Staff Members (jfk.hood.edu)
Oswald's description as obtained from the autopsy includes the following:
(1964 03/13) FBI FD-302: SA Arthur E. Carter (jfk.hood.edu)
Doctor KARL DOCKERY advised he spells his name with a "K" instead of a "C"
(1964 03/13) FBI FD-302: SA Arthur E. Carter
Mr. C. J. PRICE, Administrator, Parkland Memorial
Hospital, telephone number ME 2-5050, Dallas, Texas
(1964 03/13) FBI Memorandum: SA Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC J. Gordon Shanklin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Dno-lens Imperial Reflex camera which was furnished
to this Bureau by ROBERT OSWALD on February 24, 1964
(1964 03/14) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
We should secure everything that ROBERT OSWALD has that belongs
to MARINA or LEE HARVEY OSWALD and forward same to the Bureau
(1964 03/15) FBI FD-302: RNQ (CE 2897) (jfk.hood.edu)
A 1961 or 1962 red and white Chevrolet Impala, bearing Texas License No. PW 2958
(1964 03/16) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 03/16) FBI FD-302: SA Edwin Dalrymple (CD 738) (jfk.hood.edu)
Los Angeles sources noted person in photo resembled Subject LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 03/16) 84. Memorandum From the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the President
South Vietnam (FRUS)
(1964 03/17) National Security Action Memorandum Number 288 (President Lyndon B. Johnson)
Implementation of South Vietnam Programs (fas.org)
(1964 03/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
A meeting sponsored by the "National Guardian" was held at Town Hall,
113-123 West 43rd Street, New York City on Tuesday Feb 18, 1964
(1964 03/18) "I, Mrs. R. E. (Carolyn) Arnold..." (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 03/18) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
It is not felt that the increased sensitivity of neutron activation analyses would
contribute substantially to the understanding of the origin of this hole and frayed area
(1964 03/18) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The following persons bear a close physical resemblance
to and appear to have been mistaken for Lee Harvey Oswald:
(1964 03/24) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover
Positive identifications of Oswald in improbable places
(1964 03/18) Statement to FBI: William H. Shelly (CE 1381) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/19) Statement to FBI: Billy Nolan Lovelady (CE 1381) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/20) FBI Memorandum: SA Arthur E. Carter to SAC Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. [C. J.] PRICE said he was merely advising the FBI so they would
be aware that the Commission is conducting an independent investigation
(1964 03/20) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (CD 557) (jfk.hood.edu)
Information pertaining to photographs made at Parkland
Memorial Hospital of Oswald while he was in surgery
(1964 03/04) Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged suicide attempt (CD 557a)
(1964 03/21) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(1964 03/21) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(Albert Jenner, Norman Redlich) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/23) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(Albert Jenner) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/23) Commission Memorandum: Norman Redlich to Messers. Ball, Belin, Craig (jfk.hood.edu)
There are several alternative explanations for the movements of the west elevator
(1964 03/24) Statement to FBI: O. V. Campbell (CE 1887) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/24) FBI 304: SAC, New York to SAC Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
The principal speakers for the evening and their pertinent remarks follow:
(1964 03/24) FBI FD-302: Charles T. Brown, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. MARY ANN MOORMAN 2832 Ripplewood, made available the following
described photographs taken by her with a Polaroid camera on November 22, 1963:
(1964 03/25) WC Testimony: DPD Detective Lt. Don Ray Archer (Leon Hubert) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/25) WC Testimony: Mrs. Robert A. Reid (David Belin) (jfkassassination.net)
(1964 03/25) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
BAREFOOT SANDERS telephonically advised 10:15 AM this date that he had received a call from
Mr. JOHN MARTIN, JR., Superintendent of Training, U. S. Post Office Terminal Annex, Dallas
(1964 03/25) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
ASAC Clark stated that Martin, like many others, is apparently now "recalling" pertinent
facts in view of the presence of staff members of the President's Commission in Dallas
(1964 03/25) DoJ Memorandum: Barefoot Sanders to Mr. Hubert (jfk.hood.edu)
I have arranged for the Dallas F.B.I. office to interview Martin today
(1964 03/26) WC Testimony: DPD Reserve Officer Kenneth Hudson Croy (Burt Griffin) (jfkassassination.net)
(1964 03/26) Statement to FBI: O. V. Campbell (CE 1965) (aarclibrary.org)
(1964 03/26) FBI Letterhead: (CD 729a) (jfk.hood.edu)
[Mr. Aurelien] Channe was unable to name anyone who could furnish definite information
regarding OSWALD's possible appearance in Montreal apart from [____________]
(1964 03/29) Copy of material at the Gerald R. Ford Library (jfk.hood.edu)
General information We need to know from FBI
Questions to FBI re New Orleans Fair Play for Cuba Incidents
Questions to FBI re Mexican visit of Oswald
Questions to FBI re Oswald being agent
Questions to FBI re Oswald-Ruby Possible Connections
Questions to FBI re Oswald and his Marine Corps history
Questions to FBI re Oswald and his monetary income
(1964 03/30) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
"The Washington Daily News" of 3-28-64, in a feature entitled "In The Offing," which
is a "weekly size-up" of Washington news, reported that captioned individual [LEON
JAWORSKI], a long-time friend of President Johnson, may be the next Attorney General
(1964 03/30) Commission Memorandum: John Hart Ely to Messers. Jenner and Liebeler (jfk.hood.edu)
Selected New Orleans Witnesses covering 1939-44, 1954-56
(1964 03/30) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Jackie Kennedy has invited the captioned individual, a professor at Wesleyan University,
to do a book regarding the pertinent six days concerning the President's assassination
(1964 04/24) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The Director indicated that he would not meet with Manchester in view of the false allegations
mentioned by Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach to the Warren Commission indicating
that information had been "leaked" by the FBI concerning our investigation of the assassination
(1964 03/30) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (jfk.hood.edu)
At approximately 8:50 a.m., Mr. KEN HOWE, Dallas, furnished the following answers to questions
(1964 03/31) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
According to the publication, "Contemporary Authors,"
Manchester was born on 4-1-22 in Attleboro, Massachusetts
(1964 03/31) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (CD 702) (jfk.hood.edu)
There are enclosed pertinent excerpts from the "Manual of Instructions"
and the "FBI Handbook" which constitute instructions to FBI personnel
K. Threats Against The President Of The United States, Members Of
His Immediate Family, The President-Elect, And The Vice-President
1. Violations Within The Jurisdiction Of Other Federal Agencies
(1963 12/19) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC Albany
Dissemination of Information to U.S. Secret Service
(1964 02/19) FBI Letterhead: Very truly yours, John Edgar Hoover
(A) Protection of the President
(1964 03/31) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. Thomas L. Hughes (jfk.hood.edu)
Identifying, if possible, the 'elderly American' Lee Harvey OSWALD
encountered while hospitalized in the USSR in October of 1959
(1964 02/10) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. Thomas L. Hughes
"An elderly American at the hospital grew suspicious about me for some reason"
(1964 03/31) Kurt H. Debus Oral History Interview - JFK
(Walter D. Sohier / Eugene M. Emme) (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 04/00) HANDBOOK for Freedom Army Recruits
(SCLC) (crmvet.org)
(1964 04/01) WC Testimony: Clifton M. Shasteen (Albert Jenner) (jfkassassination.net)
(1964 04/01) WC Testimony: Malcolm O. Couch (David Belin) (history-matters.com)
(1964 04/01) FBI Report: Peggy Joyce Hawkins (CD 897) (history-matters.com)
(1964 04/01) FBI Memorandum: Kenneth C. Howe to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
BAREFOOT SANDERS called and then put Mr. Liebler
(Phonetic) of the President's Commission on the phone
(1964 04/02) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
Did we or did we not establish that OSWALD has a gun repaired at the Irving Gun Shop?
(1964 04/01) FBI Airtel: SAC, San Antonio to SAC, Miami (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/01) FBI Memorandum: Supervisor Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Bureau officials are holding their final meeting this afternoon
on the "30 Questions"this afternoon at
approximately 3 P.M.
(1964 04/01) FBI Memorandum: Supvr. Leon M. Gaskill to SAC, New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
DECKER was telephonically advised that when SA DE BRUEYS submitted his report concerning
the Fair Play for Cuba Committee on 10/25/63 the report was submitted in SA KAACK's absence
(1964 04/01) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, [FBI-Unsigned] (jfk.hood.edu)
Listing of interviews previously conducted and furnished to you
of individuals on or near the triple overpass on November 22, 1963
(1964 04/01) Secret Service Investigation: John H. Grimes, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, California
(1964 04/02) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer (CD 709) (jfk.hood.edu)
JOHN MARTIN, JR., Superintendent of Safety, Room 517, United
States Post Office Terminal Annex, 207 South Houston Street
(1964 04/02) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, (Unsigned) (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning the room at 1026 North Beckley Street,
Dallas, Texas, which was occupied by Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 04/02) Evelyn N. Lincoln Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1974 07/18) Evelyn N. Lincoln Oral History Interview - JFK #2
(1964 04/03) FBI Memorandum: SA Harold M. Ratchford to SAC (100-44403) (jfk.hood.edu)
On March 11, 1964, the Friends of the National Guardian held a public meeting at
the Philadelphia Ethical Society House, 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
(1964 04/03) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
FRED O'SULLIVAN, 413 Heritage, was recontacted and reiterated
that he had formerly attended Beauregard Junior High School in
New Orleans, Louisiana, during the school year 1954-1955
(1964 04/07) President's Commission On The Assassination Of President Kennedy
Deposition of FREDERICK S. O'SULLIVAN (Wesley J. Liebeler)
(1964 04/03) (Dean Rusk) Sir: ... Very truly yours, Harry W. Geiglein (jfk.hood.edu)
This Service is conducting an official investigation into the activities and background
of Josephine Patricia Kennedy, who has aliases of Lydia Lewis Fostini, Lydia Lewis
Hamill and Maragret Girosi Killo, and who has claimed her date of birth variously as
October 31, 1924, at Norfolk, Virginia, and July 25, 1935 at Hull, Massachusetts
(1964 04/04) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor (jfk.hood.edu)
Interviews of NATHANIEL WEYL, Delray Beach, Fla., and JOHN V. MARTINO,
Miami Beach, Fla., co-authors of the book, "I Was CASTRO's Prisoner"
(1964 03/20) FBI FD-302: Special Agents James J. O'Connor and George E. Davis, Jr.
Mr. WEYL stated that he, himself, had no firsthand information concerning LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 04/02) FBI FD-302: Special Agent James J. O'Connor
Mr. CARLOS VALDES FAULI, a Cuban exile living at 2000 S. W. 24th Street, Miami, Florida
(1964 03/16) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor
Mrs. JOHN MARTINO, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida
(1964 03/25) FBI FD-302: SA James J. O'Connor
(1964 03/24) FBI FD-302: SA James J. O'Connor
Mr. JOHN V. MARTINO, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida
(1964 04/02) FBI FD-302: Special Agent James J. O'Connor
Mr. JOHN V. MARTINO, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida
(1964 04/04) Robert S. McNamara Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 04/06) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Bureau (jfk.hood.edu)
October fifteen, sixtythree - "Running Man" Please Call Me Please! Please! Lee
(1964 04/06) Secret Service Investigation: John W. Grimes, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1029-103 St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California
(1964 04/06) Commission Memorandum: W. David Slawson to Leon Hubert, Burt Griffin (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Silvia Odio, 1816A West Davis Street, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/06) Dear Mr. Pemberton: ... Sincerely, Earl Warren (jfk.hood.edu)
1. Will Mr. Craig have the right to call witnesses and
recall those witnesses who have already appeared? Yes.
(1964 04/06) Dear Mr. (Walter E.) Craig ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Regarding depositions currently being taken by members of the Commission staff in Dallas
(1964 04/06) WC Testimony: Marvin Johnson
(David Belin)
(1964 04/07) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC J. Gordon Shanklin (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning the organization of a corporation called
Dallas Cinema Associates Corporation, P. 0. Box 15521, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/07) FBI Memorandum: SA William S. Betts to SAC (100-44403) (jfk.hood.edu)
On March 11, 1964, between three and four hundred people attended a meeting
sponsored by the Friends of the National Guardian and held at the Philadelphia
Ethical Society auditorium, 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
(1964 04/07) Secret Service Investigation: Martin J. Kennedy, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, California
(1964 04/07) CIA Memorandum: R. L. Bannerman to FBI Re: Richard Case Nagell (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Miss Victoria Elizabeth Adams
(David Belin)
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: William H. Shelly
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Joe R. Molina
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Earle V. Brown, DPD Patrolman
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Billy Nolan Lovelady
(Joseph Ball, Samuel Stern)
(1964 04/08) WC Testimony: J. Herbert Sawyer
(David Belin)
(1964 04/08) WC Testimony: Troy Eugene West
(1964 04/08) WC Testimony: Eddie Piper
(Joseph Ball)
(1964 04/08) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (CD 889) (jfk.hood.edu)
EDWARD VOEBEL, 4916 Canal Street, was recontacted
(1970 08/21) Confidential (Harold Weisberg)
On Shaw, he said he is surprised they didn't use what they had from Voebel,
apparently a phoned interview with Alcock, about a dinner party he had
attended that was so degenerate he left. Ferrie and Shaw both at it.
(1964 04/09) WC Testimony: Robert Edwin Edwards
(David Belin)
(1964 04/09) WC Testimony: DPD Patrolman J. M. Poe
(Joseph Ball)
(1964 04/10) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
The report of Special Agent Currie sets out results of this Bureau's
interview with Miss Priscilla Mary Post Johnson, free-lance journalist,
who interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald in November, 1959, in Moscow, USSR
(1964 04/10) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Albert E. Jenner Jr. to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (harveyandlee.net)
Our depositions and examination of records and other data
disclose that there are details in Mr. Ely's memoranda which
will require material alteration and in some instances, omission
(1964 04/13) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty, Jr. to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
had already been arrested by the Dallas PD
(1964 04/13) CIA Memorandum: For the Record (jfk.hood.edu)
Discussion with Mr. Allen W. Dulles on the Oswald case as of April
(1964 04/13) CIA Memorandum: For the Record (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] called me in at 0900 and showed me in draft a memorandum recording his
conversation with Allen Dulles on Saturday 11 April re CIA assistance to the Warren Commission
(1964 04/13) CIA Memorandum: to Deputy Director of Plans
[Allen Dulles] remarked that members of the Commission concerned
could not understand why CIA had not begun an investigation
of Oswald as soon as it received word that he had defected
(1964 04/14) Secret Service Investigation: George V. Sheaks (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, California
(1964 04/15) Secret Service Memorandum: Mr. James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Report covered by Secret Service Control Number 1366
(1964 04/03) Secret Service Investigation: John J. Howlett (CD 795)
At the request of United States Attorney Barefoot Sanders, Mr. Harry McCormick,
reporter, Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas, was interviewed
(1964 04/16) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Burt W. Griffin to Mr. W. David Slawson (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview with Dr. Burton C. Einspruch, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/16) Commission Memorandum: Burt W. Griffin to Mr. W. David Slawson (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview with Agent Frank Ellsworth, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/16) WC Testimony: Nelson Delgado
(Wesley Liebeler)
(1964 04/17) FBI Memorandum: D. J. Brennan, Jr. to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
The following information, which was volunteered to Agent Papich on 4/16/64 by James
Angleton, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), on a strictly confidential basis, may be of
interest to you in that it describes CIA's tactics in dealing with the Commission and
the information also may shed some light on the thinking of Chief Justice Warren
(1964 04/17) Dear (Waggoner Carr) Sir: ... Very truly yours, M. W. Stevenson (CD 847a) (jfk.hood.edu)
A check of garages and service stations patronized by Jack Ruby
(1964 04/16) Commission Memorandum: Burt W. Griffin to Mr. W. David Slawson
Interview with Agent Frank Ellsworth, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/17) Dear (Waggoner Carr) Sir: ... Very truly yours, M. W. Stevenson (CD 847a) (jfk.hood.edu)
A check of garages and service stations patronized by Jack Ruby
(1964 04/05) (Illegible)
(1964 04/29) Secret Service Memorandum: Arnold Sagalyn to Inspector Thomas J. Kelley
The firearms case involving Donnell D. Whittier was handled by
the F.B.I. and Alcohol & Tobacco Tax was not involved in any way
(1964 08/11) FBI FD-302: SA Francis B. Cole and SA Norman L. Casey
JOHN FRANKLIN ELROD, an inmate of the Shelby County, Tennessee, Jail
(1964 11/19) Police Nab 2 Ex-Convicts With Load of Stolen Guns (John Rutledge) (Dallas Morning News)
(1964 04/20) DPD: V. J. Brian, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
Hosty also said that he knew that Oswald was a Communist and
that he knew Oswald was working at the School Book Depository (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/21) Commission Memorandum: John Hart Ely to David W. Belin (jfk.hood.edu)
Appearance of Chief Curry and Captain Fritz, April 22, 1964
(1964 04/21) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Thank you and your representatives for the (illegible) cooperation
which was extended to representatives of the Commission during the
course of their work in Mexico City from April (??) through April (??)
(1964 04/22) Coleman Slawson Report (Undated) (1 of 3)
(1964 04/22) Coleman Slawson Report (Undated) (2 of 3)
(1964 04/22) Coleman Slawson Report (Undated) (3 of 3)
(1964 04/22) Commission Memorandum: Conference of April 14, 1964 to determine which frames
in the Zapruder movies show the impact of the first and second bullets
(Melvin A. Eisenberg) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/23) Case Studies of Intimidation
(Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)) (crmvet.org)
(1964 04/24) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer (CD 709) (jfk.hood.edu)
MARTIN advised that on November 22, 1963, he knew the route of the
Presidential Motorcade and had brought his 8 mm. DeJur Movie camera
with him for the purpose of taking pictures of the Presidential Motorcade
(1964 04/24) FBI FD-302: the American Fact-Finding Committee, BERNARD WEISSMAN, Chairman
(W. Harlan Brown) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/24) FBI Airtel: SAC, Cincinnati to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed for the Bureau are two complete copies of taped recordings
ontwo three reels of entire remarks made by MARK LANE during
appearance at University of Cincinnati (UC), Cincinnati, Ohio, 4/21/64
(1964 04/25) FBI Airtel: SAC, Cincinnati to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed for the Bureau are two copies each of tape recorded during a press
conference held by LANE on 4/22/64, at the Ohio Union, Ohio State University
(1964 04/29) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
This communication concerns a telephone call Mrs. Hill reportedly
received from an unidentified woman in Oklahoma on April 22, 1964
(1964 04/23) FBI Memorandum: SA Charles T. Brown, Jr. to SAC, Dallas
Mrs. HILL stated on the afternoon of 4/22/64 she was contacted telephonically
by long distance by an unidentified woman in Oklahoma who questioned her
regarding her knowledge of the assassination of President KENNEDY in Dallas
(1964 04/30) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 04/30) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The alleged Agent also reportedly told Jenkins' friend that he assisted in the investigation
of the Oswald case and that Oswald, prior to his murder, was definitely an FBI informant
(1964 04/30) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
FRED O'SULLIVAN, 413 Heritage, was recontacted
(1964 05/01) WC Testimony: Allison G. Folsom, Lt. Col, USMC
(John Hart Ely)
(1964 05/04) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours. J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Listed below are the contents of the FBI headquarters file
concerning Lee Harvey Oswald up to the time of the assassination
(1964 05/04) Secret Service Memorandum: Mr. James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning Donnell D. Whittier and the ""Minute Men"
(1964 04/29) Secret Service Memorandum: Arnold Sagalyn to Inspector Thomas J. Kelley
The firearms case involving Donnell D. Whittier was handled by
the F.B.I. and Alcohol & Tobacco Tax was not involved in any way
(1964 03/10) A&TT Memorandum: Louis DeCarlo to Valmore J. Forgett, Jr.
Our closing report of investigation and related exhibits
(1964 03/10) A&TT Report: John H. Burns
Investigation relating to the reported association of
Valmore J. Forgett, Jr. with "Minute Men of America"
(1963 10/31) New Jersey State Police Minor Initial Report: John H. Burns
Possession of Bomb, Juvenile Delinquency
(1964 01/30) Statement of Richard C. Breunich
(1963 03/18) A&TT Memorandum: Ishak Rayley to Atlanta and San Francisco
Probable violation of the N.F.A. on the part of F. C. Locke
(1963 03/15) A&TT Memorandum: Francis H. Gilmore to San Francisco and Los Angeles
Possible violations of the National Firearms Act
(1963 02/01) Classified Want Ads (Shotgun News)
(1963 02/02) Dear Mr. (J. M.) Hugo: ... Yours Truly, F. C. Locke
I assume you are interested in obtaining a quantity of submachine guns
and other automatic weapons that can be put into working order
(1963 04/26) A&TT Memorandum: W. A. Collawn to San Francisco and Chicago
Arrest of Charles Dietschweiler and the seizure of three NFA type firearms
(1963 04/17) A&TT Memorandum: Robert B. Miller to San Francisco and Atlanta
Guerrilla Activities - California Minute Men
(1963 04/09) A&TT Memorandum: Jack W. LaBoone to Atlanta
Fredrick Locke, Jr., 5 Winthrop Drive, Aiken, South Carolina
(1963 04/08) I, Fredrick C. Locke, Jr., relinquish my rights under the Fourth (4th) amendment
(1963 12/18) A&TT Memorandum: H. P. Clary to Chicago and Dallas
(1963 12/05) A&TT Memorandum: Karl E. Terlau to Denver
An effort has been made to re-establish undercover
contact with the Minutemen and with Richard Lauchli
(1963 10/01) A&TT Memorandum: W. A. Collawn to Dallas and Chicago
Have your Special Investigator Karl E. Terlau write to Lauchli in an undercover
capacity as detailed in the memorandum, and supply us with any response he receives
(1963 09/26) (Illegible)
(1963 09/30) A&TT Memorandum: W. A. Collawn to San Francisco and Chicago
It will be appreciated if you will supply us with information from
Golden State Arms Corp., 386 W. Green St., Pasadena, California
(1963 09/24) A&TT Memorandum: James F. Doyle to Chicago
Potomac Arms Company, Golden State Arms Company, Numirich Arms Company, Sarco Company
(1961 11/08) (Illegible)
(1961 11/20) A&TT Memorandum: Norman Nouish to Chicago
Mr. Lauchli stated that on October 21, 1961, while instructing a group of "Minute Men",
at Shiloh, Illinois, he did not furnish, sell, assign, pledge, lease, loan, give away or
otherwise dispose of any fully automatic firearm to any members of the organization
(1961 11/22) A&TT Memorandum: Supervisor in Charge, Chicago to Chief, Enforcement Branch
No evidence was developed to indicate that any of the firearms had been furnished
other members of the "Minute Men" group under conditions that would subject
Lauchli to the transfer tax imposed by Section 5611 of the National Firearms Act
(1964 04/08) A&TT Memorandum: H. P. Clary to Midwest and Southwest
Information relative to the "Minutemen" organization
(1964 03/31) A&TT Memorandum: Dwight Thomas to Denver
It was apparent that some of the bearded persons were Mennonites which are commonplace in Kansas
(1964 03/04) A&TT Memorandum: George A. Henry to Dallas and Chicago
Concerning the Minutemen organization
(1964 02/25) A&TT Memorandum: John F. Smith to Chicago
An individual carrying a DEWAT Thompson submachine gun
(1964 05/04) Secret Service Memorandum: Mr. James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning Donnell D. Whittier and the ""Minute Men"
(1964 05/08) FBI FD-302: (Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
A characterization of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee
(FPCC) can be found in the Appendix of this memorandum
(1964 05/05) Affidavit: Jesse J. Garner
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 05/05) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Agent Hosty unequivocally denied ever having made a statement to Lieutenant Revill
or to anyone else that the FBI knew that Oswald was capable of assassinating
the President of the United States or possessed any potential for violence
(1964 05/05) Secret Service Investigation: Ernest I. Aragon (CD 2696) (jfk.hood.edu)
Sylvia Odio, Dallas, Texas
(1964 05/05) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Very truly yours, James J. Rowley (jfk.hood.edu)
Father McChann says he did not know Sylvia Odio prior to March 1963
(1964 05/06) FBI Memorandum: Mr. F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Concerning the SCLC, New York has noted that there been frequent contacts between Kanter and Levison
(1964 05/07) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, New York (jfk.hood.edu)
Provided full security is assured authority is granted to install a technical
surveillance on the Office of Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
Room 1202, 15 East 40th Street, New York City, New York
(1964 05/07) Jack Ruby Psychiatric Reports (archive.org)
(1964 05/11) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor (CD 1020) (jfk.hood.edu)
JAMES C. BUCHANAN, former reporter for the Pompano Beach, Fla. "Sun-Sentinel",
stated he has no personal or first-hand knowledge of OSWALD or OSWALD's activities
(1964 04/21) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor
FRANK FIORINI, employed as a car salesman for Guarantee
Motors, 5560 Northwest Seventh Avenue, Miami, Florida
(1964 05/11) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Branigan to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission furnished the Bureau with the transcript of testimony
covering former SA John W. Fain, SA Robert L. Quigley and SA James P. Hosty, Jr.
(1964 05/13) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] said it occurred to him that it would be well for both McCone and Mr. Hoover
to be aware that the Commission might ask the same questions wondering
whether they would get different replies from the heads of the two agencies
(1964 05/13) FBI FD-302: SA Warren C. DeBrueys and SA Richard E. Logan (jfk.hood.edu)
ARMANDA JARVIS, wife of JIMMY JARVIS, advised she has been
a barmaid for the last few years at the Habana Bar, 117 Decatur Street
(1964 05/14) WC Testimony: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
(J. Lee Rankin, Norman Redlich Charles Murray, Walter Craig, Waggoner Carr,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 05/14) WC Testimony: Roy S. Truly
(Joseph Ball)
(1964 05/19) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 05/19) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached is a copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony before
the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
(Attached: Harold Weisberg commentary)
(1964 05/19) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached is a copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony before
the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
(Attached: Testimony excerpt w/corrections)
(1964 05/19) FBI Memorandum: SAIC Sorrels, Dallas to Chief - Attn. Inspector Kelley (CD 948) (jfk.hood.edu)
Lt. Revill stated that he had the address as 605 Elsbeth, Dallas, Texas, which had
been given to him orally by Detective B. K. Carrol of the Dallas Police Department
(1964 05/19) FBI FD-302: Robert P. Gemberling (CD 1179) (jfk.hood.edu)
Special Agent ROGER C. WARNER, United States Secret Service, Dallas, Texas
appeared at the Dallas Federal Bureau of Investigation Office and furnished the
following information concerning the JOINER family residing in Grand Prairie, Texas
(1964 06/08) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
Mrs. DAVID (EDITH) JOINER, 1624 Lake Crest Drive, Grand Prairie,
Texas, advised she was born August 12, 1926, in Shouns, Tennessee
(1964 06/08) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
RAEFEL D. JOINER, 2413 Christopher Street, Grand Prairie, Texas, advised that
his two sons, ROY and RAYMOND JOINER, ages 18 and 16, respectively, have
frequently engaged in picketing protests against integration and integration groups
(1964 06/08) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
BOBBIE SAVILLE JOINER was interviewed on the premises of his place of
business, Sonja's Grocery, 2749 Southeast 14th Street, Grand Prairie, Texas
(1964 06/12) FBI FD-302: A. Raymond Switzer
ROY EUGENE JOINER was interviewed at the residence
of Mr. & Mrs. G. W. KEY, 620 Brookfield, Hurst, Texas
(1964 05/19) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission wishes to consider the possibility that during his stay
in the Soviet Union Lee Harvey Oswald may have received medical [illegible]
(1964 00/00) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin
The Commission has just received certain of the material which
it requested of the Russian Government on March 24, 1964
(1964 05/25) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin
That Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his tourist visa in
from two to four days may have some significance
(1964 05/20) Affidavit of Louis Weinstock (See 1962 12/19)
(1964 05/21) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Rankin further said, "As you know, the Commissioners, like the Director."
(1964 05/22) Department of State Telegram: Rusk to Helsinki, Moscow (jfk.hood.edu)
Report as much statistical information as possible concerning
Soviet visa applications by Americans in Helsinki in 1959
(1964 05/22) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
We are continuing inquiry in an effort to interview those individuals
who travelled on the buses on which Oswald was a passenger
(1964 05/24) Arlen Specter bullet trajectory reenactment photo
(1964 05/27) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr. to Mr. Melvin A. Eisenberg (jfk.hood.edu)
Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3 are not to be printed. They are:
(1964 05/28) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer (CD 1245) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. ROBERT B. WARD, Assistant United States Attorney, Dallas, Texas, advised
that on November 25, 1963, he recalls a visit by a Mr. ARCH KIMBROUGH, of Dallas
(1964 05/28) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
ARCH MARK KIMBROUGH, 4008 Shannan Lane, Dallas, Texas
(1970 01/04) Re CD1245:211-5 (Harold Weisberg)
Spoke to Bud, who says it was a couple of years before the others of the Dallas group
knew about Arch (whose cousin is Wm Reily of the you know what coffee company)
(1964 06/00) Oswald's Foreign Activities (William Coleman / David Slawson) (Warren Commission)
(NOTE) This document is not included in the 26 volumes
(1964 06/02) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Guthman claimed Mrs. Kennedy was anxious for the Director to meet Manchester to
personally relate the information Mr. Hoover received from Dallas regarding the shooting
of the President and the Director's immediate notification of the Attorney General
(1965 06/01) Dear Edgar, ... Sincerely. Robert F. Kennedy
All the members of our family and top officials throughout the
Government are cooperating with Mr. Manchester, and I would
appreciate it very much if you would see him at your earliest convenience
(1964 06/03) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Los Angeles, Cleveland, Chicago,
Pittsburgh, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis (jfk.hood.edu)
Interviewing Offices should interview fully re all knowledge of or association
with Ruby, any information Ruby has engaged in narcotics activities or other
criminal activities and, specifically, all points requested by Commission
(1964 06/04) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 06/04) FBI FD-302: (CD 1051) (jfk.hood.edu)
On June 1, 1964, Mrs. MARGUERITE OSWALD, 2220 Thomas
Place, Fort Worth, Texas, furnished the following information:
(1964 06/09) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover
The personal description of Ruby as obtained by Special Agent Flynn on
March 11, 1959, did not in itself contain the remark "known Dallas criminal"
(1964 06/04) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
In instituting a series of questions to the Director, Mr. Manchester first
inquired as to what the Director was doing on November 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1963
(1964 06/04) CIA Memorandum: C/SR/CI/R to DC/SR/CI (jfk.hood.edu)
Rm 233, Hotel Metropole, Moscow -- equipped with infra-red camera for observation of occupants
Room 320, Hotel Berlin, Moscow --- equipped with overhead "vizier" (visual observation post)
(1964 06/05) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Redlich to the Honorable Gerald R. Ford (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached are the relevant pages from the testimony of Mr. Hoover
(1964 06/05) Commission Memorandum: W. David Slawson for the record (jfk.hood.edu)
He had taken up my question with the Russian experts
(1964 06/05) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Respectfully, Josephine P. Kennedy (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Rankin, in losing my Uncle Johnny, we lost more
than a President, more than a brilliant human being
(1964 06/07) FBI FD-182: SA Bardwell Odum (jfk.hood.edu)
1 Minox III camera, SN 27259 D-80
(1964 06/07) FBI FD-302: (Unattributed)
Bulky Exhibit Files
(1964 06/07) Interview of Jack Ruby (Itinerary and Notes) (Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 06/07) WC Testimony: Jack Ruby
(J. Lee Rankin, Joseph Ball, Arlen Specter, Leon Jaworski,
Robert Storey, Jim Bowie, Joe Tonahill, Elmer Moore, J. E. Decker,
Earl Warren, Gerald Ford) (history-matters.com)
(1964 06/08) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Efforts to locate the portion of curb where a possible shot might have hit have been negative
(1963 12/16) FBI FD-302: Emory J. Oliver and Louis M. Kelley
Mr. JIM TAGUE, 2424 Inwood, Apartment 253, employed as a salesman,
Chuck Button Company, 5431 Lennon Avenue, Dallas, Texas
(1964 06/08) Anderson Exhibit No. 1 Letter from A. G. Folsom Jr., Lt. Col,
USMC Personnel Department (aarclibrary.org)
(1964 06/08) WC Testimony: Henry Wade
(1964 06/08) WC Testimony: Patrick D. Dean
(1964 06/08) WC Testimony: Waggoner Carr
(J. Lee Rankin, Norman Redlich, Dr. Alfred Goldberg, Charles Murray,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Allen Dulles)
(1964 06/08) FBI Airtel: Newark (jfk.hood.edu)
On June 6, 1964, Mr. Earl Manchester, Service Department, Braniff Airways,
Newark Airport, Newark, New Jersey, made available a letter which he had
found that evening while cleaning the seat pockets of a Braniff plane
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Kansas City
Immediately interview Donald H. Janson in detail concerning
the contents of the letter addressed to him by S. Martin
(1964 06/10) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The records of this Agency were reviewed for information about RUBY's
relatives, friends, and associates named in your summary of his background
(1964 06/13) New Orleans Police Supplementary Report: Natural Death (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 06/08) New Orleans Police Memorandum: Captain James H. Arnold to Joseph I. Giarrusso
Report relative to the death of William Guy Banister
(1964 06/16) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Two 8 X 10 photographs taken from two frames of a 16 millimeter movie film with one
photograph depicting a mark on the top edge of the curb and the other photograph depicting
the Texas School Book Depository Building located at 411 Elm Street in the background
(1964 06/17) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
We have been advised of some statements made by Fidel Castro, Cuban
Prime Minister, concerning the assassination of President Kennedy
(1964 06/18) WC Testimony: James J. Rowley and Robert Carswell
(J. Lee Rankin, Samuel Stern,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 06/18) J. Edgar Hoover letter to parents of Freedom Summer volunteer
Patrick Thomas in response to protection request (crmvet.org)
(1964 06/19) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission is trying to tie in the two interviews
(1964 06/19) FBI Memorandum: W. R. Wannell to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Don Janson may be identical with Donald H. Janson, "New York Times" news correspondent
(1964 06/19) FBI Laboratory Report: JCC (jfk.hood.edu)
The handwriting and hand printing in English and Russian
on Q586 were written by LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 06/19) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CD 1131) (jfk.hood.edu)
Soviet Research and Development in the Field of Direction and Control of Human Behavior
(1964 06/19) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin
Attached to this memorandum are twenty-three unclassified items and one
classified report which are relevant to the subject [Soviet techniques in
mind conditioning], although perhaps somewhat outdated in several instances
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Miss JEAN CAMPBELL of the London Evening Standard reported that she had
been in Dallas for eight days covering the assassination, and that she had interviewed
Mrs. WHITWORTH and that Mrs. WHITWORTH had allegedly claimed that she had
recognized OSWALD's picture after it came out as a person she had referred to a gun shop
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Messrs. Tolson, Belmont, Rosen, DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Judge (Edward A.) Tamm continued that Mr. (Ernest) Cuneo mentioned Senators
Long and Russell and a couple of others were taking a very vigorous stand
and it looked as though there was going to be a repudiation of Warren
(1964 06/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
(Ernest) Cuneo specified again that he thought he could get
sufficient information from Allen Dulles to write his article
(1964 06/22) FBI Airtel: SAC, Houston to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Will attempt to identify the individual known as the "Nazi" and when identified
interview him regarding his knowledge of the assassination of President Kennedy
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: Houston
This individual's name she could not recall but he is called the
"Nazi" by his friends and associates at the University of Houston
(1964 06/29) FBI Airtel: Director to SAC, Houston
Although it may be possible that Mrs. Berry was furnishing the information concerning her
husband Lewis Edward Berry, Jr., due to their present marital difficulties, comments furnished by
her regarding the 'Nazi" and his alleged knowledge of the assassination, must be completely resolved
(1964 06/23) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 06/23) FBI FD-204: John James O'Flaherty (CD 1212) (jfk.hood.edu)
[ARNOLD] KESSLER, residing at 18266 Pinehurst, Detroit, Michigan,
reportedly made the statement that he had dinner with OSWALD in
Mexico City prior to the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY
(1964 06/24) WC Affidavit: Ruth Hyde Paine
(1964 06/29) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 06/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC (100-10461)(jfk.hood.edu)
It was desired to know how the information concerning OSWALD's
diary and other items had been released to the newspaper
(1964 06/29) FBI Memorandum: SA Manning C. Clements to SAC (100-10461)
The Commission had inferred or said the lead could have only been from Dallas PD
(1964 06/30) FBI Memorandum: ASAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC (100-10461)
It was recommended to the Commission that they call JACK KRUEGER and the publisher
of "The Dallas Morning News" before the Commission, rather than the FBI making an inquiry
(1964 06/30) FBI Memorandum: ASAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC (100-10461)
[____________] advised the HUGH G. AINSWORTH, author of the recent releases concerning
OSWALD, his diary, etc., in the Dallas Morning News, had previously [ ].
He said that AINSWORTH is a ladies man and it was common talk at [ ]
that AINSWORTH has been sleeping with MARINA OSWALD and it is his belief
that he obtained a copy of OSWALD's diary from MARINA at no cost.
(1964 07/01) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark, ASAC to SAC (100-10461)
The Director has instructed that this investigation should receive expeditious handling
(1964 07/01) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert M. Barrett to SAC (100-10461)
Caller stated that if the FBI was seeking information
about the diary they should check on SNOOKY DAVIS
(1964 06/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC DALLAS (100-10461) (jfk.hood.edu)
Assistant Chief CHARLES BATCHELOR, Dallas Police Department, telephonically
advised this date that one of his Lieutenants was in receipt of a letter from one
WILLIAM MANCHESTER, Suite B11, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
(1967 03/28) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. Wick
Manchester had charged that immediately after President Kennedy's assassination the FBI had
assigned fifty agents to a crash investigation, wrote a "skimpy report," and then "leaked the
report to a news magazine." Relative to the "leak," Mr. Tolson has asked, "What about this?"
(1964 07/06) FBI FD-302: Manning C. Clements and W. James Wood (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. JAMES J. MULEADY, court reporter, Criminal District Court Number Three,
Dallas County, Texas, exhibited a multipaged document labeled as defendant's exhibit
Number 8 in the trial of JACK L. RUBY for the shooting of LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 07/02) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1964 07/07) FBI Report: (Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission requested the interview of Miss Jean
Campbell, American correspondent for the "London Evening Standard"
(1964 07/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, DALLAS (jfk.hood.edu)
This letter, addressed to "Dear Friend" and signed "MARK LANE", announced that the CCI has
been formed and requested "you to support the work of this unpublicized but vital organization"
(1964 07/07) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Two sets of 23 photographs of Mexican FM-11 Forms
(1964 07/07) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Using either the model of the assassination scene or a diagram, please trace the path which a missile
would have taken if it traveled from the sixth floor southeast corner window to the point on the curb
indicated in these photographs, and then advise us or the approximate frame in the Zapruder film
which would correspond to the point at which this missile would have passed over the President's car
(1964 07/13) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, DALLAS
If the nick is located, you will be furnished detailed instructions
regarding photographs to be made before removal of this portion of the
curbing as well as instructions for removal after the pictures are made
(1964 07/08) CIA Memorandum: David E. Murphy to Deputy Director for Plans (jfk.hood.edu)
NOSENKO Information on OSWALD
(1964 07/10) FBI FD-302: CONNIE TRAMMEL PENNY, 4607 Monarch, Apartment 114r
(Will Hayden Griffin) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 07/10) Dear Chief (James J.) Rowley: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Letter and enclosure received by this Commission from a women who calls herself Josephine Kennedy
(1964 07/11) General Wheeler's Oral History Interview # 1 - JFK (maryferrell.org)
(1964 07/13) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
The nick area, if located, will be analyzed spectrographically
(1964 07/13) FBI FD-302: SA A. Raymond Switzer (jfk.hood.edu)
M. WAYNE BOLLETER advised that Dr. JACK C. HARPER and Dr. A. B. CAIRNS
requested that he take some pictures of a bone specimen
BOLLETER furnished the above-mentioned black and white 35 millimeter film
which contains the ten photographs taken of the bone specimen
(1964 07/14) FBI Memorandum: SCA, Dallas to File (jfk.hood.edu)
WALTER E. CRAIG (WALLY), Phoenix, Arizona, who is president of the American
Bar Association, and a very good friend of Mr. EDWARDS', was appointed by the
President to more or less oversee the WARREN Commission, from the standpoint
of the American Bar Association, to make sure everything is copacetic
(1964 07/14) Secret Service Memorandum: Inspector Thacker to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
Inquiry of Chief Telephone Operator Beverly Cole, White House, concerning telephone
calls that may have been received from this subject [Josephine P. Kelly] or Stewart Schoen
(1964 07/14) From Director of Central Intelligence to Director of National Intelligence
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 144) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1964 07/16) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter forwarded to the Commission from
Martha Joe Stroud, Assistant United States Attorney in Dallas, Texas
(1964 07/16) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
This film has been examined and it was found that it shows very little
of the President's motorcade during the firing of the assassination shots
(1964 07/21) Dear (Chief Justice) Sir: ... Very truly yours, Mel Stuart
I came across a badly exposed shot, taken by an amateur,
of the Kennedy motorcade as it passed the Book Depository
(1964 07/17) CE 1970 Statements to FBI: O. V. Campbell, dated July 7, 1964 and August 19, 1964
(1964 07/17) CE 2065 Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly
(1964 07/17) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #1 - JFK
(1964 07/23) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #2 - JFK
(1964 07/31) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #3 - JFK
(1964 07/31) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #4 - JFK
(1964 08/21) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #5 - JFK
(1977 04/29) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #6 - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 07/18) WC Testimony: Jack Ruby
(Arlen Specter, Bell Herndon, W. James Wood, Clayton Fowler, Joe Tonahill,
William Alexander, Allan Sweatt, E. L. Holman, Dr. William Beavers)
(1964 07/22) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, James J. Rowley (jfk.hood.edu)
In the summer of 1961 this Service received information, informally, that
a woman representing herself to be a member of the Kennedy family had charged
merchandise at a drug store and one other unidentified store in Hyannis Port
(1964 07/23) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(Wesley Liebeler)
(1964 07/23) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Take a photograph of the point located on the curb that will show close
detail similar to the Dillard photograph, but include slightly more area
than the full negative prints of the Dillard and Underwood photographs
(1964 08/04) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Dallas
You should make preliminary arrangements with appropriate officials
in Dallas so that approximately one foot of curb can be removed
(1964 07/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to Director
These photographs are identified on the back as 'A' and 'B'
and were obtained from TOM C. DILLARD
(1964 07/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC Dallas to Director
Investigation concerning the nick in the curb
(1964 07/23) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to J. Lee Rankin (CD 1287) (jfk.hood.edu)
The Central Intelligence Agency recommends that this photograph not be reproduced in the
Commission's report, because it would jeopardize a most confidential and productive operation
(1964 07/24) WC Testimony: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald, Edith Whitworth and Gertrude Hunter
(Wesley Liebeler, June Oswald, Rachel Oswald, William McKenzie,
Henry Baer, Peter Gregory, Forrest Sorrels, John Howlett)
(1964 07/24) FBI FD-302: Mr. ROBERT CRAVEN, 5805 Bucknell Street, North Hollywood, California
(SA A. Harold Landreth) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 07/25) WC Testimony: Priscilla Mary Post Johnson (aka Priscilla Johnson McMillan)
(David Slawson, Richard Mosk)
(1964 07/25) General Wheeler's Oral History Interview # 2 - JFK (maryferrell.org)
(1964 07/27) Commission Memorandum: A. W. Dulles to Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 07/29) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Citizens Committee of Inquire Meeting at 424 West 55 St., N.Y.C. Theatre 4 July 21, 1964
(1964 07/29) FBI FD-302: A. Raymond Switzer (jfk.hood.edu)
JESSE E. CURRY, Chief of Police, Dallas Police Department
(1964 07/30) FBI Memorandum: Director to SACs, Dallas, New York (jfk.hood.edu)
Lane is the oft married, former NY Assemblyman, who reportedly
engaged in perverted sexual acts of a sadistic and masochistic nature
(1964 07/31) FBI Memorandum: Mark Lane (jfk.hood.edu)
(Lane) played a tape recording of his alleged conversation with Mrs.
Helen Louise Markham, of Dallas, Texas, indicating the killer of Dallas
Police Officer J. D. Tippit might not have been Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 07/31) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to Director
Contact by Mrs. MARKHAM with the Dallas Office on 6/27/64, was with
SA CARL K. UNDERHILL. Remainder of the investigation contained
in letterhead memorandum was conducted by SA W. JAMES WOOD
(1964 08/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
LANE has been working full time. Has made 5 trips to Dallas, two cross country
lectures and 2 European trips to fulfill requests and interested people from Europe
(1964 08/03) President Johnson announces air action in the Gulf of Tonkin (Audio) (wnyc.org)
(1964 08/03) WC Affidavit: Roy Sansom Truly
(1964 08/05) FBI FD-302: Robert P. Gemberling (jfk.hood.edu)
Additional investigation conducted concerning mark on curb on south side of Main Street near
triple underpass, which it is alleged was possibly caused by bullet fired during assassination
(1964 08/05) Secret Service Investigation: SAs Harold G. Thomas & Alfred Wong (jfk.hood.edu)
Waldomar Boris Kara-patnitsky who is presently in West Berlin
(1964 08/05) FBI Memorandum: Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1454) (maryferrell.org)
Les Crane Television Show, August 5, 1964, Transcription
(1964 08/06) FBI Laboratory Work Sheet: Requested by President's Commission: Shaneyfelt (jfk.hood.edu)
Location and examination of mark on curbing at assassination site
(1964 08/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
LANE discussed President Kennedy's assassination and the action
of the police, the FBI, and other agencies after the murder
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert M. Barrett (jfk.hood.edu)
Deputy Chief of Police GEORGE L. LUMPKIN, Dallas Police Department, advised
that he is presently in possession of the original Recordak film which had been
received by the Dallas Police Department in December 1963, from the FBI
(1964 08/10) Tonkin Gulf Resolution and Senate roll call tally sheet
(1964 08/10) Tonkin Gulf Resolution Transcript
(1964 08/10) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1963
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1964 08/10) FBI FD-302: Robert P. Gemberling (CD 1408) (jfk.hood.edu)
HOLLAND McCOMBS, Dallas correspondent for "Life" Magazine, states he
contacted HUGH AYNESWORTH, Reporter for "The Dallas Morning News,"
June 25 or 26, 1964, concerning purchase of copy of diary of OSWALD and was
referred to AYNESWORTH's wife from whom he purchased copy of diary for $2,500
(1964 07/17) FBI FD-302: (Illegible)
HOLLAND McCOMBS, was interviewd in his office,
Room 1112 Republic National Bank Building, Dallas, Texas
(1964 08/05) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Chief LUMPKIN is in possession of the original two rolls of Recordak film and one positive copy
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Lieutenant DAY stated he does not recall the number of copies ever made
at one time, but that it would be the number requested by one of the officers
(1964 08/08) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Captain WILL FRITZ did not recall if the diary of LEE HARVEY OSWALD had ever been copied
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Mr. RUSSELL W. POLLARD, residence 1623 Heather Glen Drive, Dallas advised he is
the Production Supervisor at the Recordak Company, 1605 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas
(1964 08/05) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
MILLARD SWEATT, residence 8373 San Fernando Drive, Dallas, Texas, advised
he is employed as an investigator by District Attorney HENRY WADE, Dallas
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
CLARENCE BOOKER T. LEE, residence 2515 Crossman Street, Dallas, advised he is
also know by the nickname of "General," and is frequently referred to as "C. D." LEE
(1964 08/08) FBI FD-302: (Illegible) and (Illegible)
MARINA OSWALD was interviewed at her residence, 629 Belt Line
Road, concerning the publication of the LEE HARVEY OSWALD diary
(1964 08/10) Affidavit in any Fact: J. S. Curry, Chief of Police, Dallas Police Department (jfk.hood.edu)
The answer shown to the question posed by Representative Ford - that Mrs.
Markham did not identify Oswald - is in error. The first time Mrs. Markham
was shown Oswald, she positively identified him as the slayer of the officer.
(1964 08/12) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
At 2:00 PM today RICHARD D. ROGGE, Bureau Headquarters, advised that they had
received a transcription of MARK LANE's conversation with GRAY over a Radio Station
(1964 08/12) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
The piece of curbing containing the mark was removed
on August 5, 1964, and examined in the FBI Laboratory
(1964 08/12) Dear (J.) Lee (Rankin), ... Sincerely, Gerald R. Ford M.C. (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed is the draft for Chapter VIII:
(1964 08/14) LIFE Magazine August 14, 1964
The Complex and Extraordinary Man Who is the President
U.S. Strikes Back at North Vietnam
(1964 08/17) FBI Airtel: SAC, Memphis to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
It is noted that ELROD does not appear to have been
in custody of the Dallas, Texas, PD as of 11/22/63
(1964 08/20) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
On Wednesday, August 12, 1964, at 8:10 P.M. Mr. MARK LANE delivered a lecture, titled,
"Who Killed Kennedy" at the Gramercy Arts Theatre, 138 East 27 Street Street, N.Y.C.
(1964 08/23) Commission Memorandum: Wesley J. Liebeler to J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
We suggest that additional investigation be conducted to determine with greater
certainty that the palmprint was actually lifted from the rifle as Lt. Day has testified
(1964 08/24) FBI FD-302: SA's Robert H. Karl / Merle L. Parker (jfk.hood.edu)
MALCOLM J. HOY heard approximately four reports which sounded close together
(1964 08/25) FBI Airtel: Dallas 44-1639 to Newark 44-443 (jfk.hood.edu)
With regard to the copyright story by columnist Dorothy Kilgallen which appeared in
the quote New York Journal dash American unquote on August eighteen last purporting
to be actual word for word testimony of Ruby before the President's Commission on June
seven last, the President's Commission has specifically requested that we conduct an
investigation to determine how the transcript of the interview came into possession
of Dorothy Kilgallen and the quote New York Journal dash American unquote
(1964 08/25) Dear Walter (E. Craig): ... Sincerely. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
We have prepared another redraft of the conclusions and narrative statement and I hope that
we will have that in galley proof this next week and that you may examine it at that time
(1964 08/26) Secret Service Investigation: Special Agent Kenneth B. Thompson (CD 1451) (jfk.hood.edu)
Sam Sprager was discharged from Dotkinkaya Hospital in Moscow prior to Lee
Harvey Oswald's admittance. Mr. Sprager does not know of any Americans in this
hospital at the time he was a patient there except Mr. Walder Boris Kar-patnitsky.
(1964 08/24) Secret Service Investigation: SA's Thomas. S. Behl and Frank D. Slocum (CD 1448) (poor quality)
Information developed that (Sam) Sprager was in a hospital in Russia the latter
part of September to October 8, 1959, indicating that he was not in the hospital
in Russia during the same period that Lee Harvey Oswald was confined there
(1964 08/26) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, (unsigned) (jfk.hood.edu)
Congressman Ford confirmed that fact he did previously talk with representatives
of "Life" magazine and further stated that under no circumstances had he
given "Life" representatives any information concerning Oswald's diary
(1964 08/27) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Memphis (jfk.hood.edu)
By letter dated 8-11-64, Sergeant Alton C. Gilless, Jr., Bureau of Identification, Sheriff's Office,
Shelby County Tennessee, advised that one John Franklin Elrod had walked into the Sheriff's
Office on that date and indicated he had information concerning the murder of "Lee Oswalt"
(1964 08/27) Secret Service Memorandum: James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CD 1448) (maryferrell.org)
There is attached a report covered by Secret Service Control Number 1772
(1964 08/24) Secret Service Investigation: SA's Thomas. S. Behl and Frank D. Slocum (CD 1448)
Information developed that (Sam) Sprager was in a hospital in Russia the latter
part of September to October 8, 1959, indicating that he was not in the hospital
in Russia during the same period that Lee Harvey Oswald was confined there
(1964 08/27) 331. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (McNamara)
Recommended Courses of Action - Southeast Asia (OPLAN 34A)
(1964 08/28) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The allegations of Mrs. Silva Odio of Dallas, Texas that she observed Lee Harvey Oswald
in the company of two Cuban or Mexican men sometime in late September or early October 1963
(1964 08/28) FBI: DL 100-10461 RJB/jtf (CD 1546) (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President KENNEDY
by letter dated August 28, 1964, requested investigation be conducted
in order to determine the reputation for veracity of SYLVIA ODIO
(1964 08/28) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Rankin advised several questions had been raised relative to the
palm print found on the barrel of the assassination rifle located on the
portion of the barrel which was attached to the wooden foregrip of the rifle
(1964 09/01) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Two copies each of memoranda captioned "Mark Lane" dated August 12 and August 17, 1964
(1964 09/02) CE 2640 Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly
(1964 09/03) Dear Mr. Rankin: one Malcolm J. Hoy saw the President Kennedy motorcade
(FBI) (J. Edgar Hoover) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/06) HSCA JFK Exhibit No. 36
Wesley J. Liebeler Memorandum re Galley Proofs of Chapter IV of the Report
(1964 09/08) CE 3134 Letter from Dr. Howard P. Rome, senior consultant,
section of psychiatry, Mayo Clinic (maryferrell.org)
(1964 09/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
If the remaining print is not identified, the Commission will have to
make up their minds whether they want Dallas to drop the thing or
whether they desire more prints be obtained for elimination purposes
(1964 09/09) FBI: SAs Folse, Ervin, Harrigan, Riordan, Buckley, McGuiness, Debrueys (jfk.hood.edu)
Individuals contacted at inexpensive hotels located in the vicinity of Continental Trailways
Bus Depot, 1314 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans; the Greyhound Bus Depot, 1710 Tulane Avenue,
and the Lafayette Square Branch of the U. S. Post Office, 610 South Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
(1964 09/10) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Liebeler stated that in connection with the arrest of Oswald on August 9, 1963,
by the New Orleans Police Department it was ascertained that Oswald had in his possession
a pamphlet entitled "The Crime Against Cuba" written by Corliss LaMont. On the pamphlet
by rubber stamp was the following, "FPCC, 544 Camp Street, New Orleans, La."
(1964 09/10) FBI Memorandum: SAC (100-16601) to SAC H. G. Maynor (jfk.hood.edu)
Requesting contact with Lt. FRANCIS L. MARTELLO, New Orleans PD,
for the purpose of obtaining the original draft prepared by
MARTELLO describing items in OSWALD's possession at time of arrest
(1964 09/10) Commission Memorandum: Melvin A. Eisenberg to Norman Redlich (jfk.hood.edu)
The following questions should be asked of the FBI:
(1964 09/11) FBI Airtel: SAC, New Orleans to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
The Warren Commission had inquired of headquarters of Secret Service in Washington if
the Secret Service Office in New Orleans had copies of a circular called "Fair Play For Cuba"
with address stamped on bottom "544 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana"
(1964 09/11) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CE 2762) (jfk.hood.edu)
OSWALD's travel from Minsk to Moscow and return in July
1961 would normally have required prior authorization
(1964 09/11) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The remaining documents on the list, which are described below, should not be published:
Commission Document #1041
Commission Document #1273
(1964 09/12) FBI: Miami, Florida (jfk.hood.edu)
Cesar Odio, age 28, resident at 1600 Southwest 82nd Place, Miami Florida, and employed
in the office of Maule Industries, Miami stated he is the brother of Sylvia Odio
This document contains. neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the
FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency
(1964 09/14) FBI: Dallas, Texas (jfk.hood.edu)
There are attached the results of interviews with the following identified individuals:
(1964 09/15) FBI FD-302: Special Agent Richard J. Burnett (jfk.hood.edu)
Miss JUDY HAHN, Clerk, Records Bureau, Dallas Police Department, advised
on that date that her records to not indicate that either HALL or SEYMOUR were
photographed by this department at the time of their arrest on October 17, 1963
(1964 09/15) FBI Teletype: DALLAS to Director, Los Angeles, Miami
Information furnished to President's Commission by Silvia Odio (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/16) FBI FD-302: SAMUEL DAVID RUBY, 11616 Jamestown, brother of JACK L. RUBY
(IC Robert G. Renfro) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/17) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview of WAYNE HARTMAN and his wife EDNA,
concerning a hole in the grass near the area of the assassination
(1964 09/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Apparently there was no mine detector in the Dallas
area from either the Army or the Air Force
(1964 09/17) FBI Teletype: Director to SAC Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
We now believe that man thought to be Oswald is likely a Loran Hall, a prominent anti-Castroite
(1964 09/18) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 09/18) Transcript of Phone Conversation Between LBJ and Senator Richard Russell (jfk.hood.edu)
RR: Well it don't make much difference. But they said that they believe, the Commission
believes that the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connally. Well I don't believe it.
LBJ: I don't either.
(1964 09/18) FBI: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Shirley Martin of Hominy, Oklahoma, "We have testimony from
assassination witness concerning strange time sequence of shots.
Use of Italian rifle negated by this testimony and by testimony of Zapruder."
(1964 09/20) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Director HOOVER became concerned over the safety of OSWALD and sent a message to Chief
of Police CURRY, Dallas, Texas, requesting that special care be given to the protection of Oswald
(1964 09/20) FBI FD-204: SA Calvin W. Evans (CD 1553) (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM HOUSTON SEYMOUR stated he took trip to Dallas, Texas, about five
days prior to 10/17/63, with LORAN HALL in HALL's car to pick up a trailer
(1964 09/19) FBI FD-204: SA Calvin W. Evans (CD 1553) (jfk.hood.edu)
HALL and SEYMOUR drove straight through and arrived in Dallas about five days
before their arrest by the Dallas Texas Police Department which was October 17, 1963
(1964 09/21) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
Dr. AUGUSTIN GUITART, physics instructor, Xavier University, 7325 Palmetto, advised
on September 9, 1964, that he resides at 1931 General Pershing, New Orleans, Louisiana
(1964 09/21) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Herewith is a copy of a letter from Seth Kantor to Jack Ruby
dated August 31, 1964, which may be of interest to you
(1964 09/21) David L. Wolper letter to FBI Re: Four Days In November script (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/22) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CD 1479) (jfk.hood.edu)
During the 1964 tourist season, Soviet consulates in at least some
European cities were issuing Soviet tourist visas in five to seven days
(1964 09/23) CE 3035 Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly (history-matters.com)
(1964 09/23) CE 3076 Statement to FBI: Marrion L. Baker (maryferrell.org)
(1964 09/23) FBI Airtel: SAC DALLAS to SAC MIAMI
Enclosed herewith ... the photograph of LORRAN E. HALL (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/23) FBI FD-204: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
GUITART states that according to SYLVIA she made identification of OSWALD
only through observing photographs of OSWALD in the newspapers
(1964 09/21) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. E. A. REIMHERR, Terminal Manager, Southern Greyhound Bus Lines,
1710 Tulane Avenue, advised that on September 25, 1963, his company
operated thirteen buses from New Orleans, Louisiana to Houston, Texas
(1964 09/21) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
MAJOR GREEN, Terminal Manager, Continental Trailways Bus
Lines, 1314 Tulane Avenue, advised that his company operated
four buses from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Houston, Texas
(1964 09/23) FBI FD-302: SA Leon F. Brown (jfk.hood.edu)
LORAN EUGENE HALL, 55 Rogers Road, Kerrville, California, was reinterviewed
(1964 09/23) FBI FD-302: SA Harry H. Whidbee (jfk.hood.edu)
LAWRENCE JOHN HOWARD, Jr., advised he was born January 17, 1935,
at Los Angeles, California, and currently resides with his wife ROSE HOWARD,
and two young daughters at 3191 Blanchard Street, Los Angeles, California
(1964 09/23) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to SAC, Houston (jfk.hood.edu)
Whether TONAHILL met DOROTHY KILGALLEN during her stay
in Dallas, February - March, nineteen sixtyfour, during Ruby murder trial
(1964 09/23) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Our inquiry into the claims of Sylvia Odio is continuing
and results thereof will be furnished to you as received
(1964 09/11) FBI: San Juan, Puerto Rico
On September 8, 1964, Mr. Tyrus E. Minnix, Deputy District Director,
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), San Juan, Puerto Rico, made
available the file pertaining to Silvia Odio del Toro, INS Number A-12-570-365
(1964 09/11) FBI: San Juan, Puerto Rico
All sources (except any listed below) whose identities are concealed in
referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past
(1964 09/12) FBI: Miami, Florida
Cesar Odio, age 28, resident at 1600 Southwest 82nd Place, Miami Florida, and employed
in the office of Maule Industries, Miami stated he is the brother of Sylvia Odio
(1964 09/14) FBI: San Juan, Puerto Rico
[____________] advised that SILVIA ODIO was from an extremely wealthy family in Cuba
and was the center of attraction not only in the family but in the social circles of Havana, Cuba
(1964 09/23) Commission Memorandum: Lloyd Weinreb to Howard Willens (jfk.hood.edu)
In the course of settling the Helsinki problem yesterday Dave Slawson inserted
a reference to CE 2714 in footnote 480 of Appendix 13 and left a note that a
memorandum is to be supplied by Wigren of CIA or by State to bear that exhibit number
(1964 09/24) Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy)
(1964 09/24) CE 139 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial No. C2766 (Photo) (catalog.archives.gov)
(1964 09/24) CE 237 Photograph of unidentified man (CIA - Mexico City)
(1964 09/24) CE 385 and CE 386 Schematic drawings made at Bethesda Naval Hospital (H. A. Rydberg)
(1964 09/24) CE 387 Clinical record of the autopsy protocol prepared by the Naval Medical School, Bethesda, Md.,
on the autopsy performed on President Kennedy
(1964 09/24) CE 388 Schematic drawing made at Bethesda Naval Hospital (H. A. Rydberg)
(1964 09/24) CE 397 Comdr. James J. Humes' handwritten autopsy report on President Kennedy and certificates
regarding disposition of working papers and preliminary drafts of the autopsy report
(1964 09/24) CE 399 Bullet found on stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Tex.
Single Bullet, Magic Bullet
(1964 09/24) CE 541 Photographs of markings on the C2766 rifle (history-matters.com)
(1964 09/24) CE 773 Photograph of a mail order for a rifle in the name "A. Hidell,"
and the envelope in which the order was sent
(1964 09/24) CE 788 U.S. postal money order, in the amount of $21 .45, dated March 12, 1963,
which accompanied the mail order in CE 773
(1964 09/24) CE 885 Album of black and white photographs of frames from the Zapruder,
Nix, and Muchmore films
(1964 09/24) CE 1381 Signed statements obtained from all persons known
to have been in the Texas School Book Depository Building
(1964 09/24) CE 2003 Dallas Police Department file on Investigation of the Assassination of the President (CD 81b)
(1964 09/24) CE 2011 FBI report: Lee Harvey Oswald: tracing of various items of physical evidence
(1964 09/24) CE 2444 FBI report of FBI Laboratory examinations of various items relating to the assassination
(1964 09/24) CD 496 FBI Booklet Entitled "Texas School Book Depository"
(0000 00/00) Records Relating to Key Persons, 11/30/1963 - 09/24/1964 (archives.gov)
(1964 09/24) Witness Files (catalog.archives.gov)
(0000 00/00) 216 Witnesses to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (history-matters.com)
(0000 00/00) Alphabetical list of witnesses and testimony (jfkassassination.net)
(0000 00/00) Comprehensive List of Material Witness (Richard L Waybright, Jr. / 1990) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) Master List of Witnesses in Dealey Plaza, 11/22/1963 (Craig Ciccone 1992) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) List of Warren Commission Exhibits (jfkassassination.net)
(0000 00/00) Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries (jfkassassinationgallery.com)
(0000 00/00) Papers of John F. Kennedy (The American Presidency Project)
(0000 00/00) Beverly Wilcox letter to J. Edgar Hoover (Undated) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 00/00) Marguerite Oswald TV Interview (Video)
(1964 09/25) FBI FD-204: Harry H. Whidbee (jfk.hood.edu)
LORAN EUGENE HALL, advised 9/16/64, that in September 1963,
he was at Dallas, Texas, in company of LAWRENCE HOWARD and
WILLIAM SEYMOUR to solicit aid in anti-CASTRO movement
(1964 09/26) FBI: Miami, Florida (jfk.hood.edu)
Information received on September 16, 1964 from LORAN EUGENE HALL of Kernville,
California, that he met a Cuban woman named Mrs. Odio in Dallas Texas, in September, 1963
(1964 09/28) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
This reporter told KACK that he had been assigned to do a story on what action
had been taken concerning various Agents involved in the OSWALD investigation.
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. LEHR was asked as to the source of his information in this story and he stated
that it had been common knowledge for some time in the newspaper field; however,
they had not run the story, awaiting release of the Commission's report
(1964 09/29) FBI Reportedly Disciplined Two (Jim Lehrer) (Dallas Times Herald)
(1964 09/28) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
KAACK stated he advised the reporter that he had "no comment" to make
(1964 09/28) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: David Wolper (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC to sac (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
Our investigation of OSWALD has disclosed no evidence that OSWALD was acting under
the instructions or on behalf of any foreign government or instrumentality thereof
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
DICK SIZER, a reporter for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, called the New Orleans
Office. SIZER stated he desired to know if I had seen the States-Item newspaper
of 9/29/64 and if so, would I have any comment to make in regard to the story
concerning FBI Agents being disciplined in connection with the OSWALD case
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM MADDEN, States-Item, telephonically advised that the wire services
had a copywritten story from the Dallas Times-Herald which stated that two
Special Agents of the FBI had been disciplined for their role in the investigation
of LEE HARVEY OSWALD; that one of the Agents, a Dallas Agent, had taken a $1,000
cut and was demoted, and the other Agent, a New Orleans Agent, currently working
as a private investigator, had been ordered transferred, refused to transfer, and retired
(1964 09/30) FBI Airtel: SAC Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Forwarding to Miami photographs of WILLIAM HOUSTON SEYMOUR and
LAWRENCE JOHN HOWARD, JR., to be exhibited to Miss SYLVIA ODIO
(1964 09/30) Commission Memorandum: Alfred Goldberg to J. Lee Rankin
I have had calls from the White House (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/30) FBI Memorandum: Mr. A. Johns to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Father Martin stated he has been "burning mad for two days" over the unfair criticism of
the FBI in the Warren Report and was going to write the Director a letter of support
(1964 10/02) FBI: Miami, Florida (jfk.hood.edu)
Upon viewing the photographs of HALL, HOWARD, SETMOUR and CASTRO,
Mrs. Odio stated that none of these individuals were identical with the three
persons, including the individual she believed to be OSWALD who had
come to her apartment in Dallas in the last week of September, 1963
(1964 10/02) Dear Mr. (Jerry) O'Leary: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
I have read your excellent column in today's edition of the "Star" concerning the FBI and
the Warren Commission Report and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your support
(1964 10/02) Department of State Airgram: Amembassy Bern to Limited Distribution (jfk.hood.edu)
Fidel Castro was pleased to learn that Ambassador Stadelhofer
was able to deliver the documents to Washington
(1964 10/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
MARK LANE's series of lectures held at the Jan Hus Theatre,
351 East 74th St., NYC, from 8/25/64 through 10/3/64
(1964 10/03) General Wheeler's Oral History Interview # 3 - JFK (maryferrell.org)
(1964 10/05) Dear Mr. (Raymond J.) McHugh: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
All of us in the FBI certainly appreciate the outstanding support you have given us over the years
(1964 10/02) Dear Deke (DeLoach): ... Regards, Ray (McHugh) (jfk.hood.edu)
Here is a story
(1964 10/05) Texas Supplemental Report on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
and the Serious Wounding of Governor John B. Connally November 22, 1963
(Wagoner Carr) (Texas Attorney General) (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 10/06) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
Re: Criticism Of The FBI Following The Assassination Of The President (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 10/06) FBI Teletype: Director to SAC Miami (jfk.hood.edu)
In view of Odio's reported attempt at suicide during last week September, Miami is not to
recontact her or to contact members of her immediate family without prior Bureau authority
(1964 10/07) Marina Oswald letter to Ward and Paul
(1964 10/08) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The UPI article goes on to quote Chief Curry "Within a few minutes
of my statement to the press Shanklin (SAC,Dallas) was on the phone"
(1964 10/08) FBI Memorandum: SUPVR. Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
On 11/23/63, Chief CURRY, upon appearing before television camera alleged
(1) The FBI customarily advises the Dallas Police whenever an individual of subversive
background arrives in Dallas; (2) The FBI recently interviewed LEE HARVEY OSWALD; and
3) The FBI had OSWALD under surveillance in Dallas; however, did not notify the Dallas Police.
(1964 10/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
UPI article appearing in the Washington Post newspaper, which purported to quote
allegedly a letter to EARL WARREN from Chief of Police JESSE E. CURRY
(1964 10/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File
It was pointed out to CURRY that this article certainly left the wrong impression
and that he was either definitely mistaken or gave misleading information
(1964 10/12) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
I advised him that the City Manager was Mr. ELGIN E. CRULL, that I personally
knew Mr. CRULL and that he cooperated with us generally speaking in connection
with this investigation, but of course he was trying to protect the City of Dallas
(1964 10/14) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
The Director has authorized immediate release of these two letters to the wire services in Dallas
(1964 10/19) FBI Airtel: SAC, San Antonio to SAC, Dallas
Inasmuch as [____________] requested her name be kept in the strictest
confidence, San Antonio Division has reported this under a Dallas
T-symbol but did not fill in the T-symbol number, leaving this to Dallas
(1964 10/12) FBI Memorandum: Mr. D. J. Brennan to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Roman stated that CIA desires to use the film strictly for training
purposes and it is understood that it would be furnished on a loan basis
(1964 10/12) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
There are enclosed two copies of a redraft of our May 18, 1964, summary memorandum
(1964 10/12) Commission Memorandum for the record: Changes to be Made in Future Printings of the Report
(0000 00/00) Commission Memorandum for the files: the problem of publication of exhibits in future volumes
(Alfred Goldberg) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 10/13) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The letter to you dated May 6, 1964 contains certain information relative to
intelligence methods and operations which should not be placed in the public domain
(1964 10/16) Dear Roy (A. Roberts): ... Sincerely, (J.) Edgar (Hoover) (jfk.hood.edu)
Thank you for your note of October 9th
(1964 10/09) Dear J. Edgar (Hoover): ... Your friend, Roy A. Roberts
After reading the Warren Report, I have got more confidence in you and the F.B.I. than ever
(1964 10/20) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission's Report (pages 307-308) contains information furnished
by this Agency in memorandum dated 31 January and 1 June 1964
(1964 10/22) FBI File: Ramparts Magazine (archive.org)
(1964 10/29) CIA Chronology of RGB Meetings with Members of the Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 10/29) Dear Mr. Rankin:
Enclosed for your information arc two copies each of the
self-explanatory letters bearing the name of Mr. William A. Harper (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 11/03) FBI Memorandum: Director to Acting Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
Classified "Secret" because most of the information reported is from highly
sensitive sources in the racial field such as [____________] and [____________]
(1964 11/09) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
The enclosed material deals with our investigation into the allegations of Sylvia Odio
(1964 11/12) William P. Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #1 (See 1972 03/06)
(Elspeth Rostow) (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 11/13) John Doar Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 11/20) FBI: Signed statement by HORACE DOYLE BARNETTE (crmvet.org)
(1964 11/22) Chiang Kai-Shek Written Statement - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 12/02) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Martin Luther King, Appointment With Director, 3:35 p.m., 12-1-64
(1964 12/05) Allen W. Dulles Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 12/11) FBI Memorandum: Legat, Mexico to Director
Mrs. ELENA GARRO DE PAZ and her daughter (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 01/20) The Jungle War 1965 - 1968
(1965 01/27) Memorandum: McGeorge Bundy to President Johnson
What we want to say to you is that both of us are now pretty well convinced
that our current policy can lead only to disastrous defeat (presidency.ucsb.edu)
(1965 01/27) CIA Cryptonym: AMIRE-1, Emilio Americo Rodriguez
(1965 02/01) Subject : Autopsy Of President Kennedy
To : Brigadier General J. M. Blumberg, MC, USA
From : Lieutenant Colonel P. A. Finck, MC, USA
(National Naval Medical Center) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 03/05) Agent Report - WITNESS: Beatrice Bowman, Captain, WAC, Signal Corps, United States Army
(William F. Handy) (116th INTC Group) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 03/07) SNCC Press Release "Bloody Sunday" (Incomplete) (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/07) SNCC Report on "Bloody Sunday" (James Forman) (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/07) Selma to Montgomery March (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1965 03/15) The American Promise, Special Message to the Congress (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/15) The American Promise, Special Message to the Congress (Video)
(President Lyndon Johnson)
(1965 03/16) Jill Cowan and Priscilla Wear Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1965 03/23) The New Voting Bill: Rhetoric and Reality (SNCC) (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/25) Our God is Marching On!
Dr. Martin Luther King Address to voting-rights marchers from in front
of the Alabama Capitol building in Montgomery, Alabama (crmvet.org)
(1965 04/00) President Johnson and the Right to Vote
(P.J. Warshall, Committee on Selma) (crmvet.org)
(1965 04/12) George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1965 04/16) George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (See 1968 02/16)
(Joseph Kraft) (jfklibrary.org)
(1965 04/15) Alabama Study-In: When We Get the Vote, Wallace Will Get Religion
(Bell Gale Chevigny) (Village Voice) (crmvet.org)
(1965 05/13) Naval Investigative Service File: Lee Harvey Oswald (Naval Intelligence) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 07/23) Agent Report - SUBJECT INTERVIEW: LESAR, James Hiram
(James F. Young) (116th INTC Group) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 08/06) Voting Rights Act of 1965 (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1965 08/06) Central Intelligence Bulletin
Current Intelligence Relating to National Security
(1965 08/07) Central Intelligence Bulletin
Current Intelligence Relating to National Security
(1965 08/07) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1965 08/12) Excerpts of a Speech Delivered at a Mass Rally in Birmingham, Alabama
(Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. first statement on Vietnam) (crmvet.org)
(1965 09/00) In a Land where MURDER is Respectable
(Southern Christian Leadership Conference) (crmvet.org)
(1965 09/09) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1964
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1965 10/00) The Dominican Crisis... The Hemisphere Acts (Department of State) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 10/20) Army Aviation Flight Information Digest: Maryland Helicopter Notice: See Page 13
(Department of the Army) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 12/06) Address by Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey Vice President of the United States
(Edward R. Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy - Medford, Massachusetts) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 12/14) FBI Airmail: Miss ... regarding the labeling of two of the Zapruder frames numbers 314 and 315
(John Edgar Hoover) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 12/17) FBI Cablegram: Nathan L. Ferris to Director
Elena Garro de Paz Claimed She Met Lee Harvey Oswald At Unspecified Date In September, 1963
(0000 00/00) Department of State Biographic Data Form: Elena GARRO de Paz
(Charles Wm. Thomas) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 01/11) Press Release: Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (crmvet.org)
(1966 01/11) FBI File: ALI, MUHAMMAD (archive.org)
(0000 00/00) Anonymous letter found in files of Mr. Sullivan:
King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. (Incomplete)
(1964 12/01) FBI Memorandum: J. A. Sizoo to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] stated to DeLoach that he was faced with the difficult
problem of taking steps to remove King from the national picture
(1964 01/23) FBI Memorandum: Mr. F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. W. C. Sullivan
He is to advise us promptly when King takes over space at the Hotel and the surveillance is activated
(1964 01/27) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont
It was the conjecture of Baker that the likelihood of King's
going ahead with any [____________] plans is greatly minimized
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont
SAC Baker phoned this morning (1/28/64) to advise that the misur
was unproductive as there were no activities of interest developed
(1965 11/19) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General
This surveillance involved trespass and was discontinued on October 15, 1965
(1965 11/29) FBI Memorandum: F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. Sullivan
New York Office has available Room 3509 from which it advises it can maintain a microphone
surveillance on King, with full security assured and without the use of any wiring
(1965 12/01) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General
This surveillance involved trespass and was discontinued on November 30, 1965
(1966 01/21) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General
This surveillance involved trespass. It will be immediately discontinued upon his departure.
(1966 01/27) Thomas Grey "Tom" Wicker Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1966 03/22) Thomas Grey "Tom" Wicker Oral History Interview - JFK #2
(1966 02/17) Fulbright Vietnam Hearings, General Maxwell Taylor (Retired) (Video) (c-span.org)
(1966 03/11) FBI File: KESEY, KEN (archive.org)
(1966 04/01) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Richard Helms
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 04/15) For Release At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Friday, April 15, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
Before the Democratic Midwest Conference, at Neil House, Columbus, Ohio,
At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Friday. April 15, 1966
(Department of State) (No. 86) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 04/19) For Release At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Tuesday, April 19, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
Before the Canadian Press Annual Dinner, at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada
At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Tuesday. April 19, 1966
(Department of State) (No. 89) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 04/22) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Richard Helms
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 05/00) School Desegregation in New Orleans: A Comparative Study of the Failure of Social Control
(Robert Crain / Morton Inger / Gerald McWorter) (National Opinion Research Center)
(1966 05/26) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Lawrence R. Houston
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 05/27) CIA Memorandum: William O. Creegar to FBI Director: "Johnny" Roselli (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/06) Robert F. Kennedy, University of Cape Town, South Africa, N.U.S.A.S. "Day of Affirmation" Speech
(1966 06/10) For Release At 6:30 P.M., M.S.T., Friday, June 10, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
At the Commencement Exercises of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
At 7:00 P.M., M.S.T., Friday. June 10, 1966
The Growing Strength of Freedom
(Department of State) (No. 142) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/11) Address by Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey Vice President of the United States
(ROTC Graduates - University of Minnesota - Minneapolis) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/16) For Release At 2:00 P.M., E.D.T., Thursday, June 16, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
Before the Associated Harvard Alumni, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Massachusetts
At 2:00 P.M., E.D.T., Thursday, June 16, 1966
(Department of State) (No. 146) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/17) Richard Case Nagell - Report of Psychiatric Examination (Joseph F. Alderete, MD) (jfk-online.com)
(1966 08/10) Letter to the President (Dr. Martin Luther King, SCLC) (crmvet.org)
(1966 08/12) Journalist Claims CIA Role In Warren Report (Austria) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 09/22) Field Message: USIS London to USIA Washington
Rebuttal to Two Books Critical of Warren Commission Findings
(Norman P. Scott) (U.S. Information Service) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 10/03) Secret Service Memorandum:
The question has been frequently raised as to the date the Naval Bethesda Hospitals
autopsy report was furnished to the FBI (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 10/14) Statement on Poverty, Black Power, and Political Power
(Dr. Martin Luther King, SCLC) (crmvet.org)
(1966 10/29) Dear Mr. Knott ... Sincerely, Burke Marshall (jfk.hood.edu)
Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of 44 U.S.C. 397(e)(1), the executors of the estate
of the late President John F. Kennedy hereby transfer to the Administrator of General Services,
acting for and on behalf of the United States of America, for deposit in the National Archives
of the United States, all of their right, title, and interest in all of the personal clothing of the late
President now in the possession of the United States Government and identified in Appendix A,
and in certain x-rays and photographs connected with the autopsy of the late President referred
to in Appendix B, and the Administrator accepts the same, for and in the name of the United
States, for deposit in the National Archives of the United States, subject to the following
restrictions, which shall continue in effect during the lives of the late President's widow,
daughter, son, parents, brothers and sisters, or any of them
(1966 10/31) Inspection of Materials Relating to the Autopsy of President John F. Kennedy
(The National Archives) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 11/01) Federal Register Volume 31 ? Number 212 Part II
Acquisition and Preservation by the United States of Items of Evidence Pertaining to the
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General)
(1966 11/01) Inventory of the autopsy, x-rays, and photographs (The National Archives) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 11/04) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Some question had come up as to whether the bullet that
RUBY killed OSWALD with was a regular bullet or a dum dum
(1966 11/25) LIFE Magazine November 25, 1966
A Matter of Reasonable Doubt
(1966 12/13) Interview of Jack Martin (Pershing Oliver Gervais) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 12/15) Interview of David Ferrie (John Volz) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 12/28) FBI Oswald, Lee Harvey File: Vol. XII 8/15/66 to 12/28/66 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 00/00) Vietnam: An Antiwar Comic Book (Julian Bond / T.G. Lewis) (www2.iath.virginia.edu)
(1967 00/00) The Care and Feeding of Power Structures Revisited (Jack Minnis, SCEF) (crmvet.org)
(1967 01/04) Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Background Survey of Books Concerning the Assassination of President Kennedy
(CIA 104-10406-10110) (Version 1)
(1967 01/04) Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Background Survey of Books Concerning the Assassination of President Kennedy
(CIA 104-10406-10110) (Version 2)
(1967 01/16) Dear Mr. Weisberg:
I have no recollection of ever having talked to either man
Sincerely yours, Henry Wade (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 01/20) Arleigh A. Burke Oral History Interview - JFK
(Joseph E. O'Connor) (jfklibrary.org)
(1967 02/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC [________] to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Attorney General is trying to get the FBI to go to GARRISON and get what he has on this case
(1967 02/22) Interview of George Lardner Jr. (William Gurvich) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 02/23) Medical Examiner's Autopsy Summary: Eladio del Valle (Peter L. Lardizabal, M.D.)
(1967 02/23) Statement of Teodosio Bahadue (Sgt. A. V. Giordano)
Investigation into the shooting and fatal beating of one Lado Caferino del Valle
(1967 02/23) FBI Memorandum: To File: SAC Shanklin Re: Garrison (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 02/24) FBI Airtel: All SACs from Director
James C. Garrison, District Attorney of New Orleans, Louisiana (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 02/25) U.S. Constitution: Amendment XXV: Presidential Succession
(1967 02/28) Memorandum: Interview With David Ferrie (Andrew Sciambra / Louis Ivon) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 03/09) Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts (history-matters.com)
(1967 03/16) Dean Andrews indicted for perjury in connection with the Jim Garrison investigation (Video)
(1967 03/28) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. Wick (jfk.hood.edu)
Manchester had charged that immediately after President Kennedy's assassination the FBI had
assigned fifty agents to a crash investigation, wrote a "skimpy report," and then "leaked the
report to a news magazine." Relative to the "leak," Mr. Tolson has asked, "What about this?"
(1967 04/04) Dr. Martin Luther King's 'Beyond Vietnam' speech at Riverside Church
(1967 04/05) Ferrie, David William (Deceased) (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1967 04/13) News Release: Examine all documents relating to the assassination
Representative Ted Kupferman
(1967 04/14) Dr. Martin Luther King's 'The Other America' speech at Stanford University (crmvet.org)
(1967 04/14) Dr. Martin Luther King's 'The Other America' speech at Stanford University (Video)
(1967 04/14) Memorandum: Interview of Lawrence Fox
(Jim Alcock / Kent Simms) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 04/25) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 04/25) Richard M. Bissell Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1967 07/05) Richard M. Bissell Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (Joseph E. O'Connor) (jfklibrary.org)
(1967 05/01) FBI File: ONASSIS, JACQUELINE KENNEDY (archive.org)
(1967 05/13) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/16) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/27) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/28) FBI Memorandum: ASAC to SAC
In the best interest of Judge HAGGERTY (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 05/29) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/30) FBI Airtel: SAC, New Orleans to Director
JAMES GARRISON, Orleans Parish District Attorney, reported statements (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 06/01) Memorandum No. 3: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - Spectacular charges against CIA
(CIA) (history-matters.com)
(1967 06/02) Statement by a (Justice) Department Spokesman (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 06/05) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/06) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/07) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/08) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/09) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/19) CIA Memorandum: To Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
Der Spiegel Interview with District Attorney James C. GARRISON (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 06/29) Amendment of Regulations Relating to the Organization of the Department Justice
and the Production or Disclosure of Department Materials and Information
(Office of the Attorney General) (jfk.hood.edu)
UNDER 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 28 CFR PART 16
(Form DJ-T18 (Ed. 7-4-67)) (U.S. Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 07/12) Memorandum: David Ferrie
(Robert E. Lee) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 08/07) Memorandum No. 5: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - Recently received FBI reports
(CIA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/00) Dear Mr. Garrison: ... Best of Luck, One of Your Supporters
This information is not in the "Warren Report" (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/07) Memorandum No. 6: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - we have kept book on all persons
(CIA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/13) Memorandum No. 7: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - Comment on Playboy Interview
(CIA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/15) Memorandum For: Director of Central Intelligence
Garrison's Charges Against CIA (maryferrell.org)
(1967 09/20) Garrison Group Meeting No. 1 (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1967 09/29) Memorandum For Director of Central Intelligence
Clay L. Shaw's Trial and the Central Intelligence Agency (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 10/10) Memorandum: Tom Bethell to Jim Garrison
CLAY SHAW and his lawyers feel that SHAW is going to be convicted in his trial (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 10/17) George C. Burkley Oral History Interview - JFK (Audio)
Physician to President Kennedy and President Johnson (1961 - 1969)
(William McHugh) (jfklibrary.org)
(1967 10/31) David A. Phillips Memorandum: Garrison Investigation: Belle Chasse Training Camp
(1967 11/02) Martin Luther King Jr. on The Mike Douglas Show (Video 1 of 3)
(1967 11/02) FBI Employee File: William C. Sullivan (archive.org)
(1967 11/20) LIFE-ITEK Kennedy Assassination Film Analysis (ITEK) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 11/29) Poor People's Campaign (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1967 12/04) SCLC Statement Announcing Poor People's Campaign (crmvet.org)
(1967 12/07) Memorandum: James L. Alcock to Jim Garrison
EDWARD JULIUS GIRNUS, Prison #A-90428-A (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 12/27) DFO 89-43, Serial 7726
"9/17-18/63 matter", Garrison; Loran Eugene Hall (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 00/00) 1968: Timeline (cds.library.brown.edu)
(1968 00/00) Affidavit by Mrs. Alveeta Treon (unsigned but corrected and annotated)
Lee Harvey Oswald's Raleigh Call (November 23, 1963)
(1968 02/01) South Vietnam Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police,
shoots Vietcong operative Nguyen Van Lem (Video)
(Eddie Adams) (AP)
(1968 02/09) LIFE Magazine February 9, 1968
Suicide Raid on the Embassy
(1968 02/16) George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #3 (See 1965 04/16)
George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #4
(Larry J. Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1968 03/09) FBI Teletype: Memphis to Director
Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, Tenn. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 03/19) FBI Document: Re: Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, Tennessee; Racial Matters (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 03/20) Memorandum: Stephen Jaffe To Jim Garrison
Interview With Loran Hall (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 03/29) FBI Memorandum: G. C. Moore to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
King chose to hide out at the white owned and operated Holiday Inn Motel
(1968 04/01) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1968 04/02) FBI Document: Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Security Matter - C;
Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, Tennessee; Racial Matters (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/03) Rev. Martin Luther King, I Have Been to the Mountain Top (crmvet.org)
(1968 04/03) Rev. Martin Luther King, I Have Been to the Mountain Top (Video)
(1968 04/04) FBI Memorandum: SA Howard D. Tetem to SAC Memphis:
Immediately upon receipt of information that MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., had been shot
(1968 04/04) Request For Subpoena Duces Tecum
(Criminal District Court Parish of Orleans) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/06) Interview Notes: Gerald Patrick Hemming, Mary Jean Logue, Roy Emery Hargreaves
(FBI) (P.J. Reilly) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/07) FBI FD-302: SAs Jack D. Vahrenwald, Eugene A. Medori, Stephan M. Darlington, John W. Bauer
William Charles Anschutz, 422 1/2 South Main, Apartment 48, Memphis (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/07) FBI FD-302: SA Orville V. Johnson
Miss EDITH BRUNER, Clerk, William Len Hotel advised she noticed two individuals (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/09) Obsequies - Martin Luther King, Jr. (crmvet.org)
(1968 04/12) FBI Memorandum: SA Franklin L. Johnson to SAC (44-1987)
Investigation At Fire Station And Vicinity (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/16) FBI FD-302: Lt. Judson E. Ghormley (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/18) FBI Memorandum: G. C. Moore to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Good evening. The FBI is now engaged in an intensive nationwide search to locate
Eric Starvo Galt in connection with the fatal shooting of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(1968 04/22) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Recommend that the evidence recovered by the
Memphis Police Department be returned to that agency
(1968 04/26) FBI Airtel: SAC HOUSTON to DIRECTOR (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed are three copies of an editorial entitled, "FBI Loses Some of Its Shine"
which was in the Houston Chronicle evening of 4/25/68
(1968 04/27) After Action Report, Civil Disorder Operation: LANTERN SPIKE, 28 March - 12 April 1968
111th Military Intelligence Group
(1968 04/29) Memorandum: UPI -169
(1968 04/30) FBI: Certain engineering measurements (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 05/02) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
We are conducting an investigation to locate and apprehend James Earl Ray
(1968 05/06) FBI Memorandum: T. E. Bishop to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
In accordance with the Director's instructions, the men in my office have
maintained a strict "no comment" policy with regard to inquiries being
received concerning the above-captioned case or the hunt for James Earl Ray
(1968 05/06) FBI Memorandum: T. E. Bishop to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Also attached is a photograph of Ray wearing dark glasses
which was taken in November, 1967
(1968 05/06) Memorandum: Steven J. Burton to Jim Garrison
Interview of Gerald Patrick Hemming, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 05/09) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
To recommend the installation of a technical surveillance (TESUR) on the telephones
of Albert and Carol Pepper, St. Louis, Missouri, subject's sister
(1968 05/09) File: Clay L. Shaw (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1968 05/10) Dear Mr. Hoover: ... Yours sincerely, James L. Alcock (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 05/22) FBI FD-302: SA Harley E. Gylfe
(1968 05/22) Memorandum: William Boxley to Jim Garrison Re: Allen Dulles on Dick Cavett 05/22/1968
(1968 06/04) Memorandum: State of Louisiana versus Clay Shaw (Jim Garrison) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 06/05) Photograph of stricken Robert F. Kennedy and Paul Schrade's foot (Bill Eppridge) (TIME/LIFE)
(1968 06/05) Ambassador Hotel pantry, locations of persons (Lynn Mangan)
(1968 06/05) Photograph of bullets in the Ambassador Hotel pantry door frame and Coroner Thomas Noguchi
(1968 06/05) Floyd B. Nelson papers, 1968-2001 (Kennedy Assassination Truth Committee)
(1968 06/05) Sirhan's Researcher - RFK Assassination documents and research (Lynn Mangan)
(1968 06/06) Report on the Medicolegal Investigation of Senator Robert F. Kennedy
(Thomas Noguchi, Chief Medical Examiner)
(1968 06/12) CIA Memo to Chief LEOB/SRS from Sarah Hall Re: Richard Case Nagell (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1968 06/13) Exhibit No. 27: Affidavit of Charles Quitman Stephens
(State of Tennessee, County of Shelby) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 06/14) LIFE Magazine June 14, 1968
Senator Robert F. Kennedy
(1968 06/18) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
I told him that Hanes was a former Agent, had been in the Bureau a couple of years,
was a former Mayor of Birmingham, had represented defendants in the Liuzzo case,
and is a Klan attorney. I told him he was absolutely no good and to have no contact with him
(1968 06/21) LIFE Magazine June 21, 1968
The Two Accused - The Psycho-biology of Violence
(1968 06/24) FBI Airtel: LEGAT, LONDON to DIRECTOR (jfk.hood.edu)
ARTHUR J. HANES requested an interview with RAY
(1968 07/10) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
It is noted the Fulham Bank in London was robbed on the afternoon of 6/4/68.
Ray has been identified as the perpetrator of that bank robbery based on his fingerprint
appearing on the note used by the robber to demand money from the bank employees
(1968 07/19) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
James Earl Ray was returned to the United States today (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 07/22) Memorandum: Steven J. Burton to Jim Garrison
L'amérique Brûle by James Hepburn (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 08/02) FBI Teletype: Chicago to Director and Memphis
Letters Purportedly From Subject Ray Addressed To Ray's Attorney (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 09/18) George H. Decker Oral History Interview - JFK (Larry J. Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1968 09/20) Chance For Testing Rifle Is Bypassed
(FBI) (Commercial Appeal) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 09/30) Judge in Ray Case Holds 4 in Contempt (UP)
(1968 10/01) FBI Annual Report - Fiscal Year 1968
Report from the Office of John Edgar Hoover, Director
Criminal Investigations
Counterintelligence Activities
Cooperative Services
Applicant And Employee Investigations
Personnel And Administration
A View of the Future
(1968 10/03) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
Synopsis: Harold Weisberg, the author of several books... (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 10/24) FBI Teletype: Director to SAC, Birmingham (jfk.hood.edu)
Advise ARTHUR J. HANES that if he has any information,
he should feel free to furnish it to the Birmingham Office
(1968 10/24) Dear Mr. Hanes: ... Very truly yours, Ralph J. Miles, Special Agent in Charge
If you have any information you feel would be of interest to the FBI,
you should feel perfectly free to furnish it to me (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 11/15) FBI Memorandum: J. P. Dunphy to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Phil M. Canale, State Attorney General, Shelby County, who will prosecute
subject Ray in State Court, has renewed his request for a three-dimensional
model of the crime scene in this case
(1968 11/15) FBI Document: Re: Black Organizing Project; Racial Matters (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 12/02) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
William Bradford Huie, author, has written two articles (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 12/03) Admiral George G. Burkley: U.T. Oral History Project (T. H. Baker) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 12/13) CIA Memo to J. Edgar Hoover from Richard Helms Re: Richard Case Nagell (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1968 12/23) Memorandum: Steven J. Burton to File
Farewell America, a film directed by Herve LaMarre (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 01/16) Statement of Burke Marshall
Last year, the Attorney General informed me that he had ordered
the 1968 Panel Review and that it had been conducted (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 01/28) FBI FD-302: SA Neil P. Shanahan) (jfk.hood.edu)
MR. DON WOOD, Aeromarine Supply Company, Airport Road, Birmingham, Alabama
(1969 03/13) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Ralph J. Rampton to SAC, BIRMINGHAM (44-1740)
During the evening of 3/12/69 AUSA R. MACEY TAYLOR telephoned (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 01/28) New Documentary Reveals Secret U.S., Chinese Diplomacy Behind Nixon's Trip
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 145) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1969 01/29) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Bureau indicies indicate that Bureau has had cordial relations with
"Parade" magazine although its Washington Bureau is held at arms length
since it is staffed by Jack Anderson and Fred Blumenthal
(1969 01/31) Summary of Pleadings Introduced by Jim Garrison In
Continuing Effort To Get Photos and X-rays (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 02/06) Clay Shaw Trial Transcripts (maryferrell.org)
(1969 02/06) Opening argument made by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the trial of Clay Shaw
(1969 02/07) Statement Of William Bradford Huie (Shelby County Grand Jury) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 02/10) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Richard Helms
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 02/21) Clay Shaw Trial Testimony: Robert A. Frazier (F. Irvin Dymond, Alvin Oser)
(1969 03/01) Clay Shaw Trial Verdict AP bulletins (Associated Press)
(1969 03/11) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Ray will be eligible for release on parole with good time and honor time added, in 33 years
(1969 03/11) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
The disposition of the Federal conspiracy warrant presently outstanding concerning James Earl Ray
(1969 03/11) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
I would like to suggest that the Director allow us to choose a friendly, capable author,
or the Reader's Digest, and proceed with a book based on this case
(1969 03/12) Dear Mr. Hoover: ... Sincerely yours, [__________] (jfk.hood.edu)
You are the Director of the FBI. You did not like King.
You referred to him in derogatory fashion in print on several occasions. He was murdered
(1969 03/12) Art Buchwald Oral History Interview - RFK (Roberta Greene) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 03/13) FBI Interview: James Earl Ray (Robert Jensen SAC Memphis) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 03/16) Louis V. Romanelli
(1969 03/20) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. Bishop (jfk.hood.edu)
Even though Bishop has been described in Bufiles as
"somewhat pompous and a little overbearing at times,"
he nonetheless has both the name and ability to produce a book on the King case
(1969 03/25) Telegram to SecState from Madrid Embassy Re: Nagell, Richard C. (maryferrell.org)
(1969 03/27) Dear Mr. Hoover: ... Sincerely yours, [__________] (jfk.hood.edu)
The only trouble is not many people believe you
(1969 03/31) FBI Memphis Urgent To Director Re: Judge W. Preston Battle (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 04/01) History of the Office of Special Activities From Inception to 1969 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1969 04/04) An Investigation Summary of the Senator Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
(LAPD Detective Bureau) (maryferrell.org)
(1969 04/04) Special Unit Senator LAPD Collection (LAPD) (maryferrell.org)
(1969 05/06) Ross R. Barnett Oral History Interview - JFK (Dennis O'Brien) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 06/09) H.B. 15090 - Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970 - Public Law 91-171
Volume 6 - page 129 - Part 5 - Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
Synthetic Biological Agents
(1969 06/10) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
President Kennedy was fired upon three times and all three shots struck the President (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 06/20) Operation Duck Hook (nsarchive2.gwu.edu)
(1969 07/01) HB 15090 - Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970 (excerpt)
(1969 07/23) Interview I: Kenneth O'Donnell (Paige E. Mulhollan) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 07/15) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #1
(1969 07/29) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #2
(1969 08/05) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #3
(1969 08/05) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #3
(1969 12/12) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #4
(1970 01/03) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #5
(1970 02/21) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #6
(1970 02/13) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #7
(1970 03/13) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #8
(Larry Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 07/25) State Department Memorandum: Charles Thomas to William Rogers
Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin of President Kennedy (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 08/00) Defence-Disrupting Therapy (Barker/Mason/Wilson)
(1969 08/05) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #1
(1969 08/13) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #2
(1970 03/23) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #3
(1970 04/07) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #4
(1970 05/01) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #5
(1970 06/12) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #6
(Roberta Greene) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 08/21) FBI From SAC St. Louis to Director Re: James Earl Ray Statement (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 09/05) FBI File: DEAD, THE GRATEFUL (archive.org)
(1969 09/26) FBI Airtel: SAC, Birmingham to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
HANES contends that subject RAY had been engaged in transportation of weapons
(1969 10/02) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Investigation to date has failed to connect Ray with any gunrunning
(1969 10/10) FBI Airtel: SAC, Birmingham to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Arthur J. Hanes stated that he had two theories of groups who may have led Ray;
one being the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the other being black militant groups
(1969 10/13) Dear Mr. Weisberg:
I am forwarding herewith a copy of the indictment in United States v. Rene Leon, et al.
Sincerely, J. Walter Yeagley (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 10/21) DoJ Memorandum: Assistant Attorney General to Director, FBI (jfk.hood.edu)
Reference is made to your letter dated October 15, 1969, entitled "Harold Weisberg"
(1969 11/18) Frederick G. Dutton Oral History Interview - RFK
(Larry J. Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1970 00/00) Bombing Vietnam to Ride of the Valkyries (Video)
(1970 01/01) Federal Environmental Laws and Executive orders applicable to FEMA's actions
(1970 01/19) The literary property rights in this transcript have been retained by the interviewee, Burke Marshall
(Larry J. Hackman) (Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Program) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1970 03/16) Commission on Population Growth and the American Future (John D. Rockefeller III)
(1970 04/15) Conduct of Associate Justice Douglas
(House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford) (Congressional Record) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1970 05/12) FBI File: CARLIN, GEORGE (archive.org)
(1970 06/05) FBI Airtel: SAC, Memphis to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
An article appearing in a Memphis newspaper indicated that FENSTERWALD is from
Washington, D.C. and heads a private group called "The Committee to Investigate Assassinations"
(1970 06/15) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Special Agent in Charge of the Memphis Office, in connection with the James Earl Ray case,
has requested a name check on Fensterwald, who is the head of a
private group called "The Committee to Investigate Assassinations."
(1970 06/22) Organization and Accomplishments of the DDA-DDS Group 1953-1956 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1970 06/24) FBI Memorandum: T. E. Bishop to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Accordingly, copies of these documents were furnished to Weisberg
(1970 07/11) Edward Lansdale Oral History Interview (jfklibrary.org)
(1970 11/19) Victor H. Krulak Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1970 11/30) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (See 1964 03/00)
(1971 02/22) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #3
(1972 03/13) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #4
(William W. Moss) (jfklibrary.org)
(1971 00/00) United States Special Virus Program
Progress Report #8, page 61, Special Virus Flow Chart
(1971 03/15) Gift of Personal Statement By Hale Boggs to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library (Excerpts)
(1971 04/23) Vietnam Veterans Against the War - Statement to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations
(John Kerry) (www2.iath.virginia.edu)
(1971 05/19) Affidavit: William W. Harper (sirhansresearcher.com)
(1971 05/06) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Branigan to C. D. Brennan
Sarah McClendon, plans to write a feature story on [________________] (jfk.hood.edu)
(1971 06/09) Congressional Record - Senate (jfk.hood.edu)
(1971 06/16) Admiral Lewis L. Strauss Oral History Interview (trumanlibrary.org)
(1971 07/09) Richard M. Bissell Jr. Oral History Interview (trumanlibrary.org)
(1971 08/02) FBI Airtel: SAC, Baltimore to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
The conversation concerned the fact that the President was not
doing what was good for the country, especially about Vietnam,
and that he had to be done away with within the next five years
(1971 08/30) Interviews of William C. Wood aka Bill Boxley (George E. Rennar)
(1971 09/21) Earl Warren Oral History Interview
(Joe B. Frantz) (tc.pbs.org)
(1971 12/23) Milton S. Gwirtzman Oral History Interview - RFK #1 (Roberta W. Greene) (jfklibrary.org)
(1972 02/07) White House Conference on the Industrial World Ahead: a Look at Business in 1990
(1972 03/06) William P. Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (See 1964 11/12)
(1972 04/25) William P. Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #3
(William W. Moss) (jfklibrary.org)
(1972 05/11) Chief Justice Earl Warren Oral History Interview
(Jerry N. Hess) (trumanlibrary.org)
(1972 05/26) LIFE Magazine May 26, 1972
The Wallace Shooting
(1972 05/15) President Nixon mentions the Warren Commission Report (.mp3) (@ 4:50)
(1972 05/26) US-USSR Trade and Economic Council
(1972 06/09) Gravel v. United States (w/audio of oral arguments)
(Burger Court) (oyez.org)
(1972 09/15) FBI Cablegram: Acting Director to Legat Mexico City (jfk.hood.edu)
Are the requested photographs or copies of them in your files?
(1972 10/10) 52 Week Oral Toxicity Study In The Infant Monkey
Artificial Sweetening Agent SC-18862
(1972 06/01) Operation CHAOS (CIA) (archive.org)
(1963 09/20) Western Union Cablegram: L.H.Oswald to Jack Nellville (Q635) (jfk.hood.edu)
Expecting something big.stop-
(1973 05/04) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Oklahoma City
A photograph of Q635 is being attached to the Washington Field Office copies of this report
(1973 05/04) FBI Laboratory Report to SAC, Oklahoma City
The typewriting on Q635 most closely resembles a Laboratory standard for
a Remington pica style of type used on a Cadet, Portable machine Model #4B
(1973 04/13) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Oklahoma City to Acting Director
This piece of paper was discovered in amongst a 14-volume set
of medical books which was being moved in Tulsa, Oklahoma
(1973 04/11) FBI Airtel: Minneapolis to Acting Director, Oklahoma City, Dallas
Source suggests that this message be exhibited to Mr. Shrank, Public Service Group,
Western Union, Park Lane Drive, Mc Lean Virginia, to determine its possible origin
(1973 06/27) President Richard Nixon's Enemies List(s)
(1973 10/07) Statutory Authority For The FBI'S Domestic Intelligence Activities
An Analysis Prepared for the Use of The House Committee On Internal Security (jfk.hood.edu)
(1973 11/05) Gerald Ford Vice President Confirmation Hearing (Excerpt)
(Senate Rules and Administration Committee) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1974 00/00) Working Draft - CIA Watergate History (CIA IG) (archive.org)
(1974 03/28) DoJ Memorandum: Stephen Horn to K. William O'Connor
Review of the James Earl Ray File (jfk.hood.edu)
(1974 06/27) Final Report of the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (archive.org)
(1974 09/00) Gerald Ford's Role: The September 15, 1972 Transcript
(Mike Elwing) (Senator Harold Hughes (D-Iowa) Office) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) Background of Allegations that Gerald Ford Conspired with the White House to Block Patman Inquiry
(0000 00/00) Gerald Ford's Role: The September 15 Transcript: Addendum (jfk.hood.edu)
(1974 10/17) Veto Battle Set Freedom of Information Norms
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 142) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1974 12/00) National Photographic Interpretation Center:
The Years of Project HTAUTOMAT, 1956-1958 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1974 12/10) NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum)
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
(1975 00/00) Cambodia 1975: before the genocide
(Peace Pledge Union) (ppu.org.uk)
(1975 00/00) Inquiry into the Alleged Involvement of CIA in the Watergate and Ellsberg Matters
(House Committee on Armed Services) (archive.org)
(1975 02/03) FBI Airtel: SAC, DALLAS to DIRECTOR
eight photographs showing three individuals in custody of Dallas Police Officers (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 02/19) H. Res.204: The committee is authorized and directed to conduct a full and complete
investigation and study of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of John F. Kennedy,
Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, and the attempted assassination of George Wallace
(House of Representatives) (94th Congress) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 02/19) U.S. Rep. Henry González Asks Congress To Study Assassinations
(Congressional Record) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 02/20) FBI Memorandum: SAC, J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
On 2/20/75 NICHOLAS HOROCK, Washington office of the New York Times, stated that
there was a memorandum dated 6/3/60, wherein Mr. Hoover had stated, "The possibility
exists that some imposter might be using the birth certificate of LEE HARVEY OSWALD"
(1975 03/06) First televised showing on the Zapruder film (Video)
(Geraldo Rivera/Robert Groden/Dick Gregory) (ABC Good Night America)
(1975 04/16) Reopen Investigation Into The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy
(Congressional Record) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 05/14) Analysis of Zapruder Film - National Photo Interpretation Center (NPIC) documents
(1975 05/21) Flaws In RFK-Sirhan Case Cry For Fresh Look
(Hon. Christopher J. Dodd) (Congressional Record)
(1975 06/00) Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States
(Rockefeller Commission)
(1975 06/04) FBI Memorandum: SUPV. SA [________________] to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
[________________] [________________] has been assigned to review a book written by GEORGE O'TOOLE
that involves O'TOOLE's analysis of tape recordings made incidental to the assassination matter
(1975 06/05) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC, DALLAS (89-43)
An article has been printed in the "Washington Star"(jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 06/18) Petition For Grand Jury Investigation - Richard L. Feldman Petitioner
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 06/19) Testimony of James Angleton (Church Committee)
(1975 06/23) Letter to AG Edward Levi from FBI Director Clarence Kelley Re: Richard C. Nagell (maryferrell.org)
(1975 06/30) The Kissinger State Department Telcons
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 135) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1975 07/08) HSCA Testimony: General Edward Lansdale RE: Cuban Operation
(1975 07/14) FBI Memorandum: J. B. Adams to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. [_______] specifically requested that his identity as the source of this information be concealed
(1975 07/15) I, NANNIE LEE FENNER, being duly sworn
Approximately one week or ten days prior to November 22, 1963,
an individual appeared at the reception desk and asked to see SA HOSTY (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/15) 1, JAMES P. HOSTY, JR., being duly sworn
I was instructed by SAC SHANKLIN to disregard and destroy this letter (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/16) I, KENNETH C. HOWE, being duly sworn
I have no reason to doubt Mrs. FENNER's veracity (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/17) FBI Memorandum: J. B. Adams to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Oswald had visited the Dallas Office prior to the assassination and left a threatening letter
(1975 07/21) I, KENNETH C. HOWE, a Special Agent of the FBI, San Diego, California, have been duly sworn
Finding a letter in Special Agent JAMES HOSTY'S workbox in the Dallas FBI Office,
which appeared to me to have been prepared by LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/21) I, J. Gordon Shanklin, being duly sworn
I can state unequivocally that I never told Hosty or anyone to destroy any note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/22) I, HELEN V. MAY, being duly sworn
I categorically deny ever seeing the note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/22) I, JOE A. PEARCE, being duly sworn
MRS. FENNER has a tendency to exaggerate, in my opinion (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/31) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Intelligence Costs and Fiscal Procedure
Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 1
(1975 07/16) HSCA Testimony: L. Fletcher Prouty
(1975 09/02) I, JAMES W. ANDERTON, being duly sworn
In the general time frame of 1969 to 1970, at 5:00 PM, MRS. NANNIE LEE FENNER
make a remark concerning either a note or a letter of a threatening nature which had
been directed to SA HOSTY from LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/02) I, James W. Bookhout, being duly sworn
At no time during this interview did Oswald mention that he had visited
the Dallas FBI Office and left a note for SA Hosty (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/02) I, VINCENT E. DRAIN, being duly sworn
Approximately six years ago (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/02) I, NANNIE LEE FENNER, being duly sworn
Handwriting which I can best describe as a large scrawl, which was very childlike (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/03) FBI FD-302: Harold N. Bassett and Francis M. Mullen (jfk.hood.edu)
Special Agent JOSEPH L. SCHOTT (new retired) was interviewed
He received this information from another individual, whose identity he refused to disclose
(1975 09/03) I, Martha Ann Campbell, formerly Martha Ann Connally, being duly sworn
Upon hearing Fenner's name, he made "a face" (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/03) FBI Interview: Joseph L. Schott
Assistant Director Harold N. Bassett and Tampa SAC Francis M. Mullen, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/04) I, Ural E. Horton, Jr., being duly sworn
I did hear there was an Oswald note to Hosty and that it allegedly contained a threat (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/05) FBI FD-350: Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
News Tribune; Ft. Worth, Texas; Editor: Mack Williams
Schott Thinks Hoover May Have OK'd Destruction Of Lee Harvey Oswald Letter to FBI
(1975 09/05) I, CHARLES T. BROWN, JR., being duly sworn
DRAIN asked me if I knew about the note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/05) I, Emory E. Horton, being duly sworn,
I state I did not see the note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/08) I, John V. Almon, being duly sworn
It was common knowledge in the Dallas Office (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/10) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Committee Proceedings
Proceedings of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 4
(1975 09/11) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Committee Proceedings
Proceedings of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 2
(1975 09/11) I, Eugene W. Walsh, being duly sworn
I had absolutely no knowledge of an alleged visit by Lee Harvey Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/12) FBI Memorandum: J. B. Adams to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Sandy Smith, Time magazine, came by to see me and we discussed his article
appearing in the 9-15-75 issue of Time magazine
(1975 09/16) Church Committee: Volume 1
Hearings on Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents
(1975 09/17) Testimony of James Angleton (Church Committee)
(1975 09/17) FBI FD-302: SA [_____________]
LORAN EUGENE HALL was interviewed at his request (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/17) FBI FD-302: SAC Richard F. Bates and Inspector Edgar N. Best (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. WILLIAM C. SULLIVAN was interviewed
Mr. SULLIVAN advised that that question was infringing on his civil rights
and he refused to furnish any additional information whatsoever concerning that area of inquiry
(1975 09/17) I, Elbert T. Turner, being duly sworn
At the time of the assassination the Oswald case had recently been assigned to me
in my capacity of supervisory Special Agent in the Espionage Section (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/22) I, James P. Hosty, being duly sworn
I then took the torn pieces out of the waste basket, left his office and went to
the men's washroom located between the eleventh and twelfth floors and
flushed all the scraps of paper down the commode (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/23) I, Henry A. Schutz, make the following statement free and voluntary
I am simply referring to a meeting when I thought an unusual procedure was followed (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/23) Church Committee: Volume 2
Hearings on the Huston Plan
(1975 09/24) I, J. GORDON SHANKLIN, being duly sworn
It would be absolutely impossible to describe the turmoil, the excitement, the pressures (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/26) FBI FD-302: Inspector Edgar N. Best (jfk.hood.edu)
Ruth Paine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was telephonically contacted
Oswald told her that he had visited the Dallas Office of the FBI
(1975 09/29) FBI JFK 62-109060 Serial 7302 X (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 10/02) FBI Memorandum: H. N. Bassett to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
It would be proper to inform Mr. Shanklin that he had not been released
from his secrecy agreement and to so advise Fink of this fact (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 10/02) Church Committee: Volume 3
Hearings on the Internal Revenue Service
(1975 10/09) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Domestic Intelligence Programs
Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 3
(1975 10/21) Church Committee: Volume 4
Hearings on Mail Opening (maryferrell.org)
(1975 10/21) Statement Of Deputy Associate Director James B. Adams Federal Bureau
Of Investigation Before The Subcommittee On Civil And Constitutional
Rights Of The House Committee On The Judiciary (jfk.hood.edu)
We have just completed an exhaustive internal inquiry which leaves no doubt
that Lee Harvey Oswald visited our Dallas Field Office some days prior to the
assassination of President Kennedy and that he left a handwritten note there for the
Special Agent who was conducting our subversive activities investigation of him
(1975 10/21) Statement of Deputy Associate Director James B. Adams, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before The Subcommittee On Civil And Constitutional Rights
Of The House Committee On The Judiciary - October 21, 1975 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 10/29) Church Committee: Volume 5
Hearings on the National Security Agency and Fourth Amendment Rights
(1975 11/04) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Domestic Intelligence Programs
Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 5
(1975 11/04) FBI File: BRUSSELL, MAE (archive.org)
(1975 11/11) House Committee on Agriculture: Oversight Hearing on National Archives
Handling of Freedom of Information Act and Declassification Requests
(David Belin / Dr. James B. Rhoads) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 11/18) Church Committee: Volume 6
Hearings on the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(1975 11/20) Church Committee: Interim Report
Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders
(1975 11/20) Operation Mongoose
(1975 11/20) Second Coming of Christ
(1975 11/21) Richard C. Nagell Affidavit (maryferrell.org)
(1975 11/26) NSDM 314 (National Security Decision Memorandum)
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for United States Security and Overseas Interests
(1975 11/26) FBI Memorandum: Clerk [_________] to SAC, DALLAS
On November 26, 1975, DIXIE YATES 1242 S. Britain, Irving, Texas (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 12/01) Inquiry Into the Destruction of Former FBI Director Hoovers Files and FBI Record Keeping
(House Committee on Government Operations)
(1975 12/04) Church Committee: Volume 7
Hearings on Covert Action
(1975 12/15) I, NANNIE LEE FENNER, being duly sworn, hereby make the following free and
voluntary statement to Assistant Director HAROLD. N.BASSETT and the Special
Agent in Charge of the Dallas Office, THEODORE L. GUNDERSON (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 12/24) FBI FD-302: Special Agent Robert M. Barrett (jfk.hood.edu)
I was interviewed by Committee Staff member Paul Wallach. Mr. Wallach asked if it
was not true that Mr. Shanklin or some other Bureau official had given explicit
directions that the investigation was to establish that Oswald acted alone
(1976 00/00) Guide to Manuscripts in the Bentley Historical Library
(Thomas E. Powers / William H. McNitt) (University of Michigan Ann Arbor) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 01/13) FBI File: BUGLIOSI, VINCENT (archive.org)
(1976 01/20) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Committee Proceedings
Proceedings of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 6 (maryferrell.org)
(1976 02/06) Testimony of James J. Angleton (Church Committee)
(1976 02/06) FBI File: Phone Phreak Activities Control File (archive.org)
(1976 02/25) Floyd M. Boring Oral History Interview
(Bill Hartigan) (jfklibrary.org)
(1976 03/24) FBI File: REAGAN, RONALD (archive.org)
(1976 03/29) James J. Rowley Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1976 03/31) DoJ Memorandum: J. Stanley Pottinger to the Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
We have not found a basis to believe that the FBI in any way caused the death of Martin Luther King
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book III
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book IV
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Foreign and Military Intelligence
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book V
The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy:
Performance of the Intelligence Agencies
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book VI
Supplementary Reports on Intelligence Activities
(1976 04/26) Church Committee: Book I
Foreign and Military Intelligence
(1976 04/26) Church Committee: Book II
Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans
(0000 00/00) Interception of International Telecommunications by the National Security Agency
(draft report)
(1976 06/00) Report by James Jesus Angleton on CIA Activities Within the United States (CIA) (archive.org)
(1976 07/01) Dear Supporter of H. Res. 204:
(Henry B. González, M. C.) (House of Representatives) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 07/07) HSCA Memorandum of Interview with Former Lt. Judson E. Ghormley
of the Shelby County Sheriff's Department
(Fred G. Folsom / James F. Walker) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 08/27) Multiple CIA and FBI Memoranda Re: E. Howard Hunt (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 09/18) FBI File: House Select Committee on Assassinations (archive.org)
(1976 09/23) FBI Memorandum: J. A. Conley to Mr. Basset (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. J. Gordon Shanklin, dictated the attached two statements on 7/8/75
I certainly have no knowledge whatsoever of Lee Harvey Oswald ever coming to
the Dallas Office, have no knowledge of any letter he may have left, or the fact
the letter may have been destroyed after the assassination
(1976 10/08) CIA Memorandum: Curtis Rivers to Director of Security
Dade County Request for Agency Assistance Regarding the Death of Johnny Roselli
Motion For Production of Favorable Evidence
(United States District Court For The District of Florida) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 11/27) HSCA Unpublished and Classified Interviews and Testimony
(1976 11/27) HSCA Interview: David Atlee Phillips
(1976 12/12) Letter to HSCA from Dr. Joseph Dolce M.D. F.A.C.S.
My Thoughts Re President J. F. Kennedy Assassination (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 00/00) Title 28 - Judicial Administration 1976 and 1977
16.3 Requests for identifiable records and copies
50.8 Policy with regard to criteria for discretionary access to investigatory records of historical interest
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 01/02) HSCA Interview: Tom Robinson (Audio)
(0000 00/00) HSCA Interview: John Van Hoesen (Audio only) (Undated)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1977 01/04) FBI Memorandum: [__________________] to SAC, DALLAS
Reference to a bullet that was allegedly found by an individual named LESTER (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 01/11) FBI Martin Luther King, Jr. Review Task Force: p. 37-47
(1977 01/11) FBI Martin Luther King, Jr. Review Task Force: III. The Security Investigation
(1977 01/11) FBI Martin Luther King, Jr. Review Task Force: IV. Recommendations
(1977 01/14) FBI Airtel: SAC, DALLAS to Director
Request to retain the services of former SA Robert P. Gemberling (retired) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 01/22) Dear Supporters of House Select Committee on Assassinations:
(Henry B. González, M. C.) (House of Representatives) (jfk.hood.edu)
Deposition of ROBERT A FRAZIER
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 02/07) HSCA Memorandum: Andy Purdy to Bob Tanenbaum
re: Ballistics Testing, Edgewood Arsenal - Dr. Joseph R. Dolce (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/00) Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Reference Manual
(Federal Bureau of Investigation) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/08) UNITED STATES of America v. Bernard W. FENSTERWALD, Jr.
(United States Court Appeals, District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/09) Dear Mr. Attorney General: ... Sincerely, Louis Stokes (HSCA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/11) FBI Memorandum: Director to The Attorney General
Received from a Dallas resident a metal fragment (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/23) HSCA Memorandum: Fonzi to Tanenbaum re: Dr. Joseph Dolce - ballistics consultant (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/18) HSCA Memorandum: Richard Sprague To File
Dr. George G. Burkley, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy retired
Others besides Oswald must have participated
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 04/06) FBI FD-302: SAs [____________] and [____________] (jfk.hood.edu)
Transcription of (Willem) Oltman interview re: appearance before the 'Committee of the Assassination'
(1977 04/18) FBI Laboratory Report: FBI File No. 62-109060 (jfk.hood.edu)
The photocopy shown in the Item 2 photographs does not reproduce the handwriting
on the original document with sufficient clarity of line detail for adequate handwriting
comparisons or any definite determination whether that handwriting was or was not
prepared by LEE HARVEY OSWALD, whose available genuine writings consist
of a large number of documents previously submitted in this investigation
(1977 04/22) Memorandum: Robert L. Keuch to The Attorney General
Establishing and conducting liaison with the House Select Committee on Assassinations (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 04/28) FBI Memorandum: J. S. Peelman to Mr. Moore
To advise of the inaccuracy of a statement made by Richard Sprague (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 04/28) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to Director
Obtaining the test bullets from the National Archives (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 05/10) FBI Memorandum: Director to The Attorney General
Bureau's inability to obtain certain test bullets from the National Archives (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 05/23) Charles Quitman STEPHENS v. CITY OF MEMPHIS and Memphis Publishing Company, et al
(Court of Appeals of Tennessee, Western Section)
(1977 08/03) HSCA Memorandum: G. Robert Blakey to Mr. James B. Rhoads
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Director of Central Intelligence
and the Select Committee On Assassinations (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 08/03) File: The Conspiracy to Kill JFK, Its Meaning (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1977 08/07) The Bressler Report (re: Searle Laboratories) (Jerome Bressler)
(1977 08/08) FBI Memorandum: Director to The Deputy Attorney General
Retired Special Agent Alvin Staffeld, Jr., was interviewed
by Chief Counsel Robert Blakey, HSCA (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 08/16) Dear Mr. Allard: ... Very truly yours, Vincent K. Antle
To: Col. Lucien CONEIN
  Subject: Gerald P. HEMMING, Jr. AKA Gerry PATRICK
  Date: 8 Sept 1976
  (DoJ) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 08/17) Andy Purdy Memorandum to File: Search for Missing Autopsy Materials
(1977 08/24) Miscellaneous Information Concerning 324 East 10th Street, Dallas, TX
(1977 09/16) HSCA Interview: James Humes and J. Thorton Boswell
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4), (Audio: 5), (Audio: 6)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1977 10/03) Procedures used by the (Justice) Department and the Senate Select Committee
As far as you can go without giving up all the family jewels
(Paul Daly) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 10/05) Memorandum: Robert L. Keuch to The Attorney General
Memorandum of Understanding - House Select Committee on Assassinations
(1977 12/02) Documents Reviewed by CIA Personnel relating to the assassination of JFK
(David Van Tassel) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 12/05) FBI Memorandum: Memphis, Tennessee
Retired Special Agent Joe C. Hester appeared at Washington, D. C. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 12/10) FBI Memorandum: Legal Counsel to The Associate Director
Contact with Mr. G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/00) Report on the Relationship Between the United States Recording Company
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Certain Other Matters Pertaining to the F.B.I.
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/09) HSCA Interview: George Shires (Audio)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/10) Francis X. O'Neill, Jr. Investigation Interview (Incomplete)
(Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/11) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
To request the services of the Engineering Section, Technical Services Division (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/11) HSCA Interview: James Carrico (Audio) (Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/11) HSCA Interview: Malcolm Perry (Audio) (Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/18) HSCA Interview: Richard Lipsey (Report only)
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4), (Audio: 5)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/29) HSCA Deposition: Joe O'Donnell (USIA photographer) ( l/29/97 and 2/28/97)
(1978 03/10) HSCA Interview: FBI Special Agent Dennis LeMaster
LeMaster found it difficult to understand any antipathy Ray may have had against Dr. King
(Edward Evans, Mel Kreidman, Robin Lindley ) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 03/11) HSCA Interview: John Ebersole
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 03/11) HSCA Interview: Pierre Finck
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 03/12) HSCA Interview: Pierre Finck
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 03/14) Memorandum: NNFJ - Clarence F. Lyons, Jr. to NNFJ - Grover
Remarks made by House Select Committee on Assassinations staff member (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 03/17) NSCM 46 (National Security Council Memorandum)
Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement
(1978 03/22) HSCA Testimony: James Wilcott (ratical.org)
(1978 03/23) HSCA Deposition: William S. Walter, FBI Clerk
(1978 04/00) The Missing General
Introduction By L. Fletcher Prouty
(Willem Oltmans) (Gallery) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 04/02) Dear Mr. Rhoads: ... Sincerely, Edmund L. Henshaw, Jr., Clerk
This will acknowledge the transmittal of 848 boxes of Records (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 04/07) HSCA Testimony: Joe Molina (portion)
(United States District Court for the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 04/25) HSCA Interview: David Atlee Phillips
(1978 05/27) HSCA Interview: Admiral Calvin B. Galloway
(1978 06/06) HSCA Interview: Silvia Tirado (Duran)
(HSCA) (Gary Cornwell / Dan Hardway / Eddie Lopez) (www.maryferrell)
(1978 06/07) Assistant Attorney General to Robert L. Keuch
Responding in full to an HSCA request of May 11, 1978 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 07/10) Dear Mr. Chairman, ... Sincerely yours, William H. Webster
I am unable to comply with Mr. Blakey's request (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 07/11) HSCA Interview: Regis Blahut (07/11/1978 and 07/13/1978) (Audio Only)
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 07/12) CIA Memorandum for the Record: HSCA Internal Security Problem
(1978 07/18) HSCA Interview: Abe Fortas
(Gary Cornwell / Mike Ewing) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 08/09) HSCA Deposition: David R. Murphey
(1978 08/11) HSCA Interview: Robert Knudsen
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4), (Audio: 5)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 08/11) HSCA Deposition: Robert L. Knudsen (White House photographer)
(1978 08/15) CIA Response to HSCA Request of 15 August 1978
(1978 08/17) HSCA Interview: Thomas Casasin by Surell Brady
(1978 08/22) HSCA Interview: Samuel Stern by Mike Ewing
(1978 09/25) HSCA Deposition: Mr. X (James O'Connell) (jfklancer.com)
(1978 10/05) HSCA Interview: James Angleton
(1978 10/12) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
Disposition of the voluminous material prepared for the HSCA (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 10/24) Affidavit: I, James W. Sibert
(Kathleen M. Weaver) (Notary Public State of Florida) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 10/27) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
To furnish status of HSCA request for identity of a Memphis informant (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 10/27) FBI Priority: Director to Memphis
Allegation That Paid FBI Informants Reporting On The Invaders, A Memphis Youth Gang,
Acted As "Agent Provocateurs" And Instigated Violence In Memphis (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/08) Affidavit of Francis F. O'Neill (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/08) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
Concerning the documents the HSCA has indicated it may publicly disclose (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/16) FBI Memorandum: Mr. D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
The HSCA plans to release captioned report on 11/27/78 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/16) House Select Committee On Assassinations (HSCA) Staff Report
Investigation into the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
An Analysis of the Performance of the Department of Justice
And the Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/16) Prepared Testimony of Tennent H. Bagley
(HSCA) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 11/20) HSCA Testimony: Anne Goodpasture (Morning Session)
(1978 11/20) HSCA Testimony: Anne Goodpasture (Afternoon Session)
(1978 12/04) HSCA: Outside Contact Report: William Greer (T. Mark Flanagan Jr.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 01/02) Final Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations
(1979 01/02) HSCA Appendix to Hearings: Authenticity of Autopsy Medical Evidence: Volume VII p. 37-39
(1979 01/02) HSCA JFK exhibits listings (kenrahn.com)
(1979 01/02) HSCA Public Hearings Exhibits - Photo Set (maryferrell.org)
(1979 01/02) HSCA "Photo Book" (cuban-exile.com)
(1979 01/18) H. Res. 49: (b) In the case of the former Select Committee on Assassinations
(House of Representatives, U. S.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 03/22) HSCA memo: Mannlicher-Carcano Firing Test (history-matters.com)
(1979 03/28) The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: An Alphabetical Bibliography
The Library of Congress (history-matters.com)
(1979 03/28) The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: A Chronological Bibliography
The Library of Congress (history-matters.com)
(1979 03/29) HSCA Final Assassination Report - Hearings and Appendix Volumes
Volume VII - Medical and Firearms Evidence
(1979 03/29) HSCA Final Assassination Report - Hearings and Appendix Volumes
Volume VII - Medical and Firearms Evidence - Dissenting View Part VI
Addendum to the Forensic Pathology Panel Report, Submitted by Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.
(1979 03/29) Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City (Dan Hardway and Edwin Lopez) (HSCA)
The Lopez-Hardway Report
The "thirteenth appendix" to the HSCA Report
(1979 03/29) Marina Oswald Porter's Statements of a Contradictory Nature
(HSCA staff report) (John Armstrong) (digitalcollections.baylor.edu)
(1979 04/02) Protocol: Access For The Documents Of The House Select Committee On Assassinations
(HSCA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 04/27) CIA Memorandum For The Record
G. Robert Blakey's visit to CIA Headquarters on 27 April 1979 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 06/20) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bailey
To record details of the FBI's review of material (jfk.hood.edu)
(1980 03/31) FBI File: SKOLNICK, SHERMAN (archive.org)
(1980 04/08) Records of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, 95th Congress
(George P. Perros) (Civil Archives Division) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1980 08/26) Dear Mr. Gemberling: ... Sincerely, Louis Stokes
(HSCA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1980 11/03) CIA Memorandum: Article by Gaeton Fonzi (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1980 11/19) Review Requested By The Department Of Justice
Of The Acoustical Reports Published By The House Select Committee On Assassinations
(FBI Technical Services Division) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1981 05/04) Memorandum: Heads of all Federal Departments and Agencies
Freedom of Information Act
(William French Smith) (Office of the Attorney General) (jfk.hood.edu)
Declaration Of David J. Garrow (jfk.hood.edu)
(1981 12/04) Executive Order 12333 (President Ronald Wilson Reagan)
(United States Intelligence Activities)
(1982 03/02) CIA/Justice Department Memorandum of Understanding
Reporting and Use of Information Concerning Federal Crimes (narcotics violations)
(1982 05/26) Horace W. Busby Oral History Interview - JFK
(Sheldon H. Stern) (jfklibrary.org)
(1982 06/24) NIXON v. FITZGERALD, 457 U.S. 731 (1982)
Scope of the immunity possessed by the President of the United States (scholar.google.com)
(1983 00/00) Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare (Tayacán)
(CIA manual for the rebel contras of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN))
(1983 02/28) Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence
Deposition of David Atlee Phillips (Excerpt)
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1983 06/08) Robert J. Donovan Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1984 00/00) Conducting Research In FBI Records (Federal Bureau of Investigation) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) FBI File Numbers (jfk.hood.edu)
(1984 04/00) The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War:
Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part II: 1961-1964
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
(1984 04/00) FOIA UPDATE Vol. V, No. 2
Protecting Law Enforcement Data
The Processing of Investigatory Records
The "Generic" Aspect of Exemption 7(A)
FOIA Update to be Available on JURIS
Q & A
The Privacy Act as an Exemption Three Statute, by Douglas N. Letter
Significant New Decisions
Supreme Court Update
FOIA Focus: Thomas H. Bresson
1984 Case List
FOIA Training Opportunities
(U.S. Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1984 04/26) FBI File: Nugan-Hand Bank (archive.org)
(1984 09/28) Hon. Edward P. Boland, Chairman, FBI record 62-109060-5900, Sincerely, Harold Weisberg
FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. A. Branigan to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (12/11/1967)
The Joe Pyne Show which appeared on 12/10/67 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1984 11/09) The Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation; V. I-IV (Jack Pfeiffer, CIA Chief Historian)
(Volume I) Air Operations, March 1960 to April 1961: Part 1 (1979 09)
(Volume I) Air Operations, March 1960 to April 1961: Part 2 (1979 09)
(Volume I) Air Operations, March 1960 to April 1961: Part 3 (1979 09)
(Volume II) Participation in the Conduct of Foreign Policy: Part 1 (1979 10)
(Volume II) Participation in the Conduct of Foreign Policy: Part 2 (1979 10)
(Volume III) Evolution of CIA's Anti-Castro Policies, 1951 - January 1961 (1979 12)
(Volume IV) The Taylor Committee Investigation of the Bay of Pigs (1984 11/09)
(1984 12/20) FAA Advisory Circular 20-123
Avoiding or Minimizing Encounters with Aircraft Equipped with
Depleted Uranium Balance Weights during Accident Investigations
(1985 00/00) Canadian Access to Information Act
(1985 02/21) FBI File: FONZI, GAETON (archive.org)
Declaration of Louis J. Dube
(United States District Court for the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(Orlando Bosch Avila) (cuban-exile.com)
(1988 09/01) Organizational History of the National Security Council During the JFK and LBJ Administrations
(Bromley K. Smith) (archive.org)
(1988 09/21) U.S. Secret Service agent Floyd M. Boring Oral History Interview
(Niel M. Johnson) (trumanlibrary.org)
(Joe D. Whitley - Acting Associate Attorney General) (cuban-exile.com)
(1989 12/04) Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture - New Horizons in Europe
(Alfred Herrhausen) (Undelivered due to death by terrorism)
(1990 02/13) Ed DeMar Memorandum to City Council Re: Mysterious Black Choppers
(Sedona Arizona) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1990 03/01) Statement of Emil P. Moschella
Chief, Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights
(House Committee on the Judiciary) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1991 08/10) Alternate copy of Danny Casolaro's notes (archive.org)
(1991 12/07) General Louis W. Truman Oral History Interview (trumanlibrary.org)
(1992 01/28) Items From Dallas Police Files on J.D. Tippit (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 01/28) Items From Dallas Police Files on Roscoe Anthony White (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 02/21) CIA and Openness - Dr. Robert M. Gates Director of Central Intelligence
Oklahoma Press Association) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 06/17) The Kennedy Assassination:
A Case Study in the Use of Demonstrative and Forensic Evidence (Agenda)
(D.C. Bar/George Washington University National
Law Center Continuing Legal Education Program and
The Litigation Section of the District of Columbia Bar) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 09/10) The INSLAW Affair
Committee on the Judiciary Investigative Report
(1992 09/11) Boxes 1-6 of the Lee Harvey Oswald 201 File
(John Carter) (CIA) (documents.theblackvault.com)
(1992 10/26) President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (S.3006) (ARRB)
(1993 00/00) William Colby as Director of Central Intelligence 1973-1976
(Harold P. Ford - CIA) (archive.org)
(1993 01/12) DoJ Memorandum: Michael E. Shaheen Jr. to the Attorney General
Allegations of misconduct made against Director Sessions (jfk.hood.edu)
(1993 09/07) United States Patent 5,242,820 Pathogenic Mycoplasma
(Shyh-Ching Lo) (American Registry of Pathology)
(1993 09/17) Jim Fetzer letter to Attorney General Janet Reno (.pdf p. 201)
(1993 10/29) FBI: OMEGA 7 (cuban-exile.com)
(1993 11/15) Robert S. McNamara letter to Jim Fetzer (.pdf p. 216)
(1993 11/17) The effectiveness of Public Law 102-526,
the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992
Hearing before the Legislation and National Security Subcommittee of the
Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives (loc.gov)
(1993 11/22) Dedication Ceremony and presentation of the Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark Plaque
(Dallas County Historical Foundation) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1993 12/06) Affidavit by the CEO of Failure Analysis Associates (Roger L. McCarthy) (assassinationweb.com)
(1993 12/12) Dear Mr. Weisburg: ... Sincerely, Thomas H. Hattery
I thank you for your well done and needed contribution
(House of Delegates) (Annapolis, Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1993 12/27) Letter to Chairman John Conyers, Jr.
House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security
(Randolph H. Robertson, M.D.) (assassinationweb.com)
(1994 01/03) Letter to Chairman John Conyers, Jr.
House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security
(Gary L. Aguilar, MD) (assassinationweb.com)
(The Criminal Court of Shelby County, Tennessee Thirtieth Judicial District at Memphis)
(1994 04/12) ARRB Board Meeting, Washington DC
History of Allen Welsh Dulles as CIA Director (Wayne G. Jackson) (CIA) (archive.org)
(1994 04/26) Volume I: The Man
(1994 04/26) Volume II: Coordination of Intelligence
(1994 04/26) Volume III: Covert Activities
(1994 04/26) Volume IV: Congressional Oversight and Internal Administration
(1994 04/26) Volume V: Intelligence Support of Policy
(1994 05/04) ROBERT J. GRODEN -against RANDOM HOUSE, INC.,
(1994 05/04) ROBERT J. GRODEN -against RANDOM HOUSE, INC.,
(1994 10/07) Noel Twyman interview of Robert S. McNamara (.pdf p. 546)
(1994 10/11) ARRB Hearing Testimony: John Judge
(Judge John Tunheim, Kermit Hall) (jfkassassination.net)
(1994 11/17) ARRB Hearing Testimony: David Lifton
(Judge John Tunheim) (jfk-info.com)
(1994 11/18) ARRB Hearing Testimony: Beverly Oliver Massegee
(Judge John Tunheim, Kermit Hall, William Joyce, Henry Graff, David Marwell) (jfk-info.com)
(1995 03/09) Dr. Robert Manaker Interview, Viruses Cancer Program
(1995 04/17) Executive Order 12958 (President William Jefferson Clinton)
Classified National Security Information
(1995 04/19) Oklahoma City Bombing local TV news footage
(1995 04/19) FBI OKBOMB Investigation
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
(1995 05/05) The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995
(1995 07/30) Oklahoma City Bomb Report - Benton K. Partin, Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.)
(1995 10/17) ARRB Memorandum: Doug Horne to Jeremy Gunn, David Marwell,
Joan Zimmerman, Anne Buttimer, Dennis Quinn (history-matters.com)
Air Force One Audiotapes from November 22,1963
The Planning and Execution of Joint Operations in Panama February 1988-January 1990
(Ronald H. Cole) (Joint Chiefs of Staff) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia) (caselaw.findlaw.com)
(1995 12/16) ARRB Deposition: Anne Lorene Goodpasture (Jeremy Gunn) (SEE: 1998 04/23)
(1996 00/00) Economic Espionage Act of 1996
(1996 00/00) The Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management After Action Report
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing 19 April 1995 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Executive Summary
(1996 01/19) External Referral Working Group (ERWG)
(1996 01/23) FBI Memorandum: John C. Keeney to Director (kenrahn.com)
John T. Orr, Jr., Chief of the Antitrust Division's Atlanta Field Office, has submitted
an extensive analysis of assassination evidence in this matter to the Attorney General
(1996 02/09) Compliance with the JFK Act by Government Offices (ARRB 1995 Annual Report) (Chapter 8)
(1996 02/13) ARRB Deposition: Dr. James Joseph Humes (Gunn, Maxwell, Horne, Wray, Quinn)
(1996 02/26) ARRB Deposition: Dr. J. Thornton Boswell (Gunn, Maxwell, Horne, Wray, Denk)
(1996 04/19) Marina Oswald Porter's 04/96 Letter to the ARRB (jfk-info.com)
(1996 04/28) AARB Memorandum for File: Questions Regarding Supplementary Brain Examination(s)
(Doug Horne)
(1996 05/09) ARRB Research Memorandum: Chain-of-Custody Study of Autopsy Photographs and X-Rays
(Doug Horne) (maryferrell.org)
(1996 05/24) ARRB Deposition: of Dr. Pierre A. Finck, M.D. (Gunn, Maxwell, Horne, Wray, Heilbrun)
(1996 06/21) ARRB Meeting Report: Tom Robinson
(1996 06/21) Drawings of President Kennedy's Head Wounds, by Thomas E. Robinson
(David Marwell, Jeremy Gunn, Tim Wray, Doug Horne)
(1996 07/16) ARRB Deposition: John T. Stringer (Gunn, Horne, Montague, Golrick, Tilley) (audio)
(1996 07/24) ARRB Research Memorandum: Chain-of-Custody Discrepancy
Re: Original Copy of President John F. Kennedy's Autopsy Protocol
(Doug Horne) (maryferrell.org)
(1996 08/28) ARRB Research Memorandum: Questions Regarding Supplementary Brain
Examination(s) Following the Autopsy on President John F. Kennedy
(Doug Horne) (maryferrell.org)
(1996 08/30) FEMA 277 - The Oklahoma City Bombing:
Improving Building Performance Through Multihazard Mitigation
(1996 11/14) ARRB Memorandum: Manuel E. Legaspi to J. Gunn, M. Combs, I, Marr, R. Skwirot (jfk.hood.edu)
CIA and related files pertaining to New Orleans,
Hunter Leake, Clay Shaw, QKENCHANT, and ZRCLIFF
(1996 11/22) Marina Oswald Porter on Oprah (Transcript)
(1996 12/19) Follow-up Report of meeting with members of the Assassination Records Review Board
(R. J. Zavada) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 00/00) Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume X
Cuba, January 1961 - September 1962
(1997 01/07) James Milch Letter to Dr. David Marwell
Re: Rollie Zavada report and further work
(Eastman Kodak Company) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 01/09) Roland J. Zavada Letter to James Milch
Re: Extrapolate ... batch 095 ... summer or fall of 1963
(1997 01/29) ARRB Telephone Interviews: Joe O'Donnell (USIA Photographer) (l/29/97 and 2/28/97)
(1997 02/06) David Marwell Letter to James Milch
Re: Receipt of Zavada report, two corrections, cost estimates for proposed work
98. (April 26, 1961) Memo Prepared in CIA to General Maxwell D. Taylor
Emergency cable sent to Col. Jack Hawkins (USMC) at Puerto Cabezas on 13 April 1961
108. (May 9, 1961) Memo From Deputy Director of CIA (Cabell) to General Maxwell D. Taylor
Cuban Operation
198. (May 3, 1961) Memo Prepared in CIA for the Cuba Study Group
Sequence of Events (D-2 to D+2) and Organization and Operation of Command Post
238. (June 23, 1961) Memo for the Record
Meeting with General Eisenhower at Gettysburg, June 23, 1961
(1997 02/14) ARRB Call Report: Dennis David (Douglas Horne)
(1997 03/11) Executive Order 13039 (President William Clinton)
Exclusion of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group
From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
(1997 03/13) Zapruder Film - Hand drawn "Film Map" of Secret Service Copy 1
(1997 03/13) Zapruder Film - Hand drawn "Film Map" of Secret Service Copy 2
Attachments 13 and 14 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(Doug Horne) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 03/31) (Table of) Zapruder Film Copies at National Archives
Attachment 7 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(Doug Horne) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 04/00) The FBI Laboratory: An Investigation into Laboratory Practices
and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases
USDOJ/OIG Special Report
Assassination Records Review Board Hearing on
the Status and Disposition of the "Zapruder Film" and Public Meeting
(1997 04/02) Introduction of Session
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: T. Jeremy Gunn
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Robert Brauneis
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: James Lasar
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Josiah Thompson
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Moses Weitzman
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Richard Trask
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Art Simon
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Debra Conway
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Final Discussion
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: (Video 1) (C-SPAN)
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: (Video 2) (C-SPAN)
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: (Video 2) (C-SPAN)
(1997 04/04) Zapruder Film - Hand drawn "Film Map" of Zapruder film
Attachment 5 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(Doug Horne) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 04/09) ARRB Memorandum: Doug Horne to David Marwell and Jeremy Gunn
Re: Examination of Zapruder Film Original and Selected Copies at the National Archives
(1997 06/00) Manuscript of events related to the Zapruder film in Dallas the weekend of the assassination
(Phillip Chamberlain) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 06/05) ARRB Deposition: Saundra Kay Spencer
(T. Jeremy Gunn, David G. Marwell, Douglas P. Horne, Dave Montague) (history-matters.com)
(1997 06/20) Notes of telephone conversations with former Dallas Laboratory
processing personnel 06/20 - 08/10/1997
(R. J. Zavada) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 06/29) Roland J. Zavada Letter to former employees of Kodak Dallas Processing Laboratory
Re: Questions on the handling and processing of the Zapruder Film
(1997 07/02) Suggested edits to the final report by Warren Commission member Gerald Ford
(Assassination Records Review Board) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1997 07/14) ARRB Staff Interview: Homer A. McMahon (Former CIA/NPIC Employee)
(Douglas P. Horne and T. Jeremy Gunn)
(1997 07/24) John K. Anderson Letter describing events related to the processing of the Zapruder films on 11/22/1963
(1997 08/08) Roland J. Zavada Letter to former employees of Kodak Dallas Processing Laboratory
Re: Minutes of the 07/28/1997 Dallas breakfast meeting (jfk-info.com)
(1997 09/11) ARRB Deposition: James W. Sibert (Jeremy Gunn)
(1997 09/12) ARRB Deposition: Francis X. O'Neill, Jr. (Jeremy Gunn)
(1997 10/21) ARRB Deposition: Edward F. Reed (T. Jeremy Gunn, Douglas P. Horne)
(1997 12/08) In the matter of the investigation : of the accident involving Trans World Airlines, Inc.
Flight 800, B-747-131, N93119, 8 miles south East Moriches, New York on July 17, 1996
National Transportation Safety Board Hearing (NTSB)
(1998 01/29) CIA Inspector General Report: Allegations of Connections Between CIA and the
Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States Volume I: The California Story
(1998 02/18) Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (FBI) (archive.org)
(1998 04/23) ARRB Deposition: Ms. Anne Goodpasture (Jeremy Gunn) (SEE: 1995 12/16)
(1998 05/01) Intelligence Officer's Handbook - Field Manual No. 34-8-2
(Headquarters, Department of the Army) (fas.org)
(1998 05/11) Jennifer Harbury 1998 testimony, Human Rights Information Act
(1998 06/08) ARRB Memorandum: Doug Horne to Jeremy Gunn
Kodak Pro Bono Work With Autopsy Images: Input for Staff Medical Memo
(1998 08/27) ARRB Memorandum for File: Unanswered Questions Raised by the HSCA's
Analysis and Conclusions Regarding the Camera Identified by the Navy and
Department of Defense as the Camera Used at President Kennedy's Autopsy
(Doug Horne) (history-matters.com)
(1998 09/00) Intelligence in Support of Internal Defense Operations
(US Army Intelligence Center - Subcourse Number IT 0480) (fas.org)
(1998 09/17) The U-2 Program: A Russian Officer Remembers
(Col. Alexander Orlov) (USSR Air Defense Forces) (web.archive.org)
Kodak Technical Report: Analysis of Selected Motion Picture Photographic Evidence
(1998 09/25) Cover Page and Table of Contents
(1998 09/25) Attachments - Studies 1 - 4
(1998 09/25) Errata
(1998 09/25) Introduction and Acknowledgments
(1998 09/25) Authors Brief Biography
(1998 09/25) Study 1: Edge Print Analysis and Supporting Technical Information - Part One
Study 1: Part 1: Edge Print Examination of the Zapruder "Out-Of-Camera" Original 8mm Movie Film
Study 1: Part 2: First Generation Copies of the Zapruder "Out-Of-Camera" Original Film
(1998 09/25) Study 1: Part 3: Processing Laboratory Identification on Movie Film
(1998 09/25) Study 2: Edge Print Analysis and Supporting Technical Information - 35mm Films
Study 2: Part 1: Nix Film
Study 2: Part 2: Muchmore Film
Study 2: Part 3: Motion Picture Optical Printing Technology
(1998 09/25) Study 3: Initial Motion Picture Printing and Processing of
Initial Copies of the Zapruder 8mm Movie Film (Links Broken)
(1998 09/25) Study 4: The Bell & Howell 414PD 8mm Camera Image Capture Characteristics (Links Broken)
(1998 09/25) Study 4: Part 4: Practical Camera Testing with the Bell & Howell 414PD Camera
(1998 09/30) Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board
(1998 09/30) 10 Review Board Recommendations
(1998 10/08) CIA Inspector General Report: Allegations of Connections Between CIA and the
Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States Volume II: The Contra Story
(1998 10/10) Interview Excerpt with Anna K. Nelson of the ARRB (video) (c-span.org)
(1998 10/24) Dissecting the Zapruder Bell & Howell 8mm Movie Camera
Outline of a Presentation to the Movie Machine Society Toronto Conference
(Roland J. Zavada) (jfk-info.com)
(1998 12/04) The President's Daily Brief (WJC) (9/11 Commission Report)
SUBJECT: Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks
(1999 04/15) Joint Resolution S.J.Res.19 - Rear Admiral Kimmel , Major General Short
(Sen. William V. Roth Jr., (R-DE))
Superior Court of Justice Toronto Region
(1999 07/28) Records Relating To The Murder Of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
(Metropolitan Police Service London) jfk.hood.edu)
(1999 11/15) CORETTA SCOTT KING, et al, v. LOYD JOWERS, et al
Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial
(The Circuit Court of Shelby County, Tennessee Thirtieth Judicial District at Memphis)
(1999 11/15) David Ratcliffe's extensive CORETTA SCOTT KING, et al, v. LOYD JOWERS, et al page
(1999 11/19) Executive Order 13142 (President William Clinton)
Amendment To Executive Order 12958
Classified National Security Information
(Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 3, California)
Superior Court of Justice Toronto Region
(2000 06/15) Vaccine Development Integrity
U.S. House Government Reform Hearing
(2000 06/15) Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making
U.S. House Government Reform Majority Staff Report
(2000 08/10) IAMAW Analysis and Recommendations Regarding T.W.A. Flight 800 July 17, 1996
(2000 08/23) In-flight Breakup Over The Atlantic Ocean Trans World Airlines Flight 800
Boeing 747-131, N93119 Near East Moriches, New York July 17, 1996
National Transportation Safety Board Aircraft Accident Report (NTSB)
(2000 08/12) Paul Kotin, M.D. Oral History Interview, Special Virus Cancer Program
(2000 10/00) Suspicious Banking Activities
Possible Money Laundering by U.S. Corporations Formed for Russian Entities
Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate
(United States General Accounting Office) (gao.gov)
(2000 10/10) Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act
(2000 10/11) John F. Kennedy/Dallas Police Department Collection
Dallas Municipal Archives
(2001 01/25) Memorandum: Richard A. Clarke to Condoleeza Rice
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 147) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(2001 03/21) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Conference Agenda
(2001 03/21) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Chronology
(2001 03/21) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Oral History Release
(2001 03/23) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Documents Release
(2001 03/23) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Documents Release
(2001 05/03) Investigation into allegations of Justice Department misconduct in New England
Volume 1 (House Committee on Government Reform)
(2001 05/29) Hepatitis B Vaccine and the Origin of HIV/AIDS:
Perspectives on a Possible Vaccine Induced Pandemic
Oral Presentation by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
(2001 06/00) Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election
(United States Commission on Civil Rights)
(2001 06/14) Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (SOR/2001-227)
(2001 08/06) The President's Daily Brief (GHWB)
Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US
(2001 09/12) CBS News Special Report:
Aftermath of, and investigation into attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon
(Retired US Army Colonel Mitch Mitchell) (12 noon)
(2001 10/02) Invocation of Article 5 confirmed (NATO)
(2001 11/05) U.S. Army Memorandum: Collecting Information on U.S. Persons
(Robert W. Noonan, Jr.) (U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence) (fas.org)
(2001 11/08) Memorandum: Prevention of Acts Threatening Public Safety and National Security (DoJ)
(2001 12/21) The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (draft) (CDC)
(2002 00/00) Origins of Federal Quarantine and Inspection Laws (Katherine L. Vanderhook)
Harvard Law School Legal Electronic Document Archive
(2002 01/03) Gravitational Propulsion in a Fluid Membrane (Show #59 January 3, 2002)
A New Propulsion Methodology (Paul Richard Price) (PowerPoint)
Court of Appeal for Ontario
(2002 01/29) State of the Union Address (George W. Bush)
(2002 03/19) Investigation of the Belated Production of Documents in the Oklahoma City Bombing Case
Office of the Inspector General
(2002 05/16) Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice (presidency.ucsb.edu)
(2002 05/16) Statement of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Terrorist Warnings (fromthewilderness.com)
(2002 09/00) Regulating Therapeutic Use of Cannabis
Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs
(2003 01/07) Affidavit of Major Fred Meyer (TWA Flight 800)
(2003 02/10) Sid Davis Oral History Interview - JFK
(Vicki Daitch) (jfklibrary.org)
(2003 07/08) Gerald R. Ford Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(2004 04/14) Walter Cronkite Oral History Interview - JFK (Audio)
(Steven Fagan / Vicki Daitch) (jfklibrary.org)
(2004 05/08) FBI Interview: Dick Cheney on Leak of Valerie Plame's Identity (archive.org)
(2004 07/22) 9/11 Commission Report (avalon.law.yale.edu)
(2004 07/15) 18 U.S. Code § 1001 (False Statements) (Amended 2004)
(2005 02/04) CIA's secret history of U.S. relationship with General Reinhard Gehlen
(2005 02/10) 9/11 Commission Staff Report on FAA Failings Published on Web
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 148) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(2006 03/21) Homeland Operations
Air Force Doctrine Document 3-27
(Walter D. Givhan, Major General, USAF) (LeMay Center/CC) (fas.org)
(2007 06/12) Strategic Attack
Air Force Doctrine Document 3-70
(Maj. Gen. Thomas K. Andersen, USAF) (LeMay Center/CC) (fas.org)
(2007 06/25) CIA "Family Jewels," June 25, 2007 Release
(1973 05/16) Routing and Record Sheet
(1973 05/16) Memorandum re: Family Jewels
(1973 05/16) 1. Redacted
(1973 05/16) 2. Johnny Roselli
(1973 05/16) 3. Project Mockingbird
(1973 05/16) 4. Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko
(1973 05/16) 5. Surveillances
(1973 05/16) 6. Material Requested from Logistics by Security for Issuance to Local Police
(1973 05/16) 7. Audio Countermeasures Support to the United States Secret Service
(1973 05/15) Identification of Activities with Embarrassment Potential for the Agency
(1973 05/07) [Redacted] Equipment Test, Miami Florida, August 1971
(1972 02/15) ROSELLI, John
(1970 11/19) ROSELLI, Johnny
(1973 12/17) Recent Activities of the Watergate Special Prosecution Staff
(1973 05/25) Project TWO-FOLD
(1973 05/11) General: Office of Security Survey
(1973 05/09) Press Allegations re: Use of Agency Polygraph
(1971 07/29) Special Technical Interviews
(1973 06/05) Items in John Clarke Memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence, dated 9 May 1973
(1973 05/09) Per Your Instructions
(1973 05/07) Special Other Government Agency Activities
(1970 06/08) Reimbursement to the White House for Certain Printing, Postage and Addressing Expenses
(1970 08/24) Reimbursement to the White House for Certain Printing, Postage, and Addressing Expenses
(1970 09/15) Reimbursement to the White House for Certain Printing, Postage, and Addressing Expenses
(1970 09/30) Reimbursement to the White House
(1970 12/07) Memorandum from John R. Brown III to Warren Magnuson
(1973 00/00) Special Report [Month Unclear]
(1973 05/14) Sensitive Activities Performed by the Office of Logistics
(1973 04/20) Itemized List
(0000 00/00) Material Requisitioned from Logistics by Security for Issuance to Local Police
(1973 05/14) Sensitive Activities Performed by the Office of Logistics
(1973 05/11) Activities which might be considered sensitive issues
(1973 05/08) Summary, Special Programs Division (SPD), Office of Communications,
Operational Contacts with Other U.S. Government Agencies
(1973 05/09) Organizational Dealings with Activities Inside the United States
(1973 05/29) Mr. Colby's Request to Inspector General to Determine
Subject Referred to by Two Notes in a PP/B Memo to DD/M&S
(1973 05/23) Watergate Principals - Direct or Indirect Involvement
(1972 02/07) Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1972 08/02) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the
Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control (CCINC)
(1972 07/21) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the
Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control (CCINC)
(0000 00/00) Contacts with Individuals Named in the Watergate Matter [Undated]
(1972 07/19) Conversation with [Redacted]
(1972 07/17) Charles W. Kane
(1973 05/08) Involvement in Sensitive Domestic Activities
(1973 05/08) Watergate/Ellsberg and Like Matters
(1973 05/08) Support Furnished to Elements of Government Outside of the Intelligence Community
(0000 00/00) Retirement Information - E. Howard Hunt
(1973 05/22) Memorandum For: Inspector General: reports Bill Colby asked to see
(1968 09/17) Dissemination of CCI Paper on Student Dissidents
(1973 05/14) Research Project on Robert Vesco
(1973 05/08) Activities Possibly Outside CIA's Legislative Charter
(1973 05/07) DCS Domestic Activity
(1973 05/07) Activity Related to Domestic Events
(1973 05/07) Contacts with David Young
(1973 05/07) Involvement in Domestic Affairs
(1973 05/08) Questionable NPIC Projects
(1973 05/08) Sensitive Activities
(1973 05/28) Documentation Support for Use in the United States
(1973 05/25) Loan of Tape Recorder to Passport Office
(1973 05/08) TSD Support to Other Agencies
(1973 05/08) Contacts with Domestic Police Organizations
(1973 05/09) Repeated Survey of ORD for Non-Foreign Intelligence Activities
(1973 05/01) Processing of Audio Tape for Bureau of Narcotics Dangerous Drug Division
(1972 08/04) Assistance to Bureau of Narcotics: Enhancement of Noisy Audio Tape Recordings
(1973 05/07) Telecon this morning concerning any OSA activities
which could put the Agency into an embarrassing situation
(1973 06/06) Correspondence Received by Chairman Hebert, House Armed Services Committee, Concerning [Redacted]
(0000 00/00) Policy Regarding Assistance to Agencies Outside the
Intelligence Community on Speech Processing Problems [Undated]
(0000 00/00) Miscellaneous Notes
(1973 05/30) Minutes of Meetings
(1973 06/18) Memo re: Use of Disguise Materials and Alias Documentation Within the U.S.
(1973 06/20) John Dean Allegations to Newsweek Magazine
(1973 05/25) Disposal of Classified Trash for National Security Council (NSC)
(1973 05/30) MHCHAOS and [Redacted]
(1973 06/06) DD/M&S Requirements - Watergate Incident
(1973 05/23) Watergate Principals - Direct or Indirect Involvement
(1972 02/07) Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1972 08/02) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1972 07/21) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1973 05/31) Review of Minutes of Morning Meeting
(1973 05/29) [Redacted]
(1973 00/00) WH Comments on Jack Anderson's Washington Merry-Go-Round Column of 8 March 1973:
"Chilean Break-ins Reflect Watergate" [Date Unclear]
(1972 05/13) Incident Report
(1972 05/00) Telegram from Embassy in Santiago to SecState
(1973 05/25) Chilean Embassy Break In on 15 May 1972
(1973 05/26) Where Do We Stand With?
(1973 05/26) DDI "Trap" on Leaks of Narcotics Intelligence
(1973 05/25) Follow-Ups [Unclear] Activities
(1973 05/25) Reported Agency Funding of Heroin Study
(1973 05/24) CIA officials testified Wednesday they forgot to tell Congress...
(1973 05/24) Tom Parrott's Involvement with David Young
(1973 05/24) Briefings of the Special Subcommittee on Intelligence of House Armed Service Committee
(1973 05/23) Memorandum for the Record
(1973 05/23) Affidavit of Howard J. Osborn
(1973 05/23) Memorandum for the Record
(1973 05/23) Agency Involvement in the Watergate Case
(0000 00/00) Loan of Television System to Secret Service for Use at
Democratic and Republican National Conventions in 1972 [Undated]
(0000 00/00) Drug Testing Program [Undated]
(1973 05/23) ORD Involvement in Domestic Affairs
(1973 05/22) The Family Jewels Exercise
(1973 05/21) DDCI Statement about the Watergate Case
(1973 05/09) Memorandum for all CIA Employees
(1973 05/09) DCI Statement before Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Intelligence Operations
(1973 05/08) Sy Hersh's Provocative Teaser for the Day:
(0000 00/00) Response to Press Inquiries Concerning Mr. Hunt's Grand Jury Testimony
(1973 05/08) Potentially Embarrassing Agency Activities
(1973 05/08) Comments on Proposed DCI Statement (Hunt Case)
(1973 05/07) Memorandum for all CIA Employees
(1972 01/04) Diary Notes, Executive Director-Comptroller
(1971 12/23) CIA's Domestic Activities
(1971 12/21) Meeting with MAG Group
(1971 11/00) CIA's Domestic Activities
(1971 03/25) CIA Domestic Activities
(1972 04/21) CIA Activities in the United States
(1972 02/00) Allegations of Agency Involvement in the U.S.
(1972 03/00) FYI -- Allegations and Answers
(1973 06/01) Special Activities
(1972 02/14) Memorandum for the Record
(1973 04/12) John P. Roche Article: The CIA and Allende
(1974 04/02) Robert L. Vesco
(1973 08/21) Use and Control of Disguise and Alias Documents
(1973 05/24) Activities of Possible Interest to the Director
(0000 00/00) East Asia Division
(0000 00/00) Central Cover Staff
(1973 05/07) Research Project on Robert L. Vesco
(1973 05/07) Items for possible use in briefing the DCI
(1973 05/07) CIA Narcotics Activities Having Domestic Implications
(1973 05/29) Division D [Redacted]
(1973 05/07) Item for the List of Delicate Matters
(1973 05/17) Dear Bill,
(1973 05/07) May 7, 1973 - Intelligence Evaluation Committee and Staff
(1973 08/05) MHCHAOS
(0000 00/00) Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group Activities
(1973 05/08) Foreign Resources Division Operational Activities with Possible Flap Potential
(2008 00/00) Withheld in Full: Episode 1 - MORLEY v. CIA (Video) (Tyler Weaver) (maryferrell.org)
(2008 12/00) U.S. Naval Strategy in the 1980s - Selected Documents
(John B. Hattendorf / Captain Peter M. Swartz) (fas.org)
(Court of Appeals, District of Columbia) (caselaw.findlaw.com)
(2009 00/00) The Phoenix Program and Contemporary Counterinsurgency (RAND)
(2009 08/00) Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward
National Research Council / National Academy of Sciences
(2010 01/21) CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION (United States Supreme Court)
(2010 05/00) Naval Operations Concept 2010 - Implementing The Maritime Strategy
(USN, USMC, USCG) (fas.org)
(2010 08/06) FBI File: GPS Surveillance Sites (archive.org)
Reply Brief on the Issue of Actual Innocence (William F. Pepper and Laurie D. Dusek)
Brief For Appellant
(Court of Appeals, District of Columbia) (aarclibrary.org)
(2012 01/06) Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance Operations
Air Force Doctrine Document 2-0
(Maj. Gen. Thomas K. Andersen) (LeMay Center/CC) (fas.org)
(2012 07/00) A Short History of Army Intelligence, by Michael E. Bigelow, Command Historian
(U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command) (fas.org)
(2012 10/03) Federal Support for and Involvement in State and Local Fusion Centers
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
(2013 09/00) DCI John McCone and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (CIA) (archive.org)
(2013 09/26) OGLESBY, et al v. ARMY, et al
(2013 10/02) Continued Oversight of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Professor Laura K. Donohue)
U.S. Patent No. 5,597,815 (the '815 patent)
(2015 09/16) President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Kennedy and Johnson (CIA) (archive.org)
(2016 04/05) Techniques For Information Collection During Operations Among Populations
(U.S. Army) (archive.org)
(2016 05/11) Declaration of Dan L. Hardway (Dan Hardway)
(2016 05/13) FOIA request L. Fletcher Prouty (FBI) (muckrock.com)
(2017 07/06) Draft treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons (United Nations) (undocs.org)
(1839 07/08) John Davison Rockefeller (infoplease.com)
(1875 09/12) Letters of Vincent Van Gogh to his brother Theo
(1878 09/18) Admiral James O. Richardson, USN, 1878-1974 (Arlington Cemetery)
(1892 04/18) Congrès de nomenclature Chimique de Genève
(1892 04/18) Geneva Nomenclature Congress
(1898 00/00) U.S. Policy Toward Cuba - 1898-1988 (cuban-exile.com)
(1898 12/10) The Treaty of Paris (The United States of America and Her Majesty The Queen Regent of Spain)
(1911 08/22) The Official Secrets Acts and Official Secrecy (House of Commons Library)
(1913 05/31) U.S. Constitution: Amendment XVII: Direct Election of U.S. Senators
(1916 10/14) Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material (Dewey / Merrill) (U.S.D.A. Bulletin No. 404)
(1917 06/15) Espionage Act of 1917 (U.S. Congress ) (digitalhistory.uh.edu)
(1917 07/24) Masses Publishing v. Patten
(United States District Court of the Southern District of New York) (ericejohnson.com)
(1917 08/00) 'War Plans' (Art Young)
(1917 08/00) 'Making the World Safe for Capitalism' (Boardman Robinson)
(1917 08/00) 'Conscription' (H.J. Glintenkamp)
(1917 08/00) 'Liberty Bell' (H.J. Glintenkamp)
(The Masses) (graphicarts.princeton.edu)
(1926 03/11) Ralph David Abernathy (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1926 04/09) Harris Wofford Biographical Profile (Contemporary Authors Online) (jfklibrary.org)
(1930 04/14) William J. vanden Heuvel (newnetherlandinstitute.org)
(1934 11/22) FBI File, BUTLER, SMEDLEY (archive.org)
(1935 02/15) Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities
U.S. 73rd Congress (babel.hathitrust.org)
(1935 08/42) Neutrality Acts
(1937 05/01) 1937 Neutrality Act - Cash and Carry Provision
(1937 07/00) Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937 (Not enacted)
(1937 00/00) John F. Kennedy recording for public speaking class at Harvard (Audio)
(Colleen Walsh) (news.harvard.edu)
(1937 04/23) Richard Nixon's FBI Application (archive.org)
(1938 02/00) New Billion-Dollar Crop (Popular Mechanics)
(1939 05/17) John Kennedy letter written to his father following trip to Palestine (jfklibrary.org)
(1939 08/02) Atomic Bombing of Japan and Occupation Plans (Albert Einstein) (archive.org)
(1940 09/02) Destroyers For Bases Agreement
(1940 09/02) Destroyers For Bases Agreement Map
(1940 09/29) Tripartite Pact between Germany, Japan, and Italy
(1940 09/13) FBI File: WINDSOR, DUKE AND DUCHESS OF (archive.org)
(1940 09/20) FBI File: HARVEY, WILLIAM KING (archive.org)
(1940 10/07) Office of Naval Intelligence Memorandum (Commander Arthur McCollum)
Estimate of the Situation in the Pacific and
Recommendations for Action by the United States
(1940 12/29) Fireside Chat - Arsenal of Democracy (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 02/07) FBI File: Diplomatic Codes - Germany (archive.org)
(1941 03/11) Lend-Lease Act
(1941 08/09) Roosevelt and Churchill meeting at sea in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland (Video)
(1941 08/12) Atlantic Charter Draft
(1941 08/14) Atlantic Charter
(1941 09/11) Fireside Chat - Freedom of the Seas (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 10/08) CIA Names File on Adolf Eichmann
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 150) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1941 10/27) Navy Day Speech - The Shooting Has Started (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 11/22) Admiral Yamamoto to First Air Fleet (The Campaigns of the Pacific War)
(The first message should read 22 November, not 25 November)
(1941 11/22) Churchill/Roosevelt Trans-Atlantic Telephone Call Transcript (Veracity undetermined)
(1941 11/26) United States Note To Japan - Cordell Hull Note
(1941 12/07) Japanese model of Pearl Harbor
(1941 12/08) Presidential Address to Congress (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (Video)
(1941 12/17) Safety And Development Of Commercial Aviation In Latin America, And Related Subjects
(House Select Committee to Investigate Air Accidents) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1942 00/00) Carl Oglesby Papers, 1942-2005
(1942 00/00) Walter Bedell Smith: Papers, 1942-61 (index)
(1942 01/23) Attack upon Pearl Harbor by Japanese Armed Forces (Senate Commission)
(1942 04/23) Eleanor Roosevelt FBI Records
(1942 10/15) OSS Memorandum: Norman L. Crowley to Mr. William A Kimbel (jfk.hood.edu)
Received of Mr. Crowley, O.S.S. envelope containing various
data on Chile & certain activities in Chile. Harold Weisberg
(1942 10/24) OSS Memorandum: David Bruce to Ernest Cuneo (jfk.hood.edu)
As far as I can ascertain, no one now in this Branch has ever met Mr. Weisburg,
had any dealings with him, had access to his papers or know what they contain
(1994 07/02) There was no earthly or unearthly reason to classify that memo (Harold Weisberg)
(1943 00/00) Report of the Subcommittee Investigating War Relocation Authority
(1943 00/00) Report on the Axis Front Movement in the United States
(House Committee On Un-American Activities) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 01/02) Special Report on Subversive Activities Aimed
at Destroying Our Representative Form of Government
(House Committee On Un-American Activities) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 03/19) OSS Personnel File: James Jesus Angleton (archive.org)
(1943 05/14) Fitness for Continuance in Federal Employment Report
(Committee on Appropriations) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 07/03) OSS Personnel File: Lucien Conein (archive.org)
(1943 10/05) Indictment charging the German-American Vocational League, Inc.
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 10/06) Indictment charges a conspiracy to violate the espionage statute
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1943 12/15) OSS Memo: The Motion Picture as a Weapon of Psychological Warfare
(1944 09/29) Frank Wisner - Romania - 29 Sep 1944 (World War II Database)
(1945 06/00) Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Organization and Functions (Schools & Training Branch)
(1945 06/24) The CIA and Nazi War Criminals
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 146) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1946 00/00) The Campaigns of the Pacific War (United States Strategic Bombing Survey)
(1946 01/24) FBI File: CHURCHILL, WINSTON (archive.org)
(1946 02/14) Intelligence Review, Number 1
Transition of Major Powers to Peacetime Military Systems
Manchuria - Soviet or Chinese Sphere?
Islam: A Threat to World Stability
Results of Soviet-American Economic Conference in Korea
Anglo-American Civil Aviation Agreement Concluded
Wheat: Key to the World's Food Supply
Tension in UNO Security Council Diminishes
Repatriation Program Virtually Stalled
World in Review
Scientific Developments
Significant Personalities
Mid News
(Military Intelligence Division, War Department) (fas.org)
(1946 03/05) "The Sinews of Peace" speech (Winston Churchill) (Fulton, Missouri) (audio)
(1946 06/20) Pearl Harbor Committee Report (United States Senate)
(1946 07/20) Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (Joint Committee)
(1947 07/01) The Sources of Soviet Conduct ("X" (George F. Kennan)) (Foreign Affairs )
(1947 07/26) Act of July 26, 1947 ("National Security Act"), Public Law 80-253, 61 STAT 495
(1947 07/26) Papers of Harry S. Truman: National Security Council File 1947-1953
(1948 01/07) Dear (Director) Sir: ... Very truly yours, J. W. Vincent (jfk.hood.edu)
Re: [__________________________________________________]
(1948 01/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. W. Vincent to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Reference is made to the above-captioned case which is in the closed status in the Baltimore Field Office
(1948 01/30) FBI File: HELMS, RICHARD (archive.org)
(1948 08/25) The 1948 Alger Hiss - Whittaker Chambers Hearing Before HUAC (history.house.gov)
(1948 09/10) NSC 30: United States Policy on Atomic Warfare (National Security Council)
(FRUS, 1948, General; The United Nations, Volume I, Part 2)
(1948 11/23) NSC 20/4: Counter Soviet Threats to U.S. Security (National Security Council)
(FRUS, 1948, General; The United Nations, Volume I, Part 2)
(1948 12/31) Investigation of the Un-American Activities in the United States - 1948
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1949 01/01) The Central Intelligence Agency and National Organization For Intelligence
Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report
(1949 04/04) The North Atlantic Treaty (NATO)
(1949 04/15) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to Director(jfk.hood.edu)
There is transmitted herewith the Crime Survey for the Los Angeles Division
[covering the period from October 15, 1948 to April 15, 1949
[____________] immediately cracked down on WARREN OLNEY III, Chief
Counsel for the Crime Commission, and ordered him cut off the State payroll
(1949 07/00) War Report - OSS - Operations in the Field (Department of State) (archive.org)
(1949 10/15) FBI Memorandum: SAC R. B. HOOD to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
There is transmitted herewith the Crime Survey for the Los Angeles Division
covering the period from April 15, 1949 to October 15, 1949
On behalf of the Crime Commission, Mr. OLNEY notified the telephone
company of the bookmaking activities at the Guarantee Finance Company
(1950 03/15) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1949
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1950 03/18) FBI File: War Plans 1950-1951 (archive.org)
(1950 04/07) NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security
(National Security Council) (fas.org)
(1950 11/13) LIFE Magazine November 13, 1950
Puerto Rico Revolt Endangers Truman
(1950 12/14) FBI File: DULLES, ALLEN WELSH (archive.org)
(1951 00/00) The Autopsy - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (Army-AFIP-Washington, D. C.)
(1951 01/02) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1950
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1951 09/13) "The Master of the Game" Paul H. Nitze and U.S. Cold War Strategy from Truman to Reagan
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 139) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1951 11/15) Counter Intelligence Corps History and Mission in World War II
(Army Counter Intelligence Corps School, Baltimore, MD) (dtic.mil)
(1952 02/17) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1951
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1952 08/20) FBI File: Confidence Microphones (archive.org)
(1952 09/27) FBI Form No. 1: APPLICANT Attorney, Criminal Division (jfk.hood.edu)
(1951 09/21) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Boston to Director
By reason of the apparent lack of pertinence of this incident to the investigation,
it has not been included in the investigative report on the Applicant
(1954 03/10) FBI Memorandum: (Illegible) to Mr. Nichols
It is to be noted that the Director saw Kennedy, on a personal
matter, on January 28 and also on apparently on February 15, 1954
(1954 09/02) FBI Memorandum: Director to FBI Wash Field
Robert F. Kennedy (Ethel), assistant to Senator McCarthy, 2804 O Street, N. W.
(1954 08/30) FBI Memorandum: Director to William P. Rogers
These records reflect he is employed on the Committee on Government Operations
(1954 11/24) FBI Airtel: FBI Wash Field to Director
Surveilling Agents who observed UNSUB 11/19/54
again observed him 11/24/54 at the Senate Office Bldg.
(1954 11/29) FBI Memorandum: Director to William P. Rogers
Robert F. Kennedy is employed as Chief Counsel to Minority
of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation of the Senate
(1954 11/29) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to L. V. Boardman
Recommendation: [
(1955 07/20) FBI Memorandum: to Mr. Nichols
In December, 1954, information was received from the State Department
indicating Justice William O. Douglas was planning to go to the Soviet
Union in August, 1955, and to be accompanied by Robert Kennedy
(1955 07/19) FBI Telephone Call Message: Robert Kennedy to Director
Mr. Kennedy stated that he was leaving for Southern Russia a week from tomorrow, July 27th,
and would like very much to come by the office to see the Director sometime before he leaves
(1955 11/04) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Nichols
It is quite obvious that Mr. Kennedy has returned from Russia
with a rather dim impression of its economy and alleged liberties
(1958 04/22) Dear Bob (F. Kennedy): ... Sincerely (J.) Edgar (Hoover)
I wanted to drop you this note to extend my heartiest congratulations
(1958 08/07) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Director
[____________] then suggested to [____________] that he alert Robert Kennedy that physical acts were
going to be taken against the Kennedy children and against Robert's father, Joseph Kennedy
(1959 09/11) Kennedy Quits As Counsel to Racket Probers (UPI)
(1959 09/18) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Director
Kennedy indicated his purpose in asking to see the Director was merely
to thank him for the tremendous assistance which Mr. Hoover had rendered
to Kennedy in connection with his work on the McClellan Committee
(0000 00/00) FBI Memorandum: Jones to DeLoach
Robert F. Kennedy: Biographical Data, Prior Contact with the Director
(1959 09/30) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Rosen
I told Mr. Kennedy I certainly appreciated his kindness in calling to express the
sentiments he had and in return I wanted to say to him what an excellent job he had
done under most difficult circumstances as Chief Counsel of the McClellan Committee
(1960 03/10) FBI Memorandum: J. F. Malone to Mr. Callahan
One copy of the book, "The Enemy Within," by Robert F. Kennedy,
Harper Brothers, Publisher, be purchased. Book costs $3.95
(1960 12/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. De Loach to Mr. Mohr
"Parker Takes Swipe At FBI" (Los Angeles Mirror 12/22/60)
Robert Kennedy is shown stating that with respect to the Apalachin meeting no one knew
anything about it but if 60 communists get together the Government knows about it at once
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: R. C. Renneberger to Mr. Callahan
He [Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy] was observed at about 2:43 p.m, after our
employees had returned to their work, returning along the corridor toward his private elevator
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Parsons
[____________] in the gym is being alerted to the fact that the Attorney General may drop in today
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: J. F. Malone to Mr. Mohr
Unless advised to the contrary, individual lockers will assigned
to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General White
(1961 02/13) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Mohr, Mr. De Loach
The Attorney General stated that as a matter of fact he hadn't picked up his degree from Harvard either
(1961 02/01) FBI Memorandum: H. L. Edwards to Mr. Mohr
A detailed memorandum from the switchboard operator is attached
(1961 02/14) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach
20th Century Fox Studio has purchased "The Enemy Within," a book by
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and will produce it as a motion picture
(1961 02/20) FBI Memorandum: SAC Auerbach to Mr. Hoover
He [Ed Guthman] recognizes that the Attorney General has a very unorthodox and direct approach
to everything--including the Bureau-- but notes that "his motivation is good despite his approach"
(1961 02/16) FBI Memorandum: W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont
The Attorney General had requested a "general orienting brief" in
order to prepare himself for his appearance on the captioned program
(1961 02/10) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
The Attorney General decided to accept an invitation from Columbia
Broadcasting System television network to appear on the television
program "The Great Challenge" which will be telecast live 3-5-61
(1952 11/15) Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12
Prepared For President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower: (EYES ONLY)
(1952 12/19) CIA Security File on Priscilla Johnson MacMillan (maryferrell.org)
(1953 01/03) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1952
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1953 03/00) Time Line of the SR-71 (2002)
(USAF SSgt, Don Hildebrant) (roadrunnersinternationale.com)
(1953 03/07) CIA Chronology 1940-1953 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1953 06/04) FBI Report: (jfk.hood.edu)
Investigation of CARL DUDLEY HYDE to determine the validity of his claim of
"Conscientious Objector" in connection with his classification under the Selective Service System
(1963 12/03) FBI Report:
OSWALD'S Possible Attendance at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
(1963 11/29) FBI Report:
Ohio, with permanent address of Box 1766, Coral Gables 34, Florida
(1951 03/05) Appendix: Women's International League For Peace And Freedom, Columbus, Ohio Chapter
A confidential informant advised on December 3, 1951 that at a meeting of the Franklin County,
Ohio Section of the Communist Party at Columbus, Ohio November 29, 1951, it was decided that
the matter of forming a Columbus Chapter of the women's International League for Peace and
Freedom (WILPF) would be taken up at a meeting of the Ohio State Board of the Communist Party
(1963 12/05) FBI Report: Special Agent Thomas B. Estop
(1963 12/05) Oswald Studied Russian in Marines (new York Times)
A confidential informant advised on December 3, 1951 that at a meeting of the Franklin County,
(1963 12/05) FBI Teletype: OSWALD, LEE HARVEY, 165 32 30, EX.PFC, USMCR
Believe OSWALD,S file was incorrectly and inadvertently
referenced to GORDON, HAROLD SHERWIN because both case
files were returned to DIO-9ND on the same return transmittal
(1963 12/03) FBI Memorandum: H. V. Schultz to File
DONOVAN, John E., CAPT, USMCR (Inactive) maybe able to furnish
information re Subject during his (Subject's) tour of duty in the Marine Corps
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: Donald G. Harris
Pittsburgh confidential informants familiar with racial matters, criminal activities
and some phases of Communist Party and related activities in West Virginia and
Western Pennsylvania were contacted and advised they could furnish no information
concerning LEE HARVEY OSWALD or the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY
(1963 12/02) FBI Report:
Mrs. PATRICIA A. FERGUSON, Transfer, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern
Corporal THEODORE LA ZAR, Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), Hollidaysburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern
MARGARET KATHRYN HOOVER, 105 South Walnut St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern and Richard N. Randleman
MARGARET KATHRYN HOOVER advised that she had been unable to locate the
trailer advertisement which contained the names of LEE OSWALD and JACK RUBY
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern
Mrs. MARGARET KAY KAUFFMAN, 600 East Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern and Richard N. Randleman
GERALD KAUFFMAN, 600 East Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern and Richard N. Randleman
MARGARET KAY KAUFFMAN advised that since she was first interviewed she had given
considerable thought to the paper exhibited to her by her mother during the third week in
October, 1963, and is certain this paper had nothing to do with the assassination of the President
(1963 12/02) FBI FD-302: SA J. Edward Kern; Richard N. Randleman
Dr. JULIO CESAR FERNANDEZ, 400 East Allegheny St., Martinsburg, Pa.
(1963 12/02) Oswald Was Troublemaker (Jerry O'Leary, Jr.) (Washington Evening Star)
(1963 12/01) The Story of Jack Leon Ruby (Jerry O'Leary, Jr.) (Washington Sunday Star)
(1963 11/29) The Oswald Story (Jerry O'Leary, Jr.) (Washington Evening Star)
(1963 11/27) FBI Teletype: NAVCINTSUPPCEN-3 to DIO 8nd
Please Ascertain Discreetly Subscriber To El Paso Telephone Number 532 2555 ASAP
(1963 11/27) ONI Teletype: DIO-8nd to SUPPCEN
Subscriber Tel. 532-2555, El Paso is Mrs. JUANA T. GUEVARA, widow
of GILBERTO GUEVARA, Mgr., Mundy Gorcery, 912 Mundy, El Paso
(1963 11/27) Dear Mr. (Lewis T.) Huff: ... E. L. McIntosh, Jr.
Shortly after the shooting of President John F. KENNEDY on November 22,
1963, the District Intelligence Office Charleston, S.C. was informed that
one Robert C. RAWLS had information relative to the assassination.
RAWLS was than a patient at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Charleston, S.C.
(1963 11/27) Navy Memorandum: Rear Admiral (Rufus L.) Taylor to Admiral McDonald
Information from our Dallas office provides names of several persons connected with Ruby and Oswald
(1963 11/25) ONI Teletype: DIO-8nd to Capt Jackson
C. STUART operated Contract Electronics, 2533 Elm, Dallas
(1963 11/26) FBI FD-301: John J. Flanagan
appeared at the Dallas Field Division at approximately 1:00 PM on November 26, 1963
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-301: John J. Flanagan
(ROBERT KERMIT) PATTERSON informed that he is a homosexual and as such
has access to the so-called "gay" bars and lounges in the City of Dallas, Texas
(1953 09/14) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to H. H. Clegg (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. OLNEY opened his remarks with the statement that there have
been many studies of crime problems, many of these studies placed
the blame for crime situations entirely on the shoulders of the police
(1953 10/30) NSC 162/2: Basic National Security Policy (National Security Council) (fas.org)
(1953 11/25) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Ladd (jfk.hood.edu)
On November 18, 1953, Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney called to see me
(1954 00/00) Guantanamo: History of Cuba & Base (Guantanamo Naval Base) (cuban-exile.com)
(1954 02/08) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1953
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1954 03/15) National Security Action Memorandum Number 5412 (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Covert Operations (FRUS)
(1954 03/15) National Security Action Memorandum Number 5412 (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Covert Operations (ratical.org)
(1954 04/06) Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy on Indochina before the Senate, Washington, D.C.
(1954 05/14) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
It is disturbing to find at this late date that there is any misunderstanding as to the
scope, nature, or propriety of the investigation requested the Criminal Division
(Chief Justice, Earl Warren) (U.S. Supreme Court)
(1954 05/17) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Accompanied by [____________], I went to Mr. Olney's office at 2:30 p.m. today
(1954 07/21) The Geneva Accords of 1954 (alphahistory.com)
(1954 08/18) USS Skagit and Operation Passage To Freedom
Haiphong to Saigon August 18, 1954 - May 20, 1955
(1954 11/11) Operation Passage To Freedom
(LIFE) (sacei07.org)
(1955 00/00) Photo of Oswald and David Ferrie at a Civil Air Patrol barbecue
(1955 01/26) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1954
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1955 02/24) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
He then comes down to the question "Is organized crime on the increase?"
(1955 03/16) FBI File: Cuba and anti-Castro Efforts (14,888 pages) (archive.org)
(1955 03/25) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Referred him to the testimony of Mr. Warren Olney on March 23, 1955
(1955 04/00) Area 51 Timeline
(Peter W. Merlin) (area51specialprojects.com)
(1955 04/13) FBI Memorandum: Mr. A. H. Belmont to Mr. L. V. Boardman(jfk.hood.edu)
The testimony of Olney and Tomkins contained in the report of hearings before
the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations as it relates to the
Domestic Intelligence Division has been reviewed and there do appear to be any
inaccurate statements with reference to matters handled by this Division
(1955 04/14) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The Director's instructions that a prompt review be made of the testimony of Warren
Olney and William F. Tompkins, Department officials, before the House Appropriations
Committee to be sure that no inaccurate statements were made regarding the FBI
(1955 07/05) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
This now causes Mullen to be convinced that Olney was the source of information appearing in the News
(1955 07/08) FBI File: DULLES, JOHN FOSTER (archive.org)
(1955 08/28) FBI File: Prosecutive Report of Investigation Concerning Emmett Till (archive.org)
(1955 10/07) FBI Press Release (jfk.hood.edu)
The experiences of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice successfully
attacking the backlog problem were placed before the Conference of United States
Attorneys by Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney III who heads the Division
(1955 11/02) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] told me a moment ago that Olney had just called
him to inquire, "What in the hell is this UP story about?"
(1955 12/00) FBI, COINTELPRO, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1955 12/01) Rosa Parks Mug Shot
(Montgomery Police Department) (cdn8.openculture.com)
(1955 12/05) First Leaflet Calling for Montgomery Bus Boycott
(Montgomery Womens Political Council) (crmvet.org)
(1955 12/21) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Warren Olney came to my office on the afternoon of December 20, 1955, to advise that he
had called [____________] and had him come down to the Department where he saw him yesterday
(1955 12/23) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Warren Olney came by the office to advise me that they had a preliminary interview
with [____________] [____________] story was in complete contradiction to that given by [____________]
on the matter of making the recordings at the Willard Hotel involving [____________]
(1955 12/28) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
It's being pointed out that [____________] claims to Olney that he did the
recording job at the solicitation of [____________] and out of the White House
(1956 01/10) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
On 7/18/55 Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney III furnished a copy of this book to the Bureau
(1956 01/11) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1955
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1956 02/28) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
On leaving Rogers' office, Olney suggested that in the future when I get something like this
that I contact him directly and that we could work such matters out between ourselves
(1956 03/15) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Olney again offered to be of every possible assistance
(1956 03/17) Edward G. Lansdale letter to filmmaker Joseph L. Mankiewicz
(1956 03/21) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Warren Olney called and stated he had another question that had arisen
on a kidnaping matter which he would like to come up and discuss
(1956 05/02) Dear Mr. (Anthony) Julian: ... Sincerely, Warren Olney III (jfk.hood.edu)
The Director of the FBI is, of course, incorrect in assuming as he does in the last sentence
of his memorandum to the Attorney General that there was any suggestion of impropriety
on his part in the mere relaying of District Attorney Byrne's request to the Attorney General
(1956 05/03) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
Heretofore the Bureau has advised the Criminal Division repeatedly and consistently
that the disappearance of De Galinadez was being investigated by the New York Police
Department which is keeping the FBI informed of the progress of the inquiry
(1956 05/04) FBI Memorandum: Director, FBI to The Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
I have no desire whatsoever to engage in a running controversy
with the Criminal Division on this or any other matter
(1956 05/07) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
We frankly did not know whether Olney was trying to jam the Bureau, the Attorney General
or both and that we wanted it clearly understood that if the Attorney General ordered us to make
these investigations that the Attorney General knew in advance exactly what he was getting into
(1956 05/09) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
A paper record had now been made and a reasonable, prudent person would
conclude from the Olney memorandum that the Bureau had a responsibility
imposed upon it by law and was not discharging that responsibility
(1956 05/14) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman,
Mr. Belmont, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
I was desirous of the Bureau being completely relieved of its responsibility in determining
whether it should or should not enter a case alleged to be a kidnaping and that I would much
prefer to submit each case to the Criminal Division and allow that Division to make the decision
(1956 05/18) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Nichols,
Mr. Boardman, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
I told Mr. Rogers that I was not at all happy with the final outcome
(1956 06/08) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
I did not know whether the Department needed a psychologist or a lawyer to straighten out
this matter and I pointed out to Rogers that Olney's latest memorandum is utterly impossible
(1956 06/17) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Rogers stated that he realized all of this but that this phraseology seemed
to be the bone of contention with Olney and that if this phraseology could
be omitted he thought that this would once and for all close this entire matter
(1956 07/04) The U-2 Program: A Russian Officer Remembers
(Col. Alexander Orlov) (USSR Air Defense Forces) (web.archive.org)
(1956 07/06) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
It is requested that the Criminal Division be notified promptly if and when a decision is reached by
the FBI to exercise its investigative jurisdiction under the Federal Kidnaping Laws, 18 U. S. C. 1201
(1956 07/04) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
I would be pleased to be advised as promptly as possible that your decision will be
along the lines that I have above recommended so that this Bureau may be henceforth
relieved of responsibility and not subjected to such caustic memorandums from Mr. Olney
(1956 07/08) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Two or 3 times I reiterated that I was hoping that maybe Rogers
would some of these days see the light and see Olney for what he is
(1956 07/12) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Nichols (jfk.hood.edu)
I took occasion to tell the Attorney General that I wanted to again urge that decision as to
whether the FBI should assume jurisdiction be placed upon the Criminal Division and no
longer be continued as the responsibility of the FBI in view of the attitude of Assistant
Attorney General Olney and the critical memorandums which he has addressed to this Bureau
(1956 07/26) Montgomery Improvement Association Newsletter (crmvet.org)
(1956 08/08) FBI Memorandum: [____________] to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
Olney's letter reiterated that he wanted [____________] and her friends who signed the letter
assured that the Federal Government and the FBI in particular had no control over the
course of the investigation or the publicity during the first week after the kidnaping
(1956 10/17) CIA Secrecy Agreement signed by Earle Cabell
(CIA Dossier 201-171104) (whowhatwhy.org)
(1957 01/02) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1956
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1957 01/10) Statement to the South and the Nation
(Southern Leaders Conference of Transportation and Non-Violent Integration) (crmvet.org)
(1957 01/10) Southern Christian Leadership Conference (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1957 03/08) Montgomery Improvement Association Newsletter (crmvet.org)
(1957 04/02) Dear Mr. (Warren) Olney (III): ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Our relations with him have been strained and circumspect
(1957 05/03) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
You will recall that you were advised by memorandum dated May 3, 1956, that in the
opinion of the Criminal Division the circumstances attendant upon the disappearance
of deGalindez were sufficient to justify an investigation by the FBI as a legally authorized
matter under the authority of Section 1201 of Title 18 of the United States Code
(1957 05/10) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson,
Mr. Boardman, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Nichols (jfk.hood.edu)
I called to the Attorney General's attention the memorandum which I received
from Assistant Attorney General Olney under the date of May 3, 1957
(1957 05/16) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Brannan to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. John Ossea, the attorney in the Criminal Division who
handled the questioning of Agent [____________] called this afternoon
(1957 06/03) Clinton E. Jencks, v. United States of America (jfk.hood.edu)
Supreme Court of the United States No. 23 October Term, 1956
(1957 06/11) FBI Memorandum: L. B. Nichols to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
I saw Mr. William Rogers this morning. I pointed out to him that we had thought over the
years that we had witnessed every tactic of obstruction and every conceivable outrageous
action within the Department, but that we had now found that we had more lessons to learn
(1957 06/13) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Boardman,
Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Tamm (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Rogers had asked that he be allowed to take it up with Mr. Olney to
see whether Mr. Olney could arrange for the cancellation of the subpoena
(1957 06/18) DoJ Memorandum: Warren Olney III to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
I would like to pass on to you the comments of Mr. St. John Barrett, Chief of the
Civil Rights Section of the Criminal Division concerning the assistance received
from the Bureau in the investigation and presentation to the Federal Grand Jury at
Jackson, Mississippi of the evidence in this extraordinarily delicate and difficult matter
(1957 07/00) Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States
(Senate Committee on the Judiciary) (archive.org)
(1957 07/02) Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy on Imperialism before the Senate, Washington, D.C.
(1957 08/26) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Hyde Park - Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt will leave for Russia next week to spend
one month writing a newspaper column on what goes on behind the Iron Curtain
(1957 09/04) FBI Memorandum: L. V. Boardman to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
The shabby and insolent manner in which we have been treated by Olney, and more
recently by Thompkins, reflects that the extent to which we have been more than
courteously civil, and have furnished them more than the bare evidence data necessary
for prosecutive purposes, is the extent to which we have been "played for suckers"
(1957 09/12) FBI File: KENNEDY, ROBERT F. (archive.org)
(1957 12/09) FBI File: GIANCANA, SAM (archive.org)
(1958 00/00) Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story comic book
(Fellowship of Reconciliation) (crmvet.org)
(1958 02/03) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1957
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1958 02/06) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
It is noted that former Assistant Attorney General Warren
Olney became Director of this office in January, 1958
(1958 03/27) Cuban Gambling Casinos & The Mafia (W. W. Johnston - Bureau of Customs) (cuban-exile.com)
(1958 04/21) Archangel: CIA's Supersonic A-12 Reconnaissance Aircraft (07/13/2006)
(David Scott Robarge) (CIA Chief Historian) (books.google.com)
(1958 06/24) DD Form 456: Charge Sheet: OSWALD Lee H. (jfk.hood.edu)
Charge 1: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 117
Charge 2: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 128
(1958 07/09) USMC Memorandum: Marvin P. Morton, Jr. to Chief of Staff
Summary Court-Martial, case of Lee H. Oswald, private, USMC
(1958 07/03) USMC Memorandum: W. D. Garrett to Wing Legal Officer
Summary of Evidence in the Trial of Lee H. OSWALD Private 1653230/6741
(1958 04/03) DD Form 456: Charge Sheet: OSWALD Lee H. 1653230, USNAS Atsugi, Japan
Charge: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 92
(1958 04/29) Record of Trial by Summary Court-Martial: Lee H. Oswald
Guilty/Confinement Suspended
(1958 05/02) E. W. Seeds, Colonel, U. S. Marine Corps
The sentence as approved, ordered executed and suspended by the convening authority is approved
(1958 05/10) N. D. Glen to Commanding General, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing
Private First Class OSWALD was not subject to any disciplinary restraint
and it is not considered that any delay resulted in any injustice
(0000 00/00) Statement of Captain Francis J, Gajewski
I would award him 3.9 for proficiency and 4.0 for conduct
(1958 10/21) Secret Service Protecting Queen Elizabeth II in NYC (Photo)
(1959 01/01) Calendar of Events 1959 - Aug 1960 (Cuba) (cuban-exile.com)
(1959 03/01) Report of Transfer or Discharge - OSWALD, Lee Harvey 1653230
(Armed Forces of the United States) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 03/01) U-2 Utility Flight Handbook (CIA) (archive.org)
(1959 03/09) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1958
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1959 04/01) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach:
(1959 04/29) Plane Hijacking - April 15, 1959 (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1959 11/03) Naval Message: ALUSNA Moscow to CNO (jfk.hood.edu)
The renunciation of US citizenship and request for Soviet citizenship by
Lee Harvey Oswald former Marine and [________________] former Navy
(1959 11/04) Naval Message: CNO to ALUSNA Moscow - Intelligence Matter
Your 031215I, [________________] discharged from USN in 1951 and has no present naval status.
OSWALD is PFC Inactive Marine Corps Reserve with obligated service until 8 December 1962
(1960 01/30) Dear (Sec. Navy - John B. Connally) Sir, ... (Lee Harvey Oswald)
I wish to call your attention to a case about which you may have
personal knowledge since you are a resident of Ft. Worth as I am
(1962 03/13) Naval Message: DNI to ALUSNA Moscow
On 17 August 1960 OSWALD was given an undesirable
discharge from the USMCR by reason of unfitness
(1962 03/22) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
I have not violated; Section 1544, Title 18, U.S. code, therefore you
have no legal or even moral right, to reverse my honourable discharge
from the U.S.M.C of Sept. 11, 1960, into a undiserable discharge
(1962 03/07) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
You may consider this letter a request by me for a full review of my case in the light of these facts
(1962 04/02) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely, Paul W. Seabaugh
This headquarters has no authority to change the type of discharge issued in your case
(1962 04/23) Navy Memorandum: H. T. Hardenburg to Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Ex-PFC Lee Harvey OSWALD, USMCR, 1653230
(1962 06/18) Navy Memorandum: H. T. Hardenburg to Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Application For Review Of Discharge Or Separation From The Armed Forces Of The United States
(1962 04/28) Statement of Plaintiff (4 pages)
Referral of my case to this board was premised on the proported fact that I had renounced my American
citizenship with intent to becoome a permanent citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(1962 08/00) Dear (Navy Discharge Review Board) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
Please notify me of action taken in regard to my request
(1962 08/06) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely yours, E. I. Carson
You will be notified promptly when final action is taken
(1963 05/01) POD Form 3573 Change of Address: Lee H. Oswald
Old Address: 2703 Mercedes St., Ft. Worth, Texas
New Address: P.O. Box 30061, New Orleans, LA.
(1963 07/10) Navy Memorandum: Navy Discharge Review Board to Commandant of the Marine Corps
Further, that petitioner brought discredit to the Marine Corps through adverse newspaper publicity
(1959 09/04) To Whom It May Concern: ... R. G. Ayers, Jr.
This is to certify that PFC (E-2) Lee Harvey OSWALD, 1653230,
U. S. Marine Corps is scheduled to be released from Active Duty and
Transferred to the Marine Corps Reserve (Inactive) on 11 September 1959
(1963 07/25) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely yours, D. W. Bowman
It is the decision that no change, correction or modification is warranted in your discharge
(1963 11/24) FBI: H. H. Floyd
Threatened assassination of Eisenhower
Forward to Manuscript
Questions and answers pertaining to USSR
(1959 10/06) Historic Diary
Account of Miss Mosby interview
Account of American Embassy visit
Account of amorous affairs in USSR
Notes on political systems
Notes on biographical data
(Lee Harvey Oswald) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 10/31) Department of State Telegram: MOSCOW to Secretary of State
Lee Harvey Oswald appeared at Emb today to renounce American citizenship (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 11/00) CIA Cryptonym: JMWAVE (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1959 11/04) Naval Message: CNO to ALUSNA Moscow - Intelligence Matter (jfk.hood.edu)
Your 031215I, WEBSTER discharged from USN in 1951 and has no present naval status.
OSWALD is PFC Inactive Marine Corps Reserve with obligated service until 8 December 1962
(1959 11/04) FBI Record: FLASH BY BUREAU, Lee Harvey Oswald (maryferrell.org)
(1959 11/09) Department of State Telegram: Tokyo to Secretary of State
USAF Staff Sergeant John E. Pic Tachikawa Air Base, called at Embassy November 6 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 11/09) Department of State Telegram: MOSCOW to Secretary of State
Consular officer attempted personal delivery of message from Pic to Oswald today (jfk.hood.edu)
(1959 11/15) CE 2716 Fort Worth Defector Confirms Red Beliefs
(Aline Mosby) (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
(1960 01/02) Senator John F. Kennedy Announces His Candidacy for the Presidency of the United States
(1960 01/13) FBI Memorandum: A. J. McGrath to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
On 3/17/60, Warren Olney III, Director, Administrative Office of the United
States Courts, Washington, D. C., and his assistant, [____________] made
a number of allegations concerning the Bureau's handling of an administrative
inquiry investigation, as well as regarding personnel of one of our field offices
(1960 02/08) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1959
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1960 03/09) An Appeal for Human Rights
(Atlanta University Center) (crmvet.org)
(1960 03/29) Heed Their Rising Voices - Full page ad in New York Times
(Committee to Defend Dr. King and the Struggle for Freedom in the South) (crmvet.org)
(1960 04/13) FBI Memorandum: A. J. McGrath to Mr. Rosen (jfk.hood.edu)
On 3/17/60, Warren Olney III, Director, Administrative Office of the United
States Courts, Washington, D. C., and his assistant, [____________] made a number
of allegations concerning the Bureau's handling of an administrative inquiry
investigation, as well as regarding personnel of one of our field offices
(1960 05/17) Brief History of Radio Swan (Taylor report) (cuban-exile.com)
(1960 05/26) The U-2 Airplane Incident Memorandum of Conversation (Jim Hagerty)
(Foreign Relations of the United States May - July 1960)
(1960 05/31) Events Incident to the Summit Conference - Statement by and questioning of Mr. Allen W. Dulles
(Senate Foreign Relations Committee)
(1960 06/03) CD 1114 J. Edgar Hoover memo, Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security
(1960 07/02) President Harry Truman announcing his reasons for resigning as
a delegate to the 1960 Democratic National Convention (Video)
(1960 07/04) Senator John F. Kennedy in response to President Truman's
criticism of Kennedy's candidacy for president (Video)
(1960 07/15) Speech Accepting the Democratic Party's Nomination for President (Video)
(Senator John F. Kennedy) (Steven Carter)
(1960 09/12) Speech to the Protestant Greater Houston Ministerial Association (Video)
(Senator John F. Kennedy) (Steven Carter)
(1960 10/25) Department of State - Hugh S. Cumming, Jr. to CIA - Richard M. Bissell, Jr.
List of American "Defectors" (jfk.hood.edu)
(1960 10/26) Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on Telephone Call To Mrs. Martin Luther King
(1960 10/27) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. interview after Release from Georgia State Prison at Reidsville
(From television footage)
(1960 11/14) Ruby Bridges
First African American student to integrate an elementary school in the South
(Debra Michals, Ph.D.) (nwhm.org)
(1960 11/18) CIA Memorandum: S. H. Horton to Deputy Director (Plans)
Proposed reply to the letter of 25 October 1960 from
Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., Department of State (jfk.hood.edu)
(1960 11/21) Dear Hugh (S. Cumming, Jr.): ... Sincerely yours, Richard M. Bissell, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
List of American "Defectors"
(1960 12/09) Oswald CIA 201 File (201-289248) (maryferrell.org)
(1960 12/12) Skelly Wright and New Orleans (BUSH v. ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD)
(Jack Bass) (Chapter 7 of Unlikely Heroes (1981))
(1960 12/15) FBI File: MCNAMARA, ROBERT (archive.org)
(1961 01/02) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1960
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1961 01/09) Address to General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Video)
(President-Elect John F. Kennedy) (Steven Carter)
(1961 01/17) Farewell Address (President Dwight D. Eisenhower) (Video) (Ewafa)
(1961 01/19) JFK Assassination Chronology: January 19, 1961 - November 21, 1963
(Ira David Wood III) (assassinationresearch.com)
(1961 01/20) Inaugural Address (w/audio) (jfklibrary.org)
(1961 01/20) Inaugural Address (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 01/20) Vehicle price quote for Friends of Democratic Cuba
(Bolton Ford, Inc.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 01/20) Vietnam (jfklibrary.org)
(1961 01/25) President's News Conference - First news conference
(1961 01/25) President's News Conference - First news conference (Video))
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 02/27) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Olney was not aware as to who would be extending
the invitation for Mr. Hoover to attend this dinner
(1961 03/02) Vietnam Historical Files (CIA) (archive.org)
(1961 03/15) President John F. Kennedy News Conference #7 (Video)
(1961 03/31) FBI File: SOL ESTES, BILLIE (archive.org)
(1961 04/16) Radio report about Cuban exile invasion of Cuba (Video)
(1961 04/18) Cuban military aircraft landed at the Miami International Airport (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 04/22) Memorandum for the Record
First Meeting of General Maxwell Taylor's
Board of Inquiry on Cuban Operations Conducted by CIA (FRUS)
(1961 04/27) Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
(1961 04/27) Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 05/01) Bay of Pigs Account from the 'Atlantico' (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com/)
(1961 05/04) Freedom Rides Route Map (AP Newsfeatures)
(1961 05/20) 2506 Prisoner Delegation Meeting (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 05/21) Speech Establishing the Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 05/22) FBI Memorandum: Director to Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
This case involves an allegation that Arthur James Balletti and another
unidentified individual placed a wire tap on the telephone of Dan Rowan,
a member of the comedy team of Rowan and Martin, in October, 1960
(1961 05/22) Enclosure: ARTHUR JAMES BALLETTI, et al
(1961 05/25) President Kennedy's Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs (jfklibrary.org)
(1961 05/26) Foreign Service Despatch: Amembassy MOSCOW to The Department of State, Washington
Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald
(Edward L. Freers, Minister Counselor) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 05/28) FBI File: Freedom Riders (archive.org)
(1961 05/29) Bay of Pigs Invasion: First Hand Account (Lt. Frank Kappel) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 06/13) President John F. Kennedy Remarks and Question and Answer Period at the Press Luncheon in Paris
I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris, and I have enjoyed it
(1961 06/28) National Security Action Memorandum Number 55 (President John F. Kennedy)
Relations of Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in Cold War Operations
(1961 07/00) Brig. Gen. Edward G. Lansdale to Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor
Resources for Unconventional Warfare, SE. Asia (excerpts) (The Pentagon Papers)
(1961 09/00) Santo Trafficante Jr. (U.S. Treasury Department - Bureau of Narcotics) (cuban-exile.com)
(1961 09/25) Address to the United Nations General Assembly (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1961 09/29) LIFE Magazine September 9, 1961
Inside the Congo ... Inside the U.N. ... When Dag Died
(1961 10/00) Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and Associated Documents - Part 1
Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation October 1961
(1961 10/12) Foreign Service Despatch: Amembassy MOSCOW to The Department of State, Washington
Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald
(Boris H. Klosson, Counselor for Political Affairs) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 10/26) Department of State Memorandum of Conversation: Lee Oswald
Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, PPT - Mr. Edward J. Hickey,
SCS - Mr. Denman F. Stanfield, SOV - D. E. Poster (jfk.hood.edu)
(1961 10/27) Dear (Mr. L. A. Mack) Sir ... Very truly yours, Curtis O. Lynus (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached is a copy of the report of SA JOHN W. FAIN, Dallas, dated 7/3/61 which
may contain some background information of value in connection with your investigation
(1961 11/04) CIA Cryptonym: GYROSE: Routing indicator for Task Force WH/Cuba (maryferrell.org)
(1961 11/16) Address at the University of Washington's 100th Anniversary (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 00/00) Inter-American Police Academy - Panama 1962-1964 (namebase.net)
(1962 00/00) Breakdown of Alabama White & Negro Voters (Map) (crmvet.org)
(1962 01/18) Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and Associated Documents - Part 2
An Analysis of the Cuban Operation by the Deputy Director (Plans)
Central Intelligence Agency (Richard M. Bissell, Jr.)
(Memorandum from: Allen Dulles 02/15/1961 p. 216)
(1962 01/21) Integrating Ole Miss: A Civil Rights Milestone (microsites.jfklibrary.org)
(1962 03/12) Memorandum: Policy Questions, Operation Mongoose (Brig. Gen. Lansdale) (cuban-exile.com)
(1962 03/13) Operation Northwoods (Joint Chiefs of Staff)
(1962 03/16) Memorandum For The Record: Meeting With President, 16 March 1962
(Brig. Gen. Lansdale) (jfklancer.com)
(1962 03/20) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover ... Sincerely yours, Warren Olney III (jfk.hood.edu)
I am pleased to send you herewith a copy of the annual report of the Director of
the Administrative Office of the United States Courts for the fiscal year 1961
(1962 04/04) Memorandum: Ambassador Galbraith to President Kennedy (mtholyoke.edu)
The following considerations influence our thinking on Viet-Nam
(1962 04/11) President's News Conference - Increasing steel prices (President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 04/26) Navy Memorandum: H. T. Hardenburg to Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
LEE H. OSWALD, Kalinina St. 4-27, Minsk U.S.S.R., March 22, 1962 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 04/26) Memorandum for the Record: Cuba
(FRUS) (history.state.gov)
(1962 05/11) Secret Eyes Only Memorandum: Discussion with General Eisenhower; Mr. McCone; and Mr. Forrestal
(MVF Gen. Clifton) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 05/20) Speech on Health Care (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 05/22) FBI Memorandum: to Attorney General: The Johnny Rosselli Matter (jfklancer.com)
(1962 05/24) Medical Examination of Visa Applicant: Marina N. Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 06/00) CIA Cryptonym: AMSPELL: Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (maryferrell.org)
(1962 06/11) Yale University Commencement Speech (presidency.ucsb.edu)
(1962 06/11) Yale University Commencement Speech (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 06/11) Affidavit of the Reverend Wyatt Tee Walker
Re: Arrest and Detention in the Shreveport City Jail and the
Caddo Parish Jail in the State of Louisiana, June 8 and 9, 1962
(1962 06/14) Memorandum: EG Lansdale to State, Defense, CIA, USIA (jfk.hood.edu)
Progress, Operation Mongoose
(1962 08/01) National Intelligence Estimate
The Situation And Prospects In Cuba
(1962 06/15) Dear Miss (Phoebe H.) Bannister: ... Sincerely yours, George H. Haselton (jfk.hood.edu)
Lee H. Oswald, who arrived at New York on the S/S "Kassdam"
June 13, 1962 accompanied by his wife and child, was repatriated
from Moscow on the basis of a loan for part payment of his passage
(1962 06/15) HEW Memorandum: Alice J. Webber to Miss Phoebe Bannister
On June 14, the Department of Welfare wired and received $200 from the
brother, Robert Oswald, who agreed to meet the family on their arrival
(1962 06/22) HEW Memorandum: Mrs. Val M. Keating to Marcella Clark
The brother has shown an interest in the returnee and has assisted financially
(1962 07/02) HEW Memorandum: Mrs. Val M. Keating to Mr. John J. Hurley
Mr. Oswald is a radar specialist, and is a good prospect for employment
(1962 06/26) FBI File: OSWALD, HARVEY LEE (39,718 pages) (archive.org)
(1962 07/02) Mr. Fain interviewed by Mr. Stern re interview with LHO on July 2, 1962 (jfk.hood.edu)
I took the notes and from my notes I dictated this, which we call an FD-302
(1962 07/04) Speech at Independence Hall (Video (Steven Carter))
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 07/06) LIFE Magazine July 6, 1962
A Letter From David Rockefeller to the President and J.F.K.'s Reply
(1962 07/06) President Kennedy open letter to David Rockefeller on the Balance of Payments Question
(1959 11/02) Memorandum for the File: J. M. Barron (jfk.hood.edu)
Files of ONI contain no records of Subject
(1959 10/31) Foreign Service Despatch: Amembassy MOSCOW to Department of State, Washington
"My request for citizenship is now pending before the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R."
(1959 11/01) Ex-Marine Asks Soviet Citizenship
(UPI) (Washington Post)
(1959 10/31) Telegram: MOSCOW to Secretary of State
Says he has offered Soviets any information he has acquired as enlisted Radar Operator
(1958 06/24) DD Form 456: Charge Sheet: OSWALD Lee H.
Charge 1: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 117
Charge 2: Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 128
(1958 07/09) USMC Memorandum: Marvin P. Morton, Jr. to Chief of Staff
Summary Court-Martial, case of Lee H. Oswald, private, USMC
(1958 07/03) USMC Memorandum: W. D. Garrett to Wing Legal Officer
Summary of evidence in the trial of Lee H. OSWALD Private 1653230/6741
(1962 07/06) FBI FD-302: SAs (Illegible (Fain))
OSWALD exhibited an impatient and arrogant attitude
(1962 05/23) Navy Memorandum: Director of Naval Intelligence to Commandant of the Marine Corps
Attention is invited to DNI Confidential memo serial 05464P92 of 19 March 1962
(1962 05/10) Department of State Memorandum: John Noonan to Director of Naval Intelligence
Mr. Oswald ... has not expatriated himself under the pertinent laws of the United States
(1962 05/01) Department of State Memorandum: John Noonan
ONI has again requested information on OSwald's citizenship status
(1962 04/26) Navy Memorandum: L. T. Hardenburg to Mr. William O. Boswell
Oswald plans to return to the United States by 15 May 1962
(1962 03/07) Dear Mr. Oswald ... Sincerely, (Illegible)
(1962 04/23) Navy Memorandum: L. T. Hardenburg to Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Enclosure (1), which contains information concerning OSWALD,
is forwarded for information, supplemental to references (a) and (b)
(1962 03/22) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
I have not violated; Section 1544, Title 18, U.S. code, therefore you
have no legal or even moral right, to reverse my honourable discharge
from the U.S.M.C of Sept. 11, 1960, into a undiserable discharge
(1962 04/04) Department of State Memorandum: Otto F. Otepka to Director, Office of Security
Please advise if there has been a change in the Subject's citizenship status
(1962 04/02) Memorandum: Jerry Vacek to Pross Palmer
Am forwarding attached as the result of my telecon CHST 1530 this date
(1962 04/02) Dear Mr. Oswald: ... Sincerely, Paul W. Seabaugh
This headquarters has no authority to change the type of discharge issued in your case
(1962 03/19) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Information on OSWALD indicating that he claims to be a U. S. citizen
(1962 03/07) Dear Mr. Oswald ... Sincerely, R. McC. Tompkins
(1962 03/07) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
You may consider this letter a request by me for a full review of my case in the light of these facts
(1962 03/23) Navy Memorandum: Director of Naval Intelligence to Commandant of the Marine Corps
ONI Conf Case History File, subj: John Edward Pic
(1962 03/07) Dear (R. McC. Tompkins) Sirs, ... Sincerely, Lee H. Oswald
You may consider this letter a request by me for a full review of my case in the light of these facts
(1962 03/19) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Information on OSWALD indicating that he claims to be a U. S. citizen
(1962 03/08) Memorandum: Jerome Vacek to Pross Palmer
Congressional interest is likewise anticipated
(1962 03/07) Dear Mr. Oswald ... Sincerely, R. McC. Tompkins
(1962 03/16) Air Force Memorandum: Vincent L. Sullivan to Division Director OP 921E, ONI
Subject [John Edward Pic] advised Lee Harvey Oswald might possibly try to visit
him his next duty station and if this occurred, he would notify the local CSI office
(1962 03/23) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Enclosure (1), which contains information concerning OSWALD,
is forwarded for information, supplemental to references (a) and (b)
(1962 03/19) Navy Memorandum: William Abbott to Mr. William O. Boswell
Information on OSWALD indicating that he claims to be a U. S. citizen
(1962 03/06) Navy Memorandum: Director of Naval Intelligence to Commandant of the Marine Corps
Ltr from OSWALD of 30 Jan 1961 to SECNAV John B. Connally, Jr.
(1962 03/13) Naval Message: DNI to ALUSNA Moscow
On 17 August 1960 OSWALD was given an undesirable
discharge from the USMCR by reason of unfitness
(1961 07/14) Navy Memorandum: Eighth Naval District to Director of Naval Intelligence
Copy of FBI Dallas, Tex. Report dtd 3 July 1961
(1962 07/25) Review of Operation Mongoose (Brig. Gen. Lansdale)
(1962 08/07) Northwoods
U. S. Military Intervention in Cuba
(JCS) (archive.org)
(1962 09/12) Speech on the Space Program at Rice University (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 09/17) New Orleans Police Supplementary Report: Suicide (8-28-62) (jfk.hood.edu)
Robert Perrin
(1962 08/30) New Orleans Police Memorandum: Commanding Officer to Superintendent of Police
Report relative to the unclassified death of Robert Perrin, age 41, residing 1713 Calhoun St.
(1962 09/21) NAACP letter to President Kennedy re Meredith & 'Ole Miss (crmvet.org)
(1962 09/29) President Kennedy and Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett phone call (Video)
(1962 10/22) Cuban Missile Crisis Oval Office Address (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1962 10/24) Security Council - Official Records No. 1024, October 24, 1962 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 11/02) LIFE Magazine November 2, 1962
The Danger Filled Week of Decision - Cuba
(1962 11/05) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1961
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1962 11/09) LIFE Magazine November 9, 1962
Dealing With the Deadly Crisis
(1962 11/21) Dear Mr. Weisberg: ... Sincerely yours, Walter Herbert Morse
A designation of a 3 mile radius over your farm
(DoD Office of the Assistant General Counsel) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1962 11/21) A Historic Meeting at the White House on Human Spaceflight (history.nasa.gov)
(1962 12/18) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Geoghegan said we would be particularly interested in the AG's comment with regard to this letter,
which was that Olney was "a silly s.o.b." but the AG thought a reply would have to go to him
(1962 12/19) Weinstock Exhibit No. 1 - Letter from The Worker to Mr. Oswald
(1963 00/00) Eisenhower's Views on the Popularity of Ho Chi Minh
(Dwight D. Eisenhower) (Mandate for Change, 1953-56) (mtholyoke.edu)
(1963 00/00) The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Stay Out of Downtown Birmingham! Flyer
(Birmingham Students) (crmvet.org)
(1963 02/18) Factual Background For Reasons Stated In Discharge Of Captain Ferrie
(American Airlines) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 02/22) Letters on CIA (Harry Truman)
(1963 03/28) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1962
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1963 03/31) The Kennedys at Camp David (Photos) (cnn.com)
(1963 04/03) Birmingham Campaign (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1963 04/03) No More: The Children of Birmingham 1963 and
the Turning Point of the Civil Rights Movement (Video)
(Miranda and Mckay Jessop)
(1963 04/08) Memorandum to the President Re: Civil Rights Commission Resolution
(Robert Kennedy, Attorney General) (crmvet.org)
(1963 04/10) Oswald's Property (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1963 04/17) The Spy Satellite So Stealthy that the Senate Couldn't Kill It (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1963 04/19) City of Miami Memorandum: Detective Sgt. C. H. Sapp to A. W. Anderson (jfk.hood.edu)
A meeting of the Cuban Revolutionary Council will begin
this afternoon and probably will last on into the night
(1963 05/00) Segregation at All Costs: Bull Connor and the Civil Rights Movement (Video) (Eamon Ronan)
(1963 05/01) [Loran] Hall Interviews (Unattributed) (Incomplete) (jfk.hood.edu)
On this date I met LORAN HALL at the airport terminal
of National Airlines at Los Angeles International Airport
(1963 05/06) Memorandum for the Record of the Secretary of Defense (Honolulu) Conference
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume III
Vietnam, January-August 1963
(1963 05/12) Change of Address: Oswald, Lee (CE 794) (jfk.hood.edu)
4907 Magazine St. New Orleans, LA.
(1963 05/18) Vanderbilt University Convocation Speech (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 05/18) Memorandum of conversation between President Kennedy
and Governor Wallace re Birmingham protests
(Pierre Salinger) (crmvet.org)
(1963 05/25) Atoka, JFK's Middleburg, VA residence (Video) (jfklibrary.org)
(1963 06/04) Executive Order 11110 (President John F. Kennedy)
Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury
(1963 06/10) American University Commencement Address (President John F. Kennedy) (jfklibrary.org)
(1963 06/10) American University Commencement Address (President John F. Kennedy) (Video)
(1963 06/10) Address by the President (Kennedy) at Commencement Exercises, American University Washington
(American Foreign Policy, 1963) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 06/11) Report to the American People on Civil Rights (crmvet.org)
(1963 06/11) Report to the American People on Civil Rights (Video)
(President John Kennedy)
(1963 06/25) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The Attorney General orally informed me today that he had been considering the
request he made on July 16, 1963, for a technical surveillance on Martin Luther King
at his home and office and was now of the opinion that this would be ill advised
(1963 06/25) Background on Lisa Howard's Fidel Castro interview (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 06/26) Remarks in the Rudolph Wilde Platz, Berlin - Ich bin ein Berliner
(1963 06/26) Remarks in the Rudolph Wilde Platz, Berlin (Video)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 06/28) Address to the Oireachtas Éireann - Dublin, Ireland (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 06/29) Remarks at Shannon Airport Upon Leaving for England
(1963 06/29) Remarks at Shannon Airport Upon Leaving for England (Video)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 07/01) Lee H. Oswald to Embassy of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Please rush the entrance visa for the return of Soviet citizen, Marina W. Oswald (www.maryferrell)
(1963 07/16) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The purpose of the AG's contact was that this brought to his attention the
possibility of effecting technical coverage on both Jones and Martin Luther King
(1963 07/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
It is believed possible this person is identical with LEE HARVEY OSWALD, subject of captioned case
(1963 07/22) FBI Memorandum: Mr. F. J. Baumgarden to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
This is a recommendation requesting the Attorney General's authority for the installation of
a technical surveillance covering the home telephone of Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as the
telephone covering the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, of which King is the President
(1963 07/22) Senate Testimony: From MORNING until NIGHT... "humiliation stalks them"
(Roy Wilkins, NAACP) (crmvet.org)
(1963 07/26) Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Oval Office Address (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 08/09) FBI Memorandum: SA Stephen M. Callender to SAC, New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
This is to advise that on this date [____________], who requested that her identity be
kept confidential appeared at the office and furnished the following information
(1963 08/10) Copy of slip of paper taken from Oswald by New Orleans Police Lt. Martello
(1963 08/13) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. JESSIE JAMES GARNER, 4909 Magazine St., New Orleans
(1963 08/21) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File
STUCKEY mentioned at 6:05 p.m., 8/21/63, OSWALD will appear
on a radio program over WDSU which will last for approximately
30 minutes and this program will be a debate type program
(1963 08/15) FBI FD-302: SA John Lester Quigley (jfk.hood.edu)
LEE HARVEY OSWALD was interviewed at the First District
Station, New Orleans Police Department, at his own request
(1963 08/17) Latin Listening Post interview
(1963 08/17) Latin Listening Post interview (Audio)
Lee Harvey Oswald and Bill Stuckey
(Stuckey Exhibit No. 2) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 08/21) Conversation Carte Blanche Radio debate
(1963 08/21) Conversation Carte Blanche Radio debate (Audio)
Lee Harvey Oswald, Bill Slater, Bill Stuckey, Ed Butler, and Carlos Bringuier
(Stuckey Exhibit No. 3) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 08/22) FBI FD-192: SA M. R. Kaack (jfk.hood.edu)
Record of Radio Program "CONVERSATION CARTE BLANCHE" broadcast 11/21/63 at 6:05PM
(1963 08/23) FBI Memorandum: SAC New Orleans to Director
On August 9, 1963, LEE HARVEY OSWALD was arrested by the New Orleans Police Department
(1963 08/26) FBI FD-192: SA M. R. Kaack (jfk.hood.edu)
1 roll magnetic tape recording an interview of OSWALD by
Bill Stuckey of the Ross Agency, 525 Gravier St, N.O.La.
(1963 08/27) FBI Memorandum: SA John L. Quigley to SAC (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
Lt. FRANCIS MARTELLO, Platoon Commander, First District, New Orleans PD, advised
that captioned individual had been picked up on 8/9/63 and charged with disturbing the peace
(1963 08/27) FBI FD-9: SAC, New Orleans to Director
N.O.P.D. 111-723
(1963 08/28) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"
Address delivered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
(1963 08/30) FBI File: KING, MARTIN LUTHER JR. (archive.org)
(1963 08/09) HANDS OFF CUBA Flyer with 544 CAMP ST. Stamp (static1.squarespace.com)
(1963 09/02) Walter Cronkite Interview with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Video) (CBS)
(1963 09/10) FBI Report: LEE HARVEY OSWALD (James P. Hosty, Jr.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 09/18) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
Characterization of CORLISS LAMONT
(1963 09/20) Address to the United Nations General Assembly (Video) (Ewafa)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 09/20) DoJ Memorandum: Burke Marshall to J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
I did inform Dr. King and two members of his organization -
Reverend Andrew Young and Reverend Wyatt Walker - some time ago
(1963 09/20) Report to SCLC (Diane Nash Bevel) (crmvet.org)
(1963 09/20) Proposal for Action in Montgomery (Diane Nash Bevel) (crmvet.org)
(1963 09/20) Memorandum: National Day of Mourning (Bayard Rustin) (crmvet.org)
(1963 09/21) Photo of 'Lee Harvey Oswald Dallas, Texas' on block of wood (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 09/26) New Orleans P.O. Box 30061 Closed (CE 986) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 09/26) The Odio Incident (September 26 or 27) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 09/28) Cuban Embassy, Mexico City - L.H. Oswald / Silvia Duran (Transcript)
(CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 10/02) Memorandum from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Secretary of Defense to the President
Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume IV
Vietnam, August-December 1963
(1963 10/05) Meeting: South Vietnam (McGeorge Bundy) (FRUS) (history.state.gov)
(1963 10/07) FBI File: Domestic Security - SEEGER, PETE (archive.org)
(1963 10/07) (Dear Attorney General Robert Kennedy): ... Respectfully, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
It is further requested that authority be granted to place a technical
surveillance on the SCLC office at the current New York address
or to any other address to which it may be moved
(1963 10/09) Mexico City to CIA Director
1 Oct 63, American Male who spoke broken Russian (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/09) FBI Record: FLASH CANCELLED, Lee Harvey Oswald (maryferrell.org)
(1963 10/10) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
I pointed out to the Attorney General the fact that a residence was involved did not necessarily
mean there was any added risk because of the technical nature of the telephone system
(1963 10/10) Central Intelligence Agency to:
Department of State
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of the Navy
On 1 October 1963 a reliable and sensitive source in Mexico reported
that an American male, who identified himself as Lee OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/10) CIA Director to Mexico City
Lee Oswald Who [Contacted] SOVEMB 1 Oct Probably Identical Lee Henry Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/11) National Security Action Memorandum Number 263 (President John F. Kennedy)
South Vietnam
(1963 10/14) TSBD Application for Employment: Oswald Lee Harvey (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/18) FBI Memorandum: Mr. J. F. Bland to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
A survey has now been conducted on the headquarters of the SCLC at Atlanta, Georgia, and this
survey indicates it is feasible to install a technical surveillance on this place with full security
(1963 10/19) Speech at the All New England Salute Dinner (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 10/21) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The Attorney General is apparently still vacillating in his position as to technical
coverage on Martin Luther King and his organization, it being recalled that he had initially
suggested such coverage and then changed his mind and felt it might be inadvisable
(1963 10/22) Address to The National Academy of Sciences (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 10/22) FBI AIRTEL: SAC Dallas to Director
ROBERT L. OSWALD, 7313 Davenport Avenue, Fort Worth, the brother of LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1963 10/25) J. Edgar Hoover's personal file on Martin Luther King Jr. (archive.org)
(1963 10/26) Speech at Amherst College in honor of the late poet Robert Frost (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
Information from NOPD on 8/9/63 revealed that LEE H. OSWALD was arrested
(SA Warren C. De Brueys) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 10/28) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. R. Wannall to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Army Intelligence, San Antonio, Texas, on 10/24/63 advised that subject [JOHN THOMAS
MASEN], Dallas, Texas, sporting goods store operator, had asked Captain George Charles
Nonte, Fort Hood, Texas, an acquaintance, if he knew anyone who might be interested in
buying information concerning large-scale military operations in Caribbean
(1963 10/30) CIA Cryptonym: LITEMPO-8: Luis Echeverria Alvarez (maryferrell.org)
(1963 10/31) FBI FD-263: SA Milton R. Kaack (jfk.hood.edu)
Will interview LEE OSWALD's mother, Mrs. MARGARET OSWALD, 1308 Eagle Street, Apartment 3
(1963 10/31) FBI FD-302: SA Kaack Re: LEE HARVEY OSWALD (CE 826) (history-matters.com)
(1963 10/31) FBI FD-302: SA Milton R. Kaack (CD 12) (jfk.hood.edu)
Subject wrote letter to "The Worker", 6/10/63 requesting literature
(1963 11/00) Will Christmas in Mississippi Be Like Christmas in America?
(Dick Gregory) (crmvet.org)
(1963 11/01) Miami PD Intelligence Memorandum: G. Zenoz to C. H. Sapp
JERRY PATRICK stated that one man LORAN HALL stole two rifles from his apartment (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/02) Petition to Suppress Evidence (jfk.hood.edu)
Your petitioner, Thomas A. Vallee
(1963 11/02) Municipal Court of Chicago
Thomas Vallee - Unlawful use of weapons
(1963 11/07) Director FBI to Director CIA, Deputy Director, Plans
LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/08) Director FBI to Director CIA, Deputy Director, Plans
LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/09) Transcript: Joseph Milteer - William Somersett, November 9, 1963
(Intelligence Unit of the Miami Police Department) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 11/09) Assassination Garrison Chronology
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - A
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - B
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - D
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - D
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - E
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - F
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - H
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - H
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - I
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - J
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - K
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - L
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - N
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - O
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - P
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - Q
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - R
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - T
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - U
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - V
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - W
(0000 00/00) White's Letter: Garrison - What and Who - YZ
(Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/12) Memorandum for the Record: Cuban Operations (FRUS) (history.state.gov)
(1963 11/12) National Security Action Memorandum Number 271 (President John F. Kennedy)
Cooperation with the USSR on the Outer Space Matters
(1963 11/14) President's News Conference - Last news conference (President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/15) A Study of "The Management and Termination of War With the Soviet Union"
(National Security Council) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1963 11/18) Address to Inter-American Press Association, Miami, Florida (President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/19) CE 767 Preliminary Survey Report - Visit of President to Dallas, Texas (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/20) Memorandum of Discussion at the Special Meeting on Vietnam (history.state.gov)
(1963 11/20) CE 768 Final Survey Report prepared by Special Agent Lawson
concerning President Kennedy's trip to Dallas (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/21) Speech in Honor of Representative Albert Thomas (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/21) National Security Action Memorandum Number 273 (President Lyndon B. Johnson) (Draft)
South Vietnam
(1963 11/21) Secret Service Investigation: Harold S. Thoma (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, Sherman Hotel, 71st Street & Broadway, New York, N. Y.
(1963 11/21) "Wanted For Treason" Flyer Distributed in Dallas Before JFK's Visit
(1963 11/22) Speech in front of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth (Video) (Steven Carter)
(President John F. Kennedy)
(1963 11/22) WELCOME MR. KENNEDY TO DALLAS... (The Dallas Morning News)
(American Fact-Finding Committee) (Bernard Weissman, Chairman)
(1963 11/22) President John F. Kennedy Remarks at the Breakfast of the Chamber of Commerce in Fort Worth, TX
(1963 11/22) President John F. Kennedy Remarks Prepared for Delivery at the Trade Mart in Dallas, TX
(1963 11/22) November 22, 1963 - 12:30 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. (maryferrell.org)
(1963 11/22) Schematic of Dealey Plaza (Craig Ciccone)
(1963 11/22) Presidential Motorcade Schematic Listing (Todd Wayne Vaughan 1993)
(1963 11/22) Dealey Plaza Map (Don Roberdeau)
(1963 00/00) Abraham Zapruder holding his Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera
(1963 11/22) Zapruder Film (Video)
(1963 11/22) Zapruder Film frames (Abraham Zapruder / Jennifer Juniors, Inc.)
(1963 11/22) Altgen 6 photograph (James Altgen / Associated Press)
(1963 11/22) Mary Ann Moorman Polaroid
(0000 00/00) Sandra Styles (Video)
(1963 11/22) File: Photographs (Jim Garrison)
(1963 11/22) List of Over 500 Photographs Taken on 11/22/63 (Computers and Animation)
(1963 11/22) Did Lansdale ever wear glasses? (Animation) (Sandy Larsen)
(1963 11/22) Abraham Zapruder with Jay Watson (Video)
(1963 11/22) Affidavits: Eastman Kodak Company and Jamieson Film Company employees
Attachment 1 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(1963 11/22) Jean Hill interviews broadcast over NBC at 1:11 p.m. CST (WBAP-TV Fort Worth/Dallas)
(1963 11/22) CBS News - Early report of the death of a Secret Service agent (Video) (@ 32:00)
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File: FBI should immediately start a complete investigation
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File: There was chaos all over the place there
(1963 11/22) CD 387 List of Persons aboard Air Force One, Dallas to Washington
(1963 11/22) Air Force One Transmissions (General Clifton) Part 1
(1963 11/22) Air Force One Transmissions (General Clifton) Part 2
(1963 11/22) Air Force One Transmissions (General Clifton) (Transcript by Douglas P. Horne)
(1963 11/22) CE 2112 Original notes made by S/A Glen Bennett aboard Air Force One
(1963 11/22) Jack Ruby outside of Parkland Hospital (Photo) (Penn Jones) (digitalcollections.baylor.edu)
(1963 11/22) Parkland Hospital News Conference - 3:16 P.M. CST (Malcolm Perry / Kemp Clark)
(1963 11/22) Following is proposed schedule as of 1710, 22 November
Military District of Washington, U. S. Army
(1963 11/22) The Final Hour (Video) (Dallas Cinema Associates)
(1963 11/22) General Offense Report: Person Arrested: Lee Harvey Oswald (City of Dallas Police Department)
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: SA Manning C. Clements to SAC Dallas
The following descriptive data was obtained from LEE HARVEY OSWALD:
(1963 11/22) Decker Exhibit No. 5323 (Bill Decker, Sheriff)
(1963 11/22) CE 2175 Floor plan of third floor, Dallas Police Department, Dallas, Tex.
(1963 11/22) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 1
(1963 11/22) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 2
(1963 11/22) Captain Will Fritz' Oswald Interrogation Summary (Dallas Municipal Archives)
(1963 11/22) DPD: Jack Revill, Lieutenant to Captain W.P. Gannaway
Hosty related that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was aware of the Subject (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1963 11/22) File: Photographs - Persons Appearing with Lee Harvey Oswald
in Dallas Police Department Identification "Line-Up" (Jim Garrison)
(1963 11/22) CE 1024 Secret Service Agents and Texas Highway Patrol Statements
(1963 11/22) DPD Affidavit: M. L. Baker, Patrolman Dallas Police Department
(1963 11/22) DPD Affidavit: William H. Shelly
(1963 11/22) Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly
(1963 11/22) FBI - Death of President Kennedy: 112th INCT Group, San Antonio
(1963 11/22) Naval Investigative Service File: Lee Harvey Oswald (Naval Intelligence)
(1963 11/22) Naval Investigative Service File: Lee Harvey Oswald (Naval Intelligence)
(1963 11/22) Authorization For Post-Mortem Examination (R.O. Canada Capt MC USN))
(0000 00/00) Who was present at JFK's autopsy or Who's on First Base? (Kevin Kellman)
(1963 11/22) Alphabetical list of witnesses and testimony
(1963 11/22) "Eyes only" briefing book of the Secret Service White House and Hyannis Port Details (Video)
(1963 11/22) FBI: Employees, Dallas Division
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont
There is no Federal Statute applicable to prosecuting the killer of President Kennedy
(1963 11/22) Reports on Officer's Duties In Regards To The President's Murder
L.C. Graves, H.G. Hall, Marvin Johnson, J.R. Leavelle, V.D. Honaghen, Leslie D. Montgomery,
H.M. Moore, W.E. Potts, R. M. Sims and E.L. Boyd, B.L. Senkel, F.M. Turner
Positions Assigned Homicide and Robbery Bureau Officers For the Security of the President
Property Clerk's Invoice or Receipts
Time of Occurrences
(0000 00/00) FBI: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
And The Killing Of Lee H. Oswald November 24, 1963 Visual Aids (Excerpt)
(1963 11/22) FBI Re: JFK: C. Ray Hall, SA (jfk.hood.edu)
The 6th floor of the Taxes School Book Depository Bldg. 411 Elm,
Dallas, Texas, is used entirely for storage of textbooks
(1963 11/22) FBI Memorandum: J. R. Mall?? to Mr. Roc?? (jfk.hood.edu)
U. S. Marine Corps record for Lee Harvey Oswald had been sent today AMSD to DGK, Washington
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: At 7:10 p.m., 11/22/63, I called SAC Shanklin at Dallas
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File: FBI had Oswald under surveillance
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: Belmont to Tolson Re: Lee Harvey Oswald Assaulting A Government Officer
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: 8 millimeter color film
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: 8 millimeter color movie film
(1963 11/23) Results Of Autopsy On John F. Kennedy (FBI Baltimore Office)
(1963 11/23) DPD Captain Glen D. King (Video)
(1963 11/23) Harper Fragment slides
(1963 11/23) DPD Affidavit: Roy S. Truly
(1963 11/23) FBI FD-302: CHARLES DOUGLAS GIVENS, warehouseman, TSBD building (06/04/1964)
FBI FD-302: CHARLES DOUGLAS GIVENS, 511 Cochran Street, (11/23/1963)
(1963 11/23) FBI FD-302: SA Benjamin O. Keutzer
DONALD WAYNE HOUSE was interviewed at Fort Worth Police Department (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/23) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 3
(1963 11/23) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 4
(1963 11/23) Captain Will Fritz' handwritten notes of Oswald Interrogations - 5
(1963 11/23) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Sylvester to SAC (89-69) (jfk.hood.edu)
In this case we needed the evidence to tie it in as OSWALD was admitting nothing
(1963 11/23) CD 75 p.100-1 FBI DeBrueys Report of 02 Dec 1963 re: Oswald/Russia (jfk.hood.edu)
Confidential Informant NO T-1 furnished the following,
pertaining to Post Office Box 30061, New Orleans
(1963 11/23) Protective Assignment of S/A Glen Bennett on 11/22/63 at Dallas, Texas
(1963 11/23) Dear Mr. Rowley: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963
(1963 11/23) CIA Classified Message: Director to Mexico City
Arrest of Silvia Duran is extremely serious matter which could prejudice
ODYOKE freedom of action on entire question of PBRUMEN responsibility
(1963 11/23) Concerning the Facts and Consequences of the Tragic Death of President John F. Kennedy
Fidel Castro's First Speech on the JFK Assassination
(1963 11/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
We are going to kill the man who killed the President
(1963 11/24) CE 2020 Western Union receipt for $25 received from Jack Ruby (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/24) Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald live on television (Video) (CBS News) (Max Power)
(1963 11/24) The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald (Mae Brussell)
(1963 11/24) CE 1434 Statement to FBI: Pauline E. Sanders (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/24) CE 1435 Statement to FBI: Ochus V. Campbell (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/24) FBI File: RUBY, JACK (15,000 pages) (archive.org)
(1963 11/24) File: Investigation of the Operation Security Involving the Transfer
of Lee Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 (1 of 3)
(1963 11/24) File: Investigation of the Operation Security Involving the Transfer
of Lee Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 (2 of 3)
(1963 11/24) File: Investigation of the Operation Security Involving the Transfer
of Lee Harvey Oswald November 24, 1963 (3 of 3)
(Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1963 11/25) John F. Kennedy Funeral (Video) (tapsbugler) (youtube.com)
(1963 11/25) Taps at the Funeral of John F. Kennedy (Audio) (Keith Clark) (soundcloud.com)
(1963 11/25) Oval Office phone call with J. Edgar Hoover (Video) (Transcript (maryferrell.org))
(1963 11/25) Oval Office phone call with Joseph Alsop (Video)
(President Lyndon B. Johnson) (Steven Carter)
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SAC H. G. Maynor to File (jfk.hood.edu)
CLARK advised he had just received word that OSWALD died
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA Albert Sayers to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Sequence of Events Leading to the Death of Lee Harvey Oswald
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA James W. Bookhout to SAC (89-43) (jfk.hood.edu)
Examination of the bullet and gun that killed LEE HARVEY OSWALD, 11/24/63
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA Milton L. Newsom to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
film in a package from Mr. Charles Bronson
(1963 11/25) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM ALLEN HARPER found a piece of bone
(1963 11/25) FBI Memorandum: SA Patterson to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
The subject's wife advised that she had told the FBI her husband
worked in the building from which the President was killed
(1963 11/25) Abraham Zapruder Letter to C. D. Jackson of Life Magazine
Attachment 2 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum (jfk-info.com)
(1963 11/25) Andrews, Dean Jr. (National Archives Catalog)
(1963 11/26) FBI Director's Phone Log: 11/20/63 - 11/26/63 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/26) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
The body of the President was immediately taken to the National Naval Medical Center (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/26) Autopsy of Body of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Sibert and O'Neill FBI Report (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/26) FBI FD-302: SA James W. Anderton (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM ALLEN HARPER made this piece of bone available to SA JAMES W. ANDERTON
(1963 11/26) FBI/DPD inventory of 11/26/63 (WCV 24 pages 263-283)
(1963 11/26) FBI File: FERRIE, DAVID WILLIAM (archive.org)
(1963 11/26) Congressional Medal of Honor to John F. Kennedy (p. 6)
(1963 11/26) Profile in Courage: Mrs. John F. Kennedy (p. 13)
(1963 11/26) The Bitter Fruit of Hate (p. 13)
Congressional Record - House
(1963 11/26) Legislation Relating to Assault on President or Vice President (p. 2)
(1963 11/26) An Investigation Into the Circumstances Surrounding the Assassination of President Kennedy (p. 55)
(1963 11/26) Proposal to Make Assassination of President, Vice President, or Chief Justice a Federal Crime (p. 70)
(1963 11/26) Protection of Certain Elected Officials of the Government (p. 71)
(1963 11/26) Amendment of United States Code to Provide Penalties
For Assassination of Certain Elected Officials (p. 71)
(1963 11/26) The Character and Abilities of President Lyndon B. Johnson (p. 83)
Congressional Record - Senate
(1963 11/26) Statement of Attorney General Waggoner Carr: Purpose of Forthcoming Court of Inquiry (More)
(1963 11/26) Miami Police Informant Information on Milteer
(Intelligence Unit of the Miami Police Department) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 11/27) Gov. John Connally with Martin Agronsky (tsl.texas.gov)
(1963 11/27) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach recognized the tremendous task
which faced the Bureau in getting out the reports in this matter
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: DAVID WILLIAM FERRIE (SA Ernest C. Wall Jr. / SA Theodore R. Vaiter) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: WILLIAM GEORGE GAUDET (SA John William Miller) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: G. WRAY GILL, 1705 Pere Marquette Building (SA John W. Smith) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) Secret Service Field Report: John Richard Salisbury (SAIC Lane Bartram) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/27) Secret Service: Protective Research Report of 27 November 1963
(1963 11/27) CE 1126 George G. Burkley - Physician to the President
Report of my participation in the activities surrounding
the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/27) CE 1390 FBI report re records of U.S. Post Office, Dallas, Tex., pertaining to
Oswald's rental of post office boxes and changes of address (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/27) House resolution to create a joint committee of seven Senators and seven
Representatives to explore all facets of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (p. 6)
(1963 11/27) Investigation of the State Department Demanded, Whereas the dismissal of
Otto Otepka signaled the end of effective security in the Department of State (p. 8)
Congressional Record - House
(1963 11/28) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. SULLIVAN furnished the following questions to be resolved during the interview
(1963 11/28) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont
On the sixth floor in the room where the rifle and cartridge cases were located
one figure can be seen in the window (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/28) CE 1129 Statement to FBI: O. V. Campbell (history-matters.com)
(1963 11/28) Confidential: Statement of Hurchel Jacks, Texas Highway Patrolman, made on November 28, 1963
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Allen Dulles
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with J. Edgar Hoover
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Richard Russell
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Richard Russell - continued
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Hale Boggs
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Everett Dirksen
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Abe Fortas
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with John McCormack & Otto Passman
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with John Sherman Cooper
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Leslie C. Arends
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Charles Halleck
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Carl Albert
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Gerald Ford
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Joseph Alsop
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with James Eastland
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Thomas Dodd
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with Thomas Kuchel
(1963 11/29) Oval Office phone call with John A. McCone
(President Lyndon B. Johnson) (Steven Carter) (Videos)
(1963 11/29) Executive Order 11130 (President Lyndon Johnson)
Appointing a Commission to Report Upon the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
(1963 11/29) FBI Memorandum: John Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) FBI Memorandum: SAs Robert M. Barrett and Ivan D. Lee to SAC, DALLAS
questions concerning photographs taken at Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
OSWALD made the statement "So you are HOSTY. I've heard about you."
(1963 11/29) Statement to FBI: M. L. Baker, Patrolman Dallas Police Department (Version 1)
(1963 11/29) Statement to FBI: M. L. Baker, patrolman Dallas Police Department (Version 2)
(1963 11/29) Statement of Assistant Special Agent in Charge Roy H. Kellerman, United States Secret Service,
concerning his activities and official duties on November 22, 1963 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/29) LIFE Magazine - President John F. Kennedy - 1917 - 1963
(1963 11/30) Texas Attorney General's Report (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1963 11/30) Activities of this Special Agent in Dallas, Texas, on Friday, November 22, 1963
Andrew E. Berger - Special Agent - White House Detail (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/30) Statement of Special Agent Paul E. Landis, Jr., United States Secret Service,
concerning his activities and official duties on November 22, 1963 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/30) Statement of Special Agent Clinton J. Hill, United States Secret Service,
concerning his activities and official duties on November 22, 1963 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 11/30) FBI Airmail: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Information Obtained From The Texas Employment Commission and Resulting Contacts
with Firms Listed by OSWALD During Period of Unemployment in New Orleans
(1963 12/01) Statement of Special Agent David B. Grant (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/01) Statement of Special Agent Winston G. Lawson (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/02) Supplementary Report of Autopsy No. A63-272 - President John F. Kennedy
(J. J. Humes CDR, MC, USN) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/02) FBI Statement: James Darnell
(1963 12/02) CD 75 FBI DeBrueys Report re: Oswald/Russia
Current Section: E. Associates, Acquaintances, and Persons
In Contact with Subject In Past - David William Ferrie
(1963 12/02) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach advised that Chief Justice Warren had taken a
very strong position in opposition to the publication of the FBI report in this matter
(1963 12/02) DPD: V. J. Brian, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
JAMES HERBERT MARTIN (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1963 12/03) Transcript of Dallas Police Radio Transmissions (Dallas Police Department) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/03) CE 769 - Statement of Special Agent Lawson
concerning his official duties from November 4 to November 22, 1963 (history-matters.com)
(1963 12/03) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Justice Warren wants a high-level liaison man from any interested agency
(1963 12/04) Secret Service Field Report: information concerning Jack Ruby from Dallas
(SAIC Guy H. Spaman & SA Darwin D. Horn) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/04) FBI FD-302: James F. Morrissey (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview of JOHN E. DONOVAN, Former U.S. Marine Corps Section Commander
of LEE HARVEY OSWALD during the Period March, 1959 to September, 1959
(1963 12/10) FBI FD-302: San Antonio, Texas
Staff Sgt. JOHN EDWARD PIC, Air Force Serial Number AF 113113239
(1963 12/05) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/05) CE 2086 Statement to FBI: Mrs. Eric (Carolyn) Walther (history-matters.com)
(1963 12/05) FBI Memorandum: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont:
Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach advised the consensus of Commission members was that
it would be inadvisable to have a large number of witnesses to testify before the Commission
(1963 12/05) FBI FD-302: IC Leonard Lewis
OSWALD attended course entitled "Aircraft Control and Warning Operator"
(1963 12/05) CD 131 FBI Rushing Jr. Report of 06 Dec 1963 re: Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
FBI FD-302: IC Leonard Lewis
LEE H. OSWALD, Serial-Number 1653230, Marine attached Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
(1963 12/05) CIA Memorandum to File: Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS
PAINE, RUTH nee: HYDE aka: Mrs. Michael Paine
(1963 12/06) Certificate of Death: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(Theran Ward J.P.) (Dallas County) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/06) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Belmont
Mr. Katzenbach called me on the night of 12/5/63 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/06) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/06) LIFE Magazine December 6, 1963
Kennedy's Last Journey
(1963 12/07) Letter from Martha Joe Stroud to J. Lee Rankin re: Victoria Adams
(1963 12/08) Statement to SS: Roy Sansom Truly (Page 1)
(1963 12/08) Statement to SS: Roy Sansom Truly (Page 2)
CD 1 FBI Investigation of Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
(1963 12/09) Summary Report (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/09) Summary Report (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/09) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr:
Nick Katzenbach, the Deputy Attorney General, called me at 11:00 A. M., (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/10) FBI Memorandum: J. H. Gale to Mr. Tolson
Results of Findings Re Investigative Deficiencies: (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/10) FBI: Statement of David Ferrie (maryferrell.org)
(Witness: Regis L. Kennedy, SA) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/10) Melvin Belli takes over Jack Ruby case in Dallas, Texas (Video)
(1963 12/11) Final Survey Report: President's visit to Miami, Florida, on November 18, 1963
(White House Detail) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 12/11) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
My remark to Mr. SORRELS was made in such fashion that no one else might hear it
(1963 12/11) FBI Teletype: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
SA Hosty called Mr. SORRELS aside and told him there was more information
concerning OSWALD but he should get it through our Washington headquarters
(1963 12/11) DPD: W.S. Biggie, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway (texashistory.unt.edu)
Source states that SUBJECT had driven RUBY'S car several times
(1963 12/12) DoJ Memorandum: Robert Kennedy to Dean Rusk (nsarchive2.gwu.edu)
I believe it would be wise to remove restrictions for such travel
[to Cuba] in view of the special conditions prevailing there
(1963 12/12) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson Re: Mr. Lee Rankin
(1963 12/12) FBI Memorandum: John Edgar Hoover to [list] (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Lee Rankin called from New York to check in with me on the matter of the Commission
(1963 12/12) FBI Memorandum: C. D. Deloach to Mr. Mohr Re: Congressman Gerald R. (Gerry) Ford
(1963 12/13) Secret Service Investigation: Special Agent Anthony E. Gerrots (jfk.hood.edu)
Investigation disclosed that information furnished by Jack S. Martin to the effect that
David William Ferrie associated with Lee Harvey Oswald at New Orleans and trained
Oswald in the use of a rifle with a telescopic lens, also that Ferrie had visited Dallas
several weeks prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is without foundation
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: SA Furman G. Boggan
FRANK CARACI, Co-owner, Club 500, 500 Bourbon Street, advised
that he never met JACK LEON RUBY, but was aware of the fact that
RUBY was in New Orleans looking for dancers in about June, 1963
(1963 11/27) FBI FD-302: John W. Smith & Kevin J. Harrigan
ALFRED PECORARO, 1205 North Rampart Street, student at Louisiana State University, New Orleans
(1963 11/29) FBI FD-302: SA James Royce Prok
JESSE R. CORE, III, 3022 St. Charles Avenue, stated that he was presently
Director of the Jesse R. Core Public Relations Firm located in Room 211
International Trade Mart, 134 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
(1963 11/29) FBI FD-302: SA's Ernest C. Wall, Jr. & (illegible)
DAVID WILLIAM FERRIE was interviewed at his residence, 3330 Louisiana Avenue Parkway
(1963 12/16) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/16) After Action Report - President John F. Kennedy's Funeral
Military District of Washington, U. S. Army (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/17) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
I talked with Congressman Gerald Ford (R-Michigan) at his office at 1:45 this afternoon
(1963 12/17) FBI FD-302: Mr. LARMAR HUNT, 2969 Hinkley, telephone number EM 8-7708
(SA Lansing P. Logan) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/18) FBI FD-302: SA J. Dawson Van Epps (jfk.hood.edu)
LEE HARVET OSWALD listed as a reference Sergeant ROBERT HIDELL, active U. S. Marine Corps
(1963 12/19) FBI Memorandum: D. J. Brennan to W. C. Sullivan Re: Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/20) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr:
Pursuant to the Director's Instructions, I met with Senator Richard B. Russell (D-Ga.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/20) CD 197 FBI Report Re: Lee Harvey Oswald (SA David J. Reid) (maryferrell.org)
(1963 12/20) FBI FD-302: CONNIE TRAMMEL, 5109 Live Oak (Allen H. Smith) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/20) Letter from J. Lee Rankin to Francis W. H. Adams Re: Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/24) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
At the outset of the interview, when this writer was introduced to MARINA OSWALD,
she advised SA GOPADZE, the interpreter, that she had previously met this writer
(1963 12/25) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: Assassination Of The President (jfk.hood.edu)
(1963 12/27) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
(Ernie) Cuneo, before and after Pearson's articles appeared December 14 and
(illegible), 1963, attempted to disuade Pearson from writing such articles
(1963 12/30) RE: President's Visit to Miami, Fla. On November 18, 1963
(John A. Marshall - Special Agent in Charge) (cuban-exile.com)
(1963 12/31) Radio Propaganda Report (Incomplete)
Havana's Response to the Death of President Kennedy and Comment on the New Administration
(Foreign Broadcast Information Service) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 00/00) House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation
(Anne Braden, Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF)) (crmvet.org)
(1964 01/02) FBI Serial 100-16601-1A (jfk.hood.edu)
Photos of material received from Dallas Office on 11/27/63
(1964 01/02) FBI FD-302: Wallace R. Heitman (jfk.hood.edu)
Lieutenant Colonel BOYD advised that POWELL had stated he took this photograph
approximately 30 seconds after the last shot was fired on November 22, 1963
(1964 01/03) FBI Report: SA Dean N. Ray (CD 253) (maryferrell.org)
Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 01/03) FBI FD-302: Kenneth C Howe (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. RUTH PAINE, 2515 West 5th Street, Irving, Texas
(1964 01/03) FBI FD-302: George T. Binkey (CD 206) (jfk.hood.edu)
POWELL stated that he took the picture from across the street in a diagonal direction from
the Texas School Book Depository, and estimated the distance as approximately 100 feet
(1964 01/03) Dear Mr. (Earl) Warren: ... Sincerely yours, Glenn T. Seaborg (jfk.hood.edu)
The records of the Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Security,
have been examined, and we have no record of either of those individuals
(1964 01/06) FBI Airtel: SAC, El Paso to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed for Dallas are three verifax copies of a newspaper
article which appeared in the El Paso Herald Post
(1964 01/06) Secret Service Memorandum: SAIC, Osborne to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Croft stated that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had possession
of the pictures for about two weeks, and upon their return to him just two
days ago, he mailed them to his permanent home in Powell, Wyoming
(1964 01/15) Secret Service Memorandum: SAIC, Osborne to Chief
It is my opinion that these photographs have no value to us
(1964 02/05) Secret Service Memorandum: SAIC, Osborne to Chief
We are forwarding the color photographs of Mr. Earl Croft covering
the Presidential motorcade in Dallas on November 22, 1963
(1964 03/31) Secret Service Memorandum: Chief to SAIC, Osborne
Please express to Mr. Croft our appreciation for the use of these slides
(1964 04/20) Dear Mr. (Robert E.) Croft: ... Very truly yours, Rolland M. Osourne
Please accept our sincere thanks for your cooperation in making these slides available for our review
(1964 01/06) Dear (J.) Lee (Rankin): ... Sincerely, (Illegible) (jfk.hood.edu)
Income tax returns filed by Lee Harvey Oswald; his mother, Marguerite C. Oswald;
and his brother. Robert L. Oswald, for the period 1956 through 1962
(1964 01/06) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, James J. Rowley (jfk.hood.edu)
When the President was taken from the Presidential car (SS 100-X) into
the Parkland Hospital, the car remained at the emergency entrance of
the hospital under the supervision of Special Agent Samuel A. Kinney
(1964 01/07) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Atomic Energy Commission
referred to me by Assistant Attorney General Miller
(1964 01/08) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
When the true facts concerning his activities are presented, such should be enough, if handled
properly, to take him off his pedestal and to reduce him completely in influence so that he will no
longer be a security problem and no longer will be deceiving and misleading the Negro people
(0000 00/00) Anonymous letter found in files of Mr. Sullivan:
King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is.
(1964 01/08) Secret Service Report Re: Oswald (CD 87) (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/08) 181. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Brazilian Affairs (Burton))
to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Mann)
The Position of the Military in Brazil (FRUS)
(1964 01/09) FBI Memorandum: SA's John T. Kesler and Vernon Mitchem to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
GARTH W. BALL, 110 Barnett, Dallas, Texas, an employee of Oak Cliff Cab Company, Dallas, Texas
(1964 01/09) Dear Mr. (James J.) Rowley: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
I suggest that we postpone for now the question of whether
a representative of the Commission should examine the windshield
presently stored in the Secret Service storeroom at the White House garage
(1964 01/10) FBI FD-302: Special Agent George T. Binney (jfkassassination.net)
Mrs. Lillian Mooneyham - Dealey Plaza Witness
(1964 01/10) Dear (J.) Lee (Rankin): ... Sincerely, J. Edgar Hoover(jfk.hood.edu)
Through arrangements worked out with Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman
of the Atomic Energy Commission, work is already in progress applying
this technique to certain phases of the current investigation
(1964 01/13) FBI Investigation of Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963
Supplemental Report (CD 107) (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/14) FBI FD-302: John T. Kesler, Vernon Mitchem (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/14) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
The means by which information acquired by this Agency, should be made known to
the Commission appointed by President Johnson in order that its needs may be met
(1964 01/16) CIA Memorandum: CIA Work in Support of the Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/16) FBI Memorandum: Mr. J. F. Bland to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Give to Rankin summary on Mark Lane, N. Y. lawyer who has been
retained by Mrs. Oswald to represent Oswald before Warren Commission
Summary: MARK LANE
(1964 01/16) CIA Memorandum: Tennent E. Bagley to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Angleton said that Mr. Dulles, apparently provoked by press accusations
that the Warren Commission has been dilatory, asked CIA for suggestions of
questions or requests to be included in a letter to the Soviet Government
(1964 01/21) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/21) FBI Memorandum: FBI Dallas to FBI Tampa (jfk.hood.edu)
Locate and interview HENRY THOMAS KILLAN re his association with RUBY
(1964 01/21) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to SAC, Minneapolis (jfk.hood.edu)
The film obtained by Minneapolis from JOHN MARTIN was viewed at the
New Orleans Office and was found to contain nothing of value to this case
(1964 01/21) Secret Service Investigation: Harold S. Thoma (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, Hollywood Colonial Hotel, 730 N. Western Avenue, Hollywood, California
(1964 01/21) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/20) Draft: To be submitted to Govt of USSR
The Commission of Investigation into the facts and circumstances of
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 22 November 1963, has:
(1964 01/22) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/22) Secret Service Memorandum: Agent Sorrels to Inspector Melley
Re: Zapruder Film of the Assassination of President Kennedy
Attachment 10 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum (jfk-info.com)
(1964 01/23) Dear Mr. (Mark) Lane; ...Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission does not believe that it would be useful or desirable
to permit an attorney representing Lee Harvey Oswald to have access
to the investigative materials within the possession of the Commission
or to participate in any hearings to be conducted by the Commission
(1964 01/23) Sirs: ... Bob K. Carroll (jfk.hood.edu)
Two weeks prior to the assassination of President of the United Sates John F. Kennedy, SUBJECT
made application for employment at the Allright Parking System, 1208 Commerce Street
(1964 01/24) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds (CD 405) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. ANTHONY ATZENHOFFER, JR., known as Tony, 3029 Albert Street
(1964 01/28) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds
Mr. JOSEPH THOMPSON, 6434 Vicksburg Street, United States Air Force Reserve
(1964 01/30) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds
Lieutenant GEORGE PIAZZA, 539 Henry Clay Avenue
(1964 01/28) FBI FD-302: SA John T. Reynolds
The 1954-55 New Orleans city Directory lists THOMAS
MCKIBBEN, 1840 Colapisa Street, Meterie, Louisiana
(1964 01/24) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Conner (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/24) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. T. Rodale (jfk.hood.edu)
I think it is very important we get down to the question of diet in connection with crime
(1964 01/24) Dear Mrs. (Lee Harvey) Oswald: ... Sincerely yours, J. T. Rodale
I am wondering if you could tell me exactly what was the diet of your husband
(1964 02/04) Dear Mr. (J. T.) Rodale: ... Sincerely yours, Helen W. Gandy
He instructed me to return your letter addressed to Mrs. Oswald
(1964 01/27) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 01/27) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Due to lack of productivity, [____________] covering the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference Office, 312 West 125th Street, New York City, was discontinued at 4:00 PM, 1/24/64
(1964 01/27) FBI FD-302: Milton R. Kaack (CD 405) (jfk.hood.edu)
MORRIS GOLDSTEIN, Executive Vice-president, Goldring's 810 Canal Street
(1964 01/27) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Laboratory had only two cameras; one a Siera Realist, A60979, American made camera,
item #378, and Cuera-2 camera, serial #627250, which they think may be a Russian camera
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC Dallas
The inventory prepared for the Dallas Police Department on 11/26/63 reflects item 375 as follows:
(1964 01/27) DPD: R.W. Westphal, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/27) Miami PD Intelligence Memorandum: Gus Zenoz to Chas. H. Sapp (jfk.hood.edu)
Officer A. Bared came by the Intelligence Unit and reported that subject
[GUILLERMO ALVAREZ GONZALEZ] had contacted him during his tour of duty last night
(1964 01/28) DPD: F. A. Hellinghausen, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
MADELYN ROGERS BLAYNEY (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) DPD: V. J. Brian, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
DORIS PAT WARNER (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) DPD: H.M. Hart, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
The cumulative record from the FORT WORTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS
is included as enclosure # 1 (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) DPD: H.M. Hart, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
Beedle C. York aka Joe York (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
The meeting was to consider information now available as a result of
investigation relating to Oswald's activities in foreign countries
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: L. J. Gauthier to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission's legal staff, Messrs. Joseph Ball, David Belin, Melvin Eisenberg
and Norman Redlich visually examined the Zapruder and Nix movies from
10:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. on 1/27/64
(1964 01/28) FBI FD-302: John T. Reynolds (CD 405) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. DAVE FERRIE, 3330 Louisiana Parkway, advised that he recalled
MCKIBBEN and, since mentioning his name before, he is not sure whether
MCKIBBEN was in the Civil Air Patrol at the same time as OSWALD
(0000 00/00) JFK 62-109060 Serial 4199 EBF Part 3 - Zapruder Film Notes (FBI) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 01/29) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Milwaukee Bureau has directed that efforts should be made to
trace camera as to where and how Oswald obtained camera
(1964 01/29) FBI FD-302: SAs Kenneth P. Pettijohn and Patrick J. Fletcher (CD 400) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. VIRGIL (WILMA) DYKES, 1038 South Whitcomb, Indianapolis, Indiana
(1964 01/30) FBI Teletype: SAC, Dallas to SAC, New York (jfk.hood.edu)
Ascertain if it would have been necessary for Oswald to have declared this camera
(1964 01/30) FBI 304: SA David J. Reid (CD 404) (maryferrell.org)
U.S. Secret Service, El Paso, Texas, advised that Mrs. MARINA OSWALD
said she did not know RICHARD CASE NAGELL and had never seen him
(1964 01/31) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Bureau would like the following numbered photographs shown to MARINA OSWALD today:
1 through 43
44 through 64
65, 70, 276, 287, 367, 368, 369, 370
(1964 01/31) FBI Airtel: Director to SAC, Portland (jfk.hood.edu)
This film includes a few shots of subject at the time of his arrest in
August, 1963, for distributing FPCC literature and creating a disturbance
(1964 01/31) FBI Inventory of Property: 1 Minox III camera, SN 27259 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/00) Commission Memorandum: Mr. David W. Slawson to Mr. Howard P. Willens (jfk.hood.edu)
The State Department feels that the Russians will not answer a letter
of this, kind, at least not truthfully, and that it will also do positive
harm in that they will take offense at our sending it to them
(1964 02/03) WC Testimony: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Feb. 3-4-5-6
(J. Lee Rankin, John Thorne, William Krimer, Leon Gopadze,
Justice Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 02/03) Outline of Marina Oswald's Monday, Feb. 3, 1964 Testimony (Mae Brussell)
(1964 02/04) Outline of Marina Oswald's Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1964 Testimony (Mae Brussell)
(1964 02/03) FBI Memorandum: R. H. Jevons to Mr. Conrad (jfk.hood.edu)
On 2/2/64, the clothing worn by Oswald at the time he was shot
by Jack Ruby was brought to the Laboratory by SA Vincent E. Drain
(1964 02/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Allegation that SA HOSTY's name, telephone number and his car license number
with one digit off were found among the effects of LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 02/03) Secret Service Investigation: SA Roger C. Warner (CD 354) (jfk.hood.edu)
Pierce Allman (person believed to be one mentioned by Lee Harvey
Oswald as identifying himself as Secret Service Agent at Texas
School Book Depository immediately following assassination)
(1964 02/04) FBI FD-302: Paul L. Scott (jfk.hood.edu)
RICHARD RANDOLPH CARR, 738 North Bishop, Dallas
(1964 02/04) DPD: P. M. Parks, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
(1964 02/04) Secret Service Memorandum: Charles E. Kunkel (jfk.hood.edu)
H. G. Joiner interviewed and advised that L. H. Oswald came to him
at the Lone Star Cadillac Building, Dallas, Texas, seeking employment
(1964 02/05) FBI Oswald, Lee Harvey File: Vol. III 1/15 to 2/5 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/05) CIA Memorandum: Recent Soviet Statements on Lee Harvey Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/06) FBI Memorandum: F. J. Baumgardner to W. C. Sullivan Re: LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/06) FBI Airtel: SAC, New York to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
A proposed tour of MARK LANE under the sponsorship of the "National Guardian"
(1964 02/07) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Dulles did make one or two statements which may be of interest
(1964 02/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New Orleans to File (jfk.hood.edu)
At no time during the interview did OSWALD indicate why he wanted to talk to
an FBI Agent and OSWALD was not specifically questioned in this regard since
MARTELLO had previously stated that OSWALD desired to talk to an FBI Agent
(1964 02/07) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
I then went to Senator Dick Russell's Office and upon seeing him mentioned that it was understood
that he was cognizant of the false allegation that Oswald had once been an FBI informant
(1964 02/07) FBI File: Louie Louie (archive.org)
(1964 02/10) FBI Memorandum: Mr. Branigan to Mr. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
"The Nation" article for 1-27-64
(1964 02/10) DPD: P. M. Parks, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 02/11) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Branigan to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
We now have affidavits from all the Special Agents who handled
interviews or other pertinent investigation in the Oswald matter
(1964 02/11) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark, ASAC to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Inspection by the Laboratory reveals the Ansco Flash Attachment
does not fit either of the cameras belonging to OSWALD
(1964 02/13) FBI URGENT to Director from DALLAS (jfk.hood.edu)
William Alexander, Assistant District Attorney, Dallas County, Texas
(1964 02/13) Secret Service Investigation: Thomas J. Behl (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Josephine Kennedy, aka Kelly has placed telephone calls to this office on numerous occasions
(1964 02/13) Secret Service Investigation: SA Charles E. Kunkel (CD 444) (jfk.hood.edu)
H. G. Joiner interviewed and advised that L. H. Oswald came to him at
the Lone Star Cadillac Building, Dallas, Texas, seeking employment
(1964 02/13) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Paine advised that the camera and flash equipment are her property
(1964 02/14) FBI Memorandum: W. R. Wannall to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Tapes are addressed to "State Senator Claude Pepper", are poorly prepared and
contain rambling, disjointed, and sometimes unintelligible material apparently
prepared by subject and several unidentified individuals on variety of subjects
(1964 02/18) Report of Proceedings Held at Washington, Tuesday, January 21, 1964 (Excerpt)
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
(1964 02/18) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC (jfk.hood.edu)
Letter From President's Commission - Dated 2/16/64
(1964 02/18) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC
ROBERT OSWALD found out about it and he was complaining about her
staying here in Washington and practically ordered her back to Dallas
(1964 02/18) (Captain W. P. Gannaway) Sir: ... Respectfully submitted, F. A. Hellinghausen (jfk.hood.edu)
SUBJECT resides at 303 N. Forest Crest, Garland, Texas
(1964 02/18) (Captain W. P. Gannaway) Sir: ... Respectfully submitted, T. T. Wardlaw (jfk.hood.edu)
SUBJECT is employed as Program Director by Radio Station WFAA
(1964 02/19) General Observations Re Mrs. Marguerite Oswalds Appearances
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/19) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. SULLIVAN was advised that OSWALD's attorney had stated that due
to her fatigued condition, he requested that she not be interviewed
any more until his return from Washington, D. C., Friday, the 21st
(1964 02/19) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas
Mr. SULLIVAN requested that he be telephonically advised as to the results
of the interview of MARINA prior to submission of the teletype summary
(1964 02/20) WC Testimony: Robert Edward Lee Oswald
(J. Lee Rankin, Albert Jenner, Wesley Liebeler, William McKenzie, Leon Jaworski,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 02/21) LIFE Magazine February 21, 1964
Lee Oswald (Backyard photo)
(1964 02/21) Commission Memorandum: Norman Redlich to J. Lee Rankin
The areas in which I am working are as follows: (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 02/21) FBI Memorandum: Bardwell D. Odum to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
RANKIN had learned through WILLIAM A. McKENZIE, Attorney for ROBERT
OSWALD, that JIM MARTIN, in the last two or three years reportedly has
[ ]
(1964 02/22) FBI Memorandum: Robert P. Gemberling to SAC, Dallas
Memo instructs that all available background information concerning JAMES HERBERT
MARTIN, former Business Manager for MARINA OSWALD, be obtained
(1964 02/22) FBI Memorandum: Inspector J. N. Malley to SAC, Dallas
No official investigation is to be conducted, but rather discreet inquiries
(1964 02/21) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms, ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Your memorandum to me in regard to information developed by the CIA on the
activity of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City, September 23 to October 3, 1963
(1964 02/22) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
The Bureau has instructed that additional information concerning the scar on
OSWALD's left wrist be obtained, such as statements of observation by police
or others, including the undertakers, and copies if reports, such as an autopsy
(1964 02/24) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Paragraph 5 regarding some evident scars, etc. on the hands and wrists
of OSWALD and the possibility of requesting exhumation of OSWALD
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
Asst. Director WILLIAM SULLIVAN called at 5:40 PM today to
inquire as to the status of interview of MARINA OSWALD today
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
I advised Mr. BRANNIGAN that Attorney McKENZIE arrived back in
Dallas late Saturday, but that he would not permit us to interview
MARINA until 1:30 PM today, that one of the children was sick, etc.;
(1964 02/24) FBI FD-302: SA John W. Roberts Jr., Dennis W. Shanahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. HAROLD E. MC DERMID, Attorney, 123 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Examination of the address book reveals that certain information
has been omitted at this point in your report
(1964 02/24) FBI FD-302: SA John W. Roberts, Jr., SA Dennis W. Shanahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. HAROLD E. McDERMID, Attorney, 123 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois
(1964 02/24) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Requesting details as to the reason material from subject-s address
book pertaining to SA Hosty was not included at the time the other
information from subject-s address book was set forth in a report
(1964 02/24) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Inspector SIZOO advised the Director has been in conference with
Mr. RANKIN of the Commission, and the following action is desired:
(1964 02/26) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File
The following is the fisur schedule in connection with
MARINA OSWALD, which supersedes the previous schedule
(1964 02/25) Oval Office phone call: LBJ to Robert McNamara (Video)
I always thought it was foolish for you to make any statements about withdrawing
(orerreugsabes) (Youtube)
(1964 02/25) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Congressman Ford requested that the Commission ascertain the circumstances under which a
photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, shown with a rifle and a revolver, was released to the press
(1964 02/25) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Bucknell told Wick today that "Life" magazine purchased the
photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald shown with a rifle and a revolver
(which appears on "Life" cover of 2-21-64) from Mrs. Marina Oswald
(1964 02/25) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Transmitted herewith are original and three copies of affidavit of SA Robert P. Gemberling
(1964 02/25) Affidavit: Robert P. Gemberling
The identity of Special Agent HOSTY was known to both
Special Agent KESLER and myself and was not lead information
(1964 02/25) FBI FD-302: SA Chester C. Orton (jfk.hood.edu)
Miss PAMELA LILLIAN MUMFORD furnished the following information:
(1964 02/25) FBI Memorandum: William (Bill) Branigan to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Have Dallas Detectives determine the date that NIXON was supposed to come
to Dallas to receive this Good Citi[zenship] Award or whatever he was to get
(1964 02/25) Commission Memorandum: J. Lee Rankin To the Staff: (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission made the following announcement today:
(1964 02/26) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
BRANNIGAN asked how do we account for the story, and he was told that
perhaps it was somebody else, or a figment of her (MARINA'S) imagination
(1964 02/27) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to All Senior Resident Agents (jfk.hood.edu)
On February 26, 1964, the Bureau advised that the President's Commission had
requested that the Bureau obtain recordings of the entire meetings or appearances
in which attorney MARK LANE and Mrs. MARGUERITE OSWALD participate
(1964 02/27) Commission Memorandum: Howard P. Willens to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
I believe that Mr. Lane's testimony should be obtained at this time for the following reasons:
(1964 02/28) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
MELVIN BELLI knew from reliable sources that RUBY had been an informant
for eight weeks, and OSWALD an informant of the FBI for thirteen weeks
(1964 02/29) FBI Teletype: Dallas to New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
Immediately exhibit photographs of OSBOURNE-BOWEN to MYRA
SILVER and other logical personnel of Jones Printing Company
(1964 03/00) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #1 (See 1970 11/30)
(Richard Neustadt) (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 03/03) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Griffin to Mr. Willens (jfk.hood.edu)
We have come across at least three persons who have been
mistaken for Oswald, Larry Crafard, (fnu) Ford, (fnu) Farrow
(1964 03/04) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The articles primarily deal with the claim by Buchanan that Oswald was an informant of the FBI
(1964 03/06) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
Jerry O'Leary of the "Star" had stated Buchanan formerly worked for the "Star" and is now in Paris
(1964 03/07) FBI Press Release
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover today issued a public denial that Lee Harvey
Oswald, accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, and Jack L. Ruby,
accused murder of Oswald, ever served as confidential informants of the FBI
(1964 03/04) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert O. Murphy to SAC, Chicago (jfk.hood.edu)
A meeting sponsored by Chicago Friends of the National
Guardian held on the evening of February 13, 1964
(1964 03/05) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
[MR. WILLIAM A. MCKENZIE] stated that he did not want to take
a chance of becoming involved with any unpleasantness with the
Commission over information that he might be furnishing the Bureau
(1964 03/05) Secret Service Investigation: George V. Sheaks (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, Calif.
(1964 03/05) Questions for SS Men at the Scene (Greer, Kellerman, Hill & Youngblood)
Suggested Questions for Mrs. Ruth Paine, March 17, 1964
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 03/06) Check List of Questions Raised by Mark Lane March 4, 1964
(Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 03/06) FBI FD-302: Ewald I. Carlson (jfk.hood.edu)
Source overheard conversation between two unsubs apparently discussing OSWALD
(1964 03/06) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. (Jones) Harris believed the figure of an individual standing in
the doorway of this building was identical with Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 03/07) FBI FD-302: Inspector Kelley (CD 486) (jfk.hood.edu)
I talked to Mary Ann Moorman 2832 Ripplewood, Dallas, Texas
(1964 03/07) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. DeLoach's Office advised that the attached release was made available to Jerry Leary,
Associated Press and United Press International, at approximately 4:45 p.m., 3-7-64
(1964 03/08) Commission Memorandum: Norman Redlich to Messers. Ball, Belin, Griffin, Stern (jfk.hood.edu)
There seems to be considerable uncertainty as to the precise lead which
caused the Dallas police to go to Oswald's rooming house at 1025 N. Beckley
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: Roy H. Kellerman, Special Agent, Secret Service
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: William Robert Greer, Special Agent, Secret Service
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: Clinton J. Hill, Special Agent, Secret Service
(1964 03/09) WC Testimony: Rufus Wayne Youngblood, Special Agent, Secret Service
(Norman Redlich, Arlen Specter, Walter Craig, Charles Murray, Fred Smith,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Three sets of slides (27 slides in each set) and five sets of photographic
prints (27 slides in each set) made at the time of the autopsy on the body
of Oswald by Dr. Earl Forrest Rose, Dallas County Medical Examiner
(1964 03/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
Identity of Source: [____________] who has furnished reliable information in past (conceal)
(1964 03/09) FBI Memorandum: W. D. Griffith to I. W. Conrad (jfk.hood.edu)
Life Magazine had offered, to make available slides
(1964 03/09) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Howard P. Willens to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Helms stated that our first request gives CIA certain unspecified problems
(1964 03/10) WC Testimony: Robert Hill Jackson
(Joseph Ball, David Belin, Norman Redlich, Arlen Specter, Edward Wright,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Gerald Ford) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/10) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (CE 2455) (jfk.hood.edu)
The deposits found on the paraffin casts from the hands and cheek
of Oswald could not be specifically associated with the rifle cartridges
(1964 03/11) FBI FD-302: IC Richard D. Allen (jfk.hood.edu)
Your telegram 23rd LEE OSWALD, City Hall delivered to
Chief of Police. This is as far as our messenger allowed to go.
(1964 03/11) FBI FD-302: James P. Morrisey (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview set forth of [____________] re her feeling that [____________] a member of an international
Marxist conspiracy, and some connection between OSWALD, PAGES, and JACK RUBY
(1964 03/11) FBI Letterhead: (jfk.hood.edu)
On 3/12/64 [____________], who has furnished reliable information in the past,
personally provided a typewritten statement to SA WILLIAM S. BETTS
(1964 03/11) A Public Inquiry Into The Oswald Case with Mark Lane
(1964 03/11) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert J. Deneen to SAC J. Gordon Shanklin (jfk.hood.edu)
Reinterview JEAN HILL to ascertain whether she is a teacher and to determine how
many shots she heard, as well as any other additional information she may possess
(1964 03/12) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
Another matter has come to the Bureau's attention relative to your office's handling
of information from these highly sensitive sources which necessitates further
evaluation of your office's administrative handling of captioned investigation
(1968 04/09) FBI: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, during the period he was Attorney General,
not only approved recommendations for electronic surveillances
but he initially requested such coverage. These are the facts:
(1964 03/12) FBI FD-302: SA Milton R. Kaack (CD 652) (jfk.hood.edu)
JOHN D. LE BLANC, Manager Piggly Wiggly Store, 7041 Canal Boulevard
(1964 03/12) FBI FD-302: SA Milton R. Kaack
Telephone number 529-7181
(1964 03/12) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (history-matters.com)
Account of the interview conducted by the President's Commission
of Baltimore Agents James W. Sibert and Francis X. O'Neill, Jr.,
by Commission Staff Member Arlen Spector
(1964 03/12) Commission Memorandum: President's Commission to CIA (jfk.hood.edu)
Certain Questions Posed by the State Department Files
(1964 03/12) Commission Memorandum: Burt W. Griffin to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Concerning the testimony of Earlene Roberts, we met on Saturday March 7th
with Mr. Redlich, Mr. Slawson, Mr. Willens, Mr. Eisenberg and Mr. Ely
(1964 03/12) CIA Memorandum: For the Record (jfk.hood.edu)
On 12 March 1964, Mr. Helms, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Rocca met with Mr. Rankin, Chief
Counsel for the Warren Commission. Mr. Willems, and other members of Mr. Rankin's staff
(1964 03/13) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Burt W. Griffin to All Staff Members (jfk.hood.edu)
Oswald's description as obtained from the autopsy includes the following:
(1964 03/13) FBI FD-302: SA Arthur E. Carter (jfk.hood.edu)
Doctor KARL DOCKERY advised he spells his name with a "K" instead of a "C"
(1964 03/13) FBI FD-302: SA Arthur E. Carter
Mr. C. J. PRICE, Administrator, Parkland Memorial
Hospital, telephone number ME 2-5050, Dallas, Texas
(1964 03/13) FBI Memorandum: SA Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC J. Gordon Shanklin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Dno-lens Imperial Reflex camera which was furnished
to this Bureau by ROBERT OSWALD on February 24, 1964
(1964 03/14) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
We should secure everything that ROBERT OSWALD has that belongs
to MARINA or LEE HARVEY OSWALD and forward same to the Bureau
(1964 03/15) FBI FD-302: RNQ (CE 2897) (jfk.hood.edu)
A 1961 or 1962 red and white Chevrolet Impala, bearing Texas License No. PW 2958
(1964 03/16) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 03/16) FBI FD-302: SA Edwin Dalrymple (CD 738) (jfk.hood.edu)
Los Angeles sources noted person in photo resembled Subject LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 03/16) 84. Memorandum From the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the President
South Vietnam (FRUS)
(1964 03/17) National Security Action Memorandum Number 288 (President Lyndon B. Johnson)
Implementation of South Vietnam Programs (fas.org)
(1964 03/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
A meeting sponsored by the "National Guardian" was held at Town Hall,
113-123 West 43rd Street, New York City on Tuesday Feb 18, 1964
(1964 03/18) "I, Mrs. R. E. (Carolyn) Arnold..." (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 03/18) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
It is not felt that the increased sensitivity of neutron activation analyses would
contribute substantially to the understanding of the origin of this hole and frayed area
(1964 03/18) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The following persons bear a close physical resemblance
to and appear to have been mistaken for Lee Harvey Oswald:
(1964 03/24) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover
Positive identifications of Oswald in improbable places
(1964 03/18) Statement to FBI: William H. Shelly (CE 1381) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/19) Statement to FBI: Billy Nolan Lovelady (CE 1381) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/20) FBI Memorandum: SA Arthur E. Carter to SAC Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. [C. J.] PRICE said he was merely advising the FBI so they would
be aware that the Commission is conducting an independent investigation
(1964 03/20) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (CD 557) (jfk.hood.edu)
Information pertaining to photographs made at Parkland
Memorial Hospital of Oswald while he was in surgery
(1964 03/04) Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged suicide attempt (CD 557a)
(1964 03/21) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(1964 03/21) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(Albert Jenner, Norman Redlich) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/23) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(Albert Jenner) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/23) Commission Memorandum: Norman Redlich to Messers. Ball, Belin, Craig (jfk.hood.edu)
There are several alternative explanations for the movements of the west elevator
(1964 03/24) Statement to FBI: O. V. Campbell (CE 1887) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/24) FBI 304: SAC, New York to SAC Atlanta (jfk.hood.edu)
The principal speakers for the evening and their pertinent remarks follow:
(1964 03/24) FBI FD-302: Charles T. Brown, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. MARY ANN MOORMAN 2832 Ripplewood, made available the following
described photographs taken by her with a Polaroid camera on November 22, 1963:
(1964 03/25) WC Testimony: DPD Detective Lt. Don Ray Archer (Leon Hubert) (history-matters.com)
(1964 03/25) WC Testimony: Mrs. Robert A. Reid (David Belin) (jfkassassination.net)
(1964 03/25) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
BAREFOOT SANDERS telephonically advised 10:15 AM this date that he had received a call from
Mr. JOHN MARTIN, JR., Superintendent of Training, U. S. Post Office Terminal Annex, Dallas
(1964 03/25) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
ASAC Clark stated that Martin, like many others, is apparently now "recalling" pertinent
facts in view of the presence of staff members of the President's Commission in Dallas
(1964 03/25) DoJ Memorandum: Barefoot Sanders to Mr. Hubert (jfk.hood.edu)
I have arranged for the Dallas F.B.I. office to interview Martin today
(1964 03/26) WC Testimony: DPD Reserve Officer Kenneth Hudson Croy (Burt Griffin) (jfkassassination.net)
(1964 03/26) Statement to FBI: O. V. Campbell (CE 1965) (aarclibrary.org)
(1964 03/26) FBI Letterhead: (CD 729a) (jfk.hood.edu)
[Mr. Aurelien] Channe was unable to name anyone who could furnish definite information
regarding OSWALD's possible appearance in Montreal apart from [____________]
(1964 03/29) Copy of material at the Gerald R. Ford Library (jfk.hood.edu)
General information We need to know from FBI
Questions to FBI re New Orleans Fair Play for Cuba Incidents
Questions to FBI re Mexican visit of Oswald
Questions to FBI re Oswald being agent
Questions to FBI re Oswald-Ruby Possible Connections
Questions to FBI re Oswald and his Marine Corps history
Questions to FBI re Oswald and his monetary income
(1964 03/30) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
"The Washington Daily News" of 3-28-64, in a feature entitled "In The Offing," which
is a "weekly size-up" of Washington news, reported that captioned individual [LEON
JAWORSKI], a long-time friend of President Johnson, may be the next Attorney General
(1964 03/30) Commission Memorandum: John Hart Ely to Messers. Jenner and Liebeler (jfk.hood.edu)
Selected New Orleans Witnesses covering 1939-44, 1954-56
(1964 03/30) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Jackie Kennedy has invited the captioned individual, a professor at Wesleyan University,
to do a book regarding the pertinent six days concerning the President's assassination
(1964 04/24) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The Director indicated that he would not meet with Manchester in view of the false allegations
mentioned by Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach to the Warren Commission indicating
that information had been "leaked" by the FBI concerning our investigation of the assassination
(1964 03/30) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (jfk.hood.edu)
At approximately 8:50 a.m., Mr. KEN HOWE, Dallas, furnished the following answers to questions
(1964 03/31) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
According to the publication, "Contemporary Authors,"
Manchester was born on 4-1-22 in Attleboro, Massachusetts
(1964 03/31) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (CD 702) (jfk.hood.edu)
There are enclosed pertinent excerpts from the "Manual of Instructions"
and the "FBI Handbook" which constitute instructions to FBI personnel
K. Threats Against The President Of The United States, Members Of
His Immediate Family, The President-Elect, And The Vice-President
1. Violations Within The Jurisdiction Of Other Federal Agencies
(1963 12/19) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC Albany
Dissemination of Information to U.S. Secret Service
(1964 02/19) FBI Letterhead: Very truly yours, John Edgar Hoover
(A) Protection of the President
(1964 03/31) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. Thomas L. Hughes (jfk.hood.edu)
Identifying, if possible, the 'elderly American' Lee Harvey OSWALD
encountered while hospitalized in the USSR in October of 1959
(1964 02/10) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. Thomas L. Hughes
"An elderly American at the hospital grew suspicious about me for some reason"
(1964 03/31) Kurt H. Debus Oral History Interview - JFK
(Walter D. Sohier / Eugene M. Emme) (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 04/00) HANDBOOK for Freedom Army Recruits
(SCLC) (crmvet.org)
(1964 04/01) WC Testimony: Clifton M. Shasteen (Albert Jenner) (jfkassassination.net)
(1964 04/01) WC Testimony: Malcolm O. Couch (David Belin) (history-matters.com)
(1964 04/01) FBI Report: Peggy Joyce Hawkins (CD 897) (history-matters.com)
(1964 04/01) FBI Memorandum: Kenneth C. Howe to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
BAREFOOT SANDERS called and then put Mr. Liebler
(Phonetic) of the President's Commission on the phone
(1964 04/02) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
Did we or did we not establish that OSWALD has a gun repaired at the Irving Gun Shop?
(1964 04/01) FBI Airtel: SAC, San Antonio to SAC, Miami (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/01) FBI Memorandum: Supervisor Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Bureau officials are holding their final meeting this afternoon
on the "30 Questions"
(1964 04/01) FBI Memorandum: Supvr. Leon M. Gaskill to SAC, New Orleans (jfk.hood.edu)
DECKER was telephonically advised that when SA DE BRUEYS submitted his report concerning
the Fair Play for Cuba Committee on 10/25/63 the report was submitted in SA KAACK's absence
(1964 04/01) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, [FBI-Unsigned] (jfk.hood.edu)
Listing of interviews previously conducted and furnished to you
of individuals on or near the triple overpass on November 22, 1963
(1964 04/01) Secret Service Investigation: John H. Grimes, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, California
(1964 04/02) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer (CD 709) (jfk.hood.edu)
JOHN MARTIN, JR., Superintendent of Safety, Room 517, United
States Post Office Terminal Annex, 207 South Houston Street
(1964 04/02) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, (Unsigned) (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning the room at 1026 North Beckley Street,
Dallas, Texas, which was occupied by Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 04/02) Evelyn N. Lincoln Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1974 07/18) Evelyn N. Lincoln Oral History Interview - JFK #2
(1964 04/03) FBI Memorandum: SA Harold M. Ratchford to SAC (100-44403) (jfk.hood.edu)
On March 11, 1964, the Friends of the National Guardian held a public meeting at
the Philadelphia Ethical Society House, 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
(1964 04/03) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
FRED O'SULLIVAN, 413 Heritage, was recontacted and reiterated
that he had formerly attended Beauregard Junior High School in
New Orleans, Louisiana, during the school year 1954-1955
(1964 04/07) President's Commission On The Assassination Of President Kennedy
Deposition of FREDERICK S. O'SULLIVAN (Wesley J. Liebeler)
(1964 04/03) (Dean Rusk) Sir: ... Very truly yours, Harry W. Geiglein (jfk.hood.edu)
This Service is conducting an official investigation into the activities and background
of Josephine Patricia Kennedy, who has aliases of Lydia Lewis Fostini, Lydia Lewis
Hamill and Maragret Girosi Killo, and who has claimed her date of birth variously as
October 31, 1924, at Norfolk, Virginia, and July 25, 1935 at Hull, Massachusetts
(1964 04/04) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor (jfk.hood.edu)
Interviews of NATHANIEL WEYL, Delray Beach, Fla., and JOHN V. MARTINO,
Miami Beach, Fla., co-authors of the book, "I Was CASTRO's Prisoner"
(1964 03/20) FBI FD-302: Special Agents James J. O'Connor and George E. Davis, Jr.
Mr. WEYL stated that he, himself, had no firsthand information concerning LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 04/02) FBI FD-302: Special Agent James J. O'Connor
Mr. CARLOS VALDES FAULI, a Cuban exile living at 2000 S. W. 24th Street, Miami, Florida
(1964 03/16) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor
Mrs. JOHN MARTINO, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida
(1964 03/25) FBI FD-302: SA James J. O'Connor
(1964 03/24) FBI FD-302: SA James J. O'Connor
Mr. JOHN V. MARTINO, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida
(1964 04/02) FBI FD-302: Special Agent James J. O'Connor
Mr. JOHN V. MARTINO, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida
(1964 04/04) Robert S. McNamara Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 04/06) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Bureau (jfk.hood.edu)
October fifteen, sixtythree - "Running Man" Please Call Me Please! Please! Lee
(1964 04/06) Secret Service Investigation: John W. Grimes, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1029-103 St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California
(1964 04/06) Commission Memorandum: W. David Slawson to Leon Hubert, Burt Griffin (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Silvia Odio, 1816A West Davis Street, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/06) Dear Mr. Pemberton: ... Sincerely, Earl Warren (jfk.hood.edu)
1. Will Mr. Craig have the right to call witnesses and
recall those witnesses who have already appeared? Yes.
(1964 04/06) Dear Mr. (Walter E.) Craig ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Regarding depositions currently being taken by members of the Commission staff in Dallas
(1964 04/06) WC Testimony: Marvin Johnson
(David Belin)
(1964 04/07) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC J. Gordon Shanklin (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning the organization of a corporation called
Dallas Cinema Associates Corporation, P. 0. Box 15521, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/07) FBI Memorandum: SA William S. Betts to SAC (100-44403) (jfk.hood.edu)
On March 11, 1964, between three and four hundred people attended a meeting
sponsored by the Friends of the National Guardian and held at the Philadelphia
Ethical Society auditorium, 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
(1964 04/07) Secret Service Investigation: Martin J. Kennedy, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, California
(1964 04/07) CIA Memorandum: R. L. Bannerman to FBI Re: Richard Case Nagell (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Miss Victoria Elizabeth Adams
(David Belin)
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: William H. Shelly
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Joe R. Molina
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Earle V. Brown, DPD Patrolman
(1964 04/07) WC Testimony: Billy Nolan Lovelady
(Joseph Ball, Samuel Stern)
(1964 04/08) WC Testimony: J. Herbert Sawyer
(David Belin)
(1964 04/08) WC Testimony: Troy Eugene West
(1964 04/08) WC Testimony: Eddie Piper
(Joseph Ball)
(1964 04/08) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (CD 889) (jfk.hood.edu)
EDWARD VOEBEL, 4916 Canal Street, was recontacted
(1970 08/21) Confidential (Harold Weisberg)
On Shaw, he said he is surprised they didn't use what they had from Voebel,
apparently a phoned interview with Alcock, about a dinner party he had
attended that was so degenerate he left. Ferrie and Shaw both at it.
(1964 04/09) WC Testimony: Robert Edwin Edwards
(David Belin)
(1964 04/09) WC Testimony: DPD Patrolman J. M. Poe
(Joseph Ball)
(1964 04/10) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
The report of Special Agent Currie sets out results of this Bureau's
interview with Miss Priscilla Mary Post Johnson, free-lance journalist,
who interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald in November, 1959, in Moscow, USSR
(1964 04/10) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Albert E. Jenner Jr. to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (harveyandlee.net)
Our depositions and examination of records and other data
disclose that there are details in Mr. Ely's memoranda which
will require material alteration and in some instances, omission
(1964 04/13) FBI Memorandum: SA James P. Hosty, Jr. to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
had already been arrested by the Dallas PD
(1964 04/13) CIA Memorandum: For the Record (jfk.hood.edu)
Discussion with Mr. Allen W. Dulles on the Oswald case as of April
(1964 04/13) CIA Memorandum: For the Record (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] called me in at 0900 and showed me in draft a memorandum recording his
conversation with Allen Dulles on Saturday 11 April re CIA assistance to the Warren Commission
(1964 04/13) CIA Memorandum: to Deputy Director of Plans
[Allen Dulles] remarked that members of the Commission concerned
could not understand why CIA had not begun an investigation
of Oswald as soon as it received word that he had defected
(1964 04/14) Secret Service Investigation: George V. Sheaks (jfk.hood.edu)
Josephine Patricia Kelly, 1333 Indian Avenue, Palm Springs, California
(1964 04/15) Secret Service Memorandum: Mr. James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Report covered by Secret Service Control Number 1366
(1964 04/03) Secret Service Investigation: John J. Howlett (CD 795)
At the request of United States Attorney Barefoot Sanders, Mr. Harry McCormick,
reporter, Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas, was interviewed
(1964 04/16) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Burt W. Griffin to Mr. W. David Slawson (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview with Dr. Burton C. Einspruch, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/16) Commission Memorandum: Burt W. Griffin to Mr. W. David Slawson (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview with Agent Frank Ellsworth, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/16) WC Testimony: Nelson Delgado
(Wesley Liebeler)
(1964 04/17) FBI Memorandum: D. J. Brennan, Jr. to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
The following information, which was volunteered to Agent Papich on 4/16/64 by James
Angleton, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), on a strictly confidential basis, may be of
interest to you in that it describes CIA's tactics in dealing with the Commission and
the information also may shed some light on the thinking of Chief Justice Warren
(1964 04/17) Dear (Waggoner Carr) Sir: ... Very truly yours, M. W. Stevenson (CD 847a) (jfk.hood.edu)
A check of garages and service stations patronized by Jack Ruby
(1964 04/16) Commission Memorandum: Burt W. Griffin to Mr. W. David Slawson
Interview with Agent Frank Ellsworth, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, Dallas, Texas
(1964 04/17) Dear (Waggoner Carr) Sir: ... Very truly yours, M. W. Stevenson (CD 847a) (jfk.hood.edu)
A check of garages and service stations patronized by Jack Ruby
(1964 04/05) (Illegible)
(1964 04/29) Secret Service Memorandum: Arnold Sagalyn to Inspector Thomas J. Kelley
The firearms case involving Donnell D. Whittier was handled by
the F.B.I. and Alcohol & Tobacco Tax was not involved in any way
(1964 08/11) FBI FD-302: SA Francis B. Cole and SA Norman L. Casey
JOHN FRANKLIN ELROD, an inmate of the Shelby County, Tennessee, Jail
(1964 11/19) Police Nab 2 Ex-Convicts With Load of Stolen Guns (John Rutledge) (Dallas Morning News)
(1964 04/20) DPD: V. J. Brian, Detective to Captain W.P. Gannaway
Hosty also said that he knew that Oswald was a Communist and
that he knew Oswald was working at the School Book Depository (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/21) Commission Memorandum: John Hart Ely to David W. Belin (jfk.hood.edu)
Appearance of Chief Curry and Captain Fritz, April 22, 1964
(1964 04/21) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Thank you and your representatives for the (illegible) cooperation
which was extended to representatives of the Commission during the
course of their work in Mexico City from April (??) through April (??)
(1964 04/22) Coleman Slawson Report (Undated) (1 of 3)
(1964 04/22) Coleman Slawson Report (Undated) (2 of 3)
(1964 04/22) Coleman Slawson Report (Undated) (3 of 3)
(1964 04/22) Commission Memorandum: Conference of April 14, 1964 to determine which frames
in the Zapruder movies show the impact of the first and second bullets
(Melvin A. Eisenberg) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/23) Case Studies of Intimidation
(Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)) (crmvet.org)
(1964 04/24) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer (CD 709) (jfk.hood.edu)
MARTIN advised that on November 22, 1963, he knew the route of the
Presidential Motorcade and had brought his 8 mm. DeJur Movie camera
with him for the purpose of taking pictures of the Presidential Motorcade
(1964 04/24) FBI FD-302: the American Fact-Finding Committee, BERNARD WEISSMAN, Chairman
(W. Harlan Brown) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 04/24) FBI Airtel: SAC, Cincinnati to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed for the Bureau are two complete copies of taped recordings
appearance at University of Cincinnati (UC), Cincinnati, Ohio, 4/21/64
(1964 04/25) FBI Airtel: SAC, Cincinnati to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed for the Bureau are two copies each of tape recorded during a press
conference held by LANE on 4/22/64, at the Ohio Union, Ohio State University
(1964 04/29) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
This communication concerns a telephone call Mrs. Hill reportedly
received from an unidentified woman in Oklahoma on April 22, 1964
(1964 04/23) FBI Memorandum: SA Charles T. Brown, Jr. to SAC, Dallas
Mrs. HILL stated on the afternoon of 4/22/64 she was contacted telephonically
by long distance by an unidentified woman in Oklahoma who questioned her
regarding her knowledge of the assassination of President KENNEDY in Dallas
(1964 04/30) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 04/30) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The alleged Agent also reportedly told Jenkins' friend that he assisted in the investigation
of the Oswald case and that Oswald, prior to his murder, was definitely an FBI informant
(1964 04/30) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
FRED O'SULLIVAN, 413 Heritage, was recontacted
(1964 05/01) WC Testimony: Allison G. Folsom, Lt. Col, USMC
(John Hart Ely)
(1964 05/04) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours. J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Listed below are the contents of the FBI headquarters file
concerning Lee Harvey Oswald up to the time of the assassination
(1964 05/04) Secret Service Memorandum: Mr. James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning Donnell D. Whittier and the ""Minute Men"
(1964 04/29) Secret Service Memorandum: Arnold Sagalyn to Inspector Thomas J. Kelley
The firearms case involving Donnell D. Whittier was handled by
the F.B.I. and Alcohol & Tobacco Tax was not involved in any way
(1964 03/10) A&TT Memorandum: Louis DeCarlo to Valmore J. Forgett, Jr.
Our closing report of investigation and related exhibits
(1964 03/10) A&TT Report: John H. Burns
Investigation relating to the reported association of
Valmore J. Forgett, Jr. with "Minute Men of America"
(1963 10/31) New Jersey State Police Minor Initial Report: John H. Burns
Possession of Bomb, Juvenile Delinquency
(1964 01/30) Statement of Richard C. Breunich
(1963 03/18) A&TT Memorandum: Ishak Rayley to Atlanta and San Francisco
Probable violation of the N.F.A. on the part of F. C. Locke
(1963 03/15) A&TT Memorandum: Francis H. Gilmore to San Francisco and Los Angeles
Possible violations of the National Firearms Act
(1963 02/01) Classified Want Ads (Shotgun News)
(1963 02/02) Dear Mr. (J. M.) Hugo: ... Yours Truly, F. C. Locke
I assume you are interested in obtaining a quantity of submachine guns
and other automatic weapons that can be put into working order
(1963 04/26) A&TT Memorandum: W. A. Collawn to San Francisco and Chicago
Arrest of Charles Dietschweiler and the seizure of three NFA type firearms
(1963 04/17) A&TT Memorandum: Robert B. Miller to San Francisco and Atlanta
Guerrilla Activities - California Minute Men
(1963 04/09) A&TT Memorandum: Jack W. LaBoone to Atlanta
Fredrick Locke, Jr., 5 Winthrop Drive, Aiken, South Carolina
(1963 04/08) I, Fredrick C. Locke, Jr., relinquish my rights under the Fourth (4th) amendment
(1963 12/18) A&TT Memorandum: H. P. Clary to Chicago and Dallas
(1963 12/05) A&TT Memorandum: Karl E. Terlau to Denver
An effort has been made to re-establish undercover
contact with the Minutemen and with Richard Lauchli
(1963 10/01) A&TT Memorandum: W. A. Collawn to Dallas and Chicago
Have your Special Investigator Karl E. Terlau write to Lauchli in an undercover
capacity as detailed in the memorandum, and supply us with any response he receives
(1963 09/26) (Illegible)
(1963 09/30) A&TT Memorandum: W. A. Collawn to San Francisco and Chicago
It will be appreciated if you will supply us with information from
Golden State Arms Corp., 386 W. Green St., Pasadena, California
(1963 09/24) A&TT Memorandum: James F. Doyle to Chicago
Potomac Arms Company, Golden State Arms Company, Numirich Arms Company, Sarco Company
(1961 11/08) (Illegible)
(1961 11/20) A&TT Memorandum: Norman Nouish to Chicago
Mr. Lauchli stated that on October 21, 1961, while instructing a group of "Minute Men",
at Shiloh, Illinois, he did not furnish, sell, assign, pledge, lease, loan, give away or
otherwise dispose of any fully automatic firearm to any members of the organization
(1961 11/22) A&TT Memorandum: Supervisor in Charge, Chicago to Chief, Enforcement Branch
No evidence was developed to indicate that any of the firearms had been furnished
other members of the "Minute Men" group under conditions that would subject
Lauchli to the transfer tax imposed by Section 5611 of the National Firearms Act
(1964 04/08) A&TT Memorandum: H. P. Clary to Midwest and Southwest
Information relative to the "Minutemen" organization
(1964 03/31) A&TT Memorandum: Dwight Thomas to Denver
It was apparent that some of the bearded persons were Mennonites which are commonplace in Kansas
(1964 03/04) A&TT Memorandum: George A. Henry to Dallas and Chicago
Concerning the Minutemen organization
(1964 02/25) A&TT Memorandum: John F. Smith to Chicago
An individual carrying a DEWAT Thompson submachine gun
(1964 05/04) Secret Service Memorandum: Mr. James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Information concerning Donnell D. Whittier and the ""Minute Men"
(1964 05/08) FBI FD-302: (Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
A characterization of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee
(FPCC) can be found in the Appendix of this memorandum
(1964 05/05) Affidavit: Jesse J. Garner
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 05/05) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Agent Hosty unequivocally denied ever having made a statement to Lieutenant Revill
or to anyone else that the FBI knew that Oswald was capable of assassinating
the President of the United States or possessed any potential for violence
(1964 05/05) Secret Service Investigation: Ernest I. Aragon (CD 2696) (jfk.hood.edu)
Sylvia Odio, Dallas, Texas
(1964 05/05) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Very truly yours, James J. Rowley (jfk.hood.edu)
Father McChann says he did not know Sylvia Odio prior to March 1963
(1964 05/06) FBI Memorandum: Mr. F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Concerning the SCLC, New York has noted that there been frequent contacts between Kanter and Levison
(1964 05/07) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, New York (jfk.hood.edu)
Provided full security is assured authority is granted to install a technical
surveillance on the Office of Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
Room 1202, 15 East 40th Street, New York City, New York
(1964 05/07) Jack Ruby Psychiatric Reports (archive.org)
(1964 05/11) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor (CD 1020) (jfk.hood.edu)
JAMES C. BUCHANAN, former reporter for the Pompano Beach, Fla. "Sun-Sentinel",
stated he has no personal or first-hand knowledge of OSWALD or OSWALD's activities
(1964 04/21) FBI FD-302: James J. O'Connor
FRANK FIORINI, employed as a car salesman for Guarantee
Motors, 5560 Northwest Seventh Avenue, Miami, Florida
(1964 05/11) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Branigan to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission furnished the Bureau with the transcript of testimony
covering former SA John W. Fain, SA Robert L. Quigley and SA James P. Hosty, Jr.
(1964 05/13) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] said it occurred to him that it would be well for both McCone and Mr. Hoover
to be aware that the Commission might ask the same questions wondering
whether they would get different replies from the heads of the two agencies
(1964 05/13) FBI FD-302: SA Warren C. DeBrueys and SA Richard E. Logan (jfk.hood.edu)
ARMANDA JARVIS, wife of JIMMY JARVIS, advised she has been
a barmaid for the last few years at the Habana Bar, 117 Decatur Street
(1964 05/14) WC Testimony: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
(J. Lee Rankin, Norman Redlich Charles Murray, Walter Craig, Waggoner Carr,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 05/14) WC Testimony: Roy S. Truly
(Joseph Ball)
(1964 05/19) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 05/19) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached is a copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony before
the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
(Attached: Harold Weisberg commentary)
(1964 05/19) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached is a copy of the transcript of the Director's testimony before
the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
(Attached: Testimony excerpt w/corrections)
(1964 05/19) FBI Memorandum: SAIC Sorrels, Dallas to Chief - Attn. Inspector Kelley (CD 948) (jfk.hood.edu)
Lt. Revill stated that he had the address as 605 Elsbeth, Dallas, Texas, which had
been given to him orally by Detective B. K. Carrol of the Dallas Police Department
(1964 05/19) FBI FD-302: Robert P. Gemberling (CD 1179) (jfk.hood.edu)
Special Agent ROGER C. WARNER, United States Secret Service, Dallas, Texas
appeared at the Dallas Federal Bureau of Investigation Office and furnished the
following information concerning the JOINER family residing in Grand Prairie, Texas
(1964 06/08) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
Mrs. DAVID (EDITH) JOINER, 1624 Lake Crest Drive, Grand Prairie,
Texas, advised she was born August 12, 1926, in Shouns, Tennessee
(1964 06/08) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
RAEFEL D. JOINER, 2413 Christopher Street, Grand Prairie, Texas, advised that
his two sons, ROY and RAYMOND JOINER, ages 18 and 16, respectively, have
frequently engaged in picketing protests against integration and integration groups
(1964 06/08) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
BOBBIE SAVILLE JOINER was interviewed on the premises of his place of
business, Sonja's Grocery, 2749 Southeast 14th Street, Grand Prairie, Texas
(1964 06/12) FBI FD-302: A. Raymond Switzer
ROY EUGENE JOINER was interviewed at the residence
of Mr. & Mrs. G. W. KEY, 620 Brookfield, Hurst, Texas
(1964 05/19) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission wishes to consider the possibility that during his stay
in the Soviet Union Lee Harvey Oswald may have received medical [illegible]
(1964 00/00) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin
The Commission has just received certain of the material which
it requested of the Russian Government on March 24, 1964
(1964 05/25) Dear Mr. (Richard) Helms ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin
That Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his tourist visa in
from two to four days may have some significance
(1964 05/20) Affidavit of Louis Weinstock (See 1962 12/19)
(1964 05/21) FBI Memorandum: A. H. Belmont to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
Rankin further said, "As you know, the Commissioners, like the Director."
(1964 05/22) Department of State Telegram: Rusk to Helsinki, Moscow (jfk.hood.edu)
Report as much statistical information as possible concerning
Soviet visa applications by Americans in Helsinki in 1959
(1964 05/22) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
We are continuing inquiry in an effort to interview those individuals
who travelled on the buses on which Oswald was a passenger
(1964 05/24) Arlen Specter bullet trajectory reenactment photo
(1964 05/27) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr. to Mr. Melvin A. Eisenberg (jfk.hood.edu)
Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3 are not to be printed. They are:
(1964 05/28) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer (CD 1245) (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. ROBERT B. WARD, Assistant United States Attorney, Dallas, Texas, advised
that on November 25, 1963, he recalls a visit by a Mr. ARCH KIMBROUGH, of Dallas
(1964 05/28) FBI FD-302: Eugene F. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer
ARCH MARK KIMBROUGH, 4008 Shannan Lane, Dallas, Texas
(1970 01/04) Re CD1245:211-5 (Harold Weisberg)
Spoke to Bud, who says it was a couple of years before the others of the Dallas group
knew about Arch (whose cousin is Wm Reily of the you know what coffee company)
(1964 06/00) Oswald's Foreign Activities (William Coleman / David Slawson) (Warren Commission)
(NOTE) This document is not included in the 26 volumes
(1964 06/02) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Guthman claimed Mrs. Kennedy was anxious for the Director to meet Manchester to
personally relate the information Mr. Hoover received from Dallas regarding the shooting
of the President and the Director's immediate notification of the Attorney General
(1965 06/01) Dear Edgar, ... Sincerely. Robert F. Kennedy
All the members of our family and top officials throughout the
Government are cooperating with Mr. Manchester, and I would
appreciate it very much if you would see him at your earliest convenience
(1964 06/03) FBI Teletype: Dallas to Los Angeles, Cleveland, Chicago,
Pittsburgh, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis (jfk.hood.edu)
Interviewing Offices should interview fully re all knowledge of or association
with Ruby, any information Ruby has engaged in narcotics activities or other
criminal activities and, specifically, all points requested by Commission
(1964 06/04) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 06/04) FBI FD-302: (CD 1051) (jfk.hood.edu)
On June 1, 1964, Mrs. MARGUERITE OSWALD, 2220 Thomas
Place, Fort Worth, Texas, furnished the following information:
(1964 06/09) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover
The personal description of Ruby as obtained by Special Agent Flynn on
March 11, 1959, did not in itself contain the remark "known Dallas criminal"
(1964 06/04) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
In instituting a series of questions to the Director, Mr. Manchester first
inquired as to what the Director was doing on November 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1963
(1964 06/04) CIA Memorandum: C/SR/CI/R to DC/SR/CI (jfk.hood.edu)
Rm 233, Hotel Metropole, Moscow -- equipped with infra-red camera for observation of occupants
Room 320, Hotel Berlin, Moscow --- equipped with overhead "vizier" (visual observation post)
(1964 06/05) Commission Memorandum: Mr. Redlich to the Honorable Gerald R. Ford (jfk.hood.edu)
Attached are the relevant pages from the testimony of Mr. Hoover
(1964 06/05) Commission Memorandum: W. David Slawson for the record (jfk.hood.edu)
He had taken up my question with the Russian experts
(1964 06/05) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Respectfully, Josephine P. Kennedy (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Rankin, in losing my Uncle Johnny, we lost more
than a President, more than a brilliant human being
(1964 06/07) FBI FD-182: SA Bardwell Odum (jfk.hood.edu)
1 Minox III camera, SN 27259 D-80
(1964 06/07) FBI FD-302: (Unattributed)
Bulky Exhibit Files
(1964 06/07) Interview of Jack Ruby (Itinerary and Notes) (Gerald R. Ford Library) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 06/07) WC Testimony: Jack Ruby
(J. Lee Rankin, Joseph Ball, Arlen Specter, Leon Jaworski,
Robert Storey, Jim Bowie, Joe Tonahill, Elmer Moore, J. E. Decker,
Earl Warren, Gerald Ford) (history-matters.com)
(1964 06/08) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Efforts to locate the portion of curb where a possible shot might have hit have been negative
(1963 12/16) FBI FD-302: Emory J. Oliver and Louis M. Kelley
Mr. JIM TAGUE, 2424 Inwood, Apartment 253, employed as a salesman,
Chuck Button Company, 5431 Lennon Avenue, Dallas, Texas
(1964 06/08) Anderson Exhibit No. 1 Letter from A. G. Folsom Jr., Lt. Col,
USMC Personnel Department (aarclibrary.org)
(1964 06/08) WC Testimony: Henry Wade
(1964 06/08) WC Testimony: Patrick D. Dean
(1964 06/08) WC Testimony: Waggoner Carr
(J. Lee Rankin, Norman Redlich, Dr. Alfred Goldberg, Charles Murray,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Allen Dulles)
(1964 06/08) FBI Airtel: Newark (jfk.hood.edu)
On June 6, 1964, Mr. Earl Manchester, Service Department, Braniff Airways,
Newark Airport, Newark, New Jersey, made available a letter which he had
found that evening while cleaning the seat pockets of a Braniff plane
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Kansas City
Immediately interview Donald H. Janson in detail concerning
the contents of the letter addressed to him by S. Martin
(1964 06/10) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The records of this Agency were reviewed for information about RUBY's
relatives, friends, and associates named in your summary of his background
(1964 06/13) New Orleans Police Supplementary Report: Natural Death (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 06/08) New Orleans Police Memorandum: Captain James H. Arnold to Joseph I. Giarrusso
Report relative to the death of William Guy Banister
(1964 06/16) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Two 8 X 10 photographs taken from two frames of a 16 millimeter movie film with one
photograph depicting a mark on the top edge of the curb and the other photograph depicting
the Texas School Book Depository Building located at 411 Elm Street in the background
(1964 06/17) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
We have been advised of some statements made by Fidel Castro, Cuban
Prime Minister, concerning the assassination of President Kennedy
(1964 06/18) WC Testimony: James J. Rowley and Robert Carswell
(J. Lee Rankin, Samuel Stern,
Earl Warren, John Cooper, Hale Boggs, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles)
(1964 06/18) J. Edgar Hoover letter to parents of Freedom Summer volunteer
Patrick Thomas in response to protection request (crmvet.org)
(1964 06/19) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission is trying to tie in the two interviews
(1964 06/19) FBI Memorandum: W. R. Wannell to W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Don Janson may be identical with Donald H. Janson, "New York Times" news correspondent
(1964 06/19) FBI Laboratory Report: JCC (jfk.hood.edu)
The handwriting and hand printing in English and Russian
on Q586 were written by LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 06/19) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CD 1131) (jfk.hood.edu)
Soviet Research and Development in the Field of Direction and Control of Human Behavior
(1964 06/19) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin
Attached to this memorandum are twenty-three unclassified items and one
classified report which are relevant to the subject [Soviet techniques in
mind conditioning], although perhaps somewhat outdated in several instances
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Miss JEAN CAMPBELL of the London Evening Standard reported that she had
been in Dallas for eight days covering the assassination, and that she had interviewed
Mrs. WHITWORTH and that Mrs. WHITWORTH had allegedly claimed that she had
recognized OSWALD's picture after it came out as a person she had referred to a gun shop
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Messrs. Tolson, Belmont, Rosen, DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Judge (Edward A.) Tamm continued that Mr. (Ernest) Cuneo mentioned Senators
Long and Russell and a couple of others were taking a very vigorous stand
and it looked as though there was going to be a repudiation of Warren
(1964 06/23) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
(Ernest) Cuneo specified again that he thought he could get
sufficient information from Allen Dulles to write his article
(1964 06/22) FBI Airtel: SAC, Houston to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Will attempt to identify the individual known as the "Nazi" and when identified
interview him regarding his knowledge of the assassination of President Kennedy
(1964 06/22) FBI Memorandum: Houston
This individual's name she could not recall but he is called the
"Nazi" by his friends and associates at the University of Houston
(1964 06/29) FBI Airtel: Director to SAC, Houston
Although it may be possible that Mrs. Berry was furnishing the information concerning her
husband Lewis Edward Berry, Jr., due to their present marital difficulties, comments furnished by
her regarding the 'Nazi" and his alleged knowledge of the assassination, must be completely resolved
(1964 06/23) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 06/23) FBI FD-204: John James O'Flaherty (CD 1212) (jfk.hood.edu)
[ARNOLD] KESSLER, residing at 18266 Pinehurst, Detroit, Michigan,
reportedly made the statement that he had dinner with OSWALD in
Mexico City prior to the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY
(1964 06/24) WC Affidavit: Ruth Hyde Paine
(1964 06/29) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 06/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC (100-10461)(jfk.hood.edu)
It was desired to know how the information concerning OSWALD's
diary and other items had been released to the newspaper
(1964 06/29) FBI Memorandum: SA Manning C. Clements to SAC (100-10461)
The Commission had inferred or said the lead could have only been from Dallas PD
(1964 06/30) FBI Memorandum: ASAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC (100-10461)
It was recommended to the Commission that they call JACK KRUEGER and the publisher
of "The Dallas Morning News" before the Commission, rather than the FBI making an inquiry
(1964 06/30) FBI Memorandum: ASAC, Kyle G. Clark to SAC (100-10461)
[____________] advised the HUGH G. AINSWORTH, author of the recent releases concerning
OSWALD, his diary, etc., in the Dallas Morning News, had previously [ ].
He said that AINSWORTH is a ladies man and it was common talk at [ ]
that AINSWORTH has been sleeping with MARINA OSWALD and it is his belief
that he obtained a copy of OSWALD's diary from MARINA at no cost.
(1964 07/01) FBI Memorandum: Kyle G. Clark, ASAC to SAC (100-10461)
The Director has instructed that this investigation should receive expeditious handling
(1964 07/01) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert M. Barrett to SAC (100-10461)
Caller stated that if the FBI was seeking information
about the diary they should check on SNOOKY DAVIS
(1964 06/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC DALLAS (100-10461) (jfk.hood.edu)
Assistant Chief CHARLES BATCHELOR, Dallas Police Department, telephonically
advised this date that one of his Lieutenants was in receipt of a letter from one
WILLIAM MANCHESTER, Suite B11, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
(1967 03/28) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. Wick
Manchester had charged that immediately after President Kennedy's assassination the FBI had
assigned fifty agents to a crash investigation, wrote a "skimpy report," and then "leaked the
report to a news magazine." Relative to the "leak," Mr. Tolson has asked, "What about this?"
(1964 07/06) FBI FD-302: Manning C. Clements and W. James Wood (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. JAMES J. MULEADY, court reporter, Criminal District Court Number Three,
Dallas County, Texas, exhibited a multipaged document labeled as defendant's exhibit
Number 8 in the trial of JACK L. RUBY for the shooting of LEE HARVEY OSWALD
(1964 07/02) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1964 07/07) FBI Report: (Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission requested the interview of Miss Jean
Campbell, American correspondent for the "London Evening Standard"
(1964 07/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, DALLAS (jfk.hood.edu)
This letter, addressed to "Dear Friend" and signed "MARK LANE", announced that the CCI has
been formed and requested "you to support the work of this unpublicized but vital organization"
(1964 07/07) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Two sets of 23 photographs of Mexican FM-11 Forms
(1964 07/07) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Using either the model of the assassination scene or a diagram, please trace the path which a missile
would have taken if it traveled from the sixth floor southeast corner window to the point on the curb
indicated in these photographs, and then advise us or the approximate frame in the Zapruder film
which would correspond to the point at which this missile would have passed over the President's car
(1964 07/13) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, DALLAS
If the nick is located, you will be furnished detailed instructions
regarding photographs to be made before removal of this portion of the
curbing as well as instructions for removal after the pictures are made
(1964 07/08) CIA Memorandum: David E. Murphy to Deputy Director for Plans (jfk.hood.edu)
NOSENKO Information on OSWALD
(1964 07/10) FBI FD-302: CONNIE TRAMMEL PENNY, 4607 Monarch, Apartment 114r
(Will Hayden Griffin) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 07/10) Dear Chief (James J.) Rowley: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Letter and enclosure received by this Commission from a women who calls herself Josephine Kennedy
(1964 07/11) General Wheeler's Oral History Interview # 1 - JFK (maryferrell.org)
(1964 07/13) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
The nick area, if located, will be analyzed spectrographically
(1964 07/13) FBI FD-302: SA A. Raymond Switzer (jfk.hood.edu)
M. WAYNE BOLLETER advised that Dr. JACK C. HARPER and Dr. A. B. CAIRNS
requested that he take some pictures of a bone specimen
BOLLETER furnished the above-mentioned black and white 35 millimeter film
which contains the ten photographs taken of the bone specimen
(1964 07/14) FBI Memorandum: SCA, Dallas to File (jfk.hood.edu)
WALTER E. CRAIG (WALLY), Phoenix, Arizona, who is president of the American
Bar Association, and a very good friend of Mr. EDWARDS', was appointed by the
President to more or less oversee the WARREN Commission, from the standpoint
of the American Bar Association, to make sure everything is copacetic
(1964 07/14) Secret Service Memorandum: Inspector Thacker to Chief (jfk.hood.edu)
Inquiry of Chief Telephone Operator Beverly Cole, White House, concerning telephone
calls that may have been received from this subject [Josephine P. Kelly] or Stewart Schoen
(1964 07/14) From Director of Central Intelligence to Director of National Intelligence
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 144) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1964 07/16) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter forwarded to the Commission from
Martha Joe Stroud, Assistant United States Attorney in Dallas, Texas
(1964 07/16) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
This film has been examined and it was found that it shows very little
of the President's motorcade during the firing of the assassination shots
(1964 07/21) Dear (Chief Justice) Sir: ... Very truly yours, Mel Stuart
I came across a badly exposed shot, taken by an amateur,
of the Kennedy motorcade as it passed the Book Depository
(1964 07/17) CE 1970 Statements to FBI: O. V. Campbell, dated July 7, 1964 and August 19, 1964
(1964 07/17) CE 2065 Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly
(1964 07/17) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #1 - JFK
(1964 07/23) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #2 - JFK
(1964 07/31) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #3 - JFK
(1964 07/31) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #4 - JFK
(1964 08/21) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #5 - JFK
(1977 04/29) Edmund A. Gullion Oral History Interview #6 - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 07/18) WC Testimony: Jack Ruby
(Arlen Specter, Bell Herndon, W. James Wood, Clayton Fowler, Joe Tonahill,
William Alexander, Allan Sweatt, E. L. Holman, Dr. William Beavers)
(1964 07/22) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, James J. Rowley (jfk.hood.edu)
In the summer of 1961 this Service received information, informally, that
a woman representing herself to be a member of the Kennedy family had charged
merchandise at a drug store and one other unidentified store in Hyannis Port
(1964 07/23) WC Testimony: Ruth Hyde Paine
(Wesley Liebeler)
(1964 07/23) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Take a photograph of the point located on the curb that will show close
detail similar to the Dillard photograph, but include slightly more area
than the full negative prints of the Dillard and Underwood photographs
(1964 08/04) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Dallas
You should make preliminary arrangements with appropriate officials
in Dallas so that approximately one foot of curb can be removed
(1964 07/24) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to Director
These photographs are identified on the back as 'A' and 'B'
and were obtained from TOM C. DILLARD
(1964 07/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC Dallas to Director
Investigation concerning the nick in the curb
(1964 07/23) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to J. Lee Rankin (CD 1287) (jfk.hood.edu)
The Central Intelligence Agency recommends that this photograph not be reproduced in the
Commission's report, because it would jeopardize a most confidential and productive operation
(1964 07/24) WC Testimony: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald, Edith Whitworth and Gertrude Hunter
(Wesley Liebeler, June Oswald, Rachel Oswald, William McKenzie,
Henry Baer, Peter Gregory, Forrest Sorrels, John Howlett)
(1964 07/24) FBI FD-302: Mr. ROBERT CRAVEN, 5805 Bucknell Street, North Hollywood, California
(SA A. Harold Landreth) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 07/25) WC Testimony: Priscilla Mary Post Johnson (aka Priscilla Johnson McMillan)
(David Slawson, Richard Mosk)
(1964 07/25) General Wheeler's Oral History Interview # 2 - JFK (maryferrell.org)
(1964 07/27) Commission Memorandum: A. W. Dulles to Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 07/29) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Citizens Committee of Inquire Meeting at 424 West 55 St., N.Y.C. Theatre 4 July 21, 1964
(1964 07/29) FBI FD-302: A. Raymond Switzer (jfk.hood.edu)
JESSE E. CURRY, Chief of Police, Dallas Police Department
(1964 07/30) FBI Memorandum: Director to SACs, Dallas, New York (jfk.hood.edu)
Lane is the oft married, former NY Assemblyman, who reportedly
engaged in perverted sexual acts of a sadistic and masochistic nature
(1964 07/31) FBI Memorandum: Mark Lane (jfk.hood.edu)
(Lane) played a tape recording of his alleged conversation with Mrs.
Helen Louise Markham, of Dallas, Texas, indicating the killer of Dallas
Police Officer J. D. Tippit might not have been Lee Harvey Oswald
(1964 07/31) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Dallas to Director
Contact by Mrs. MARKHAM with the Dallas Office on 6/27/64, was with
SA CARL K. UNDERHILL. Remainder of the investigation contained
in letterhead memorandum was conducted by SA W. JAMES WOOD
(1964 08/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
LANE has been working full time. Has made 5 trips to Dallas, two cross country
lectures and 2 European trips to fulfill requests and interested people from Europe
(1964 08/03) President Johnson announces air action in the Gulf of Tonkin (Audio) (wnyc.org)
(1964 08/03) WC Affidavit: Roy Sansom Truly
(1964 08/05) FBI FD-302: Robert P. Gemberling (jfk.hood.edu)
Additional investigation conducted concerning mark on curb on south side of Main Street near
triple underpass, which it is alleged was possibly caused by bullet fired during assassination
(1964 08/05) Secret Service Investigation: SAs Harold G. Thomas & Alfred Wong (jfk.hood.edu)
Waldomar Boris Kara-patnitsky who is presently in West Berlin
(1964 08/05) FBI Memorandum: Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1454) (maryferrell.org)
Les Crane Television Show, August 5, 1964, Transcription
(1964 08/06) FBI Laboratory Work Sheet: Requested by President's Commission: Shaneyfelt (jfk.hood.edu)
Location and examination of mark on curbing at assassination site
(1964 08/07) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
LANE discussed President Kennedy's assassination and the action
of the police, the FBI, and other agencies after the murder
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert M. Barrett (jfk.hood.edu)
Deputy Chief of Police GEORGE L. LUMPKIN, Dallas Police Department, advised
that he is presently in possession of the original Recordak film which had been
received by the Dallas Police Department in December 1963, from the FBI
(1964 08/10) Tonkin Gulf Resolution and Senate roll call tally sheet
(1964 08/10) Tonkin Gulf Resolution Transcript
(1964 08/10) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1963
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1964 08/10) FBI FD-302: Robert P. Gemberling (CD 1408) (jfk.hood.edu)
HOLLAND McCOMBS, Dallas correspondent for "Life" Magazine, states he
contacted HUGH AYNESWORTH, Reporter for "The Dallas Morning News,"
June 25 or 26, 1964, concerning purchase of copy of diary of OSWALD and was
referred to AYNESWORTH's wife from whom he purchased copy of diary for $2,500
(1964 07/17) FBI FD-302: (Illegible)
HOLLAND McCOMBS, was interviewd in his office,
Room 1112 Republic National Bank Building, Dallas, Texas
(1964 08/05) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Chief LUMPKIN is in possession of the original two rolls of Recordak film and one positive copy
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Lieutenant DAY stated he does not recall the number of copies ever made
at one time, but that it would be the number requested by one of the officers
(1964 08/08) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Captain WILL FRITZ did not recall if the diary of LEE HARVEY OSWALD had ever been copied
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
Mr. RUSSELL W. POLLARD, residence 1623 Heather Glen Drive, Dallas advised he is
the Production Supervisor at the Recordak Company, 1605 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas
(1964 08/05) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
MILLARD SWEATT, residence 8373 San Fernando Drive, Dallas, Texas, advised
he is employed as an investigator by District Attorney HENRY WADE, Dallas
(1964 08/07) FBI FD-302: Robert H. Barrett
CLARENCE BOOKER T. LEE, residence 2515 Crossman Street, Dallas, advised he is
also know by the nickname of "General," and is frequently referred to as "C. D." LEE
(1964 08/08) FBI FD-302: (Illegible) and (Illegible)
MARINA OSWALD was interviewed at her residence, 629 Belt Line
Road, concerning the publication of the LEE HARVEY OSWALD diary
(1964 08/10) Affidavit in any Fact: J. S. Curry, Chief of Police, Dallas Police Department (jfk.hood.edu)
The answer shown to the question posed by Representative Ford - that Mrs.
Markham did not identify Oswald - is in error. The first time Mrs. Markham
was shown Oswald, she positively identified him as the slayer of the officer.
(1964 08/12) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
At 2:00 PM today RICHARD D. ROGGE, Bureau Headquarters, advised that they had
received a transcription of MARK LANE's conversation with GRAY over a Radio Station
(1964 08/12) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
The piece of curbing containing the mark was removed
on August 5, 1964, and examined in the FBI Laboratory
(1964 08/12) Dear (J.) Lee (Rankin), ... Sincerely, Gerald R. Ford M.C. (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed is the draft for Chapter VIII:
(1964 08/14) LIFE Magazine August 14, 1964
The Complex and Extraordinary Man Who is the President
U.S. Strikes Back at North Vietnam
(1964 08/17) FBI Airtel: SAC, Memphis to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
It is noted that ELROD does not appear to have been
in custody of the Dallas, Texas, PD as of 11/22/63
(1964 08/20) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
On Wednesday, August 12, 1964, at 8:10 P.M. Mr. MARK LANE delivered a lecture, titled,
"Who Killed Kennedy" at the Gramercy Arts Theatre, 138 East 27 Street Street, N.Y.C.
(1964 08/23) Commission Memorandum: Wesley J. Liebeler to J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
We suggest that additional investigation be conducted to determine with greater
certainty that the palmprint was actually lifted from the rifle as Lt. Day has testified
(1964 08/24) FBI FD-302: SA's Robert H. Karl / Merle L. Parker (jfk.hood.edu)
MALCOLM J. HOY heard approximately four reports which sounded close together
(1964 08/25) FBI Airtel: Dallas 44-1639 to Newark 44-443 (jfk.hood.edu)
With regard to the copyright story by columnist Dorothy Kilgallen which appeared in
the quote New York Journal dash American unquote on August eighteen last purporting
to be actual word for word testimony of Ruby before the President's Commission on June
seven last, the President's Commission has specifically requested that we conduct an
investigation to determine how the transcript of the interview came into possession
of Dorothy Kilgallen and the quote New York Journal dash American unquote
(1964 08/25) Dear Walter (E. Craig): ... Sincerely. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
We have prepared another redraft of the conclusions and narrative statement and I hope that
we will have that in galley proof this next week and that you may examine it at that time
(1964 08/26) Secret Service Investigation: Special Agent Kenneth B. Thompson (CD 1451) (jfk.hood.edu)
Sam Sprager was discharged from Dotkinkaya Hospital in Moscow prior to Lee
Harvey Oswald's admittance. Mr. Sprager does not know of any Americans in this
hospital at the time he was a patient there except Mr. Walder Boris Kar-patnitsky.
(1964 08/24) Secret Service Investigation: SA's Thomas. S. Behl and Frank D. Slocum (CD 1448) (poor quality)
Information developed that (Sam) Sprager was in a hospital in Russia the latter
part of September to October 8, 1959, indicating that he was not in the hospital
in Russia during the same period that Lee Harvey Oswald was confined there
(1964 08/26) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, (unsigned) (jfk.hood.edu)
Congressman Ford confirmed that fact he did previously talk with representatives
of "Life" magazine and further stated that under no circumstances had he
given "Life" representatives any information concerning Oswald's diary
(1964 08/27) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Memphis (jfk.hood.edu)
By letter dated 8-11-64, Sergeant Alton C. Gilless, Jr., Bureau of Identification, Sheriff's Office,
Shelby County Tennessee, advised that one John Franklin Elrod had walked into the Sheriff's
Office on that date and indicated he had information concerning the murder of "Lee Oswalt"
(1964 08/27) Secret Service Memorandum: James J. Rowley to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CD 1448) (maryferrell.org)
There is attached a report covered by Secret Service Control Number 1772
(1964 08/24) Secret Service Investigation: SA's Thomas. S. Behl and Frank D. Slocum (CD 1448)
Information developed that (Sam) Sprager was in a hospital in Russia the latter
part of September to October 8, 1959, indicating that he was not in the hospital
in Russia during the same period that Lee Harvey Oswald was confined there
(1964 08/27) 331. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (McNamara)
Recommended Courses of Action - Southeast Asia (OPLAN 34A)
(1964 08/28) Dear Mr. (J. Edgar) Hoover: ... Sincerely, J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The allegations of Mrs. Silva Odio of Dallas, Texas that she observed Lee Harvey Oswald
in the company of two Cuban or Mexican men sometime in late September or early October 1963
(1964 08/28) FBI: DL 100-10461 RJB/jtf (CD 1546) (jfk.hood.edu)
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President KENNEDY
by letter dated August 28, 1964, requested investigation be conducted
in order to determine the reputation for veracity of SYLVIA ODIO
(1964 08/28) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Rankin advised several questions had been raised relative to the
palm print found on the barrel of the assassination rifle located on the
portion of the barrel which was attached to the wooden foregrip of the rifle
(1964 09/01) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Two copies each of memoranda captioned "Mark Lane" dated August 12 and August 17, 1964
(1964 09/02) CE 2640 Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly
(1964 09/03) Dear Mr. Rankin: one Malcolm J. Hoy saw the President Kennedy motorcade
(FBI) (J. Edgar Hoover) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/06) HSCA JFK Exhibit No. 36
Wesley J. Liebeler Memorandum re Galley Proofs of Chapter IV of the Report
(1964 09/08) CE 3134 Letter from Dr. Howard P. Rome, senior consultant,
section of psychiatry, Mayo Clinic (maryferrell.org)
(1964 09/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
If the remaining print is not identified, the Commission will have to
make up their minds whether they want Dallas to drop the thing or
whether they desire more prints be obtained for elimination purposes
(1964 09/09) FBI: SAs Folse, Ervin, Harrigan, Riordan, Buckley, McGuiness, Debrueys (jfk.hood.edu)
Individuals contacted at inexpensive hotels located in the vicinity of Continental Trailways
Bus Depot, 1314 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans; the Greyhound Bus Depot, 1710 Tulane Avenue,
and the Lafayette Square Branch of the U. S. Post Office, 610 South Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
(1964 09/10) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. Belmont (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. Liebeler stated that in connection with the arrest of Oswald on August 9, 1963,
by the New Orleans Police Department it was ascertained that Oswald had in his possession
a pamphlet entitled "The Crime Against Cuba" written by Corliss LaMont. On the pamphlet
by rubber stamp was the following, "FPCC, 544 Camp Street, New Orleans, La."
(1964 09/10) FBI Memorandum: SAC (100-16601) to SAC H. G. Maynor (jfk.hood.edu)
Requesting contact with Lt. FRANCIS L. MARTELLO, New Orleans PD,
for the purpose of obtaining the original draft prepared by
MARTELLO describing items in OSWALD's possession at time of arrest
(1964 09/10) Commission Memorandum: Melvin A. Eisenberg to Norman Redlich (jfk.hood.edu)
The following questions should be asked of the FBI:
(1964 09/11) FBI Airtel: SAC, New Orleans to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
The Warren Commission had inquired of headquarters of Secret Service in Washington if
the Secret Service Office in New Orleans had copies of a circular called "Fair Play For Cuba"
with address stamped on bottom "544 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana"
(1964 09/11) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CE 2762) (jfk.hood.edu)
OSWALD's travel from Minsk to Moscow and return in July
1961 would normally have required prior authorization
(1964 09/11) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The remaining documents on the list, which are described below, should not be published:
Commission Document #1041
Commission Document #1273
(1964 09/12) FBI: Miami, Florida (jfk.hood.edu)
Cesar Odio, age 28, resident at 1600 Southwest 82nd Place, Miami Florida, and employed
in the office of Maule Industries, Miami stated he is the brother of Sylvia Odio
This document contains. neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the
FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency
(1964 09/14) FBI: Dallas, Texas (jfk.hood.edu)
There are attached the results of interviews with the following identified individuals:
(1964 09/15) FBI FD-302: Special Agent Richard J. Burnett (jfk.hood.edu)
Miss JUDY HAHN, Clerk, Records Bureau, Dallas Police Department, advised
on that date that her records to not indicate that either HALL or SEYMOUR were
photographed by this department at the time of their arrest on October 17, 1963
(1964 09/15) FBI Teletype: DALLAS to Director, Los Angeles, Miami
Information furnished to President's Commission by Silvia Odio (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/16) FBI FD-302: SAMUEL DAVID RUBY, 11616 Jamestown, brother of JACK L. RUBY
(IC Robert G. Renfro) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/17) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Interview of WAYNE HARTMAN and his wife EDNA,
concerning a hole in the grass near the area of the assassination
(1964 09/17) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Apparently there was no mine detector in the Dallas
area from either the Army or the Air Force
(1964 09/17) FBI Teletype: Director to SAC Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
We now believe that man thought to be Oswald is likely a Loran Hall, a prominent anti-Castroite
(1964 09/18) WC Executive Session (maryferrell.org)
(1964 09/18) Transcript of Phone Conversation Between LBJ and Senator Richard Russell (jfk.hood.edu)
RR: Well it don't make much difference. But they said that they believe, the Commission
believes that the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connally. Well I don't believe it.
LBJ: I don't either.
(1964 09/18) FBI: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Shirley Martin of Hominy, Oklahoma, "We have testimony from
assassination witness concerning strange time sequence of shots.
Use of Italian rifle negated by this testimony and by testimony of Zapruder."
(1964 09/20) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Director HOOVER became concerned over the safety of OSWALD and sent a message to Chief
of Police CURRY, Dallas, Texas, requesting that special care be given to the protection of Oswald
(1964 09/20) FBI FD-204: SA Calvin W. Evans (CD 1553) (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM HOUSTON SEYMOUR stated he took trip to Dallas, Texas, about five
days prior to 10/17/63, with LORAN HALL in HALL's car to pick up a trailer
(1964 09/19) FBI FD-204: SA Calvin W. Evans (CD 1553) (jfk.hood.edu)
HALL and SEYMOUR drove straight through and arrived in Dallas about five days
before their arrest by the Dallas Texas Police Department which was October 17, 1963
(1964 09/21) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
Dr. AUGUSTIN GUITART, physics instructor, Xavier University, 7325 Palmetto, advised
on September 9, 1964, that he resides at 1931 General Pershing, New Orleans, Louisiana
(1964 09/21) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Herewith is a copy of a letter from Seth Kantor to Jack Ruby
dated August 31, 1964, which may be of interest to you
(1964 09/21) David L. Wolper letter to FBI Re: Four Days In November script (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/22) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (CD 1479) (jfk.hood.edu)
During the 1964 tourist season, Soviet consulates in at least some
European cities were issuing Soviet tourist visas in five to seven days
(1964 09/23) CE 3035 Statement to FBI: Roy S. Truly (history-matters.com)
(1964 09/23) CE 3076 Statement to FBI: Marrion L. Baker (maryferrell.org)
(1964 09/23) FBI Airtel: SAC DALLAS to SAC MIAMI
Enclosed herewith ... the photograph of LORRAN E. HALL (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/23) FBI FD-204: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
GUITART states that according to SYLVIA she made identification of OSWALD
only through observing photographs of OSWALD in the newspapers
(1964 09/21) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. E. A. REIMHERR, Terminal Manager, Southern Greyhound Bus Lines,
1710 Tulane Avenue, advised that on September 25, 1963, his company
operated thirteen buses from New Orleans, Louisiana to Houston, Texas
(1964 09/21) FBI FD-302: SA Stephen M. Callender (jfk.hood.edu)
MAJOR GREEN, Terminal Manager, Continental Trailways Bus
Lines, 1314 Tulane Avenue, advised that his company operated
four buses from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Houston, Texas
(1964 09/23) FBI FD-302: SA Leon F. Brown (jfk.hood.edu)
LORAN EUGENE HALL, 55 Rogers Road, Kerrville, California, was reinterviewed
(1964 09/23) FBI FD-302: SA Harry H. Whidbee (jfk.hood.edu)
LAWRENCE JOHN HOWARD, Jr., advised he was born January 17, 1935,
at Los Angeles, California, and currently resides with his wife ROSE HOWARD,
and two young daughters at 3191 Blanchard Street, Los Angeles, California
(1964 09/23) FBI Airtel: SAC, Dallas to SAC, Houston (jfk.hood.edu)
Whether TONAHILL met DOROTHY KILGALLEN during her stay
in Dallas, February - March, nineteen sixtyfour, during Ruby murder trial
(1964 09/23) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
Our inquiry into the claims of Sylvia Odio is continuing
and results thereof will be furnished to you as received
(1964 09/11) FBI: San Juan, Puerto Rico
On September 8, 1964, Mr. Tyrus E. Minnix, Deputy District Director,
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), San Juan, Puerto Rico, made
available the file pertaining to Silvia Odio del Toro, INS Number A-12-570-365
(1964 09/11) FBI: San Juan, Puerto Rico
All sources (except any listed below) whose identities are concealed in
referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past
(1964 09/12) FBI: Miami, Florida
Cesar Odio, age 28, resident at 1600 Southwest 82nd Place, Miami Florida, and employed
in the office of Maule Industries, Miami stated he is the brother of Sylvia Odio
(1964 09/14) FBI: San Juan, Puerto Rico
[____________] advised that SILVIA ODIO was from an extremely wealthy family in Cuba
and was the center of attraction not only in the family but in the social circles of Havana, Cuba
(1964 09/23) Commission Memorandum: Lloyd Weinreb to Howard Willens (jfk.hood.edu)
In the course of settling the Helsinki problem yesterday Dave Slawson inserted
a reference to CE 2714 in footnote 480 of Appendix 13 and left a note that a
memorandum is to be supplied by Wigren of CIA or by State to bear that exhibit number
(1964 09/24) Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy)
(1964 09/24) CE 139 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial No. C2766 (Photo) (catalog.archives.gov)
(1964 09/24) CE 237 Photograph of unidentified man (CIA - Mexico City)
(1964 09/24) CE 385 and CE 386 Schematic drawings made at Bethesda Naval Hospital (H. A. Rydberg)
(1964 09/24) CE 387 Clinical record of the autopsy protocol prepared by the Naval Medical School, Bethesda, Md.,
on the autopsy performed on President Kennedy
(1964 09/24) CE 388 Schematic drawing made at Bethesda Naval Hospital (H. A. Rydberg)
(1964 09/24) CE 397 Comdr. James J. Humes' handwritten autopsy report on President Kennedy and certificates
regarding disposition of working papers and preliminary drafts of the autopsy report
(1964 09/24) CE 399 Bullet found on stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Tex.
Single Bullet, Magic Bullet
(1964 09/24) CE 541 Photographs of markings on the C2766 rifle (history-matters.com)
(1964 09/24) CE 773 Photograph of a mail order for a rifle in the name "A. Hidell,"
and the envelope in which the order was sent
(1964 09/24) CE 788 U.S. postal money order, in the amount of $21 .45, dated March 12, 1963,
which accompanied the mail order in CE 773
(1964 09/24) CE 885 Album of black and white photographs of frames from the Zapruder,
Nix, and Muchmore films
(1964 09/24) CE 1381 Signed statements obtained from all persons known
to have been in the Texas School Book Depository Building
(1964 09/24) CE 2003 Dallas Police Department file on Investigation of the Assassination of the President (CD 81b)
(1964 09/24) CE 2011 FBI report: Lee Harvey Oswald: tracing of various items of physical evidence
(1964 09/24) CE 2444 FBI report of FBI Laboratory examinations of various items relating to the assassination
(1964 09/24) CD 496 FBI Booklet Entitled "Texas School Book Depository"
(0000 00/00) Records Relating to Key Persons, 11/30/1963 - 09/24/1964 (archives.gov)
(1964 09/24) Witness Files (catalog.archives.gov)
(0000 00/00) 216 Witnesses to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (history-matters.com)
(0000 00/00) Alphabetical list of witnesses and testimony (jfkassassination.net)
(0000 00/00) Comprehensive List of Material Witness (Richard L Waybright, Jr. / 1990) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) Master List of Witnesses in Dealey Plaza, 11/22/1963 (Craig Ciccone 1992) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) List of Warren Commission Exhibits (jfkassassination.net)
(0000 00/00) Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries (jfkassassinationgallery.com)
(0000 00/00) Papers of John F. Kennedy (The American Presidency Project)
(0000 00/00) Beverly Wilcox letter to J. Edgar Hoover (Undated) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 00/00) Marguerite Oswald TV Interview (Video)
(1964 09/25) FBI FD-204: Harry H. Whidbee (jfk.hood.edu)
LORAN EUGENE HALL, advised 9/16/64, that in September 1963,
he was at Dallas, Texas, in company of LAWRENCE HOWARD and
WILLIAM SEYMOUR to solicit aid in anti-CASTRO movement
(1964 09/26) FBI: Miami, Florida (jfk.hood.edu)
Information received on September 16, 1964 from LORAN EUGENE HALL of Kernville,
California, that he met a Cuban woman named Mrs. Odio in Dallas Texas, in September, 1963
(1964 09/28) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
This reporter told KACK that he had been assigned to do a story on what action
had been taken concerning various Agents involved in the OSWALD investigation.
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. LEHR was asked as to the source of his information in this story and he stated
that it had been common knowledge for some time in the newspaper field; however,
they had not run the story, awaiting release of the Commission's report
(1964 09/29) FBI Reportedly Disciplined Two (Jim Lehrer) (Dallas Times Herald)
(1964 09/28) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
KAACK stated he advised the reporter that he had "no comment" to make
(1964 09/28) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr Re: David Wolper (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: ASAC to sac (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
Our investigation of OSWALD has disclosed no evidence that OSWALD was acting under
the instructions or on behalf of any foreign government or instrumentality thereof
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
DICK SIZER, a reporter for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, called the New Orleans
Office. SIZER stated he desired to know if I had seen the States-Item newspaper
of 9/29/64 and if so, would I have any comment to make in regard to the story
concerning FBI Agents being disciplined in connection with the OSWALD case
(1964 09/29) FBI Memorandum: SAC to File (100-16601) (jfk.hood.edu)
WILLIAM MADDEN, States-Item, telephonically advised that the wire services
had a copywritten story from the Dallas Times-Herald which stated that two
Special Agents of the FBI had been disciplined for their role in the investigation
of LEE HARVEY OSWALD; that one of the Agents, a Dallas Agent, had taken a $1,000
cut and was demoted, and the other Agent, a New Orleans Agent, currently working
as a private investigator, had been ordered transferred, refused to transfer, and retired
(1964 09/30) FBI Airtel: SAC Dallas to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Forwarding to Miami photographs of WILLIAM HOUSTON SEYMOUR and
LAWRENCE JOHN HOWARD, JR., to be exhibited to Miss SYLVIA ODIO
(1964 09/30) Commission Memorandum: Alfred Goldberg to J. Lee Rankin
I have had calls from the White House (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 09/30) FBI Memorandum: Mr. A. Johns to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Father Martin stated he has been "burning mad for two days" over the unfair criticism of
the FBI in the Warren Report and was going to write the Director a letter of support
(1964 10/02) FBI: Miami, Florida (jfk.hood.edu)
Upon viewing the photographs of HALL, HOWARD, SETMOUR and CASTRO,
Mrs. Odio stated that none of these individuals were identical with the three
persons, including the individual she believed to be OSWALD who had
come to her apartment in Dallas in the last week of September, 1963
(1964 10/02) Dear Mr. (Jerry) O'Leary: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
I have read your excellent column in today's edition of the "Star" concerning the FBI and
the Warren Commission Report and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your support
(1964 10/02) Department of State Airgram: Amembassy Bern to Limited Distribution (jfk.hood.edu)
Fidel Castro was pleased to learn that Ambassador Stadelhofer
was able to deliver the documents to Washington
(1964 10/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC, New York to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
MARK LANE's series of lectures held at the Jan Hus Theatre,
351 East 74th St., NYC, from 8/25/64 through 10/3/64
(1964 10/03) General Wheeler's Oral History Interview # 3 - JFK (maryferrell.org)
(1964 10/05) Dear Mr. (Raymond J.) McHugh: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
All of us in the FBI certainly appreciate the outstanding support you have given us over the years
(1964 10/02) Dear Deke (DeLoach): ... Regards, Ray (McHugh) (jfk.hood.edu)
Here is a story
(1964 10/05) Texas Supplemental Report on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
and the Serious Wounding of Governor John B. Connally November 22, 1963
(Wagoner Carr) (Texas Attorney General) (texashistory.unt.edu)
(1964 10/06) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr
Re: Criticism Of The FBI Following The Assassination Of The President (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 10/06) FBI Teletype: Director to SAC Miami (jfk.hood.edu)
In view of Odio's reported attempt at suicide during last week September, Miami is not to
recontact her or to contact members of her immediate family without prior Bureau authority
(1964 10/07) Marina Oswald letter to Ward and Paul
(1964 10/08) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
The UPI article goes on to quote Chief Curry "Within a few minutes
of my statement to the press Shanklin (SAC,Dallas) was on the phone"
(1964 10/08) FBI Memorandum: SUPVR. Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
On 11/23/63, Chief CURRY, upon appearing before television camera alleged
(1) The FBI customarily advises the Dallas Police whenever an individual of subversive
background arrives in Dallas; (2) The FBI recently interviewed LEE HARVEY OSWALD; and
3) The FBI had OSWALD under surveillance in Dallas; however, did not notify the Dallas Police.
(1964 10/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
UPI article appearing in the Washington Post newspaper, which purported to quote
allegedly a letter to EARL WARREN from Chief of Police JESSE E. CURRY
(1964 10/09) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File
It was pointed out to CURRY that this article certainly left the wrong impression
and that he was either definitely mistaken or gave misleading information
(1964 10/12) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
I advised him that the City Manager was Mr. ELGIN E. CRULL, that I personally
knew Mr. CRULL and that he cooperated with us generally speaking in connection
with this investigation, but of course he was trying to protect the City of Dallas
(1964 10/14) FBI Memorandum: SAC Shanklin to File
The Director has authorized immediate release of these two letters to the wire services in Dallas
(1964 10/19) FBI Airtel: SAC, San Antonio to SAC, Dallas
Inasmuch as [____________] requested her name be kept in the strictest
confidence, San Antonio Division has reported this under a Dallas
T-symbol but did not fill in the T-symbol number, leaving this to Dallas
(1964 10/12) FBI Memorandum: Mr. D. J. Brennan to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mrs. Roman stated that CIA desires to use the film strictly for training
purposes and it is understood that it would be furnished on a loan basis
(1964 10/12) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
There are enclosed two copies of a redraft of our May 18, 1964, summary memorandum
(1964 10/12) Commission Memorandum for the record: Changes to be Made in Future Printings of the Report
(0000 00/00) Commission Memorandum for the files: the problem of publication of exhibits in future volumes
(Alfred Goldberg) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 10/13) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The letter to you dated May 6, 1964 contains certain information relative to
intelligence methods and operations which should not be placed in the public domain
(1964 10/16) Dear Roy (A. Roberts): ... Sincerely, (J.) Edgar (Hoover) (jfk.hood.edu)
Thank you for your note of October 9th
(1964 10/09) Dear J. Edgar (Hoover): ... Your friend, Roy A. Roberts
After reading the Warren Report, I have got more confidence in you and the F.B.I. than ever
(1964 10/20) CIA Memorandum: Richard Helms to Mr. J. Lee Rankin (jfk.hood.edu)
The Commission's Report (pages 307-308) contains information furnished
by this Agency in memorandum dated 31 January and 1 June 1964
(1964 10/22) FBI File: Ramparts Magazine (archive.org)
(1964 10/29) CIA Chronology of RGB Meetings with Members of the Warren Commission (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 10/29) Dear Mr. Rankin:
Enclosed for your information arc two copies each of the
self-explanatory letters bearing the name of Mr. William A. Harper (jfk.hood.edu)
(1964 11/03) FBI Memorandum: Director to Acting Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
Classified "Secret" because most of the information reported is from highly
sensitive sources in the racial field such as [____________] and [____________]
(1964 11/09) Dear Mr. (J. Lee) Rankin: ... Sincerely yours, J. Edgar Hoover (jfk.hood.edu)
The enclosed material deals with our investigation into the allegations of Sylvia Odio
(1964 11/12) William P. Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #1 (See 1972 03/06)
(Elspeth Rostow) (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 11/13) John Doar Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 11/20) FBI: Signed statement by HORACE DOYLE BARNETTE (crmvet.org)
(1964 11/22) Chiang Kai-Shek Written Statement - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 12/02) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr (jfk.hood.edu)
Martin Luther King, Appointment With Director, 3:35 p.m., 12-1-64
(1964 12/05) Allen W. Dulles Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1964 12/11) FBI Memorandum: Legat, Mexico to Director
Mrs. ELENA GARRO DE PAZ and her daughter (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 01/20) The Jungle War 1965 - 1968
(1965 01/27) Memorandum: McGeorge Bundy to President Johnson
What we want to say to you is that both of us are now pretty well convinced
that our current policy can lead only to disastrous defeat (presidency.ucsb.edu)
(1965 01/27) CIA Cryptonym: AMIRE-1, Emilio Americo Rodriguez
(1965 02/01) Subject : Autopsy Of President Kennedy
To : Brigadier General J. M. Blumberg, MC, USA
From : Lieutenant Colonel P. A. Finck, MC, USA
(National Naval Medical Center) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 03/05) Agent Report - WITNESS: Beatrice Bowman, Captain, WAC, Signal Corps, United States Army
(William F. Handy) (116th INTC Group) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 03/07) SNCC Press Release "Bloody Sunday" (Incomplete) (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/07) SNCC Report on "Bloody Sunday" (James Forman) (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/07) Selma to Montgomery March (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1965 03/15) The American Promise, Special Message to the Congress (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/15) The American Promise, Special Message to the Congress (Video)
(President Lyndon Johnson)
(1965 03/16) Jill Cowan and Priscilla Wear Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1965 03/23) The New Voting Bill: Rhetoric and Reality (SNCC) (crmvet.org)
(1965 03/25) Our God is Marching On!
Dr. Martin Luther King Address to voting-rights marchers from in front
of the Alabama Capitol building in Montgomery, Alabama (crmvet.org)
(1965 04/00) President Johnson and the Right to Vote
(P.J. Warshall, Committee on Selma) (crmvet.org)
(1965 04/12) George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1965 04/16) George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (See 1968 02/16)
(Joseph Kraft) (jfklibrary.org)
(1965 04/15) Alabama Study-In: When We Get the Vote, Wallace Will Get Religion
(Bell Gale Chevigny) (Village Voice) (crmvet.org)
(1965 05/13) Naval Investigative Service File: Lee Harvey Oswald (Naval Intelligence) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 07/23) Agent Report - SUBJECT INTERVIEW: LESAR, James Hiram
(James F. Young) (116th INTC Group) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 08/06) Voting Rights Act of 1965 (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1965 08/06) Central Intelligence Bulletin
Current Intelligence Relating to National Security
(1965 08/07) Central Intelligence Bulletin
Current Intelligence Relating to National Security
(1965 08/07) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1965 08/12) Excerpts of a Speech Delivered at a Mass Rally in Birmingham, Alabama
(Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. first statement on Vietnam) (crmvet.org)
(1965 09/00) In a Land where MURDER is Respectable
(Southern Christian Leadership Conference) (crmvet.org)
(1965 09/09) Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1964
(House Committee on Un-American Activities) (archive.org)
(1965 10/00) The Dominican Crisis... The Hemisphere Acts (Department of State) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 10/20) Army Aviation Flight Information Digest: Maryland Helicopter Notice: See Page 13
(Department of the Army) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 12/06) Address by Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey Vice President of the United States
(Edward R. Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy - Medford, Massachusetts) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 12/14) FBI Airmail: Miss ... regarding the labeling of two of the Zapruder frames numbers 314 and 315
(John Edgar Hoover) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1965 12/17) FBI Cablegram: Nathan L. Ferris to Director
Elena Garro de Paz Claimed She Met Lee Harvey Oswald At Unspecified Date In September, 1963
(0000 00/00) Department of State Biographic Data Form: Elena GARRO de Paz
(Charles Wm. Thomas) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 01/11) Press Release: Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (crmvet.org)
(1966 01/11) FBI File: ALI, MUHAMMAD (archive.org)
(0000 00/00) Anonymous letter found in files of Mr. Sullivan:
King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. (Incomplete)
(1964 12/01) FBI Memorandum: J. A. Sizoo to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
[____________] stated to DeLoach that he was faced with the difficult
problem of taking steps to remove King from the national picture
(1964 01/23) FBI Memorandum: Mr. F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. W. C. Sullivan
He is to advise us promptly when King takes over space at the Hotel and the surveillance is activated
(1964 01/27) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont
It was the conjecture of Baker that the likelihood of King's
going ahead with any [____________] plans is greatly minimized
(1964 01/28) FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. C. Sullivan to Mr. A. H. Belmont
SAC Baker phoned this morning (1/28/64) to advise that the misur
was unproductive as there were no activities of interest developed
(1965 11/19) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General
This surveillance involved trespass and was discontinued on October 15, 1965
(1965 11/29) FBI Memorandum: F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. Sullivan
New York Office has available Room 3509 from which it advises it can maintain a microphone
surveillance on King, with full security assured and without the use of any wiring
(1965 12/01) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General
This surveillance involved trespass and was discontinued on November 30, 1965
(1966 01/21) FBI Memorandum: J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General
This surveillance involved trespass. It will be immediately discontinued upon his departure.
(1966 01/27) Thomas Grey "Tom" Wicker Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1966 03/22) Thomas Grey "Tom" Wicker Oral History Interview - JFK #2
(1966 02/17) Fulbright Vietnam Hearings, General Maxwell Taylor (Retired) (Video) (c-span.org)
(1966 03/11) FBI File: KESEY, KEN (archive.org)
(1966 04/01) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Richard Helms
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 04/15) For Release At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Friday, April 15, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
Before the Democratic Midwest Conference, at Neil House, Columbus, Ohio,
At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Friday. April 15, 1966
(Department of State) (No. 86) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 04/19) For Release At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Tuesday, April 19, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
Before the Canadian Press Annual Dinner, at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada
At 6:30 P.M., E.S.T., Tuesday. April 19, 1966
(Department of State) (No. 89) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 04/22) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Richard Helms
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 05/00) School Desegregation in New Orleans: A Comparative Study of the Failure of Social Control
(Robert Crain / Morton Inger / Gerald McWorter) (National Opinion Research Center)
(1966 05/26) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Lawrence R. Houston
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 05/27) CIA Memorandum: William O. Creegar to FBI Director: "Johnny" Roselli (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/06) Robert F. Kennedy, University of Cape Town, South Africa, N.U.S.A.S. "Day of Affirmation" Speech
(1966 06/10) For Release At 6:30 P.M., M.S.T., Friday, June 10, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
At the Commencement Exercises of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
At 7:00 P.M., M.S.T., Friday. June 10, 1966
The Growing Strength of Freedom
(Department of State) (No. 142) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/11) Address by Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey Vice President of the United States
(ROTC Graduates - University of Minnesota - Minneapolis) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/16) For Release At 2:00 P.M., E.D.T., Thursday, June 16, 1966
Excerpts from an Address by The Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Ambassador at Large,
Before the Associated Harvard Alumni, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Massachusetts
At 2:00 P.M., E.D.T., Thursday, June 16, 1966
(Department of State) (No. 146) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 06/17) Richard Case Nagell - Report of Psychiatric Examination (Joseph F. Alderete, MD) (jfk-online.com)
(1966 08/10) Letter to the President (Dr. Martin Luther King, SCLC) (crmvet.org)
(1966 08/12) Journalist Claims CIA Role In Warren Report (Austria) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 09/22) Field Message: USIS London to USIA Washington
Rebuttal to Two Books Critical of Warren Commission Findings
(Norman P. Scott) (U.S. Information Service) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 10/03) Secret Service Memorandum:
The question has been frequently raised as to the date the Naval Bethesda Hospitals
autopsy report was furnished to the FBI (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 10/14) Statement on Poverty, Black Power, and Political Power
(Dr. Martin Luther King, SCLC) (crmvet.org)
(1966 10/29) Dear Mr. Knott ... Sincerely, Burke Marshall (jfk.hood.edu)
Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of 44 U.S.C. 397(e)(1), the executors of the estate
of the late President John F. Kennedy hereby transfer to the Administrator of General Services,
acting for and on behalf of the United States of America, for deposit in the National Archives
of the United States, all of their right, title, and interest in all of the personal clothing of the late
President now in the possession of the United States Government and identified in Appendix A,
and in certain x-rays and photographs connected with the autopsy of the late President referred
to in Appendix B, and the Administrator accepts the same, for and in the name of the United
States, for deposit in the National Archives of the United States, subject to the following
restrictions, which shall continue in effect during the lives of the late President's widow,
daughter, son, parents, brothers and sisters, or any of them
(1966 10/31) Inspection of Materials Relating to the Autopsy of President John F. Kennedy
(The National Archives) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 11/01) Federal Register Volume 31 ? Number 212 Part II
Acquisition and Preservation by the United States of Items of Evidence Pertaining to the
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General)
(1966 11/01) Inventory of the autopsy, x-rays, and photographs (The National Archives) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 11/04) FBI Memorandum: SAC J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
Some question had come up as to whether the bullet that
RUBY killed OSWALD with was a regular bullet or a dum dum
(1966 11/25) LIFE Magazine November 25, 1966
A Matter of Reasonable Doubt
(1966 12/13) Interview of Jack Martin (Pershing Oliver Gervais) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 12/15) Interview of David Ferrie (John Volz) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1966 12/28) FBI Oswald, Lee Harvey File: Vol. XII 8/15/66 to 12/28/66 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 00/00) Vietnam: An Antiwar Comic Book (Julian Bond / T.G. Lewis) (www2.iath.virginia.edu)
(1967 00/00) The Care and Feeding of Power Structures Revisited (Jack Minnis, SCEF) (crmvet.org)
(1967 01/04) Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Background Survey of Books Concerning the Assassination of President Kennedy
(CIA 104-10406-10110) (Version 1)
(1967 01/04) Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Background Survey of Books Concerning the Assassination of President Kennedy
(CIA 104-10406-10110) (Version 2)
(1967 01/16) Dear Mr. Weisberg:
I have no recollection of ever having talked to either man
Sincerely yours, Henry Wade (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 01/20) Arleigh A. Burke Oral History Interview - JFK
(Joseph E. O'Connor) (jfklibrary.org)
(1967 02/03) FBI Memorandum: SAC [________] to File (jfk.hood.edu)
The Attorney General is trying to get the FBI to go to GARRISON and get what he has on this case
(1967 02/22) Interview of George Lardner Jr. (William Gurvich) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 02/23) Medical Examiner's Autopsy Summary: Eladio del Valle (Peter L. Lardizabal, M.D.)
(1967 02/23) Statement of Teodosio Bahadue (Sgt. A. V. Giordano)
Investigation into the shooting and fatal beating of one Lado Caferino del Valle
(1967 02/23) FBI Memorandum: To File: SAC Shanklin Re: Garrison (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 02/24) FBI Airtel: All SACs from Director
James C. Garrison, District Attorney of New Orleans, Louisiana (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 02/25) U.S. Constitution: Amendment XXV: Presidential Succession
(1967 02/28) Memorandum: Interview With David Ferrie (Andrew Sciambra / Louis Ivon) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 03/09) Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts (history-matters.com)
(1967 03/16) Dean Andrews indicted for perjury in connection with the Jim Garrison investigation (Video)
(1967 03/28) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. Wick (jfk.hood.edu)
Manchester had charged that immediately after President Kennedy's assassination the FBI had
assigned fifty agents to a crash investigation, wrote a "skimpy report," and then "leaked the
report to a news magazine." Relative to the "leak," Mr. Tolson has asked, "What about this?"
(1967 04/04) Dr. Martin Luther King's 'Beyond Vietnam' speech at Riverside Church
(1967 04/05) Ferrie, David William (Deceased) (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1967 04/13) News Release: Examine all documents relating to the assassination
Representative Ted Kupferman
(1967 04/14) Dr. Martin Luther King's 'The Other America' speech at Stanford University (crmvet.org)
(1967 04/14) Dr. Martin Luther King's 'The Other America' speech at Stanford University (Video)
(1967 04/14) Memorandum: Interview of Lawrence Fox
(Jim Alcock / Kent Simms) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 04/25) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 04/25) Richard M. Bissell Oral History Interview - JFK #1
(1967 07/05) Richard M. Bissell Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (Joseph E. O'Connor) (jfklibrary.org)
(1967 05/01) FBI File: ONASSIS, JACQUELINE KENNEDY (archive.org)
(1967 05/13) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/16) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/27) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/28) FBI Memorandum: ASAC to SAC
In the best interest of Judge HAGGERTY (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 05/29) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 05/30) FBI Airtel: SAC, New Orleans to Director
JAMES GARRISON, Orleans Parish District Attorney, reported statements (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 06/01) Memorandum No. 3: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - Spectacular charges against CIA
(CIA) (history-matters.com)
(1967 06/02) Statement by a (Justice) Department Spokesman (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 06/05) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/06) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/07) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/08) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/09) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1967 06/19) CIA Memorandum: To Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
Der Spiegel Interview with District Attorney James C. GARRISON (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 06/29) Amendment of Regulations Relating to the Organization of the Department Justice
and the Production or Disclosure of Department Materials and Information
(Office of the Attorney General) (jfk.hood.edu)
UNDER 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 28 CFR PART 16
(Form DJ-T18 (Ed. 7-4-67)) (U.S. Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 07/12) Memorandum: David Ferrie
(Robert E. Lee) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 08/07) Memorandum No. 5: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - Recently received FBI reports
(CIA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/00) Dear Mr. Garrison: ... Best of Luck, One of Your Supporters
This information is not in the "Warren Report" (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/07) Memorandum No. 6: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - we have kept book on all persons
(CIA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/13) Memorandum No. 7: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination - Comment on Playboy Interview
(CIA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 09/15) Memorandum For: Director of Central Intelligence
Garrison's Charges Against CIA (maryferrell.org)
(1967 09/20) Garrison Group Meeting No. 1 (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1967 09/29) Memorandum For Director of Central Intelligence
Clay L. Shaw's Trial and the Central Intelligence Agency (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 10/10) Memorandum: Tom Bethell to Jim Garrison
CLAY SHAW and his lawyers feel that SHAW is going to be convicted in his trial (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 10/17) George C. Burkley Oral History Interview - JFK (Audio)
Physician to President Kennedy and President Johnson (1961 - 1969)
(William McHugh) (jfklibrary.org)
(1967 10/31) David A. Phillips Memorandum: Garrison Investigation: Belle Chasse Training Camp
(1967 11/02) Martin Luther King Jr. on The Mike Douglas Show (Video 1 of 3)
(1967 11/02) FBI Employee File: William C. Sullivan (archive.org)
(1967 11/20) LIFE-ITEK Kennedy Assassination Film Analysis (ITEK) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 11/29) Poor People's Campaign (kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu)
(1967 12/04) SCLC Statement Announcing Poor People's Campaign (crmvet.org)
(1967 12/07) Memorandum: James L. Alcock to Jim Garrison
EDWARD JULIUS GIRNUS, Prison #A-90428-A (jfk.hood.edu)
(1967 12/27) DFO 89-43, Serial 7726
"9/17-18/63 matter", Garrison; Loran Eugene Hall (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 00/00) 1968: Timeline (cds.library.brown.edu)
(1968 00/00) Affidavit by Mrs. Alveeta Treon (unsigned but corrected and annotated)
Lee Harvey Oswald's Raleigh Call (November 23, 1963)
(1968 02/01) South Vietnam Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police,
shoots Vietcong operative Nguyen Van Lem (Video)
(Eddie Adams) (AP)
(1968 02/09) LIFE Magazine February 9, 1968
Suicide Raid on the Embassy
(1968 02/16) George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #3 (See 1965 04/16)
George W. Ball Oral History Interview - JFK #4
(Larry J. Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1968 03/09) FBI Teletype: Memphis to Director
Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, Tenn. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 03/19) FBI Document: Re: Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, Tennessee; Racial Matters (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 03/20) Memorandum: Stephen Jaffe To Jim Garrison
Interview With Loran Hall (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 03/29) FBI Memorandum: G. C. Moore to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
King chose to hide out at the white owned and operated Holiday Inn Motel
(1968 04/01) The President's Daily Brief (LBJ)
(1968 04/02) FBI Document: Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Security Matter - C;
Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis, Tennessee; Racial Matters (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/03) Rev. Martin Luther King, I Have Been to the Mountain Top (crmvet.org)
(1968 04/03) Rev. Martin Luther King, I Have Been to the Mountain Top (Video)
(1968 04/04) FBI Memorandum: SA Howard D. Tetem to SAC Memphis:
Immediately upon receipt of information that MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., had been shot
(1968 04/04) Request For Subpoena Duces Tecum
(Criminal District Court Parish of Orleans) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/06) Interview Notes: Gerald Patrick Hemming, Mary Jean Logue, Roy Emery Hargreaves
(FBI) (P.J. Reilly) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/07) FBI FD-302: SAs Jack D. Vahrenwald, Eugene A. Medori, Stephan M. Darlington, John W. Bauer
William Charles Anschutz, 422 1/2 South Main, Apartment 48, Memphis (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/07) FBI FD-302: SA Orville V. Johnson
Miss EDITH BRUNER, Clerk, William Len Hotel advised she noticed two individuals (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/09) Obsequies - Martin Luther King, Jr. (crmvet.org)
(1968 04/12) FBI Memorandum: SA Franklin L. Johnson to SAC (44-1987)
Investigation At Fire Station And Vicinity (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/16) FBI FD-302: Lt. Judson E. Ghormley (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 04/18) FBI Memorandum: G. C. Moore to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (jfk.hood.edu)
Good evening. The FBI is now engaged in an intensive nationwide search to locate
Eric Starvo Galt in connection with the fatal shooting of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(1968 04/22) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Recommend that the evidence recovered by the
Memphis Police Department be returned to that agency
(1968 04/26) FBI Airtel: SAC HOUSTON to DIRECTOR (jfk.hood.edu)
Enclosed are three copies of an editorial entitled, "FBI Loses Some of Its Shine"
which was in the Houston Chronicle evening of 4/25/68
(1968 04/27) After Action Report, Civil Disorder Operation: LANTERN SPIKE, 28 March - 12 April 1968
111th Military Intelligence Group
(1968 04/29) Memorandum: UPI -169
(1968 04/30) FBI: Certain engineering measurements (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 05/02) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
We are conducting an investigation to locate and apprehend James Earl Ray
(1968 05/06) FBI Memorandum: T. E. Bishop to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
In accordance with the Director's instructions, the men in my office have
maintained a strict "no comment" policy with regard to inquiries being
received concerning the above-captioned case or the hunt for James Earl Ray
(1968 05/06) FBI Memorandum: T. E. Bishop to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Also attached is a photograph of Ray wearing dark glasses
which was taken in November, 1967
(1968 05/06) Memorandum: Steven J. Burton to Jim Garrison
Interview of Gerald Patrick Hemming, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 05/09) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
To recommend the installation of a technical surveillance (TESUR) on the telephones
of Albert and Carol Pepper, St. Louis, Missouri, subject's sister
(1968 05/09) File: Clay L. Shaw (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1968 05/10) Dear Mr. Hoover: ... Yours sincerely, James L. Alcock (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 05/22) FBI FD-302: SA Harley E. Gylfe
(1968 05/22) Memorandum: William Boxley to Jim Garrison Re: Allen Dulles on Dick Cavett 05/22/1968
(1968 06/04) Memorandum: State of Louisiana versus Clay Shaw (Jim Garrison) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 06/05) Photograph of stricken Robert F. Kennedy and Paul Schrade's foot (Bill Eppridge) (TIME/LIFE)
(1968 06/05) Ambassador Hotel pantry, locations of persons (Lynn Mangan)
(1968 06/05) Photograph of bullets in the Ambassador Hotel pantry door frame and Coroner Thomas Noguchi
(1968 06/05) Floyd B. Nelson papers, 1968-2001 (Kennedy Assassination Truth Committee)
(1968 06/05) Sirhan's Researcher - RFK Assassination documents and research (Lynn Mangan)
(1968 06/06) Report on the Medicolegal Investigation of Senator Robert F. Kennedy
(Thomas Noguchi, Chief Medical Examiner)
(1968 06/12) CIA Memo to Chief LEOB/SRS from Sarah Hall Re: Richard Case Nagell (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1968 06/13) Exhibit No. 27: Affidavit of Charles Quitman Stephens
(State of Tennessee, County of Shelby) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 06/14) LIFE Magazine June 14, 1968
Senator Robert F. Kennedy
(1968 06/18) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
I told him that Hanes was a former Agent, had been in the Bureau a couple of years,
was a former Mayor of Birmingham, had represented defendants in the Liuzzo case,
and is a Klan attorney. I told him he was absolutely no good and to have no contact with him
(1968 06/21) LIFE Magazine June 21, 1968
The Two Accused - The Psycho-biology of Violence
(1968 06/24) FBI Airtel: LEGAT, LONDON to DIRECTOR (jfk.hood.edu)
ARTHUR J. HANES requested an interview with RAY
(1968 07/10) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
It is noted the Fulham Bank in London was robbed on the afternoon of 6/4/68.
Ray has been identified as the perpetrator of that bank robbery based on his fingerprint
appearing on the note used by the robber to demand money from the bank employees
(1968 07/19) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
James Earl Ray was returned to the United States today (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 07/22) Memorandum: Steven J. Burton to Jim Garrison
L'amérique Brûle by James Hepburn (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 08/02) FBI Teletype: Chicago to Director and Memphis
Letters Purportedly From Subject Ray Addressed To Ray's Attorney (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 09/18) George H. Decker Oral History Interview - JFK (Larry J. Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1968 09/20) Chance For Testing Rifle Is Bypassed
(FBI) (Commercial Appeal) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 09/30) Judge in Ray Case Holds 4 in Contempt (UP)
(1968 10/01) FBI Annual Report - Fiscal Year 1968
Report from the Office of John Edgar Hoover, Director
Criminal Investigations
Counterintelligence Activities
Cooperative Services
Applicant And Employee Investigations
Personnel And Administration
A View of the Future
(1968 10/03) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
Synopsis: Harold Weisberg, the author of several books... (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 10/24) FBI Teletype: Director to SAC, Birmingham (jfk.hood.edu)
Advise ARTHUR J. HANES that if he has any information,
he should feel free to furnish it to the Birmingham Office
(1968 10/24) Dear Mr. Hanes: ... Very truly yours, Ralph J. Miles, Special Agent in Charge
If you have any information you feel would be of interest to the FBI,
you should feel perfectly free to furnish it to me (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 11/15) FBI Memorandum: J. P. Dunphy to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Phil M. Canale, State Attorney General, Shelby County, who will prosecute
subject Ray in State Court, has renewed his request for a three-dimensional
model of the crime scene in this case
(1968 11/15) FBI Document: Re: Black Organizing Project; Racial Matters (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 12/02) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
William Bradford Huie, author, has written two articles (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 12/03) Admiral George G. Burkley: U.T. Oral History Project (T. H. Baker) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1968 12/13) CIA Memo to J. Edgar Hoover from Richard Helms Re: Richard Case Nagell (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1968 12/23) Memorandum: Steven J. Burton to File
Farewell America, a film directed by Herve LaMarre (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 01/16) Statement of Burke Marshall
Last year, the Attorney General informed me that he had ordered
the 1968 Panel Review and that it had been conducted (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 01/28) FBI FD-302: SA Neil P. Shanahan) (jfk.hood.edu)
MR. DON WOOD, Aeromarine Supply Company, Airport Road, Birmingham, Alabama
(1969 03/13) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Ralph J. Rampton to SAC, BIRMINGHAM (44-1740)
During the evening of 3/12/69 AUSA R. MACEY TAYLOR telephoned (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 01/28) New Documentary Reveals Secret U.S., Chinese Diplomacy Behind Nixon's Trip
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 145) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1969 01/29) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Bureau indicies indicate that Bureau has had cordial relations with
"Parade" magazine although its Washington Bureau is held at arms length
since it is staffed by Jack Anderson and Fred Blumenthal
(1969 01/31) Summary of Pleadings Introduced by Jim Garrison In
Continuing Effort To Get Photos and X-rays (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 02/06) Clay Shaw Trial Transcripts (maryferrell.org)
(1969 02/06) Opening argument made by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the trial of Clay Shaw
(1969 02/07) Statement Of William Bradford Huie (Shelby County Grand Jury) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 02/10) EERIK HEINE v. JURI RAUS
Affidavit of Richard Helms
(United States District Court For The District of Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 02/21) Clay Shaw Trial Testimony: Robert A. Frazier (F. Irvin Dymond, Alvin Oser)
(1969 03/01) Clay Shaw Trial Verdict AP bulletins (Associated Press)
(1969 03/11) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Ray will be eligible for release on parole with good time and honor time added, in 33 years
(1969 03/11) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
The disposition of the Federal conspiracy warrant presently outstanding concerning James Earl Ray
(1969 03/11) FBI Memorandum: C. D. DeLoach to Mr. Tolson (jfk.hood.edu)
I would like to suggest that the Director allow us to choose a friendly, capable author,
or the Reader's Digest, and proceed with a book based on this case
(1969 03/12) Dear Mr. Hoover: ... Sincerely yours, [__________] (jfk.hood.edu)
You are the Director of the FBI. You did not like King.
You referred to him in derogatory fashion in print on several occasions. He was murdered
(1969 03/12) Art Buchwald Oral History Interview - RFK (Roberta Greene) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 03/13) FBI Interview: James Earl Ray (Robert Jensen SAC Memphis) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 03/16) Louis V. Romanelli
(1969 03/20) FBI Memorandum: M. A. Jones to Mr. Bishop (jfk.hood.edu)
Even though Bishop has been described in Bufiles as
"somewhat pompous and a little overbearing at times,"
he nonetheless has both the name and ability to produce a book on the King case
(1969 03/25) Telegram to SecState from Madrid Embassy Re: Nagell, Richard C. (maryferrell.org)
(1969 03/27) Dear Mr. Hoover: ... Sincerely yours, [__________] (jfk.hood.edu)
The only trouble is not many people believe you
(1969 03/31) FBI Memphis Urgent To Director Re: Judge W. Preston Battle (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 04/01) History of the Office of Special Activities From Inception to 1969 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1969 04/04) An Investigation Summary of the Senator Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
(LAPD Detective Bureau) (maryferrell.org)
(1969 04/04) Special Unit Senator LAPD Collection (LAPD) (maryferrell.org)
(1969 05/06) Ross R. Barnett Oral History Interview - JFK (Dennis O'Brien) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 06/09) H.B. 15090 - Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970 - Public Law 91-171
Volume 6 - page 129 - Part 5 - Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
Synthetic Biological Agents
(1969 06/10) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach
President Kennedy was fired upon three times and all three shots struck the President (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 06/20) Operation Duck Hook (nsarchive2.gwu.edu)
(1969 07/01) HB 15090 - Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970 (excerpt)
(1969 07/23) Interview I: Kenneth O'Donnell (Paige E. Mulhollan) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 07/15) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #1
(1969 07/29) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #2
(1969 08/05) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #3
(1969 08/05) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #3
(1969 12/12) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #4
(1970 01/03) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #5
(1970 02/21) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #6
(1970 02/13) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #7
(1970 03/13) Peter B. Edelman Oral History Interview - RFK #8
(Larry Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 07/25) State Department Memorandum: Charles Thomas to William Rogers
Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin of President Kennedy (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 08/00) Defence-Disrupting Therapy (Barker/Mason/Wilson)
(1969 08/05) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #1
(1969 08/13) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #2
(1970 03/23) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #3
(1970 04/07) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #4
(1970 05/01) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #5
(1970 06/12) Walter Sheridan Oral History Interview - RFK #6
(Roberta Greene) (jfklibrary.org)
(1969 08/21) FBI From SAC St. Louis to Director Re: James Earl Ray Statement (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 09/05) FBI File: DEAD, THE GRATEFUL (archive.org)
(1969 09/26) FBI Airtel: SAC, Birmingham to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
HANES contends that subject RAY had been engaged in transportation of weapons
(1969 10/02) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Investigation to date has failed to connect Ray with any gunrunning
(1969 10/10) FBI Airtel: SAC, Birmingham to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
Arthur J. Hanes stated that he had two theories of groups who may have led Ray;
one being the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the other being black militant groups
(1969 10/13) Dear Mr. Weisberg:
I am forwarding herewith a copy of the indictment in United States v. Rene Leon, et al.
Sincerely, J. Walter Yeagley (jfk.hood.edu)
(1969 10/21) DoJ Memorandum: Assistant Attorney General to Director, FBI (jfk.hood.edu)
Reference is made to your letter dated October 15, 1969, entitled "Harold Weisberg"
(1969 11/18) Frederick G. Dutton Oral History Interview - RFK
(Larry J. Hackman) (jfklibrary.org)
(1970 00/00) Bombing Vietnam to Ride of the Valkyries (Video)
(1970 01/01) Federal Environmental Laws and Executive orders applicable to FEMA's actions
(1970 01/19) The literary property rights in this transcript have been retained by the interviewee, Burke Marshall
(Larry J. Hackman) (Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Program) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1970 03/16) Commission on Population Growth and the American Future (John D. Rockefeller III)
(1970 04/15) Conduct of Associate Justice Douglas
(House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford) (Congressional Record) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1970 05/12) FBI File: CARLIN, GEORGE (archive.org)
(1970 06/05) FBI Airtel: SAC, Memphis to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
An article appearing in a Memphis newspaper indicated that FENSTERWALD is from
Washington, D.C. and heads a private group called "The Committee to Investigate Assassinations"
(1970 06/15) FBI Memorandum: A. Rosen to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Special Agent in Charge of the Memphis Office, in connection with the James Earl Ray case,
has requested a name check on Fensterwald, who is the head of a
private group called "The Committee to Investigate Assassinations."
(1970 06/22) Organization and Accomplishments of the DDA-DDS Group 1953-1956 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1970 06/24) FBI Memorandum: T. E. Bishop to Mr. DeLoach (jfk.hood.edu)
Accordingly, copies of these documents were furnished to Weisberg
(1970 07/11) Edward Lansdale Oral History Interview (jfklibrary.org)
(1970 11/19) Victor H. Krulak Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1970 11/30) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (See 1964 03/00)
(1971 02/22) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #3
(1972 03/13) McGeorge Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #4
(William W. Moss) (jfklibrary.org)
(1971 00/00) United States Special Virus Program
Progress Report #8, page 61, Special Virus Flow Chart
(1971 03/15) Gift of Personal Statement By Hale Boggs to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library (Excerpts)
(1971 04/23) Vietnam Veterans Against the War - Statement to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations
(John Kerry) (www2.iath.virginia.edu)
(1971 05/19) Affidavit: William W. Harper (sirhansresearcher.com)
(1971 05/06) FBI Memorandum: W. A. Branigan to C. D. Brennan
Sarah McClendon, plans to write a feature story on [________________] (jfk.hood.edu)
(1971 06/09) Congressional Record - Senate (jfk.hood.edu)
(1971 06/16) Admiral Lewis L. Strauss Oral History Interview (trumanlibrary.org)
(1971 07/09) Richard M. Bissell Jr. Oral History Interview (trumanlibrary.org)
(1971 08/02) FBI Airtel: SAC, Baltimore to Director (jfk.hood.edu)
The conversation concerned the fact that the President was not
doing what was good for the country, especially about Vietnam,
and that he had to be done away with within the next five years
(1971 08/30) Interviews of William C. Wood aka Bill Boxley (George E. Rennar)
(1971 09/21) Earl Warren Oral History Interview
(Joe B. Frantz) (tc.pbs.org)
(1971 12/23) Milton S. Gwirtzman Oral History Interview - RFK #1 (Roberta W. Greene) (jfklibrary.org)
(1972 02/07) White House Conference on the Industrial World Ahead: a Look at Business in 1990
(1972 03/06) William P. Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #2 (See 1964 11/12)
(1972 04/25) William P. Bundy Oral History Interview - JFK #3
(William W. Moss) (jfklibrary.org)
(1972 05/11) Chief Justice Earl Warren Oral History Interview
(Jerry N. Hess) (trumanlibrary.org)
(1972 05/26) LIFE Magazine May 26, 1972
The Wallace Shooting
(1972 05/15) President Nixon mentions the Warren Commission Report (.mp3) (@ 4:50)
(1972 05/26) US-USSR Trade and Economic Council
(1972 06/09) Gravel v. United States (w/audio of oral arguments)
(Burger Court) (oyez.org)
(1972 09/15) FBI Cablegram: Acting Director to Legat Mexico City (jfk.hood.edu)
Are the requested photographs or copies of them in your files?
(1972 10/10) 52 Week Oral Toxicity Study In The Infant Monkey
Artificial Sweetening Agent SC-18862
(1972 06/01) Operation CHAOS (CIA) (archive.org)
(1963 09/20) Western Union Cablegram: L.H.Oswald to Jack Nellville (Q635) (jfk.hood.edu)
Expecting something big.stop-
(1973 05/04) FBI Memorandum: Director to SAC, Oklahoma City
A photograph of Q635 is being attached to the Washington Field Office copies of this report
(1973 05/04) FBI Laboratory Report to SAC, Oklahoma City
The typewriting on Q635 most closely resembles a Laboratory standard for
a Remington pica style of type used on a Cadet, Portable machine Model #4B
(1973 04/13) FBI Memorandum: SAC, Oklahoma City to Acting Director
This piece of paper was discovered in amongst a 14-volume set
of medical books which was being moved in Tulsa, Oklahoma
(1973 04/11) FBI Airtel: Minneapolis to Acting Director, Oklahoma City, Dallas
Source suggests that this message be exhibited to Mr. Shrank, Public Service Group,
Western Union, Park Lane Drive, Mc Lean Virginia, to determine its possible origin
(1973 06/27) President Richard Nixon's Enemies List(s)
(1973 10/07) Statutory Authority For The FBI'S Domestic Intelligence Activities
An Analysis Prepared for the Use of The House Committee On Internal Security (jfk.hood.edu)
(1973 11/05) Gerald Ford Vice President Confirmation Hearing (Excerpt)
(Senate Rules and Administration Committee) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1974 00/00) Working Draft - CIA Watergate History (CIA IG) (archive.org)
(1974 03/28) DoJ Memorandum: Stephen Horn to K. William O'Connor
Review of the James Earl Ray File (jfk.hood.edu)
(1974 06/27) Final Report of the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (archive.org)
(1974 09/00) Gerald Ford's Role: The September 15, 1972 Transcript
(Mike Elwing) (Senator Harold Hughes (D-Iowa) Office) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) Background of Allegations that Gerald Ford Conspired with the White House to Block Patman Inquiry
(0000 00/00) Gerald Ford's Role: The September 15 Transcript: Addendum (jfk.hood.edu)
(1974 10/17) Veto Battle Set Freedom of Information Norms
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 142) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1974 12/00) National Photographic Interpretation Center:
The Years of Project HTAUTOMAT, 1956-1958 (CIA) (archive.org)
(1974 12/10) NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum)
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
(1975 00/00) Cambodia 1975: before the genocide
(Peace Pledge Union) (ppu.org.uk)
(1975 00/00) Inquiry into the Alleged Involvement of CIA in the Watergate and Ellsberg Matters
(House Committee on Armed Services) (archive.org)
(1975 02/03) FBI Airtel: SAC, DALLAS to DIRECTOR
eight photographs showing three individuals in custody of Dallas Police Officers (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 02/19) H. Res.204: The committee is authorized and directed to conduct a full and complete
investigation and study of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of John F. Kennedy,
Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, and the attempted assassination of George Wallace
(House of Representatives) (94th Congress) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 02/19) U.S. Rep. Henry González Asks Congress To Study Assassinations
(Congressional Record) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 02/20) FBI Memorandum: SAC, J. Gordon Shanklin to File (jfk.hood.edu)
On 2/20/75 NICHOLAS HOROCK, Washington office of the New York Times, stated that
there was a memorandum dated 6/3/60, wherein Mr. Hoover had stated, "The possibility
exists that some imposter might be using the birth certificate of LEE HARVEY OSWALD"
(1975 03/06) First televised showing on the Zapruder film (Video)
(Geraldo Rivera/Robert Groden/Dick Gregory) (ABC Good Night America)
(1975 04/16) Reopen Investigation Into The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy
(Congressional Record) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 05/14) Analysis of Zapruder Film - National Photo Interpretation Center (NPIC) documents
(1975 05/21) Flaws In RFK-Sirhan Case Cry For Fresh Look
(Hon. Christopher J. Dodd) (Congressional Record)
(1975 06/00) Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States
(Rockefeller Commission)
(1975 06/04) FBI Memorandum: SUPV. SA [________________] to SAC, Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
[________________] [________________] has been assigned to review a book written by GEORGE O'TOOLE
that involves O'TOOLE's analysis of tape recordings made incidental to the assassination matter
(1975 06/05) FBI Memorandum: SA Robert P. Gemberling to SAC, DALLAS (89-43)
An article has been printed in the "Washington Star"(jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 06/18) Petition For Grand Jury Investigation - Richard L. Feldman Petitioner
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 06/19) Testimony of James Angleton (Church Committee)
(1975 06/23) Letter to AG Edward Levi from FBI Director Clarence Kelley Re: Richard C. Nagell (maryferrell.org)
(1975 06/30) The Kissinger State Department Telcons
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 135) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(1975 07/08) HSCA Testimony: General Edward Lansdale RE: Cuban Operation
(1975 07/14) FBI Memorandum: J. B. Adams to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. [_______] specifically requested that his identity as the source of this information be concealed
(1975 07/15) I, NANNIE LEE FENNER, being duly sworn
Approximately one week or ten days prior to November 22, 1963,
an individual appeared at the reception desk and asked to see SA HOSTY (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/15) 1, JAMES P. HOSTY, JR., being duly sworn
I was instructed by SAC SHANKLIN to disregard and destroy this letter (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/16) I, KENNETH C. HOWE, being duly sworn
I have no reason to doubt Mrs. FENNER's veracity (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/17) FBI Memorandum: J. B. Adams to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Oswald had visited the Dallas Office prior to the assassination and left a threatening letter
(1975 07/21) I, KENNETH C. HOWE, a Special Agent of the FBI, San Diego, California, have been duly sworn
Finding a letter in Special Agent JAMES HOSTY'S workbox in the Dallas FBI Office,
which appeared to me to have been prepared by LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/21) I, J. Gordon Shanklin, being duly sworn
I can state unequivocally that I never told Hosty or anyone to destroy any note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/22) I, HELEN V. MAY, being duly sworn
I categorically deny ever seeing the note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/22) I, JOE A. PEARCE, being duly sworn
MRS. FENNER has a tendency to exaggerate, in my opinion (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 07/31) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Intelligence Costs and Fiscal Procedure
Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 1
(1975 07/16) HSCA Testimony: L. Fletcher Prouty
(1975 09/02) I, JAMES W. ANDERTON, being duly sworn
In the general time frame of 1969 to 1970, at 5:00 PM, MRS. NANNIE LEE FENNER
make a remark concerning either a note or a letter of a threatening nature which had
been directed to SA HOSTY from LEE HARVEY OSWALD (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/02) I, James W. Bookhout, being duly sworn
At no time during this interview did Oswald mention that he had visited
the Dallas FBI Office and left a note for SA Hosty (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/02) I, VINCENT E. DRAIN, being duly sworn
Approximately six years ago (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/02) I, NANNIE LEE FENNER, being duly sworn
Handwriting which I can best describe as a large scrawl, which was very childlike (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/03) FBI FD-302: Harold N. Bassett and Francis M. Mullen (jfk.hood.edu)
Special Agent JOSEPH L. SCHOTT (new retired) was interviewed
He received this information from another individual, whose identity he refused to disclose
(1975 09/03) I, Martha Ann Campbell, formerly Martha Ann Connally, being duly sworn
Upon hearing Fenner's name, he made "a face" (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/03) FBI Interview: Joseph L. Schott
Assistant Director Harold N. Bassett and Tampa SAC Francis M. Mullen, Jr. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/04) I, Ural E. Horton, Jr., being duly sworn
I did hear there was an Oswald note to Hosty and that it allegedly contained a threat (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/05) FBI FD-350: Dallas (jfk.hood.edu)
News Tribune; Ft. Worth, Texas; Editor: Mack Williams
Schott Thinks Hoover May Have OK'd Destruction Of Lee Harvey Oswald Letter to FBI
(1975 09/05) I, CHARLES T. BROWN, JR., being duly sworn
DRAIN asked me if I knew about the note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/05) I, Emory E. Horton, being duly sworn,
I state I did not see the note (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/08) I, John V. Almon, being duly sworn
It was common knowledge in the Dallas Office (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/10) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Committee Proceedings
Proceedings of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 4
(1975 09/11) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Committee Proceedings
Proceedings of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 2
(1975 09/11) I, Eugene W. Walsh, being duly sworn
I had absolutely no knowledge of an alleged visit by Lee Harvey Oswald (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/12) FBI Memorandum: J. B. Adams to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
Sandy Smith, Time magazine, came by to see me and we discussed his article
appearing in the 9-15-75 issue of Time magazine
(1975 09/16) Church Committee: Volume 1
Hearings on Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents
(1975 09/17) Testimony of James Angleton (Church Committee)
(1975 09/17) FBI FD-302: SA [_____________]
LORAN EUGENE HALL was interviewed at his request (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/17) FBI FD-302: SAC Richard F. Bates and Inspector Edgar N. Best (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. WILLIAM C. SULLIVAN was interviewed
Mr. SULLIVAN advised that that question was infringing on his civil rights
and he refused to furnish any additional information whatsoever concerning that area of inquiry
(1975 09/17) I, Elbert T. Turner, being duly sworn
At the time of the assassination the Oswald case had recently been assigned to me
in my capacity of supervisory Special Agent in the Espionage Section (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/22) I, James P. Hosty, being duly sworn
I then took the torn pieces out of the waste basket, left his office and went to
the men's washroom located between the eleventh and twelfth floors and
flushed all the scraps of paper down the commode (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/23) I, Henry A. Schutz, make the following statement free and voluntary
I am simply referring to a meeting when I thought an unusual procedure was followed (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/23) Church Committee: Volume 2
Hearings on the Huston Plan
(1975 09/24) I, J. GORDON SHANKLIN, being duly sworn
It would be absolutely impossible to describe the turmoil, the excitement, the pressures (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 09/26) FBI FD-302: Inspector Edgar N. Best (jfk.hood.edu)
Ruth Paine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was telephonically contacted
Oswald told her that he had visited the Dallas Office of the FBI
(1975 09/29) FBI JFK 62-109060 Serial 7302 X (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 10/02) FBI Memorandum: H. N. Bassett to Mr. Callahan (jfk.hood.edu)
It would be proper to inform Mr. Shanklin that he had not been released
from his secrecy agreement and to so advise Fink of this fact (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 10/02) Church Committee: Volume 3
Hearings on the Internal Revenue Service
(1975 10/09) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Domestic Intelligence Programs
Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 3
(1975 10/21) Church Committee: Volume 4
Hearings on Mail Opening (maryferrell.org)
(1975 10/21) Statement Of Deputy Associate Director James B. Adams Federal Bureau
Of Investigation Before The Subcommittee On Civil And Constitutional
Rights Of The House Committee On The Judiciary (jfk.hood.edu)
We have just completed an exhaustive internal inquiry which leaves no doubt
that Lee Harvey Oswald visited our Dallas Field Office some days prior to the
assassination of President Kennedy and that he left a handwritten note there for the
Special Agent who was conducting our subversive activities investigation of him
(1975 10/21) Statement of Deputy Associate Director James B. Adams, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before The Subcommittee On Civil And Constitutional Rights
Of The House Committee On The Judiciary - October 21, 1975 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 10/29) Church Committee: Volume 5
Hearings on the National Security Agency and Fourth Amendment Rights
(1975 11/04) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Domestic Intelligence Programs
Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 5
(1975 11/04) FBI File: BRUSSELL, MAE (archive.org)
(1975 11/11) House Committee on Agriculture: Oversight Hearing on National Archives
Handling of Freedom of Information Act and Declassification Requests
(David Belin / Dr. James B. Rhoads) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 11/18) Church Committee: Volume 6
Hearings on the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(1975 11/20) Church Committee: Interim Report
Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders
(1975 11/20) Operation Mongoose
(1975 11/20) Second Coming of Christ
(1975 11/21) Richard C. Nagell Affidavit (maryferrell.org)
(1975 11/26) NSDM 314 (National Security Decision Memorandum)
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for United States Security and Overseas Interests
(1975 11/26) FBI Memorandum: Clerk [_________] to SAC, DALLAS
On November 26, 1975, DIXIE YATES 1242 S. Britain, Irving, Texas (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 12/01) Inquiry Into the Destruction of Former FBI Director Hoovers Files and FBI Record Keeping
(House Committee on Government Operations)
(1975 12/04) Church Committee: Volume 7
Hearings on Covert Action
(1975 12/15) I, NANNIE LEE FENNER, being duly sworn, hereby make the following free and
voluntary statement to Assistant Director HAROLD. N.BASSETT and the Special
Agent in Charge of the Dallas Office, THEODORE L. GUNDERSON (jfk.hood.edu)
(1975 12/24) FBI FD-302: Special Agent Robert M. Barrett (jfk.hood.edu)
I was interviewed by Committee Staff member Paul Wallach. Mr. Wallach asked if it
was not true that Mr. Shanklin or some other Bureau official had given explicit
directions that the investigation was to establish that Oswald acted alone
(1976 00/00) Guide to Manuscripts in the Bentley Historical Library
(Thomas E. Powers / William H. McNitt) (University of Michigan Ann Arbor) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 01/13) FBI File: BUGLIOSI, VINCENT (archive.org)
(1976 01/20) U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Activities: Committee Proceedings
Proceedings of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Part 6 (maryferrell.org)
(1976 02/06) Testimony of James J. Angleton (Church Committee)
(1976 02/06) FBI File: Phone Phreak Activities Control File (archive.org)
(1976 02/25) Floyd M. Boring Oral History Interview
(Bill Hartigan) (jfklibrary.org)
(1976 03/24) FBI File: REAGAN, RONALD (archive.org)
(1976 03/29) James J. Rowley Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1976 03/31) DoJ Memorandum: J. Stanley Pottinger to the Attorney General (jfk.hood.edu)
We have not found a basis to believe that the FBI in any way caused the death of Martin Luther King
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book III
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book IV
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Foreign and Military Intelligence
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book V
The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy:
Performance of the Intelligence Agencies
(1976 04/23) Church Committee: Book VI
Supplementary Reports on Intelligence Activities
(1976 04/26) Church Committee: Book I
Foreign and Military Intelligence
(1976 04/26) Church Committee: Book II
Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans
(0000 00/00) Interception of International Telecommunications by the National Security Agency
(draft report)
(1976 06/00) Report by James Jesus Angleton on CIA Activities Within the United States (CIA) (archive.org)
(1976 07/01) Dear Supporter of H. Res. 204:
(Henry B. González, M. C.) (House of Representatives) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 07/07) HSCA Memorandum of Interview with Former Lt. Judson E. Ghormley
of the Shelby County Sheriff's Department
(Fred G. Folsom / James F. Walker) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 08/27) Multiple CIA and FBI Memoranda Re: E. Howard Hunt (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 09/18) FBI File: House Select Committee on Assassinations (archive.org)
(1976 09/23) FBI Memorandum: J. A. Conley to Mr. Basset (jfk.hood.edu)
Mr. J. Gordon Shanklin, dictated the attached two statements on 7/8/75
I certainly have no knowledge whatsoever of Lee Harvey Oswald ever coming to
the Dallas Office, have no knowledge of any letter he may have left, or the fact
the letter may have been destroyed after the assassination
(1976 10/08) CIA Memorandum: Curtis Rivers to Director of Security
Dade County Request for Agency Assistance Regarding the Death of Johnny Roselli
Motion For Production of Favorable Evidence
(United States District Court For The District of Florida) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1976 11/27) HSCA Unpublished and Classified Interviews and Testimony
(1976 11/27) HSCA Interview: David Atlee Phillips
(1976 12/12) Letter to HSCA from Dr. Joseph Dolce M.D. F.A.C.S.
My Thoughts Re President J. F. Kennedy Assassination (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 00/00) Title 28 - Judicial Administration 1976 and 1977
16.3 Requests for identifiable records and copies
50.8 Policy with regard to criteria for discretionary access to investigatory records of historical interest
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 01/02) HSCA Interview: Tom Robinson (Audio)
(0000 00/00) HSCA Interview: John Van Hoesen (Audio only) (Undated)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1977 01/04) FBI Memorandum: [__________________] to SAC, DALLAS
Reference to a bullet that was allegedly found by an individual named LESTER (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 01/11) FBI Martin Luther King, Jr. Review Task Force: p. 37-47
(1977 01/11) FBI Martin Luther King, Jr. Review Task Force: III. The Security Investigation
(1977 01/11) FBI Martin Luther King, Jr. Review Task Force: IV. Recommendations
(1977 01/14) FBI Airtel: SAC, DALLAS to Director
Request to retain the services of former SA Robert P. Gemberling (retired) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 01/22) Dear Supporters of House Select Committee on Assassinations:
(Henry B. González, M. C.) (House of Representatives) (jfk.hood.edu)
Deposition of ROBERT A FRAZIER
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 02/07) HSCA Memorandum: Andy Purdy to Bob Tanenbaum
re: Ballistics Testing, Edgewood Arsenal - Dr. Joseph R. Dolce (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/00) Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Reference Manual
(Federal Bureau of Investigation) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/08) UNITED STATES of America v. Bernard W. FENSTERWALD, Jr.
(United States Court Appeals, District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/09) Dear Mr. Attorney General: ... Sincerely, Louis Stokes (HSCA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/11) FBI Memorandum: Director to The Attorney General
Received from a Dallas resident a metal fragment (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/23) HSCA Memorandum: Fonzi to Tanenbaum re: Dr. Joseph Dolce - ballistics consultant (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 03/18) HSCA Memorandum: Richard Sprague To File
Dr. George G. Burkley, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy retired
Others besides Oswald must have participated
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 04/06) FBI FD-302: SAs [____________] and [____________] (jfk.hood.edu)
Transcription of (Willem) Oltman interview re: appearance before the 'Committee of the Assassination'
(1977 04/18) FBI Laboratory Report: FBI File No. 62-109060 (jfk.hood.edu)
The photocopy shown in the Item 2 photographs does not reproduce the handwriting
on the original document with sufficient clarity of line detail for adequate handwriting
comparisons or any definite determination whether that handwriting was or was not
prepared by LEE HARVEY OSWALD, whose available genuine writings consist
of a large number of documents previously submitted in this investigation
(1977 04/22) Memorandum: Robert L. Keuch to The Attorney General
Establishing and conducting liaison with the House Select Committee on Assassinations (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 04/28) FBI Memorandum: J. S. Peelman to Mr. Moore
To advise of the inaccuracy of a statement made by Richard Sprague (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 04/28) FBI Memorandum: ASAC Kyle G. Clark to Director
Obtaining the test bullets from the National Archives (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 05/10) FBI Memorandum: Director to The Attorney General
Bureau's inability to obtain certain test bullets from the National Archives (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 05/23) Charles Quitman STEPHENS v. CITY OF MEMPHIS and Memphis Publishing Company, et al
(Court of Appeals of Tennessee, Western Section)
(1977 08/03) HSCA Memorandum: G. Robert Blakey to Mr. James B. Rhoads
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Director of Central Intelligence
and the Select Committee On Assassinations (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 08/03) File: The Conspiracy to Kill JFK, Its Meaning (Jim Garrison) (archive.org)
(1977 08/07) The Bressler Report (re: Searle Laboratories) (Jerome Bressler)
(1977 08/08) FBI Memorandum: Director to The Deputy Attorney General
Retired Special Agent Alvin Staffeld, Jr., was interviewed
by Chief Counsel Robert Blakey, HSCA (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 08/16) Dear Mr. Allard: ... Very truly yours, Vincent K. Antle
To: Col. Lucien CONEIN
  Subject: Gerald P. HEMMING, Jr. AKA Gerry PATRICK
  Date: 8 Sept 1976
  (DoJ) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 08/17) Andy Purdy Memorandum to File: Search for Missing Autopsy Materials
(1977 08/24) Miscellaneous Information Concerning 324 East 10th Street, Dallas, TX
(1977 09/16) HSCA Interview: James Humes and J. Thorton Boswell
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4), (Audio: 5), (Audio: 6)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1977 10/03) Procedures used by the (Justice) Department and the Senate Select Committee
As far as you can go without giving up all the family jewels
(Paul Daly) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 10/05) Memorandum: Robert L. Keuch to The Attorney General
Memorandum of Understanding - House Select Committee on Assassinations
(1977 12/02) Documents Reviewed by CIA Personnel relating to the assassination of JFK
(David Van Tassel) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 12/05) FBI Memorandum: Memphis, Tennessee
Retired Special Agent Joe C. Hester appeared at Washington, D. C. (jfk.hood.edu)
(1977 12/10) FBI Memorandum: Legal Counsel to The Associate Director
Contact with Mr. G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/00) Report on the Relationship Between the United States Recording Company
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Certain Other Matters Pertaining to the F.B.I.
(Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/09) HSCA Interview: George Shires (Audio)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/10) Francis X. O'Neill, Jr. Investigation Interview (Incomplete)
(Unattributed) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/11) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
To request the services of the Engineering Section, Technical Services Division (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 01/11) HSCA Interview: James Carrico (Audio) (Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/11) HSCA Interview: Malcolm Perry (Audio) (Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/18) HSCA Interview: Richard Lipsey (Report only)
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4), (Audio: 5)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 01/29) HSCA Deposition: Joe O'Donnell (USIA photographer) ( l/29/97 and 2/28/97)
(1978 03/10) HSCA Interview: FBI Special Agent Dennis LeMaster
LeMaster found it difficult to understand any antipathy Ray may have had against Dr. King
(Edward Evans, Mel Kreidman, Robin Lindley ) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 03/11) HSCA Interview: John Ebersole
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 03/11) HSCA Interview: Pierre Finck
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 03/12) HSCA Interview: Pierre Finck
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 03/14) Memorandum: NNFJ - Clarence F. Lyons, Jr. to NNFJ - Grover
Remarks made by House Select Committee on Assassinations staff member (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 03/17) NSCM 46 (National Security Council Memorandum)
Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement
(1978 03/22) HSCA Testimony: James Wilcott (ratical.org)
(1978 03/23) HSCA Deposition: William S. Walter, FBI Clerk
(1978 04/00) The Missing General
Introduction By L. Fletcher Prouty
(Willem Oltmans) (Gallery) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 04/02) Dear Mr. Rhoads: ... Sincerely, Edmund L. Henshaw, Jr., Clerk
This will acknowledge the transmittal of 848 boxes of Records (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 04/07) HSCA Testimony: Joe Molina (portion)
(United States District Court for the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 04/25) HSCA Interview: David Atlee Phillips
(1978 05/27) HSCA Interview: Admiral Calvin B. Galloway
(1978 06/06) HSCA Interview: Silvia Tirado (Duran)
(HSCA) (Gary Cornwell / Dan Hardway / Eddie Lopez) (www.maryferrell)
(1978 06/07) Assistant Attorney General to Robert L. Keuch
Responding in full to an HSCA request of May 11, 1978 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 07/10) Dear Mr. Chairman, ... Sincerely yours, William H. Webster
I am unable to comply with Mr. Blakey's request (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 07/11) HSCA Interview: Regis Blahut (07/11/1978 and 07/13/1978) (Audio Only)
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 07/12) CIA Memorandum for the Record: HSCA Internal Security Problem
(1978 07/18) HSCA Interview: Abe Fortas
(Gary Cornwell / Mike Ewing) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 08/09) HSCA Deposition: David R. Murphey
(1978 08/11) HSCA Interview: Robert Knudsen
(Audio: 1), (Audio: 2), (Audio: 3), (Audio: 4), (Audio: 5)
(Forensic Pathology Panel) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 08/11) HSCA Deposition: Robert L. Knudsen (White House photographer)
(1978 08/15) CIA Response to HSCA Request of 15 August 1978
(1978 08/17) HSCA Interview: Thomas Casasin by Surell Brady
(1978 08/22) HSCA Interview: Samuel Stern by Mike Ewing
(1978 09/25) HSCA Deposition: Mr. X (James O'Connell) (jfklancer.com)
(1978 10/05) HSCA Interview: James Angleton
(1978 10/12) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
Disposition of the voluminous material prepared for the HSCA (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 10/24) Affidavit: I, James W. Sibert
(Kathleen M. Weaver) (Notary Public State of Florida) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 10/27) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
To furnish status of HSCA request for identity of a Memphis informant (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 10/27) FBI Priority: Director to Memphis
Allegation That Paid FBI Informants Reporting On The Invaders, A Memphis Youth Gang,
Acted As "Agent Provocateurs" And Instigated Violence In Memphis (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/08) Affidavit of Francis F. O'Neill (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/08) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
Concerning the documents the HSCA has indicated it may publicly disclose (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/16) FBI Memorandum: Mr. D. Ryan to Mr. Bassett
The HSCA plans to release captioned report on 11/27/78 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/16) House Select Committee On Assassinations (HSCA) Staff Report
Investigation into the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
An Analysis of the Performance of the Department of Justice
And the Federal Bureau of Investigation (jfk.hood.edu)
(1978 11/16) Prepared Testimony of Tennent H. Bagley
(HSCA) (maryferrell.org)
(1978 11/20) HSCA Testimony: Anne Goodpasture (Morning Session)
(1978 11/20) HSCA Testimony: Anne Goodpasture (Afternoon Session)
(1978 12/04) HSCA: Outside Contact Report: William Greer (T. Mark Flanagan Jr.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 01/02) Final Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations
(1979 01/02) HSCA Appendix to Hearings: Authenticity of Autopsy Medical Evidence: Volume VII p. 37-39
(1979 01/02) HSCA JFK exhibits listings (kenrahn.com)
(1979 01/02) HSCA Public Hearings Exhibits - Photo Set (maryferrell.org)
(1979 01/02) HSCA "Photo Book" (cuban-exile.com)
(1979 01/18) H. Res. 49: (b) In the case of the former Select Committee on Assassinations
(House of Representatives, U. S.) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 03/22) HSCA memo: Mannlicher-Carcano Firing Test (history-matters.com)
(1979 03/28) The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: An Alphabetical Bibliography
The Library of Congress (history-matters.com)
(1979 03/28) The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: A Chronological Bibliography
The Library of Congress (history-matters.com)
(1979 03/29) HSCA Final Assassination Report - Hearings and Appendix Volumes
Volume VII - Medical and Firearms Evidence
(1979 03/29) HSCA Final Assassination Report - Hearings and Appendix Volumes
Volume VII - Medical and Firearms Evidence - Dissenting View Part VI
Addendum to the Forensic Pathology Panel Report, Submitted by Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.
(1979 03/29) Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City (Dan Hardway and Edwin Lopez) (HSCA)
The Lopez-Hardway Report
The "thirteenth appendix" to the HSCA Report
(1979 03/29) Marina Oswald Porter's Statements of a Contradictory Nature
(HSCA staff report) (John Armstrong) (digitalcollections.baylor.edu)
(1979 04/02) Protocol: Access For The Documents Of The House Select Committee On Assassinations
(HSCA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 04/27) CIA Memorandum For The Record
G. Robert Blakey's visit to CIA Headquarters on 27 April 1979 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1979 06/20) FBI Memorandum: D. Ryan to Mr. Bailey
To record details of the FBI's review of material (jfk.hood.edu)
(1980 03/31) FBI File: SKOLNICK, SHERMAN (archive.org)
(1980 04/08) Records of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, 95th Congress
(George P. Perros) (Civil Archives Division) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1980 08/26) Dear Mr. Gemberling: ... Sincerely, Louis Stokes
(HSCA) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1980 11/03) CIA Memorandum: Article by Gaeton Fonzi (CIA) (maryferrell.org)
(1980 11/19) Review Requested By The Department Of Justice
Of The Acoustical Reports Published By The House Select Committee On Assassinations
(FBI Technical Services Division) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1981 05/04) Memorandum: Heads of all Federal Departments and Agencies
Freedom of Information Act
(William French Smith) (Office of the Attorney General) (jfk.hood.edu)
Declaration Of David J. Garrow (jfk.hood.edu)
(1981 12/04) Executive Order 12333 (President Ronald Wilson Reagan)
(United States Intelligence Activities)
(1982 03/02) CIA/Justice Department Memorandum of Understanding
Reporting and Use of Information Concerning Federal Crimes (narcotics violations)
(1982 05/26) Horace W. Busby Oral History Interview - JFK
(Sheldon H. Stern) (jfklibrary.org)
(1982 06/24) NIXON v. FITZGERALD, 457 U.S. 731 (1982)
Scope of the immunity possessed by the President of the United States (scholar.google.com)
(1983 00/00) Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare (Tayacán)
(CIA manual for the rebel contras of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN))
(1983 02/28) Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence
Deposition of David Atlee Phillips (Excerpt)
(United States District Court of the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1983 06/08) Robert J. Donovan Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(1984 00/00) Conducting Research In FBI Records (Federal Bureau of Investigation) (jfk.hood.edu)
(0000 00/00) FBI File Numbers (jfk.hood.edu)
(1984 04/00) The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War:
Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part II: 1961-1964
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
(1984 04/00) FOIA UPDATE Vol. V, No. 2
Protecting Law Enforcement Data
The Processing of Investigatory Records
The "Generic" Aspect of Exemption 7(A)
FOIA Update to be Available on JURIS
Q & A
The Privacy Act as an Exemption Three Statute, by Douglas N. Letter
Significant New Decisions
Supreme Court Update
FOIA Focus: Thomas H. Bresson
1984 Case List
FOIA Training Opportunities
(U.S. Department of Justice) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1984 04/26) FBI File: Nugan-Hand Bank (archive.org)
(1984 09/28) Hon. Edward P. Boland, Chairman, FBI record 62-109060-5900, Sincerely, Harold Weisberg
FBI Memorandum: Mr. W. A. Branigan to Mr. W. C. Sullivan (12/11/1967)
The Joe Pyne Show which appeared on 12/10/67 (jfk.hood.edu)
(1984 11/09) The Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation; V. I-IV (Jack Pfeiffer, CIA Chief Historian)
(Volume I) Air Operations, March 1960 to April 1961: Part 1 (1979 09)
(Volume I) Air Operations, March 1960 to April 1961: Part 2 (1979 09)
(Volume I) Air Operations, March 1960 to April 1961: Part 3 (1979 09)
(Volume II) Participation in the Conduct of Foreign Policy: Part 1 (1979 10)
(Volume II) Participation in the Conduct of Foreign Policy: Part 2 (1979 10)
(Volume III) Evolution of CIA's Anti-Castro Policies, 1951 - January 1961 (1979 12)
(Volume IV) The Taylor Committee Investigation of the Bay of Pigs (1984 11/09)
(1984 12/20) FAA Advisory Circular 20-123
Avoiding or Minimizing Encounters with Aircraft Equipped with
Depleted Uranium Balance Weights during Accident Investigations
(1985 00/00) Canadian Access to Information Act
(1985 02/21) FBI File: FONZI, GAETON (archive.org)
Declaration of Louis J. Dube
(United States District Court for the District of Columbia) (jfk.hood.edu)
(Orlando Bosch Avila) (cuban-exile.com)
(1988 09/01) Organizational History of the National Security Council During the JFK and LBJ Administrations
(Bromley K. Smith) (archive.org)
(1988 09/21) U.S. Secret Service agent Floyd M. Boring Oral History Interview
(Niel M. Johnson) (trumanlibrary.org)
(Joe D. Whitley - Acting Associate Attorney General) (cuban-exile.com)
(1989 12/04) Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture - New Horizons in Europe
(Alfred Herrhausen) (Undelivered due to death by terrorism)
(1990 02/13) Ed DeMar Memorandum to City Council Re: Mysterious Black Choppers
(Sedona Arizona) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1990 03/01) Statement of Emil P. Moschella
Chief, Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights
(House Committee on the Judiciary) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1991 08/10) Alternate copy of Danny Casolaro's notes (archive.org)
(1991 12/07) General Louis W. Truman Oral History Interview (trumanlibrary.org)
(1992 01/28) Items From Dallas Police Files on J.D. Tippit (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 01/28) Items From Dallas Police Files on Roscoe Anthony White (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 02/21) CIA and Openness - Dr. Robert M. Gates Director of Central Intelligence
Oklahoma Press Association) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 06/17) The Kennedy Assassination:
A Case Study in the Use of Demonstrative and Forensic Evidence (Agenda)
(D.C. Bar/George Washington University National
Law Center Continuing Legal Education Program and
The Litigation Section of the District of Columbia Bar) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1992 09/10) The INSLAW Affair
Committee on the Judiciary Investigative Report
(1992 09/11) Boxes 1-6 of the Lee Harvey Oswald 201 File
(John Carter) (CIA) (documents.theblackvault.com)
(1992 10/26) President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (S.3006) (ARRB)
(1993 00/00) William Colby as Director of Central Intelligence 1973-1976
(Harold P. Ford - CIA) (archive.org)
(1993 01/12) DoJ Memorandum: Michael E. Shaheen Jr. to the Attorney General
Allegations of misconduct made against Director Sessions (jfk.hood.edu)
(1993 09/07) United States Patent 5,242,820 Pathogenic Mycoplasma
(Shyh-Ching Lo) (American Registry of Pathology)
(1993 09/17) Jim Fetzer letter to Attorney General Janet Reno (.pdf p. 201)
(1993 10/29) FBI: OMEGA 7 (cuban-exile.com)
(1993 11/15) Robert S. McNamara letter to Jim Fetzer (.pdf p. 216)
(1993 11/17) The effectiveness of Public Law 102-526,
the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992
Hearing before the Legislation and National Security Subcommittee of the
Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives (loc.gov)
(1993 11/22) Dedication Ceremony and presentation of the Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark Plaque
(Dallas County Historical Foundation) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1993 12/06) Affidavit by the CEO of Failure Analysis Associates (Roger L. McCarthy) (assassinationweb.com)
(1993 12/12) Dear Mr. Weisburg: ... Sincerely, Thomas H. Hattery
I thank you for your well done and needed contribution
(House of Delegates) (Annapolis, Maryland) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1993 12/27) Letter to Chairman John Conyers, Jr.
House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security
(Randolph H. Robertson, M.D.) (assassinationweb.com)
(1994 01/03) Letter to Chairman John Conyers, Jr.
House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security
(Gary L. Aguilar, MD) (assassinationweb.com)
(The Criminal Court of Shelby County, Tennessee Thirtieth Judicial District at Memphis)
(1994 04/12) ARRB Board Meeting, Washington DC
History of Allen Welsh Dulles as CIA Director (Wayne G. Jackson) (CIA) (archive.org)
(1994 04/26) Volume I: The Man
(1994 04/26) Volume II: Coordination of Intelligence
(1994 04/26) Volume III: Covert Activities
(1994 04/26) Volume IV: Congressional Oversight and Internal Administration
(1994 04/26) Volume V: Intelligence Support of Policy
(1994 05/04) ROBERT J. GRODEN -against RANDOM HOUSE, INC.,
(1994 05/04) ROBERT J. GRODEN -against RANDOM HOUSE, INC.,
(1994 10/07) Noel Twyman interview of Robert S. McNamara (.pdf p. 546)
(1994 10/11) ARRB Hearing Testimony: John Judge
(Judge John Tunheim, Kermit Hall) (jfkassassination.net)
(1994 11/17) ARRB Hearing Testimony: David Lifton
(Judge John Tunheim) (jfk-info.com)
(1994 11/18) ARRB Hearing Testimony: Beverly Oliver Massegee
(Judge John Tunheim, Kermit Hall, William Joyce, Henry Graff, David Marwell) (jfk-info.com)
(1995 03/09) Dr. Robert Manaker Interview, Viruses Cancer Program
(1995 04/17) Executive Order 12958 (President William Jefferson Clinton)
Classified National Security Information
(1995 04/19) Oklahoma City Bombing local TV news footage
(1995 04/19) FBI OKBOMB Investigation
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
(1995 05/05) The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995
(1995 07/30) Oklahoma City Bomb Report - Benton K. Partin, Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.)
(1995 10/17) ARRB Memorandum: Doug Horne to Jeremy Gunn, David Marwell,
Joan Zimmerman, Anne Buttimer, Dennis Quinn (history-matters.com)
Air Force One Audiotapes from November 22,1963
The Planning and Execution of Joint Operations in Panama February 1988-January 1990
(Ronald H. Cole) (Joint Chiefs of Staff) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia) (caselaw.findlaw.com)
(1995 12/16) ARRB Deposition: Anne Lorene Goodpasture (Jeremy Gunn) (SEE: 1998 04/23)
(1996 00/00) Economic Espionage Act of 1996
(1996 00/00) The Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management After Action Report
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing 19 April 1995 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Executive Summary
(1996 01/19) External Referral Working Group (ERWG)
(1996 01/23) FBI Memorandum: John C. Keeney to Director (kenrahn.com)
John T. Orr, Jr., Chief of the Antitrust Division's Atlanta Field Office, has submitted
an extensive analysis of assassination evidence in this matter to the Attorney General
(1996 02/09) Compliance with the JFK Act by Government Offices (ARRB 1995 Annual Report) (Chapter 8)
(1996 02/13) ARRB Deposition: Dr. James Joseph Humes (Gunn, Maxwell, Horne, Wray, Quinn)
(1996 02/26) ARRB Deposition: Dr. J. Thornton Boswell (Gunn, Maxwell, Horne, Wray, Denk)
(1996 04/19) Marina Oswald Porter's 04/96 Letter to the ARRB (jfk-info.com)
(1996 04/28) AARB Memorandum for File: Questions Regarding Supplementary Brain Examination(s)
(Doug Horne)
(1996 05/09) ARRB Research Memorandum: Chain-of-Custody Study of Autopsy Photographs and X-Rays
(Doug Horne) (maryferrell.org)
(1996 05/24) ARRB Deposition: of Dr. Pierre A. Finck, M.D. (Gunn, Maxwell, Horne, Wray, Heilbrun)
(1996 06/21) ARRB Meeting Report: Tom Robinson
(1996 06/21) Drawings of President Kennedy's Head Wounds, by Thomas E. Robinson
(David Marwell, Jeremy Gunn, Tim Wray, Doug Horne)
(1996 07/16) ARRB Deposition: John T. Stringer (Gunn, Horne, Montague, Golrick, Tilley) (audio)
(1996 07/24) ARRB Research Memorandum: Chain-of-Custody Discrepancy
Re: Original Copy of President John F. Kennedy's Autopsy Protocol
(Doug Horne) (maryferrell.org)
(1996 08/28) ARRB Research Memorandum: Questions Regarding Supplementary Brain
Examination(s) Following the Autopsy on President John F. Kennedy
(Doug Horne) (maryferrell.org)
(1996 08/30) FEMA 277 - The Oklahoma City Bombing:
Improving Building Performance Through Multihazard Mitigation
(1996 11/14) ARRB Memorandum: Manuel E. Legaspi to J. Gunn, M. Combs, I, Marr, R. Skwirot (jfk.hood.edu)
CIA and related files pertaining to New Orleans,
Hunter Leake, Clay Shaw, QKENCHANT, and ZRCLIFF
(1996 11/22) Marina Oswald Porter on Oprah (Transcript)
(1996 12/19) Follow-up Report of meeting with members of the Assassination Records Review Board
(R. J. Zavada) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 00/00) Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume X
Cuba, January 1961 - September 1962
(1997 01/07) James Milch Letter to Dr. David Marwell
Re: Rollie Zavada report and further work
(Eastman Kodak Company) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 01/09) Roland J. Zavada Letter to James Milch
Re: Extrapolate ... batch 095 ... summer or fall of 1963
(1997 01/29) ARRB Telephone Interviews: Joe O'Donnell (USIA Photographer) (l/29/97 and 2/28/97)
(1997 02/06) David Marwell Letter to James Milch
Re: Receipt of Zavada report, two corrections, cost estimates for proposed work
98. (April 26, 1961) Memo Prepared in CIA to General Maxwell D. Taylor
Emergency cable sent to Col. Jack Hawkins (USMC) at Puerto Cabezas on 13 April 1961
108. (May 9, 1961) Memo From Deputy Director of CIA (Cabell) to General Maxwell D. Taylor
Cuban Operation
198. (May 3, 1961) Memo Prepared in CIA for the Cuba Study Group
Sequence of Events (D-2 to D+2) and Organization and Operation of Command Post
238. (June 23, 1961) Memo for the Record
Meeting with General Eisenhower at Gettysburg, June 23, 1961
(1997 02/14) ARRB Call Report: Dennis David (Douglas Horne)
(1997 03/11) Executive Order 13039 (President William Clinton)
Exclusion of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group
From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
(1997 03/13) Zapruder Film - Hand drawn "Film Map" of Secret Service Copy 1
(1997 03/13) Zapruder Film - Hand drawn "Film Map" of Secret Service Copy 2
Attachments 13 and 14 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(Doug Horne) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 03/31) (Table of) Zapruder Film Copies at National Archives
Attachment 7 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(Doug Horne) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 04/00) The FBI Laboratory: An Investigation into Laboratory Practices
and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases
USDOJ/OIG Special Report
Assassination Records Review Board Hearing on
the Status and Disposition of the "Zapruder Film" and Public Meeting
(1997 04/02) Introduction of Session
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: T. Jeremy Gunn
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Robert Brauneis
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: James Lasar
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Josiah Thompson
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Moses Weitzman
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Richard Trask
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Art Simon
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Debra Conway
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: Final Discussion
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: (Video 1) (C-SPAN)
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: (Video 2) (C-SPAN)
(1997 04/02) Hearing Testimony: (Video 2) (C-SPAN)
(1997 04/04) Zapruder Film - Hand drawn "Film Map" of Zapruder film
Attachment 5 of 04/09/1997 ARRB Memorandum
(Doug Horne) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 04/09) ARRB Memorandum: Doug Horne to David Marwell and Jeremy Gunn
Re: Examination of Zapruder Film Original and Selected Copies at the National Archives
(1997 06/00) Manuscript of events related to the Zapruder film in Dallas the weekend of the assassination
(Phillip Chamberlain) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 06/05) ARRB Deposition: Saundra Kay Spencer
(T. Jeremy Gunn, David G. Marwell, Douglas P. Horne, Dave Montague) (history-matters.com)
(1997 06/20) Notes of telephone conversations with former Dallas Laboratory
processing personnel 06/20 - 08/10/1997
(R. J. Zavada) (jfk-info.com)
(1997 06/29) Roland J. Zavada Letter to former employees of Kodak Dallas Processing Laboratory
Re: Questions on the handling and processing of the Zapruder Film
(1997 07/02) Suggested edits to the final report by Warren Commission member Gerald Ford
(Assassination Records Review Board) (jfk.hood.edu)
(1997 07/14) ARRB Staff Interview: Homer A. McMahon (Former CIA/NPIC Employee)
(Douglas P. Horne and T. Jeremy Gunn)
(1997 07/24) John K. Anderson Letter describing events related to the processing of the Zapruder films on 11/22/1963
(1997 08/08) Roland J. Zavada Letter to former employees of Kodak Dallas Processing Laboratory
Re: Minutes of the 07/28/1997 Dallas breakfast meeting (jfk-info.com)
(1997 09/11) ARRB Deposition: James W. Sibert (Jeremy Gunn)
(1997 09/12) ARRB Deposition: Francis X. O'Neill, Jr. (Jeremy Gunn)
(1997 10/21) ARRB Deposition: Edward F. Reed (T. Jeremy Gunn, Douglas P. Horne)
(1997 12/08) In the matter of the investigation : of the accident involving Trans World Airlines, Inc.
Flight 800, B-747-131, N93119, 8 miles south East Moriches, New York on July 17, 1996
National Transportation Safety Board Hearing (NTSB)
(1998 01/29) CIA Inspector General Report: Allegations of Connections Between CIA and the
Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States Volume I: The California Story
(1998 02/18) Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (FBI) (archive.org)
(1998 04/23) ARRB Deposition: Ms. Anne Goodpasture (Jeremy Gunn) (SEE: 1995 12/16)
(1998 05/01) Intelligence Officer's Handbook - Field Manual No. 34-8-2
(Headquarters, Department of the Army) (fas.org)
(1998 05/11) Jennifer Harbury 1998 testimony, Human Rights Information Act
(1998 06/08) ARRB Memorandum: Doug Horne to Jeremy Gunn
Kodak Pro Bono Work With Autopsy Images: Input for Staff Medical Memo
(1998 08/27) ARRB Memorandum for File: Unanswered Questions Raised by the HSCA's
Analysis and Conclusions Regarding the Camera Identified by the Navy and
Department of Defense as the Camera Used at President Kennedy's Autopsy
(Doug Horne) (history-matters.com)
(1998 09/00) Intelligence in Support of Internal Defense Operations
(US Army Intelligence Center - Subcourse Number IT 0480) (fas.org)
(1998 09/17) The U-2 Program: A Russian Officer Remembers
(Col. Alexander Orlov) (USSR Air Defense Forces) (web.archive.org)
Kodak Technical Report: Analysis of Selected Motion Picture Photographic Evidence
(1998 09/25) Cover Page and Table of Contents
(1998 09/25) Attachments - Studies 1 - 4
(1998 09/25) Errata
(1998 09/25) Introduction and Acknowledgments
(1998 09/25) Authors Brief Biography
(1998 09/25) Study 1: Edge Print Analysis and Supporting Technical Information - Part One
Study 1: Part 1: Edge Print Examination of the Zapruder "Out-Of-Camera" Original 8mm Movie Film
Study 1: Part 2: First Generation Copies of the Zapruder "Out-Of-Camera" Original Film
(1998 09/25) Study 1: Part 3: Processing Laboratory Identification on Movie Film
(1998 09/25) Study 2: Edge Print Analysis and Supporting Technical Information - 35mm Films
Study 2: Part 1: Nix Film
Study 2: Part 2: Muchmore Film
Study 2: Part 3: Motion Picture Optical Printing Technology
(1998 09/25) Study 3: Initial Motion Picture Printing and Processing of
Initial Copies of the Zapruder 8mm Movie Film (Links Broken)
(1998 09/25) Study 4: The Bell & Howell 414PD 8mm Camera Image Capture Characteristics (Links Broken)
(1998 09/25) Study 4: Part 4: Practical Camera Testing with the Bell & Howell 414PD Camera
(1998 09/30) Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board
(1998 09/30) 10 Review Board Recommendations
(1998 10/08) CIA Inspector General Report: Allegations of Connections Between CIA and the
Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States Volume II: The Contra Story
(1998 10/10) Interview Excerpt with Anna K. Nelson of the ARRB (video) (c-span.org)
(1998 10/24) Dissecting the Zapruder Bell & Howell 8mm Movie Camera
Outline of a Presentation to the Movie Machine Society Toronto Conference
(Roland J. Zavada) (jfk-info.com)
(1998 12/04) The President's Daily Brief (WJC) (9/11 Commission Report)
SUBJECT: Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks
(1999 04/15) Joint Resolution S.J.Res.19 - Rear Admiral Kimmel , Major General Short
(Sen. William V. Roth Jr., (R-DE))
Superior Court of Justice Toronto Region
(1999 07/28) Records Relating To The Murder Of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
(Metropolitan Police Service London) jfk.hood.edu)
(1999 11/15) CORETTA SCOTT KING, et al, v. LOYD JOWERS, et al
Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial
(The Circuit Court of Shelby County, Tennessee Thirtieth Judicial District at Memphis)
(1999 11/15) David Ratcliffe's extensive CORETTA SCOTT KING, et al, v. LOYD JOWERS, et al page
(1999 11/19) Executive Order 13142 (President William Clinton)
Amendment To Executive Order 12958
Classified National Security Information
(Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 3, California)
Superior Court of Justice Toronto Region
(2000 06/15) Vaccine Development Integrity
U.S. House Government Reform Hearing
(2000 06/15) Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making
U.S. House Government Reform Majority Staff Report
(2000 08/10) IAMAW Analysis and Recommendations Regarding T.W.A. Flight 800 July 17, 1996
(2000 08/23) In-flight Breakup Over The Atlantic Ocean Trans World Airlines Flight 800
Boeing 747-131, N93119 Near East Moriches, New York July 17, 1996
National Transportation Safety Board Aircraft Accident Report (NTSB)
(2000 08/12) Paul Kotin, M.D. Oral History Interview, Special Virus Cancer Program
(2000 10/00) Suspicious Banking Activities
Possible Money Laundering by U.S. Corporations Formed for Russian Entities
Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate
(United States General Accounting Office) (gao.gov)
(2000 10/10) Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act
(2000 10/11) John F. Kennedy/Dallas Police Department Collection
Dallas Municipal Archives
(2001 01/25) Memorandum: Richard A. Clarke to Condoleeza Rice
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 147) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(2001 03/21) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Conference Agenda
(2001 03/21) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Chronology
(2001 03/21) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Oral History Release
(2001 03/23) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Documents Release
(2001 03/23) Bay of Pigs - 40 Years After - Documents Release
(2001 05/03) Investigation into allegations of Justice Department misconduct in New England
Volume 1 (House Committee on Government Reform)
(2001 05/29) Hepatitis B Vaccine and the Origin of HIV/AIDS:
Perspectives on a Possible Vaccine Induced Pandemic
Oral Presentation by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
(2001 06/00) Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election
(United States Commission on Civil Rights)
(2001 06/14) Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (SOR/2001-227)
(2001 08/06) The President's Daily Brief (GHWB)
Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US
(2001 09/12) CBS News Special Report:
Aftermath of, and investigation into attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon
(Retired US Army Colonel Mitch Mitchell) (12 noon)
(2001 10/02) Invocation of Article 5 confirmed (NATO)
(2001 11/05) U.S. Army Memorandum: Collecting Information on U.S. Persons
(Robert W. Noonan, Jr.) (U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence) (fas.org)
(2001 11/08) Memorandum: Prevention of Acts Threatening Public Safety and National Security (DoJ)
(2001 12/21) The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (draft) (CDC)
(2002 00/00) Origins of Federal Quarantine and Inspection Laws (Katherine L. Vanderhook)
Harvard Law School Legal Electronic Document Archive
(2002 01/03) Gravitational Propulsion in a Fluid Membrane (Show #59 January 3, 2002)
A New Propulsion Methodology (Paul Richard Price) (PowerPoint)
Court of Appeal for Ontario
(2002 01/29) State of the Union Address (George W. Bush)
(2002 03/19) Investigation of the Belated Production of Documents in the Oklahoma City Bombing Case
Office of the Inspector General
(2002 05/16) Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice (presidency.ucsb.edu)
(2002 05/16) Statement of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Terrorist Warnings (fromthewilderness.com)
(2002 09/00) Regulating Therapeutic Use of Cannabis
Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs
(2003 01/07) Affidavit of Major Fred Meyer (TWA Flight 800)
(2003 02/10) Sid Davis Oral History Interview - JFK
(Vicki Daitch) (jfklibrary.org)
(2003 07/08) Gerald R. Ford Oral History Interview - JFK (jfklibrary.org)
(2004 04/14) Walter Cronkite Oral History Interview - JFK (Audio)
(Steven Fagan / Vicki Daitch) (jfklibrary.org)
(2004 05/08) FBI Interview: Dick Cheney on Leak of Valerie Plame's Identity (archive.org)
(2004 07/22) 9/11 Commission Report (avalon.law.yale.edu)
(2004 07/15) 18 U.S. Code § 1001 (False Statements) (Amended 2004)
(2005 02/04) CIA's secret history of U.S. relationship with General Reinhard Gehlen
(2005 02/10) 9/11 Commission Staff Report on FAA Failings Published on Web
(National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 148) (nsarchive.gwu.edu)
(2006 03/21) Homeland Operations
Air Force Doctrine Document 3-27
(Walter D. Givhan, Major General, USAF) (LeMay Center/CC) (fas.org)
(2007 06/12) Strategic Attack
Air Force Doctrine Document 3-70
(Maj. Gen. Thomas K. Andersen, USAF) (LeMay Center/CC) (fas.org)
(2007 06/25) CIA "Family Jewels," June 25, 2007 Release
(1973 05/16) Routing and Record Sheet
(1973 05/16) Memorandum re: Family Jewels
(1973 05/16) 1. Redacted
(1973 05/16) 2. Johnny Roselli
(1973 05/16) 3. Project Mockingbird
(1973 05/16) 4. Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko
(1973 05/16) 5. Surveillances
(1973 05/16) 6. Material Requested from Logistics by Security for Issuance to Local Police
(1973 05/16) 7. Audio Countermeasures Support to the United States Secret Service
(1973 05/15) Identification of Activities with Embarrassment Potential for the Agency
(1973 05/07) [Redacted] Equipment Test, Miami Florida, August 1971
(1972 02/15) ROSELLI, John
(1970 11/19) ROSELLI, Johnny
(1973 12/17) Recent Activities of the Watergate Special Prosecution Staff
(1973 05/25) Project TWO-FOLD
(1973 05/11) General: Office of Security Survey
(1973 05/09) Press Allegations re: Use of Agency Polygraph
(1971 07/29) Special Technical Interviews
(1973 06/05) Items in John Clarke Memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence, dated 9 May 1973
(1973 05/09) Per Your Instructions
(1973 05/07) Special Other Government Agency Activities
(1970 06/08) Reimbursement to the White House for Certain Printing, Postage and Addressing Expenses
(1970 08/24) Reimbursement to the White House for Certain Printing, Postage, and Addressing Expenses
(1970 09/15) Reimbursement to the White House for Certain Printing, Postage, and Addressing Expenses
(1970 09/30) Reimbursement to the White House
(1970 12/07) Memorandum from John R. Brown III to Warren Magnuson
(1973 00/00) Special Report [Month Unclear]
(1973 05/14) Sensitive Activities Performed by the Office of Logistics
(1973 04/20) Itemized List
(0000 00/00) Material Requisitioned from Logistics by Security for Issuance to Local Police
(1973 05/14) Sensitive Activities Performed by the Office of Logistics
(1973 05/11) Activities which might be considered sensitive issues
(1973 05/08) Summary, Special Programs Division (SPD), Office of Communications,
Operational Contacts with Other U.S. Government Agencies
(1973 05/09) Organizational Dealings with Activities Inside the United States
(1973 05/29) Mr. Colby's Request to Inspector General to Determine
Subject Referred to by Two Notes in a PP/B Memo to DD/M&S
(1973 05/23) Watergate Principals - Direct or Indirect Involvement
(1972 02/07) Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1972 08/02) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the
Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control (CCINC)
(1972 07/21) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the
Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control (CCINC)
(0000 00/00) Contacts with Individuals Named in the Watergate Matter [Undated]
(1972 07/19) Conversation with [Redacted]
(1972 07/17) Charles W. Kane
(1973 05/08) Involvement in Sensitive Domestic Activities
(1973 05/08) Watergate/Ellsberg and Like Matters
(1973 05/08) Support Furnished to Elements of Government Outside of the Intelligence Community
(0000 00/00) Retirement Information - E. Howard Hunt
(1973 05/22) Memorandum For: Inspector General: reports Bill Colby asked to see
(1968 09/17) Dissemination of CCI Paper on Student Dissidents
(1973 05/14) Research Project on Robert Vesco
(1973 05/08) Activities Possibly Outside CIA's Legislative Charter
(1973 05/07) DCS Domestic Activity
(1973 05/07) Activity Related to Domestic Events
(1973 05/07) Contacts with David Young
(1973 05/07) Involvement in Domestic Affairs
(1973 05/08) Questionable NPIC Projects
(1973 05/08) Sensitive Activities
(1973 05/28) Documentation Support for Use in the United States
(1973 05/25) Loan of Tape Recorder to Passport Office
(1973 05/08) TSD Support to Other Agencies
(1973 05/08) Contacts with Domestic Police Organizations
(1973 05/09) Repeated Survey of ORD for Non-Foreign Intelligence Activities
(1973 05/01) Processing of Audio Tape for Bureau of Narcotics Dangerous Drug Division
(1972 08/04) Assistance to Bureau of Narcotics: Enhancement of Noisy Audio Tape Recordings
(1973 05/07) Telecon this morning concerning any OSA activities
which could put the Agency into an embarrassing situation
(1973 06/06) Correspondence Received by Chairman Hebert, House Armed Services Committee, Concerning [Redacted]
(0000 00/00) Policy Regarding Assistance to Agencies Outside the
Intelligence Community on Speech Processing Problems [Undated]
(0000 00/00) Miscellaneous Notes
(1973 05/30) Minutes of Meetings
(1973 06/18) Memo re: Use of Disguise Materials and Alias Documentation Within the U.S.
(1973 06/20) John Dean Allegations to Newsweek Magazine
(1973 05/25) Disposal of Classified Trash for National Security Council (NSC)
(1973 05/30) MHCHAOS and [Redacted]
(1973 06/06) DD/M&S Requirements - Watergate Incident
(1973 05/23) Watergate Principals - Direct or Indirect Involvement
(1972 02/07) Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1972 08/02) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1972 07/21) Fiscal Year 1973 Budgetary Support for the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
(1973 05/31) Review of Minutes of Morning Meeting
(1973 05/29) [Redacted]
(1973 00/00) WH Comments on Jack Anderson's Washington Merry-Go-Round Column of 8 March 1973:
"Chilean Break-ins Reflect Watergate" [Date Unclear]
(1972 05/13) Incident Report
(1972 05/00) Telegram from Embassy in Santiago to SecState
(1973 05/25) Chilean Embassy Break In on 15 May 1972
(1973 05/26) Where Do We Stand With?
(1973 05/26) DDI "Trap" on Leaks of Narcotics Intelligence
(1973 05/25) Follow-Ups [Unclear] Activities
(1973 05/25) Reported Agency Funding of Heroin Study
(1973 05/24) CIA officials testified Wednesday they forgot to tell Congress...
(1973 05/24) Tom Parrott's Involvement with David Young
(1973 05/24) Briefings of the Special Subcommittee on Intelligence of House Armed Service Committee
(1973 05/23) Memorandum for the Record
(1973 05/23) Affidavit of Howard J. Osborn
(1973 05/23) Memorandum for the Record
(1973 05/23) Agency Involvement in the Watergate Case
(0000 00/00) Loan of Television System to Secret Service for Use at
Democratic and Republican National Conventions in 1972 [Undated]
(0000 00/00) Drug Testing Program [Undated]
(1973 05/23) ORD Involvement in Domestic Affairs
(1973 05/22) The Family Jewels Exercise
(1973 05/21) DDCI Statement about the Watergate Case
(1973 05/09) Memorandum for all CIA Employees
(1973 05/09) DCI Statement before Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Intelligence Operations
(1973 05/08) Sy Hersh's Provocative Teaser for the Day:
(0000 00/00) Response to Press Inquiries Concerning Mr. Hunt's Grand Jury Testimony
(1973 05/08) Potentially Embarrassing Agency Activities
(1973 05/08) Comments on Proposed DCI Statement (Hunt Case)
(1973 05/07) Memorandum for all CIA Employees
(1972 01/04) Diary Notes, Executive Director-Comptroller
(1971 12/23) CIA's Domestic Activities
(1971 12/21) Meeting with MAG Group
(1971 11/00) CIA's Domestic Activities
(1971 03/25) CIA Domestic Activities
(1972 04/21) CIA Activities in the United States
(1972 02/00) Allegations of Agency Involvement in the U.S.
(1972 03/00) FYI -- Allegations and Answers
(1973 06/01) Special Activities
(1972 02/14) Memorandum for the Record
(1973 04/12) John P. Roche Article: The CIA and Allende
(1974 04/02) Robert L. Vesco
(1973 08/21) Use and Control of Disguise and Alias Documents
(1973 05/24) Activities of Possible Interest to the Director
(0000 00/00) East Asia Division
(0000 00/00) Central Cover Staff
(1973 05/07) Research Project on Robert L. Vesco
(1973 05/07) Items for possible use in briefing the DCI
(1973 05/07) CIA Narcotics Activities Having Domestic Implications
(1973 05/29) Division D [Redacted]
(1973 05/07) Item for the List of Delicate Matters
(1973 05/17) Dear Bill,
(1973 05/07) May 7, 1973 - Intelligence Evaluation Committee and Staff
(1973 08/05) MHCHAOS
(0000 00/00) Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group Activities
(1973 05/08) Foreign Resources Division Operational Activities with Possible Flap Potential
(2008 00/00) Withheld in Full: Episode 1 - MORLEY v. CIA (Video) (Tyler Weaver) (maryferrell.org)
(2008 12/00) U.S. Naval Strategy in the 1980s - Selected Documents
(John B. Hattendorf / Captain Peter M. Swartz) (fas.org)
(Court of Appeals, District of Columbia) (caselaw.findlaw.com)
(2009 00/00) The Phoenix Program and Contemporary Counterinsurgency (RAND)
(2009 08/00) Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward
National Research Council / National Academy of Sciences
(2010 01/21) CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION (United States Supreme Court)
(2010 05/00) Naval Operations Concept 2010 - Implementing The Maritime Strategy
(USN, USMC, USCG) (fas.org)
(2010 08/06) FBI File: GPS Surveillance Sites (archive.org)
Reply Brief on the Issue of Actual Innocence (William F. Pepper and Laurie D. Dusek)
Brief For Appellant
(Court of Appeals, District of Columbia) (aarclibrary.org)
(2012 01/06) Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance Operations
Air Force Doctrine Document 2-0
(Maj. Gen. Thomas K. Andersen) (LeMay Center/CC) (fas.org)
(2012 07/00) A Short History of Army Intelligence, by Michael E. Bigelow, Command Historian
(U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command) (fas.org)
(2012 10/03) Federal Support for and Involvement in State and Local Fusion Centers
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
(2013 09/00) DCI John McCone and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (CIA) (archive.org)
(2013 09/26) OGLESBY, et al v. ARMY, et al
(2013 10/02) Continued Oversight of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Professor Laura K. Donohue)
U.S. Patent No. 5,597,815 (the '815 patent)
(2015 09/16) President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Kennedy and Johnson (CIA) (archive.org)
(2016 04/05) Techniques For Information Collection During Operations Among Populations
(U.S. Army) (archive.org)
(2016 05/11) Declaration of Dan L. Hardway (Dan Hardway)
(2016 05/13) FOIA request L. Fletcher Prouty (FBI) (muckrock.com)
(2017 07/06) Draft treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons (United Nations) (undocs.org)