Archived Shows - 2002
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Show #104
Featured Guest: Jane Akre / Gary Webb
Topic: The Myth of A Free Press
The book "Into The Buzzsaw"

Part One
Interview with Jane Akre
Part Two
Interview with Gary Webb
Show #103
Featured Guest: Neil Berger, David Giammarco
Topics: JFK assassination,
Make-up Show
Featured Guest: Repeat braodcast of Jim Fetzer on Erskine Overnight
Topics: JFK assassination research,
Show #102
Featured Guest: Dr. Saren Azer, Jim DiEugenio, Millicent Cranor
Topics: JFK assassination research, World Social Forum
Show #101
Featured Guest: Lisa Pease
Topics: The Real History Archives, Probe Magazine, COPA,
The upcoming book- "The Assassinations"
Show #100
Featured Guest: John Judge
Topics: Paul Wellstone / COPA
Part One
Michael Riconosciuto update John Judge interview
Part Two
interview con't
Part Three
interview con't
Website -
John is an author, historian, and researcher who, since the sixties,
has examined the hidden history of the Cold War, U.S. intelligence agencies,
and international fascism, naming the key players in control of our society
and describes their plans to gain that final frontier -- "the space between our ears."
Unrestricted Warfare by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui.
Unrestricted Warfare is available to read online for free:
Website for PDF document
Show #99
Featured Guest: Lt. Col.Daniel Marvin
Topic: Green Beret training / JFK assassination
Part One
Col. Marvin discusses his experiences with the Green Berets
and his new book Expendable Elite
Part Two
A discussion of the death of William Bruce Pitzer
A dynamite book is in the works that will, if taken seriously
by citizens and elected officials alike, be an inspiration for those
who possess the integrity, courage and will to demand a renewed
investigation into the deaths of President John F. Kennedy, Jr.,
and those whose deaths were attributed to strange causes.
Those same people were involved in one way or another
in an attempt to foil our government’s cover up
of the JFK assassination itself.
Expendable Elite Website
Expendable Elite reveals the fear that these elite warriors share
with no other military person: not fear of the enemy they have been
trained to fight in battle, but fear of the wrath of our government
should they no longer be needed and find themselves classified as… “expendable.”
A centerpiece of this book is the CIA mission to assassinate
Cambodian Crown Prince Nordum Sihanouk, the author’s unilateral
aborting of the mission, and the drama surrounding the dispatch
by the CIA of an ARVN regiment to attack and destroy the camp
and kill every person in it as retribution for going against the CIA,
Show #98
Featured Guest: James Fetzer
Topics: JFK research
Part One
JFK Research update with Jim Fetzer
Regarding a play in Atlanta "Frame 312"
Part One
Jim Fetzer World News update
Part One
interview con't
Show #97
Featured Guest: James Fetzer
Topics: World Politics
Part One
JFK Research update with Jim Fetzer
Richard Helms dead / New Zapurder documentary
Part One
Jim Fetzer World News update
DC. Sniper caught / Impeach George W. Bush?
Part One
interview con't
Website -
Zapurder film documentary on Dishnetwork / Freespeech TV (channel 9415)
Documentary presents various permutations and
combinations of Abraham Zapruder's 8mm
home movie footage of the assassination of JFK.
Plays various time all weekend Oct 25th - 27th
Freespeech TV website -
Show #96
Featured Guest: James Fetzer
Topics: World Politics
Website -
Show #95
Featured Guest: Kyle F. Hence
Topics: Unanswered Questions Website
Kyle F. Hence
Show #94
Featured Guest: Catherine Austin Fitts
Topics: "Solari"
Catherine Austin Fitts (
Solari Action Network
Show #93
Featured Guest: John Costella
Topics: The Zapruder Film
Dr. John P. Costella
Faculty of Mathematics, Mentone Grammar
School of Physics, The University of Melbourne
His website -
Show #92
Featured Guest: Steve Jones
Topics: Michael and Ruth Paine
Show #91
Featured Guest: Rich Della Rosa
Topics: JFK Assassination Research Forum
Show #90
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Research and World politics
Part One
News of upcoming JFK research conference!
Discussion of the ongoing research work of John Costella and the Zapruder film
Part Two
North Korea already named as part of the "axis of evil"
They already have nuclear capability... why are they not named as a threat anymore?
The film "Interview with the Assassin"
Show #89
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Research and World politics
Part One
The Sixth Floor and Madeleine Duncan Brown
Part One
The question is asked why isn't Israel worried about Iraq?
If the chemical or Nuclear weapons exist they would be the first target!
What do they know that the US doesn't?
That there isn't any... Is this another "Wag The Dog"?
Show #88
Featured Guest: Michael Ruppert
Topics: Iraq and Saudia Arabia...
Show #87
Featured Guest: Preston Peet
Topics: The Drug War...
Show #86
Featured Guest: Doug Valentine
Topics: Sex, Drugs & and the CIA
Show #85
Featured Guest: Mike Bodine
Topics: Challenging the Income Tax
Show #84
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topics: JFK Update,
Show #83
Featured Guest: Michael Moore Lecture
Topics: JFK Update, Stupid White Men
Part One
Jfk Update with Jim Fetzer
Part Two
Michael Moore discusses his book "Stupid White Men"
and the difficulties he experienced getting it published and distributed after 9/11.
Part Three
Michael Moore slams George Bush and the 9/11 attack on America as a fraud put up by the Defense Dept.
He wants 5 questions answered:
1. What are the financial connections of the Bush and Bin Laden famillies?
2. Why onl ya Bin Laden Plane could fly around America in the days after a Bin Laden killed 3,000 people.
3. Please tell us about the UNICAL pipeline that Burton was going to build
across Afghanistan and is now apparently
going to build thanks to the new leader of Afghaniatan a former UNICAL consultant and our new
ambassador to Afghanistan
a former unical advisor.
4. Hey, how do you run from cave to cave hooked up to a kidney machine?
5. George W. Bush when are you going to resign?
A video of this lecture is available at Justice Vision
Show #82
Bill Blum Author, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II"
"Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower"
"West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Political Memoir"
Portions of the books can be read online:
(and follow the links to the other books)
William Blum e-mail -
Show #81
Featured Guest: Greg Burnham
Topics: JFK Update, Fletcher Prouty
Show #80
Featured Guest: Len, Anita, and Jim Fetzer
Topics: World Politics, and JFK Research
Show #79
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Topics: 9/11, World Politics, and JFK research smear campaign.
Show #78
Featured Guest: Tom Flocco
Topics: 9/11 Fruad and insider trading.
Show #77
Featured Guest: James Fetzer
Topics: World politics,JFK assassination research, dis-information.
Show #76
Featured Guest: John McCarthy
Cherry was one of five CIA sponsored activities. John McCarthy, a team leader in Cherry,
was the Case Officer in Saigon, of a CIA directed covert operation code named PROJECT CHERRY.
The operational mission of CHERRY was a redundant, three pronged assassination team targeted
against Prince NORODOM SIHANOUK, the head of state of Cambodia. Not until late in 2000,
after the State Department declassified a section of their records could the trail be
traced proving the rogue activities of Cherry. At the time he was involved,
John had no knowledge of this rogue activity.
Operation Cherry
More on Col. Finck
Show #75
Featured Guest: Geroge Michael Evica
George Michael Evica is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of
Hartford, Connecticut. He has been interested in
the JFK assassination from its inception. He is the author of one book, And We
Are All Mortal: New Evidence And Analysis In
The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy, published in 1978 by the University of
Hartford. For several years he was Editor of
Assassination Chronicles, published by JFK Lancer, Inc., in Dallas, Texas.
During the last decade, he has published several
articles and has spoken at many JFK conferences.
WWUH website for George Michael's weekly show
Show #74
: Show not posted
Show #73
Featured Guest: Charles Drago
Charles discusses the new online Journal "Assassination Research"
The Journal for Advanced Study of the Death of JFK
Show #72
Featured Guest: Robert Stinnett
Show #71
Featured Guest: Jerry Policoff
Show #70
Featured Guest: Jim Wakeford
Show #69
Featured Guest: Scott Enyart
Show #68
Featured Guest: Carl Romanelli
Show #67
Featured Guest: James Fetzer
Show #66
Featured Guest: Dick Russell
Show #65
Featured Guest: Jim Fetzer
Show #64
Featured Guest: Charles Key
Show #63
Featured Guest: James Fetzer
Show #62
Feature: D'Ferdinand deposition by attorney Ray Kohlman
Desiree Carone Ferdinand is the daughter of Colonel Albert Carone, who was the paymaster for Army-CIA-NYPD narcotics trafficking, money laundering and assasinations through the mid-1980's/Iran Contra.
These depositions provide the Ferdinand's recollections of what they saw, heard and were told by their father/father-in-law about narcotics trafficking, money laundering and assasination by the US Army, CIA and New York-organized crime with the knowledge/support of NYPD through the mid-80's, including their use of Afro American gangs to distribute drugs in Afro-American neighborhoods.
Show #61
Featured Guest: Tom Flocco
January 9, 2002 PART III of Tom Flocco s explosive story on Insider Trading and 9-11.
All Roads Lead To Deutschebank and Bush's own 1991 insider trading scandal involving Harken Energy.
Because Kuwait and Bahraini banks that likely served the Bushes in 1991 have been specifically omitted from the current crackdown on terrorist financing.
And these banks have correspondent relations with Deutschebank!
Read the 3 part article by Tom Flocco at
"From The Wilderness".
Show #60
Featured Guest: Dr. Leonard Horowitz
His website and toll free number 1-888-508-4787
Show #59
Featured Guest: Paul R. Price
His website