2005 Archived Shows on MP3: 202 - 252
Show #252
Featured Guests: Allen Dulles Speech
Topic: The Role Of Intelligence In Policy Making /
Part One
Jim Fetzer discusses the game JFK Reloaded and the new book by Ian Griggs
Part Two
The Role Of Intelligence In Policy Making
Allen W. Dulles speech Harvard Dec. 1963
Part Three
The CIA And World Peace
Fletcher Prouty speech Yale 1975
Show #251
Featured Guests: Prof. Donald Scott
Topic: JFK Assassination /

Part One
Prof. Donald Scott discusses Jim Garrison and his investigation.
Part Two
Prof. Donald Scott discusses Bird Flu and "The Journal Of Degenerative Diseases"

To order from Common Cause Medical Research Foundation
Box 133 Ststion B
Sudbury, Ontario Canada
P3E 4N5
Show #250
Featured Guests: John Judge
Topic: John Judge / COPA
Part One
John Judge discusses the John Lennon and Reagan shooting.
Part Two
John Judge con't
Website: www.judgeforyourself.com
Show #249
Featured Guests: Jim Fetzer
Topic: Book Review "Ultimate Sacrifice"
Part One
Jim Fetzer discussion regarding JFK Assassination book "Ultimate Sacrifice"
Part Two
Jim Fetzer con't
Show #248
Featured Guests:Lisa Pease
Topic: JFK Conference in Wash. D.C. Nov/05
Part One
Lisa Pease interview
Part Two
Lisa Pease interview con't
Show #247
Featured Guests:Jim Fetzer
Topic: Murder In Dealey Plaza
Part One
Jim Fetzer interview
Show #246
Featured Guests:Jim Fetzer
Topic: U.S. Politics
Part One
Jim Fetzer interview
Show #245
Featured Guests: Thomas Naylor
Topic: Vermont Succesion from U.S.
Part One
Thomas Naylor interview
Part Two
Jim Fetzer U.S. Politics
Greg Szymanski Article
Show #244
Featured Guests: Gail Davidson
Topic: Charging George W. Bush
Part One
Gail Davidson interview
Part Two
Jim Fetzer
Office of Special Counsel
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
Show #243
Featured Guests: John Judge
Topic: The Judge Report
Part One
John Judge and U.S Politics
Show #242
Featured Guests: Jim Fetzer
Topic: U.S Politics
Part One
Jim Fetzer
Jim Fetzer and U.S Politics
Show #241
Featured Guests: Jim Fetzer
Topic: U.S Politics
Part One
Jim Fetzer
Jim Fetzer and U.S Politics
Show #240
Featured Guests: Len Osanic / Jim Ftezer
Topic: U.S. Politics
Part One
Show #239
Featured Guests: Anita Langley / Len Osanic
Topic: New Documents revealed...
Part One
Supporting Documents
Show #238
Featured Guests: John Dempsey
Topic: People vs. Banks
Part One
Jim Fetzer
Part Two
John Dempsey
John Dempsey website :
John Ruiz Dempsey BSCr, LL.B, a criminologist and forensic litigation specialist filed a
class action suit on behalf of the People of Canada alleging that financial institutions
are engaged in illegal creation of money. The complaint filed Friday April 15, 2005
in the Supreme Court of British Columbia at New Westminster, alleges that all financial
institutions who are in the business of lending money have engaged in a deliberate
scheme to defraud the borrowers by lending non-existent money which are illegally
created by the financial institutions out of “thin air.” Dempsey claims that
creation of money out of nothing is ultra vires these defendants’ charter or
granted corporate power and therefore void and all monies loaned under false
pretence contravenes the Criminal Code. The suit which is the first of its
kind ever filed in Canada which could involve millions of Canadians alleges that the
contracts entered into between the People (“the borrowers”) and the financial institutions
were void or voidable and have no force and effect due to anticipated breach and for
non-disclosure of material facts. Dempsey says the transactions constitutes counterfeiting
and money laundering in that the source of money, if money was indeed advanced by
the defendants and deposited into the borrowers’ accounts, could not be traced, nor
could not be explained or accounted for.
Show #237
Featured Guests: Len, Anita & Jim
Topic: JFK / Bush / U.S. Politics
Part One
Jim Fetzer
Show #236
Featured Guests: Nafeez Maseddque Ahmed
Topic: The War On Truth
9/11 Disinformation, And The Anatomy Of Terrorism

Nafeez Ahmed’s first book on 9/11, The War on Freedom,
was acclaimed around the world for its meticulous compilation
of facts about the event. Published just a little over a half
year after the attacks, it was the first book to document the
inconsistencies and contradictions in the government’s official
version of what happened. This new book, The War on Truth,
doubles the data and adds extensive new material to his original argument,
including an analysis of the 9/11 Commission Report and wider
discussion of US policies toward al-Qaeda. For anyone who remains
uneasy about the alignment of reported facts and official narrative,
Ahmed’s new book is an invaluable resource.
Part One
Nafeez Ahmed Interview
Interlink Books website
Show #235
Featured Guests: Vince Palamara
Topic: The Secret Service
"Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The Failure To Protect The President"
& "JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference", are both available EXCLUSIVELY via:
Andrew Winiarczyk
Proprietor, Last Hurrah Bookshop
937 Memorial Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701
570/321-1150 (Phone and Fax)
Part One
Vince Palamara Interview
Part Two
Jim Fetzer
Show #234
Featured Guests: Joan Mellen
Topic: Jim Garrison
Author Joan Mellen's newest book "A Farewell To Justice -
Jim Garrison, JFK's assassaination and the case that should have changed History",
builds upon Jim Garrison’s investigation of the JFK assassination.
Mellen uncovers decisive new evidence and clearly establishes the intelligence agencies’
roles in both a president’s assassination and its cover-up, set in motion well
before the actual events of November 22, 1963.
Based on recently declassified U.S. government documents, she demonstrates
how the FBI and CIA attempted to destroy a key investigation and establishes
that Lee Harvey Oswald was set up as a scapegoat.
Don't be disapponited pre order this book.
Order Here
Part One
Joan Mellen Interview
Part Two
Jim Fetzer
Show #233
Featured Guests: Len, Anita & Jim
Topic: JFK / Bush / U.S. Politics
Part One
Globalization... which is out to defeat international law and
traditional national sovereignty and the capacity for local populations to govern themselves.
Cindy Sheehan embarasses George Bush.
Real Media interview
View Video
Part Two
U.S. Four Star General Byrns dismissed for leading coup against neocons
Show #232
Featured Guest: Ben Rogers
Topic: Penn Jones Jr.
Part One
Ben Rogers interview
The Baylor Collections of Political Materials has acquired the papers of Penn Jones, Jr.
Our goal is to create a JFK assassination research collection for people here in Texas which is not so far removed from the scene of the event but is also located in a private institution.\ We realize the JFK museum in Dallas has materials but it is not a research facility.
The Dallas Public Library has materials but is is a public institution.
So since we have the Penn Jones materials, we would like to supplement these with related materials.
Please see our web site for materials we have been able to list online so far. We continue to add materials as they are processed.
Thank you for any information or materials you may be able to share.
Ben Rogers, Archivist
Penn Jones, Jr. materials
Show #231
Featured Guest: Prof. Donald W. Scott
Topic: The Journal of Degenerative Disease
Part One
Donald Scott interview
Part Two
JFK reserch update with Jim Fetzer
Jim speaking in England next week.
The Journal of Degenerative Diseases
P.O. Box 133
Sudbury Ontario
Canada P3E 4N5
Show #230
Featured Guest: Greg Szymanski
Topic: 911 Fraud
Part One
Greg Szymanski discusses the story of William Rodriguez
the WTC maintenance worker and last survivor of the attacks, who strongly
criticized the Bush administration for actively covering up the 9/11 investigation.
He was one of 14 witnesses to bombs going off in the basement.
“We just asked for one family member to be on the 9/11 Commission to make sure all
voices were heard and they refused,” said Rodriguez, who was named a
national hero for saving numerous lives. “Instead, we got a group of ‘Bozos’
who never talked to the survivors and manipulated the 9/11 report to fit the official story.”
Part Two
Jim Fetzer
Greg Szymanski website
Show #229
Featured Guest:Len Anita
Topic: JFK / Bush / Rove
Part One
Len & Anita
Part Two
Len & Anita
Show #228
Featured Guest:Len Anita & Jim
Topic: JFK Assassination
Part One
JFK Assassination research
Part Two
JFK Assassination research
Part Three
Jim Fetzer discusses the London bombings
Show #227
Featured Guest:Len Anita & Jim
Topic: JFK Assassination
Part One
JFK Assassination research
Part Two
JFK Assassination research
Part Three
Jim Fetzer discusses current U.S. Politics
Show #226
Featured Guest: Cory Holly
Marijuana Prohibition
A Violation of Personal Freedom & Human Dignity

Cory Holly is a health professional and teacher and Founder of the Cory Holly Institute.
He is the author of several books and courses and has worked in the health food & fitness
industry since 1975. Cory’s specialty is product formulation, personal health assessment
and research in human performance. Cory completed his Doctorate in Naturopathy in 1992
and was inducted into the Canadian Health Food Associations’ Sports Nutrition Hall of Fame
in 2003. He is the Director of Education for INBA Canada and competes in Masters
natural bodybuilding and track & field.
For more info visit CoryHolly.com
Part One
Cory Holly interview
Part Two
Cory Holly interview con't.
Part Three
Cory Holly interview con't.
Show #225
Featured Guest: Tom Flocco
Topic: 9/11
Part One
Tom Flocco interview
Part Two
Tom Flocco interview con't.
Part Three
Jim Fetzer research news and U.S. Politics
Tom Flocco Website
Show #224
Featured Guest: Lisa Pease
Topic: U.S. Politics
Part One
Lisa Pease discusses the RFK assassination
Part One
Lisa Pease con't
Part One
Jim Fetzer & JFK assassination research news
Show #223
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: U.S. Politics
Part One
Jim, Len & Anita discusses JFK research & US. politics
Part Two
Jim, Len & Anita discusses JFK research & US. politics
Show #222
Featured Guest: Dean Henderson
Topic: Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf
Four Horsemen, Eight Famillies and Their Global
Intelligence Narcotics and Terror Network.
Part One
Jim Fetzer discusses Cyril Wecht, Filibuster,
Latest news on Lady Diana's murder,
Stem Cel funding, & Hitting below the Beltway
Part Two
Author Dean Henderson interviewed
Write for a copy,
Dean Henderson,
408A Pennsylvania,
West Plains, MO
65775 USA.
Show #221
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: U.S. Politics
Part One
Jim Fetzer discusses George Galloway
Show #220
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: JFK Assassination Research
Part One
Jim Fetzer discusses the new book by Billie Sol Estes
Part Two
Jim Fetzer con't
News on David Ray Griffin
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security,
unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs,
you would not hear of that party again in our political history.
There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes
that you can do these things.
Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional
politician or businessman from other areas.
Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954
Show #219
Featured Guest: Tom Flocco
Topic: 9/11
Tom Flocco website
Part One
Tom Flocco
Part Two
Tom Flocco con't
Show #218
Featured Guest: Jim Donnelly
Topic: Vaccinations
Part One
Jim Donnelly
Part Two
Jim Donnelly con't
Part Three
Jim Fetzer JFK research update
Website www.autismone.org
Show #217
Featured Guest: James T. Tague
Topic: JFK Assassination
Part One
Jim Tague was in Dealey Plaza, his views and opinions
on the Warren Commission, Lee Oswald, The Sixth Floor & more.
Part Two
Jim Tague con't
James Tague Website
Show #216
Featured Guest: Charles Key, Dale Phillips, Chris Emory
Topic: Oklahoma Bombing
Part One
Charles Key, Dale Phillips, Chris Emory
Former Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key, co-author of “The Final Report”,
in cooperation with The OKC Bombing Investigation Committee, REACH committee,
and writer/documentary film producer Christopher Emery are pleased to announce
“The OKC Bombing: A Day of Truth ~ Ten Years Later” reception, dinner, and speakers forum
to be held in Oklahoma City on Tuesday, April 19th and Wednesday, April 20th, 2005.
Part Two
Part Three
Jim Fetzer
Show #215
Featured Guest: Prof. Donald Gibson
Topic: JFK Assassination
Part One
Donald Gibson discusses his two books "Battling Wall Street" & JFK Cover-up
Part Two
Donald Gibson con't
Show #214
Featured Guest: Jim Garrison
Topic: JFK Assassination
Part One
Jim Garrison on the Johnny Carson Show 1967
Part Two
Jim Garrison on the Johnny Carson Show 1967 con't
Show #213
Featured Guest: Len Osanic /Jim Fetzer
Topic: U.S. Politics
Part One
JFK Research & U.S. Politics
Part Two
U.S. Politics con't
Show #212
Featured Guest: Douglas Weldon
Topic: JFK Research
Part One
Jim Fetzer
Part Two
Douglas Weldon
Part Two
Douglas Weldon con't
Show #211
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: JFK Research & U.S. Politics
Part One
Len, Anita, & Jim
Part Two
Show #210
Featured Guest: David Ray Griffin
Topic: 9/11 Commission Report - Omission & Distortions

Part One
David Ray Griffin
Part Two
David Ray Griffin
Part Three
Jim Fetzer JFK assassination game/U.S. Politics
Show #209
Featured Guest: Victor Thorn / Lisa Guliani
Topic: 9-11 On Trial

Part One
Victor Thorn / Lisa Guliani
Part Two
Victor Thorn / Lisa Guliani con't
Part Three
Jim Fetzer JFK assassination game/U.S. Politics
Show #208
Featured Guest: Professor Jim Fetzer
Part One
Jim Fetzer JFK Research update
Part Two
Jim Fetzer U.S. Politics
Show #207
Featured Guest: Professor Donald W. Scott
Topic: Biological Warfare Weapons Development and Testing:
Part One
Donald Scott interview
Part Two
Donald Scott con't
The Journal of Degenitive Disease
P.O. Box 133
Sudbury Ontario
Canada P3E 4N5
Donald Scott website
Show #206
Featured Guest: Scott Shane/ John Hankey
Topic: Biowarfare
Part One
Scott Shane interview
Article - Buried secrets of biowarfare
Part Two
JFK II/ The Bush Connection
Producer - John Hankey interview
DVD website
Part Three
Jim Fetzer World View
Show #205
Featured Guest: Dave Von Kleist
Topic: 911 In Plane Site
911 In Plane Site website
Part One
Dave Von Kleist
Part Two
Dave Von Kleist con't
Show #204
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: Mae Brussell's "World Watchers"
Part One
Jim Fetzer
Part Two
Mae Brussell from 1981 #481
Show #203
Featured Guest: Sam Harris
Topic: The Clash of Faith and Reason
Part One
Sam Harris interview
Part Two
Part Three
Jim Fetzer
Show #202
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topic: Limited Utilitarianism
Part One
JFK research update
Part Two
Jim Fetzer on the Psychology of Government and Morality
Part Three
Jim Fetzer con't